void TargetAltitude::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { if (params.size () != 4) throw XmlRpcException ("Invalid number of parameters"); if (((int) params[0]) < 0) throw XmlRpcException ("Target id < 0"); rts2db::Target *tar = createTarget ((int) params[0], Configuration::instance ()->getObserver (), Configuration::instance ()->getObservatoryAltitude ()); if (tar == NULL) { throw XmlRpcException ("Cannot create target"); } time_t tfrom = (int)params[1]; double jd_from = ln_get_julian_from_timet (&tfrom); time_t tto = (int)params[2]; double jd_to = ln_get_julian_from_timet (&tto); double stepsize = ((double)params[3]) / 86400; // test for insane request if ((jd_to - jd_from) / stepsize > 10000) { throw XmlRpcException ("Too many points"); } int i; double j; for (i = 0, j = jd_from; j < jd_to; i++, j += stepsize) { result[i][0] = j; ln_hrz_posn hrz; tar->getAltAz (&hrz, j); result[i][1] = hrz.alt; } }
// Encode the request to call the specified method with the specified parameters into xml bool XmlRpcClient::generateRequest(const char* methodName, XmlRpcValue const& params) { std::string body = REQUEST_BEGIN; body += methodName; body += REQUEST_END_METHODNAME; // If params is an array, each element is a separate parameter if (params.valid()) { body += PARAMS_TAG; if (params.getType() == XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) { for (int i=0; i<params.size(); ++i) { body += PARAM_TAG; body += params[i].toXml(); body += PARAM_ETAG; } } else { body += PARAM_TAG; body += params.toXml(); body += PARAM_ETAG; } body += PARAMS_ETAG; } body += REQUEST_END; std::string header = generateHeader(body); XmlRpcUtil::log(4, "XmlRpcClient::generateRequest: header is %d bytes, content-length is %d.", header.length(), body.length()); _request = header + body; return true; }
void RecordsAverage::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { if (params.size () != 3) throw XmlRpcException ("Invalid number of parameters"); try { rts2db::RecordAvgSet recset = rts2db::RecordAvgSet (params[0], rts2db::HOUR); int i = 0; time_t t; recset.load (params[1], params[2]); for (rts2db::RecordAvgSet::iterator iter = recset.begin (); iter != recset.end (); iter++) { rts2db::RecordAvg rv = (*iter); XmlRpcValue res; t = rv.getRecTime (); res[0] = XmlRpcValue (gmtime (&t)); res[1] = rv.getAverage (); res[2] = rv.getMinimum (); res[3] = rv.getMaximum (); res[4] = rv.getRecCout (); result[i++] = res; } } catch (rts2db::SqlError err) { throw XmlRpcException (err.what ()); } }
void MasterStateIs::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { int ms = ((HttpD *) getMasterApp ())->getMasterStateFull (); if (params.size () == 1) { if (params[0] == "on") { result = !(ms & SERVERD_ONOFF_MASK); } else if (params[0] == "standby") { result = (ms & SERVERD_ONOFF_MASK) == SERVERD_STANDBY; } else if (params[0] == "off") { result = (ms & SERVERD_ONOFF_MASK) == SERVERD_HARD_OFF || (ms & SERVERD_ONOFF_MASK) == SERVERD_SOFT_OFF; } else if (params[0] == "rnight") { result = (ms & SERVERD_STATUS_MASK) == SERVERD_NIGHT && !(ms & SERVERD_ONOFF_MASK); } else { throw XmlRpcException ("Invalid status name parameter"); } } else { throw XmlRpcException ("Invalid number of parameters"); } }
// Encode the request to call the specified method with the specified parameters into xml bool XmlRpcCurlClient::generateRequest(const char* methodName, XmlRpcValue const& params) { std::string body = REQUEST_BEGIN; body += methodName; body += REQUEST_END_METHODNAME; // If params is an array, each element is a separate parameter if (params.valid()) { body += PARAMS_TAG; if (params.getType() == XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) { for (int i=0; i<params.size(); ++i) { body += PARAM_TAG; body += params[i].toXml(); body += PARAM_ETAG; } } else { body += PARAM_TAG; body += params.toXml(); body += PARAM_ETAG; } body += PARAMS_ETAG; } body += REQUEST_END; _request = body; return true; }
