static void set_polygon_shape(	const World& trans,
								const float l, const float t, const float r, const float b,
								b2PolygonShape& out) {
	const b2Vec2	lt = trans.Ci2BoxTranslation(ci::Vec3f(l, t, 0.0f), nullptr); // using nullptr for the sprite will make the polygon be in world space
	const b2Vec2	rb = trans.Ci2BoxTranslation(ci::Vec3f(r, b, 0.0f), nullptr);
	b2Vec2			vtx[4];
	vtx[0].Set(lt.x, lt.y);
	vtx[1].Set(rb.x, lt.y);
	vtx[2].Set(rb.x, rb.y);
	vtx[3].Set(lt.x, rb.y);
	out.Set(vtx, 4);
bool CollidableTemplate::ConfigurePoly(const TiXmlElement *element, b2PolygonShape &shape)
	// process child elements
	for (const TiXmlElement *child = element->FirstChildElement(); child != NULL; child = child->NextSiblingElement())
		ConfigurePolyItem(child, shape);

	// update other properties
	shape.Set(shape.m_vertices, shape.m_vertexCount);

	return true;