void XSDErrorReporter::emitError(const XMLException&  except,
                                 const Locator* const aLocator)
    const XMLCh* const  errText = except.getMessage();
    const unsigned int  toEmit = except.getCode();
    //Before the code was modified to call this routine it used to use
    //the XMLErrs::DisplayErrorMessage error message, which is just {'0'}
    //and that error message has errType of Error.  So to be consistent
    //with previous behaviour set the errType to be Error instead of
    //getting the error type off of the exception.
    //XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes errType = XMLErrs::errorType((XMLErrs::Codes) toEmit);
    XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes errType = XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Error;

    if (fErrorReporter)
        fErrorReporter->error(toEmit, XMLUni::fgExceptDomain, errType, errText, aLocator->getSystemId(),
                              aLocator->getPublicId(), aLocator->getLineNumber(),

    // Bail out if its fatal an we are to give up on the first fatal error
    //if (errType == XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Fatal && fExitOnFirstFatal)
    //    throw (XMLErrs::Codes) toEmit;