void execute(XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { int nArgs = params.size(); int requiredSize; wchar_t wFieldText[129]; bool ShowMsg=false; Log(2,L"RX: %d",nArgs); for (int i=0; i<nArgs; i++) { int y = (int) (params[i]["Row"]); int x = (int) (params[i]["Column"]); std::string& fieldText = params[i]["Field"]; int attribute = params[i]["Attribute"]; requiredSize = mbstowcs(NULL, fieldText.c_str(), 0); // C4996 if (requiredSize>127) requiredSize=127; mbstowcs(wFieldText,fieldText.c_str(),requiredSize+1); //row updated? if (0 != wcsncmp(ScreenContent[y]+x, wFieldText, wcslen(wFieldText))) { wcsncpy(ScreenContent[y]+x, wFieldText, wcslen(wFieldText)); Log(2,L"R:%d C:%d <%s>",y,x,wFieldText); } } DumpScreenContent(); result = "OK"; }
void UserLogin::execute (struct sockaddr_in *saddr, XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { if (params.size() != 2) throw XmlRpcException ("Invalid number of parameters"); result = verifyUser (params[0], params[1]); }
bool XMLRPCManager::validateXmlrpcResponse(const std::string& method, XmlRpcValue &response, XmlRpcValue &payload) { if (response.getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) { ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return an array", method.c_str()); return false; } if (response.size() != 2 && response.size() != 3) { ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a 2 or 3-element array", method.c_str()); return false; } if (response[0].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeInt) { ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a int as the 1st element", method.c_str()); return false; } int status_code = response[0]; if (response[1].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeString) { ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a string as the 2nd element", method.c_str()); return false; } std::string status_string = response[1]; if (status_code != 1) { ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] returned an error (%d): [%s]", method.c_str(), status_code, status_string.c_str()); return false; } if (response.size() > 2) { payload = response[2]; } else { std::string empty_array = "<value><array><data></data></array></value>"; int offset = 0; payload = XmlRpcValue(empty_array, &offset); } return true; }
void execute(XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { int nArgs = params.size(); double sum = 0.0; for (int i=0; i<nArgs; ++i) sum += double(params[i]); result = sum; }
void ListTargetsByType::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { char target_types[params.size ()+1]; int j; for (j = 0; j < params.size (); j++) target_types[j] = *(((std::string)params[j]).c_str()); target_types[j] = '\0'; rts2db::TargetSet *tar_set = new rts2db::TargetSet (target_types); tar_set->load (); double value; int i = 0; XmlRpcValue retVar; double JD = ln_get_julian_from_sys (); for (rts2db::TargetSet::iterator tar_iter = tar_set->begin(); tar_iter != tar_set->end (); tar_iter++, i++) { rts2db::Target *tar = (*tar_iter).second; retVar["id"] = tar->getTargetID (); retVar["type"] = tar->getTargetType (); if (tar->getTargetName ()) retVar["name"] = tar->getTargetName (); else retVar["name"] = "NULL"; retVar["enabled"] = tar->getTargetEnabled (); if (tar->getTargetComment ()) retVar["comment"] = tar->getTargetComment (); else retVar["comment"] = ""; value = tar->getLastObs(); retVar["last_obs"] = value; struct ln_equ_posn pos; tar->getPosition (&pos, JD); retVar["ra"] = pos.ra; retVar["dec"] = pos.dec; struct ln_hrz_posn hrz; tar->getAltAz (&hrz, JD); retVar["alt"] = hrz.alt; retVar["az"] = hrz.az; result[i++] = retVar; } }
void execute(XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { string tmp = params[0]; vector<string> list = chat.Listar(); for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) result[i] = (string)list[i]; cout << "Listando: " << result.size() << endl; }
