void InsetMathAMSArray::write(WriteStream & os) const { MathEnsurer ensurer(os); os << "\\begin{" << name_ << '}'; bool open = os.startOuterRow(); InsetMathGrid::write(os); os << "\\end{" << name_ << '}'; if (open) os.startOuterRow(); }
void InsetMathTabular::write(WriteStream & os) const { ModeSpecifier specifier(os, TEXT_MODE); if (os.fragile()) os << "\\protect"; os << "\\begin{" << name_ << '}'; bool open = os.startOuterRow(); char const v = verticalAlignment(); if (v == 't' || v == 'b') os << '[' << v << ']'; os << '{' << horizontalAlignments() << "}\n"; InsetMathGrid::write(os); if (os.fragile()) os << "\\protect"; os << "\\end{" << name_ << '}'; if (open) os.startOuterRow(); // adding a \n here is bad if the tabular is the last item // in an \eqnarray... }