void Xiq::SetPixel(int x, int y, Color color) { SDL_Surface *surface = GetRoot()->GetSurface(); World *world = GetRoot()->GetWorld(); Playfield *playfield = world->GetPlayfield(); Player *player = world->GetPlayer(); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= surface->w || y >= surface->h) { // if we clip against the edge, apply a restorative force force += Vector(world->GetMidPoint() - Vector(x,y)); world->AddImpact(x,y, GetRadius()*6); return; } Playfield::Element element = playfield->At(x, y); if (element == Playfield::NewLine) { if (!player->IsImmune()) { world->AddImpact(x,y, GetRadius()*6); player->LoseLife(); } } if (element != Playfield::Empty) { // if we hit something, apply a force to move towards the player force += (location - Vector(x,y))*5; world->AddImpact(x,y, GetRadius()*6); } char *pixels = (char *)surface->pixels; Color *scanline = (Color *)(pixels + surface->pitch*y); scanline[x] = color; }
void MapView::Draw(){ World *world = client->GetWorld(); if(!world) return; Player *player = world->GetLocalPlayer(); if(client->IsFollowing()){ player = world->GetPlayer(client->followingPlayerId); } if(!player) return; if(largeMap) if(zoomState < .0001f) return; GameMap *map = world->GetMap(); Vector2 mapSize = MakeVector2(map->Width(), map->Height()); Vector3 pos = player->GetPosition();; if(player->GetTeamId() >= 2){ pos = client->followPos; } Vector2 center = {pos.x, pos.y}; float cfgMapSize = cg_minimapSize; if(cfgMapSize < 32) cfgMapSize = 32; if(cfgMapSize > 256) cfgMapSize = 256; Vector2 mapWndSize = {cfgMapSize, cfgMapSize}; float scale = actualScale; center = Mix(center, mapSize * .5f, zoomState); Vector2 zoomedSize = {512, 512}; if(renderer->ScreenWidth() < 512.f || renderer->ScreenHeight() < 512.f) zoomedSize = MakeVector2(256, 256); if(largeMap){ float per = zoomState; per = 1.f - per; per *= per; per = 1.f - per; per = Mix(.7f, 1.f, per); zoomedSize = Mix(MakeVector2(0, 0), zoomedSize, per); mapWndSize = zoomedSize; } Vector2 inRange = mapWndSize * .5f * scale; AABB2 inRect(center - inRange, center + inRange); if(largeMap){ inRect.min = MakeVector2(0, 0); inRect.max = mapSize; }else{ if(inRect.GetMinX() < 0.f) inRect = inRect.Translated(-inRect.GetMinX(), 0.f); if(inRect.GetMinY() < 0.f) inRect = inRect.Translated(0, -inRect.GetMinY()); if(inRect.GetMaxX() > mapSize.x) inRect = inRect.Translated(mapSize.x - inRect.GetMaxX(), 0.f); if(inRect.GetMaxY() > mapSize.y) inRect = inRect.Translated(0, mapSize.y - inRect.GetMaxY()); } AABB2 outRect(renderer->ScreenWidth() - mapWndSize.x - 16.f, 16.f, mapWndSize.x, mapWndSize.y); if(largeMap){ outRect.min = MakeVector2((renderer->ScreenWidth() - zoomedSize.x) * .5f, (renderer->ScreenHeight() - zoomedSize.y) * .5f); outRect.max =MakeVector2((renderer->ScreenWidth() + zoomedSize.x) * .5f, (renderer->ScreenHeight() + zoomedSize.y) * .5f); } float alpha = 1.f; if(largeMap){ alpha = zoomState; } // fades bg if(largeMap) { Handle<IImage> bg = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/MapBg.png"); Vector2 scrSize = {renderer->ScreenWidth(), renderer->ScreenHeight()}; float size = std::max(scrSize.x, scrSize.y); renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(0, 0, 0,alpha * .5f)); renderer->DrawImage(bg, AABB2((scrSize.x - size) * .5f, (scrSize.y - size) * .5f, size, size)); } // draw border Handle<IImage> border; float borderWidth; AABB2 borderRect = outRect; if(largeMap) { border = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/MapBorder.png"); borderWidth = 3.f * outRect.GetHeight() / zoomedSize.y; }else{ border = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/MinimapBorder.png"); borderWidth = 2.f; } borderRect = borderRect.Inflate(borderWidth - 8.f); renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha)); renderer->DrawImage(border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMinX()-16, borderRect.GetMinY()-16, 16, 16), AABB2(0, 0, 16, 16)); renderer->DrawImage(border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMaxX(), borderRect.GetMinY()-16, 16, 16), AABB2(16, 0, 16, 16)); renderer->DrawImage(border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMinX()-16, borderRect.GetMaxY(), 16, 16), AABB2(0, 