void DeviceType::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue &result) { if (params.size () != 1) throw XmlRpcException ("Single device name expected"); HttpD *serv = (HttpD *) getMasterApp (); rts2core::Connection *conn = serv->getOpenConnection (((std::string)params[0]).c_str()); if (conn == NULL) throw XmlRpcException ("Cannot get device with name " + (std::string)params[0]); result = conn->getOtherType (); }
void DeviceCommand::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue &result) { if (params.size () != 2) throw XmlRpcException ("Device name and command (as single parameter) expected"); HttpD *serv = (HttpD *) getMasterApp (); rts2core::Connection *conn = serv->getOpenConnection (((std::string)params[0]).c_str()); if (conn == NULL) throw XmlRpcException ("Device named " + (std::string)params[0] + " does not exists"); conn->queCommand (new rts2core::Command (serv, ((std::string)params[1]).c_str())); }
static void AdvancedTest() { XmlRpcValue args, result; // Passing datums: args[0] = "a string"; args[1] = 1; args[2] = true; args[3] = 3.14159; struct tm timeNow; args[4] = XmlRpcValue(&timeNow); // Passing an array: XmlRpcValue array; array[0] = 4; array[1] = 5; array[2] = 6; args[5] = array; // Note: if there's a chance that the array contains zero elements, // you'll need to call: // array.initAsArray(); // ...because otherwise the type will never get set to "TypeArray" and // the value will be a "TypeInvalid". // Passing a struct: XmlRpcValue record; record["SOURCE"] = "a"; record["DESTINATION"] = "b"; record["LENGTH"] = 5; args[6] = record; // We don't support zero-size struct's...Surely no-one needs these? // Make the call: XmlRpcClient Connection(""); Connection.setIgnoreCertificateAuthority(); if (! Connection.execute("arumate.getMegawatts", args, result)) { std::cout << Connection.getError(); return; } // Pull the data out: if (result.getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeStruct) { std::cout << "I was expecting a struct."; return; } int i = result["n"]; std::string s = result["name"]; array = result["A"]; for (int i=0; i < array.size(); i++) std::cout << (int)array[i] << "\n"; record = result["subStruct"]; std::cout << (std::string)record["foo"] << "\n"; }
void XMLRPC2DIServer::xmlrpcval2amarg(XmlRpcValue& v, AmArg& a, unsigned int start_index) { if (v.valid()) { for (int i=start_index; i<v.size();i++) { switch (v[i].getType()) { case XmlRpcValue::TypeInt: { a.push(AmArg((int)v[i])); } break; case XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble:{ a.push(AmArg((double)v[i])); } break; case XmlRpcValue::TypeString:{ a.push(AmArg(((string)v[i]).c_str())); } break; // TODO: support more types (datetime, struct, ...) default: throw XmlRpcException("unsupported parameter type", 400); }; } } }
void Login::execute (struct sockaddr_in *saddr, XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { if (params.size () != 2) { throw XmlRpcException ("Invalid number of parameters"); } if (verifyUser (params[0], params[1]) == false) { throw XmlRpcException ("Invalid login or password"); } result = ((HttpD *) getMasterApp ())->addSession (params[0], 3600); }
void XMLRPC2DIServerDIMethod::execute(XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { try { if (params.size() < 2) { DBG("XMLRPC2DI: ERROR: need at least factory name" " and function name to call\n"); throw XmlRpcException("need at least factory name" " and function name to call", 400); } string fact_name = params[0]; string fct_name = params[1]; DBG("XMLRPC2DI: factory '%s' function '%s'\n", fact_name.c_str(), fct_name.c_str()); // get args AmArg args; XMLRPC2DIServer::xmlrpcval2amarg(params, args, 2); AmDynInvokeFactory* di_f = AmPlugIn::instance()->getFactory4Di(fact_name); if(!di_f){ throw XmlRpcException("could not get factory", 500); } AmDynInvoke* di = di_f->getInstance(); if(!di){ throw XmlRpcException("could not get instance from factory", 500); } AmArg ret; di->invoke(fct_name, args, ret); XMLRPC2DIServer::amarg2xmlrpcval(ret, result); } catch (const XmlRpcException& e) { throw; } catch (const AmDynInvoke::NotImplemented& e) { throw XmlRpcException("Exception: AmDynInvoke::NotImplemented: " + e.what, 504); } catch (const AmArg::OutOfBoundsException& e) { throw XmlRpcException("Exception: AmArg out of bounds - paramter number mismatch.", 300); } catch (const AmArg::TypeMismatchException& e) { throw XmlRpcException("Exception: Type mismatch in arguments.", 300); } catch (const string& e) { throw XmlRpcException("Exception: "+e, 500); } catch (...) { throw XmlRpcException("Exception occured.", 500); } }
// Execute multiple calls and return the results in an array. bool XmlRpcServerConnection::executeMulticall(const std::string& in_methodName, XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { if (in_methodName != SYSTEM_MULTICALL) return false; // There ought to be 1 parameter, an array of structs if (params.size() != 1 || params[0].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) throw XmlRpcException(SYSTEM_MULTICALL + ": Invalid argument (expected an array)"); int nc = params[0].size(); result.setSize(nc); for (int i=0; i<nc; ++i) { if ( ! params[0][i].hasMember(METHODNAME) || ! params[0][i].hasMember(PARAMS)) { result[i][FAULTCODE] = -1; result[i][FAULTSTRING] = SYSTEM_MULTICALL + ": Invalid argument (expected a struct with members methodName and params)"; continue; } const std::string& methodName = params[0][i][METHODNAME]; XmlRpcValue& methodParams = params[0][i][PARAMS]; XmlRpcValue resultValue; resultValue.setSize(1); try { if ( ! executeMethod(methodName, methodParams, resultValue[0]) && ! executeMulticall(methodName, params, resultValue[0])) { result[i][FAULTCODE] = -1; result[i][FAULTSTRING] = methodName + ": unknown method name"; } else result[i] = resultValue; } catch (const XmlRpcException& fault) { result[i][FAULTCODE] = fault.getCode(); result[i][FAULTSTRING] = fault.getMessage(); } } return true; }
void TargetInfo::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { std::list < int >targets; XmlRpcValue retVar; int i; double JD; for (i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) targets.push_back (params[i]); rts2db::TargetSet *tar_set = new rts2db::TargetSet (); try { tar_set->load (targets); } catch (...) { logStream (MESSAGE_ERROR) << "Sql Error" << sendLog; return; } i = 0; for (rts2db::TargetSet::iterator tar_iter = tar_set->begin(); tar_iter != tar_set->end (); tar_iter++) { JD = ln_get_julian_from_sys (); rts2db::Target *tar = (*tar_iter).second; XmlStream xs (&retVar); xs << *tar; // observations rts2db::ObservationSet obs_set; obs_set.loadTarget (tar->getTargetID ()); int j = 0; for (rts2db::ObservationSet::iterator obs_iter = obs_set.begin(); obs_iter != obs_set.end(); obs_iter++, j++) { retVar["observation"][j]["obsid"] = (*obs_iter).getObsId(); retVar["observation"][j]["images"] = (*obs_iter).getNumberOfImages(); } retVar["HOUR"] = tar->getHourAngle (JD); tar->sendInfo (xs, JD, 0); result[i++] = retVar; } }
void TicketInfo::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { if (params.size () != 1) { throw XmlRpcException ("Invalid number of parameters"); } try { rts2sched::Ticket t = rts2sched::Ticket (params[0]); t.load (); XmlStream xs (&result); xs << t; } catch (rts2db::SqlError e) { throw XmlRpcException (e.what ()); } }
