// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSingleSelection::GetRotateHandle( )
//  Description:		Retrieves a vector rect representing the rotation handle.
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Nothing
// ****************************************************************************
void RSingleSelection::GetRotateHandle( RRealVectorRect& rotateHandleRect ) const
	// Get the bounding rect
	YSelectionBoundingRect boundingRect;
	GetSelectionBoundingRect( boundingRect );

	RRealPoint		centerPoint = boundingRect.GetCenterPoint( );
	R2dTransform	transform( boundingRect.GetTransform( ) );
	transform.PostTranslate( centerPoint.m_x-boundingRect.m_TopLeft.m_x, centerPoint.m_y-boundingRect.m_TopLeft.m_y );

	//	Break the transform into its components
	YAngle			angle;
	YRealDimension	xScale;
	YRealDimension	yScale;
	transform.Decompose( angle, xScale, yScale );

	// Figure out where to end the line
	RRealPoint		lineEndPoint	= GetRotateHandleCenterPoint( );
	YRealDimension	distance			= centerPoint.Distance( lineEndPoint );

	if ( xScale < 0 )
		xScale = -xScale;
	rotateHandleRect.Set( RRealSize(distance/xScale,1), transform );

	// Convert to device units
	RRealSize	handleSize( kRotateHandleHitSize/2, kRotateHandleHitSize/2 );
	::DeviceUnitsToLogicalUnits( handleSize, *m_pView );

	rotateHandleRect.Inflate( handleSize );
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSingleSelection::DrawRotateHandle( )
//  Description:		Draws the rotation line and handle
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Memory
// ****************************************************************************
void RSingleSelection::DrawRotateHandle( RDrawingSurface& drawingSurface, const R2dTransform& transform, const RIntRect& ) const
	// Get the bounding rect
	YSelectionBoundingRect boundingRect;
	GetSelectionBoundingRect( boundingRect );

	// Get the center point; this will be one end point of the rotate handle line
	RRealPoint centerPoint = boundingRect.GetCenterPoint( );

	// Get the other end point
	RRealPoint lineEndPoint = GetRotateHandleCenterPoint( );

	// Draw the line
	drawingSurface.MoveTo( centerPoint, transform );
	drawingSurface.LineTo( lineEndPoint, transform );

	// Now draw the rotate handle
	// Convert to device units
	::LogicalUnitsToDeviceUnits( lineEndPoint, *m_pView );

	// Now build the rotate handle, using this point as the middle of the left side
	RRealRect	rotateHandleRect;
	rotateHandleRect.m_Left		= lineEndPoint.m_x - ( kRotateHandleRenderSize / 2 );
	rotateHandleRect.m_Top		= lineEndPoint.m_y - ( kRotateHandleRenderSize / 2 );
	rotateHandleRect.m_Right	= lineEndPoint.m_x + ( kRotateHandleRenderSize / 2 ) + 1;
	rotateHandleRect.m_Bottom	= lineEndPoint.m_y + ( kRotateHandleRenderSize / 2 ) + 1;
	::DeviceUnitsToLogicalUnits( rotateHandleRect, *m_pView );

	// Now draw the rotate handle
	rotateHandleRect *= transform;
	drawingSurface.FillRectangle( rotateHandleRect );
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSingleSelection::GetRotateHandleCenterPoint( )
//  Description:		Retrieves the center point of the rotate handle
//  Returns:			See above
//  Exceptions:		Nothing
// ****************************************************************************
RRealPoint RSingleSelection::GetRotateHandleCenterPoint( ) const
	// Get the bounding rect and center point
	YSelectionBoundingRect boundingRect;
	GetSelectionBoundingRect( boundingRect );
	RRealPoint centerPoint = boundingRect.GetCenterPoint( );

	// We are going to use ratios of similar triangles to calculate the position of the rotate handle
	YRealDimension deltaX = boundingRect.m_BottomRight.m_x - boundingRect.m_BottomLeft.m_x;
	YRealDimension deltaY = boundingRect.m_BottomRight.m_y - boundingRect.m_BottomLeft.m_y;

	YRealDimension deltaXPrime = deltaX * ( 0.5 + kRotateHandleLineLengthRatio );
	YRealDimension deltaYPrime = deltaY * ( 0.5 + kRotateHandleLineLengthRatio );

	return RRealPoint( centerPoint.m_x + deltaXPrime, centerPoint.m_y + deltaYPrime );
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RRotateSelectionTracker::BeginTracking( )
//  Description:		Called when tracking begins; ie. when the mouse button goes
//							down.
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RRotateSelectionTracker::BeginTracking( const RRealPoint& mousePoint, YModifierKey modifierKeys )
	// Remove the selection
	m_pSelection->Remove( FALSE );

	// Get the controlling object
	RSingleSelection* pHitObject = m_pSelection->GetHitSingleSelection( mousePoint );
	TpsAssert( pHitObject, "No hit object!" );