16, 16, 16)); renderer->DrawImage(border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMaxX(), borderRect.GetMaxY(), 16, 16), AABB2(16, 16, 16, 16)); renderer->DrawImage(border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMinX(), borderRect.GetMinY()-16, borderRect.GetWidth(), 16), AABB2(16, 0, 0, 16)); renderer->DrawImage(border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMinX(), borderRect.GetMaxY(), borderRect.GetWidth(), 16), AABB2(16, 16, 0, 16)); renderer->DrawImage(border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMinX()-16, borderRect.GetMinY(), 16, borderRect.GetHeight()), AABB2(0, 16, 16, 0)); renderer->DrawImage(border, AABB2(borderRect.GetMaxX(), borderRect.GetMinY(), 16, borderRect.GetHeight()), AABB2(16, 16, 16, 0)); // draw map renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(alpha,alpha,alpha,alpha)); renderer->DrawFlatGameMap(outRect, inRect); this->inRect = inRect; this->outRect = outRect; // draw grid renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(0,0,0,0.8f*alpha)); Handle<IImage> dashLine = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/DashLine.tga"); for(float x = 64.f; x < map->Width(); x += 64.f){ float wx = (x - inRect.GetMinX()) / inRect.GetWidth(); if(wx < 0.f || wx >= 1.f) continue; wx = (wx * outRect.GetWidth()) + outRect.GetMinX(); wx = roundf(wx); renderer->DrawImage(dashLine, MakeVector2(wx, outRect.GetMinY()), AABB2(0, 0, 1.f, outRect.GetHeight())); } for(float y = 64.f; y < map->Height(); y += 64.f){ float wy = (y - inRect.GetMinY()) / inRect.GetHeight(); if(wy < 0.f || wy >= 1.f) continue; wy = (wy * outRect.GetHeight()) + outRect.GetMinY(); wy = roundf(wy); renderer->DrawImage(dashLine, MakeVector2(outRect.GetMinX(), wy), AABB2(0, 0, outRect.GetWidth(), 1.f)); } // draw grid label renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(1,1,1,1)*(0.8f*alpha)); Handle<IImage> mapFont = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Fonts/MapFont.tga"); for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ float startX = (float)i * 64.f; float endX = startX + 64.f; if(startX > inRect.GetMaxX() || endX < inRect.GetMinX()) continue; float fade = std::min((std::min(endX, inRect.GetMaxX()) - std::max(startX, inRect.GetMinX())) / (endX - startX) * 2.f, 1.f); renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(1,1,1,1)*(fade * .8f * alpha)); float center = std::max(startX, inRect.GetMinX()); center = .5f * (center + std::min(endX, inRect.GetMaxX())); float wx = (center - inRect.GetMinX()) / inRect.GetWidth(); wx = (wx * outRect.GetWidth()) + outRect.GetMinX(); wx = roundf(wx); float fntX = static_cast<float>((i & 3) * 8); float fntY = static_cast<float>((i >> 2) * 8); renderer->DrawImage(mapFont, MakeVector2(wx - 4.f, outRect.GetMinY() + 4), AABB2(fntX, fntY, 8, 8)); } for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){ float startY = (float)i * 64.f; float endY = startY + 64.f; if(startY > inRect.GetMaxY() || endY < inRect.GetMinY()) continue; float fade = std::min((std::min(endY, inRect.GetMaxY()) - std::max(startY, inRect.GetMinY())) / (endY - startY) * 2.f, 1.f); renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(MakeVector4(1,1,1,1)*(fade * .8f * alpha)); float center = std::max(startY, inRect.GetMinY()); center = .5f * (center + std::min(endY, inRect.GetMaxY())); float wy = (center - inRect.GetMinY()) / inRect.GetHeight(); wy = (wy * outRect.GetHeight()) + outRect.GetMinY(); wy = roundf(wy); int fntX = (i & 3) * 8; int fntY = (i >> 2) * 8 + 16; renderer->DrawImage(mapFont, MakeVector2(outRect.GetMinX() + 4, wy - 4.f), AABB2(fntX, fntY, 8, 8)); } //draw objects std::string iconmode = cg_Minimap_Player_Icon;//import variable from configuration file std::string colormode = cg_Minimap_Player_Color;//import variable from configuration file Handle<IImage> playerSMG = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/SMG.png"); Handle<IImage> playerRifle = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/Rifle.png"); Handle<IImage> playerShotgun = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/Shotgun.png"); Handle<IImage> playerIcon = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/Player.png"); { IntVector3 