void ListTargets::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { rts2db::TargetSet tar_set; if (params.size () == 1) { tar_set.loadByName (((std::string) params[0]).c_str ()); } else { tar_set.load (); } double value; int i = 0; XmlRpcValue retVar; for (rts2db::TargetSet::iterator tar_iter = tar_set.begin(); tar_iter != tar_set.end (); tar_iter++, i++) { rts2db::Target *tar = (*tar_iter).second; retVar["id"] = tar->getTargetID (); retVar["type"] = tar->getTargetType (); if (tar->getTargetName ()) retVar["name"] = tar->getTargetName (); else retVar["name"] = "NULL"; retVar["enabled"] = tar->getTargetEnabled (); if (tar->getTargetComment ()) retVar["comment"] = tar->getTargetComment (); else retVar["comment"] = ""; value = tar->getLastObs(); retVar["last_obs"] = value; struct ln_equ_posn pos; tar->getPosition (&pos, ln_get_julian_from_sys ()); retVar["ra"] = pos.ra; retVar["dec"] = pos.dec; result[i++] = retVar; } }
void XMLRPC2DIServer::xmlrpcval2amarg(XmlRpcValue& v, AmArg& a, unsigned int start_index) { if (v.valid()) { for (int i=start_index; i<v.size();i++) { switch (v[i].getType()) { case XmlRpcValue::TypeInt: { /* DBG("X->A INT\n");*/ a.push(AmArg((int)v[i])); } break; case XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble:{ /* DBG("X->A DBL\n");*/ a.push(AmArg((double)v[i])); } break; case XmlRpcValue::TypeString:{ /* DBG("X->A STR\n");*/ a.push(AmArg(((string)v[i]).c_str())); } break; case XmlRpcValue::TypeArray: { // DBG("X->A ARR\n"); a.push(AmArg()); a[a.size()-1].assertArray(0); AmArg arr; xmlrpcval2amarg(v[i], a[a.size()-1], 0); } break; // TODO: support more types (datetime, struct, ...) default: throw XmlRpcException("unsupported parameter type", 400); }; } } }
bool XMLRPCManager::validateXmlrpcResponse(const std::string& method, XmlRpcValue &response, XmlRpcValue &payload) { if (response.getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeArray) { ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return an array", method.c_str()); return false; } if (response.size() != 3) { ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a 3-element array", method.c_str()); return false; } if (response[0].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeInt) { ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a int as the 1st element", method.c_str()); return false; } int status_code = response[0]; if (response[1].getType() != XmlRpcValue::TypeString) { ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] didn't return a string as the 2nd element", method.c_str()); return false; } std::string status_string = response[1]; if (status_code != 1) { ROSCPP_LOG_DEBUG("XML-RPC call [%s] returned an error (%d): [%s]", method.c_str(), status_code, status_string.c_str()); return false; } payload = response[2]; return true; }
void DeviceState::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { if (params.size () != 1) { throw XmlRpcException ("Invalid number of parameters"); } HttpD *serv = (HttpD *) getMasterApp (); std::string p1 = std::string (params[0]); rts2core::Connection *conn; if (p1 == "centrald" || p1 == "") conn = *(serv->getCentraldConns ()->begin ()); else conn = serv->getOpenConnection (p1.c_str ()); if (conn == NULL) { throw XmlRpcException ("Cannot find specified device"); } result[0] = conn->getStateString (); result[1] = (int) conn->getRealState (); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { string server = "localhost"; string port = "11088"; string service = def_service; string method = def_method; bool serviceSet = false; bool methodSet = false; int extraArgs = argc; // a kindergarten cmdline parser for (int i = 1; i < argc; ) { string arg = argv[i++]; if (arg == "-h") { Usage(); } else if (arg == "-d") { debug = true; quiet = false; } else if (arg == "-q") { quiet = true; debug = false; } else if (arg == "-s") { if (i >= argc) { cerr << "Error: -s missing hostname" << endl; Usage(); } else { server = argv[i++]; } } else if (arg == "-p") { if (i >= argc) { cerr << "Error: -p missing port number" << endl; Usage(); } else { port = argv[i++]; } } else if (arg[0] == '-') { cerr << "Error: don't understand flag '" << arg << "'" << endl; Usage(); } else if ( ! serviceSet) { service = arg; method = def_method2; serviceSet = true; } else if ( ! methodSet) { method = arg; methodSet = true; } else { extraArgs = i - 1; break; } } int portnum = strtol(port.c_str(), NULL, 0); //XmlRpc::setVerbosity(5); cout << "Connecting to " << server << ":" << portnum << " ... " << flush; Tarati::Client client(server, portnum, debug); cout << "done" << endl; XmlRpcValue noArgs, result; try { if (service == "client") { if (method == "directory") { if (extraArgs != argc) { cerr << "Error: too many arguments on command line" << endl; Usage(); } string service = "Server"; string method = "ServiceDirectory"; cout << "Service: " << service << "::" << method << "()" << endl; XmlRpcValue services; if (client.execute(service, method, noArgs, services)) { for (int i = 0; i < services.size(); i++) { XmlRpcValue version; string service = services[i]; string method = "MethodDirectory"; client.execute(service, "Version", noArgs, version); cout << " Service: " << service << "(v" << version << ")::" << method << "()" << endl; XmlRpcValue methods; if (client.execute(service, method, noArgs, methods)) { for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i++) { cout << " Method: " << methods[i] << endl; } } } } } else if (method == "stats") { if (extraArgs != argc) { cerr << "Error: too many arguments on command line" << endl; Usage(); } string service = "Stats"; string method = "States"; cout << "Service: " << service << "::" << method << "()" << endl; XmlRpcValue states; if (client.execute(service, method, noArgs, states)) { for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) { XmlRpcValue args = states[i]; XmlRpcValue path; client.execute(service, "Path", args, path); XmlRpcValue name; client.execute(service, "Name", args, name); XmlRpcValue desc; client.execute(service, "Desc", args, desc); XmlRpcValue value; client.execute(service, "Value", args, value); cout << " State:" << endl; cout << " Path = " << path << endl; cout << " Name = " << name << endl; cout << " Desc = " << desc << endl; cout << " Value = " << value << endl; } } } else { cerr << "Don't understand " << service << "::" << method << "()" << endl; } } else { cout << "Service: " << service << "::" << method << "()" << endl; int arg = 0; XmlRpcValue args; for (int i = extraArgs; i < argc; i++) { // guess if the argument is numeric and convert if possible char * endptr; int value = strtol(argv[i], &endptr, 0); if (*(argv[i]) != '\0' && *endptr == '\0') { // treat as numeric args[arg++] = value; } else { // treat as string args[arg++] = argv[i]; } } if (client.execute(service, method, args, result)) { cout << result << endl; } } } catch (const XmlRpcException& fault) { cout << "XML-RPC Error: " << fault.getMessage() << endl; } return 0; }
Value toValue(XmlRpcValue& v, bool outer) { int t = v.getType(); switch (t) { case XmlRpcValue::TypeInt: return Value((int)v); break; case XmlRpcValue::TypeDouble: return Value((double)v); break; case XmlRpcValue::TypeString: { string s = (string)v; if (s.length()==0 || s[0]!='[') { return Value(s); } else { Value v; v.fromString(s.c_str()); return v; } } break; case XmlRpcValue::TypeArray: { Value vbot; Bottle *bot = vbot.asList(); for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++) { XmlRpcValue& v2 = v[i]; if (v2.getType()!=XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid) { Value v = toValue(v2,false); if (i==0) { std::string tag = v.asString(); if (tag=="list"||tag=="dict") { if (!outer) { bot->addString("list"); } } } bot->add(v); } } return vbot; } break; case XmlRpcValue::TypeStruct: { Value vbot; Bottle *bot = vbot.asList(); XmlRpcValue::ValueStruct& vals = v; bot->addString("dict"); for (auto& val : vals) { XmlRpcValue& v2 = val.second; Bottle& sub = bot->addList(); sub.addString(val.first.c_str()); if (v2.getType()!=XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid) { sub.add(toValue(v2,false)); } } return vbot; } break; case XmlRpcValue::TypeInvalid: return Value::getNullValue(); break; } //printf("Skipping %d\n", t); return Value("(type not supported yet out of laziness)"); }