	// Save the original handle point
	m_TrackingOriginalHandlePoint = pHitObject->GetRotateHandleCenterPoint( );

	// Get its bounding rect
	YSelectionBoundingRect objectBoundingRect;
	pHitObject->GetObjectBoundingRect( objectBoundingRect );

	// Save away the initial rotation angle of the controlling object. We might 
	// need it to do constraining
	RRealSize delta = m_TrackingOriginalHandlePoint - objectBoundingRect.GetCenterPoint( );
	m_ControllingObjectInitialAngle = ::atan2( -delta.m_dy, delta.m_dx );

	// Get the center of the selection and use it as the center of rotation
	YSelectionBoundingRect boundingRect;
	m_pSelection->GetSelectionBoundingRect( boundingRect );
	m_TrackingRotationCenter = boundingRect.GetCenterPoint( );

	// Compute the initial angle
	delta = m_TrackingOriginalHandlePoint - m_TrackingRotationCenter;
	m_TrackingInitialRotationAngle = ::atan2( delta.m_dy, delta.m_dx );

	// If the appropriate modifiey key is down, constrain the rotation
	m_fConstrainRotation = static_cast<BOOLEAN>( modifierKeys & kRotateConstrainModifier );

	// Call the base class
	RSelectionTracker::BeginTracking( mousePoint, modifierKeys );
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RCompositeSelection::GetSelectionBoundingRect( )
//  Description:		Retrieves the bounding rect of this selection
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Memory
// ****************************************************************************
void RCompositeSelection::GetSelectionBoundingRect( YSelectionBoundingRect& boundingRect ) const
    // Get the first bounding rect
    YSelectionCollectionIterator iterator = m_SelectionCollection.Start( );
    ( *iterator )->GetSelectionBoundingRect( boundingRect );
    RRealRect unionRect = boundingRect.m_TransformedBoundingRect;

    // Union in the rest of the bounding rects
    for( ; iterator != m_SelectionCollection.End( ); ++iterator )
        ( *iterator )->GetSelectionBoundingRect( boundingRect );
        unionRect.Union( unionRect, boundingRect.m_TransformedBoundingRect );

    // Set the rect
    boundingRect.Set( unionRect );
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RResizeSelectionTracker::BeginTracking( )
//  Description:		Called when tracking begins; ie. when the mouse button goes
//							down.
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RResizeSelectionTracker::BeginTracking( const RRealPoint& mousePoint, YModifierKey modifierKeys )
	// Remove the selection
	m_pSelection->Remove( FALSE );

	// Get the hit object
	RSingleSelection* pHitObject = m_pSelection->GetHitSingleSelection( mousePoint );
	TpsAssert( pHitObject, "No hit object!" );

	// Get its selection bounding rect
	YSelectionBoundingRect selectionBoundingRect;
	pHitObject->GetSelectionBoundingRect( selectionBoundingRect );

	// Get the bounding rect of the actual object
	YSelectionBoundingRect objectBoundingRect;
	pHitObject->GetObjectBoundingRect( objectBoundingRect );

	// Calculate the minimum scale factor
	RRealSize minimumObjectSize = pHitObject->GetObjectMinimumSize( );
	RRealSize maximumObjectSize = pHitObject->GetObjectMaximumSize( );
	RRealSize currentObjectSize = objectBoundingRect.WidthHeight( );
	m_MinimumScaleFactor.m_dx = minimumObjectSize.m_dx / currentObjectSize.m_dx;
	m_MinimumScaleFactor.m_dy = minimumObjectSize.m_dy / currentObjectSize.m_dy;
	m_MaximumScaleFactor.m_dx = maximumObjectSize.m_dx / currentObjectSize.m_dx;
	m_MaximumScaleFactor.m_dy = maximumObjectSize.m_dy / currentObjectSize.m_dy;

	// Hit test to figure out what kind of resizing we are doing
	RSelection::EHitLocation eHitLocation = m_pSelection->HitTest( mousePoint );

	// Get the center and start of scaling
	RRealPoint selectionScalingCenter;

	switch( eHitLocation )
		case RSelection::kTopLeftResizeHandle :
			selectionScalingCenter = selectionBoundingRect.m_BottomRight;
			m_ScalingCenter = objectBoundingRect.m_BottomRight;
			m_MouseDownPoint = objectBoundingRect.m_TopLeft;

		case RSelection::kTopRightResizeHandle :
			selectionScalingCenter = selectionBoundingRect.m_BottomLeft;
			m_ScalingCenter = objectBoundingRect.m_BottomLeft;
			m_MouseDownPoint = objectBoundingRect.m_TopRight;

		case RSelection::kBottomRightResizeHandle :
			selectionScalingCenter = selectionBoundingRect.m_TopLeft;
			m_ScalingCenter = objectBoundingRect.m_TopLeft;
			m_MouseDownPoint = objectBoundingRect.m_BottomRight;