teamColor = world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTeamId() >= 2 ? IntVector3::Make(200, 200, 200) : world->GetTeam(world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTeamId()).color; Vector4 teamColorF = ModifyColor(teamColor); teamColorF *= alpha; // draw local player's view { Player *p = player; Handle<IImage> viewIcon = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/View.png"); if(p->IsAlive()) { Vector3 front = p->GetFront2D(); float ang = atan2(front.x, -front.y); if(player->GetTeamId() >= 2){ ang = client->followYaw - static_cast<float>(M_PI) * .5f; } renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(teamColorF * 0.9f); DrawIcon(player->GetTeamId() >= 2 ? client->followPos : p->GetPosition(), viewIcon, ang); } } // draw player's icon for(int i = 0; i < world->GetNumPlayerSlots(); i++){ Player * p = world->GetPlayer(i); if(p == nullptr || p->GetTeamId() != world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTeamId() || !p->IsAlive()) continue; Vector3 front = p->GetFront2D(); float ang = atan2(front.x, -front.y); if(player->GetTeamId() >= 2){ ang = client->followYaw - static_cast<float>(M_PI) * .5f; } //use a spec color for each player if ( colormode=="1"){ IntVector3 Colorplayer=IntVector3::Make(palette[i][0],palette[i][1],palette[i][2]); Vector4 ColorplayerF = ModifyColor(Colorplayer); ColorplayerF *=1.0f; renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(ColorplayerF); } else { renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(teamColorF); } //use a different icon in minimap according to weapon of player if( iconmode=="1"){ WeaponType weapon=world->GetPlayer(i)->GetWeaponType(); if (weapon == WeaponType::SMG_WEAPON){ DrawIcon(player->GetTeamId() >= 2 ? client->followPos : p->GetPosition(),playerSMG , ang); } else if (weapon == WeaponType::RIFLE_WEAPON){ DrawIcon(player->GetTeamId() >= 2 ? client->followPos : p->GetPosition(), playerRifle, ang); } else if (weapon == WeaponType::SHOTGUN_WEAPON){ DrawIcon(player->GetTeamId() >= 2 ? client->followPos : p->GetPosition(), playerShotgun, ang); } } else{//draw normal color DrawIcon(player->GetTeamId() >= 2 ? client->followPos : p->GetPosition(), playerIcon, ang); } } } IGameMode* mode = world->GetMode(); if( mode && IGameMode::m_CTF == mode->ModeType() ) { CTFGameMode *ctf = static_cast<CTFGameMode *>(mode); Handle<IImage> intelIcon = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/Intel.png"); Handle<IImage> baseIcon = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/CommandPost.png"); for(int tId = 0; tId < 2; tId++){ CTFGameMode::Team& team = ctf->GetTeam(tId); IntVector3 teamColor = world->GetTeam(tId).color; Vector4 teamColorF = ModifyColor(teamColor); teamColorF *= alpha; // draw base renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(teamColorF); DrawIcon(team.basePos, baseIcon, 0.f); // draw flag if(!ctf->GetTeam(1-tId).hasIntel){ renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(teamColorF); DrawIcon(team.flagPos, intelIcon, 0.f); }else if(world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTeamId() == 1-tId){ // local player's team is carrying int cId = ctf->GetTeam(1-tId).carrier; // in some game modes, carrier becomes invalid if(cId < world->GetNumPlayerSlots()){ Player * carrier= world->GetPlayer(cId); if(carrier && carrier->GetTeamId() == world->GetLocalPlayer()->GetTeamId()){ Vector4 col = teamColorF; col *= fabsf(sinf(world->GetTime() * 4.f)); renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(col); DrawIcon(carrier->GetPosition(), intelIcon, 0.f); } } } } } else if( mode && IGameMode::m_TC == mode->ModeType() ) { TCGameMode *tc = static_cast<TCGameMode *>(mode); Handle<IImage> icon = renderer->RegisterImage("Gfx/Map/CommandPost.png"); int cnt = tc->GetNumTerritories(); for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++){ TCGameMode::Territory *t = tc->GetTerritory(i); IntVector3 teamColor = {128,128,128}; if(t->ownerTeamId < 2){ teamColor = world->GetTeam(t->ownerTeamId).color; } Vector4 teamColorF = ModifyColor(teamColor); teamColorF *= alpha; // draw base renderer->SetColorAlphaPremultiplied(teamColorF); DrawIcon(t->pos, icon, 0.f); } } }