void ListPrettyValuesDevice::sessionExecute (XmlRpcValue& params, XmlRpcValue& result) { HttpD *serv = (HttpD *) getMasterApp (); rts2core::Connection *conn; int i = 0; // print results for a single device.. if (params.size() == 1) { if (((std::string) params[0]).length () == 0) conn = serv->getSingleCentralConn (); else conn = serv->getOpenConnection (((std::string)params[0]).c_str()); if (!conn) { throw XmlRpcException ("Cannot get device " + (std::string) params[0]); } connectionValuesToXmlRpc (conn, result, true); } // print from all else { connections_t::iterator iter; rts2core::ValueVector::iterator variter; for (iter = serv->getCentraldConns ()->begin (); iter != serv->getCentraldConns ()->end (); iter++) { conn = *iter; std::string deviceName = (*iter)->getName (); // filter device list int v; for (v = 0; v < params.size (); v++) { if (((std::string) params[v]) == deviceName) break; } if (v == params.size ()) continue; for (variter = conn->valueBegin (); variter != conn->valueEnd (); variter++, i++) { result[i] = deviceName + "." + (*variter)->getName (); } } for (iter = serv->getConnections ()->begin (); iter != serv->getConnections ()->end (); iter++) { conn = *iter; std::string deviceName = (*iter)->getName (); // filter device list int v; for (v = 0; v < params.size (); v++) { if (((std::string) params[v]) == deviceName) break; } if (v == params.size ()) continue; for (variter = conn->valueBegin (); variter != conn->valueEnd (); variter++, i++) { result[i] = deviceName + "." + (*variter)->getName (); } } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 3) { std::cerr << "Usage: HelloClient serverHost serverPort\n"; return -1; } int port = atoi(argv[2]); //XmlRpc::setVerbosity(5); // Use introspection API to look up the supported methods XmlRpcClient c(argv[1], port); XmlRpcValue noArgs, result; for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { if (c.execute("system.listMethods", noArgs, result)) std::cout << "\nMethods:\n " << result << "\n\n"; else std::cout << "Error calling 'listMethods'\n\n"; } // Use introspection API to get the help string for the Hello method XmlRpcValue oneArg; oneArg[0] = "Hello"; if (c.execute("system.methodHelp", oneArg, result)) std::cout << "Help for 'Hello' method: " << result << "\n\n"; else std::cout << "Error calling 'methodHelp'\n\n"; // Call the Hello method if (c.execute("Hello", noArgs, result)) std::cout << result << "\n\n"; else std::cout << "Error calling 'Hello'\n\n"; // Call the HelloName method oneArg[0] = "Chris"; if (c.execute("HelloName", oneArg, result)) std::cout << result << "\n\n"; else std::cout << "Error calling 'HelloName'\n\n"; // Add up an array of numbers XmlRpcValue numbers; numbers[0] = 33.33; numbers[1] = 112.57; numbers[2] = 76.1; std::cout << "numbers.size() is " << numbers.size() << std::endl; if (c.execute("Sum", numbers, result)) std::cout << "Sum = " << double(result) << "\n\n"; else std::cout << "Error calling 'Sum'\n\n"; // Test the "no such method" fault if (c.execute("NoSuchMethod", numbers, result)) std::cout << "NoSuchMethod call: fault: " << c.isFault() << ", result = " << result << std::endl; else std::cout << "Error calling 'Sum'\n"; // Test the multicall method. It accepts one arg, an array of structs XmlRpcValue multicall; multicall[0][0]["methodName"] = "Sum"; multicall[0][0]["params"][0] = 5.0; multicall[0][0]["params"][1] = 9.0; multicall[0][1]["methodName"] = "NoSuchMethod"; multicall[0][1]["params"][0] = ""; multicall[0][2]["methodName"] = "Sum"; // Missing params multicall[0][3]["methodName"] = "Sum"; multicall[0][3]["params"][0] = 10.5; multicall[0][3]["params"][1] = 12.5; if (c.execute("system.multicall", multicall, result)) std::cout << "\nmulticall result = " << result << std::endl; else std::cout << "\nError calling 'system.multicall'\n"; return 0; }