		case RSelection::kBottomLeftResizeHandle :
			selectionScalingCenter = selectionBoundingRect.m_TopRight;
			m_ScalingCenter = objectBoundingRect.m_TopRight;
			m_MouseDownPoint = objectBoundingRect.m_BottomLeft;

		case RSelection::kLeftResizeHandle :
			m_fFixVertical = TRUE;

		case RSelection::kTopResizeHandle :
			m_fFixHorizontal = TRUE;

		case RSelection::kRightResizeHandle :
			m_fFixVertical = TRUE;

		case RSelection::kBottomResizeHandle :
			m_fFixHorizontal = TRUE;

		default :
			TpsAssert( NULL, "Tracker is not resizing." );

	// Save the difference between the size of the selection and object rects
	m_RectDelta = selectionScalingCenter - m_ScalingCenter;

	// Determine if we should maintain aspect ratio or not. Ask the component what its default
	// behavior is, and invert that if the conrol key is down
	m_fMaintainAspectRatio = pHitObject->MaintainAspectRatioIsDefault( );
	if( pHitObject->CanChangeDefaultAspect( ) && ( modifierKeys & kAspectModifier ) )
		m_fMaintainAspectRatio = static_cast<BOOLEAN>( !m_fMaintainAspectRatio );

	//	If we are fixing either Vertical or Horizontal dimension, we can't be 
	//		maintaining aspect ratio
	if ( m_fFixVertical || m_fFixHorizontal )
		m_fMaintainAspectRatio = FALSE;

	// Save the inverse transform of the object
	m_InverseTransform = objectBoundingRect.GetTransform( );
	m_InverseTransform.Invert( );

	// Call the base class
	RSelectionTracker::BeginTracking( mousePoint, modifierKeys );
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSingleSelection::GetResizeSelectionHandle( )
//  Description:		Retrieves a vector rect representing requested resize handle.
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		Memory
// ****************************************************************************
void RSingleSelection::GetResizeSelectionHandle( RRealRect& rHandle, const R2dTransform& transform, EHitLocation eHit, BOOLEAN fRender ) const
	RRealPoint					point;
	YSelectionBoundingRect	boundingRect;
	RIntSize						outsetSize = (fRender)? RRealSize( kCornerResizeHandleRenderSize, kCornerResizeHandleRenderSize ) : 
																	RRealSize( kResizeHandleHitSize, kResizeHandleHitSize );

	//	Get the bounding rectangle
	GetSelectionBoundingRect( boundingRect );

	//	Get the proper point to transform
	switch ( eHit )
		case kLeftResizeHandle:
			::midpoint( point, boundingRect.m_TopLeft, boundingRect.m_BottomLeft );
			outsetSize.m_dx	= Max( kEdgeResizeHandleRenderSize, YIntDimension(outsetSize.m_dx/2) );

		case kTopResizeHandle:
			::midpoint( point, boundingRect.m_TopLeft, boundingRect.m_TopRight );
			outsetSize.m_dy	= Max( kEdgeResizeHandleRenderSize, YIntDimension(outsetSize.m_dy/2) );

		case kRightResizeHandle:
			::midpoint( point, boundingRect.m_TopRight, boundingRect.m_BottomRight );
			outsetSize.m_dx	= Max( kEdgeResizeHandleRenderSize, YIntDimension(outsetSize.m_dx/2) );

		case kBottomResizeHandle:
			::midpoint( point, boundingRect.m_BottomLeft, boundingRect.m_BottomRight );
			outsetSize.m_dy	= Max( kEdgeResizeHandleRenderSize, YIntDimension(outsetSize.m_dy/2) );

		case kTopLeftResizeHandle:
			point	= boundingRect.m_TopLeft;

		case kTopRightResizeHandle:
			point	= boundingRect.m_TopRight;

		case kBottomLeftResizeHandle:
			point	= boundingRect.m_BottomLeft;

		case kBottomRightResizeHandle:
			point	= boundingRect.m_BottomRight;

		default :
			TpsAssertAlways( "Asking for the selection handle of invalid type" );
			point	= boundingRect.GetCenterPoint();

		RIntSize		halfOutset( outsetSize.m_dx/2, outsetSize.m_dy/2);
		::LogicalUnitsToDeviceUnits( point, *m_pView );
		rHandle.m_Left		= point.m_x - halfOutset.m_dx;
		rHandle.m_Top		= point.m_y - halfOutset.m_dy;
		rHandle.m_Right	= point.m_x + outsetSize.m_dx - halfOutset.m_dx;
		rHandle.m_Bottom	= point.m_y + outsetSize.m_dy - halfOutset.m_dy;
		::DeviceUnitsToLogicalUnits( rHandle, *m_pView );		

		rHandle	*= transform;