void CreditsWnd::DrawCredits(GG::X x1, GG::Y y1, GG::X x2, GG::Y y2, int transparency) {
    GG::Flags<GG::TextFormat> format = GG::FORMAT_CENTER | GG::FORMAT_TOP;

    //offset starts with 0, credits are place by transforming the viewport
    GG::Y offset(0);

    //start color is white (name), this color is valid outside the rgba tags
    glColor(GG::Clr(transparency, transparency, transparency, 255));

    std::string credit;
    for (int i = 0; i < m_credits.NumChildren(); i++) {
        if (0 == m_credits.Child(i).Tag().compare("GROUP")) {
            XMLElement group = m_credits.Child(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < group.NumChildren(); j++) {
                if (0 == group.Child(j).Tag().compare("PERSON")) {
                    XMLElement person = group.Child(j);
                    credit = "";
                    if (person.ContainsAttribute("name"))
                        credit += person.Attribute("name");
                    if (person.ContainsAttribute("nick") && person.Attribute("nick").length() > 0) {
                        credit += " <rgba 153 153 153 " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(transparency) +">(";
                        credit += person.Attribute("nick");
                        credit += ")</rgba>";
                    if (person.ContainsAttribute("task") && person.Attribute("task").length() > 0) {
                        credit += " - <rgba 204 204 204 " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(transparency) +">";
                        credit += person.Attribute("task");
                        credit += "</rgba>";
                    m_font->RenderText(GG::Pt(x1, y1+offset), GG::Pt(x2, y2), credit, format, 0);
                    offset += m_font->TextExtent(credit, format).y + 2;
            offset += m_font->Lineskip() + 2;
    //store complete height for self destruction
    m_creditsHeight = Value(offset);