bool wait_for(int64_t wait_time_us) { if (!sync) return false; unique_lock<mutex> lk{m}; return cv.wait_for(lk, chrono::microseconds(wait_time_us), [this]{return rdy;}); }
void test(SBDebugger &dbg, vector<string> args) { SBTarget target = dbg.CreateTarget(; if (!target.IsValid()) throw Exception("invalid target"); SBBreakpoint breakpoint = target.BreakpointCreateByName("next"); if (!breakpoint.IsValid()) throw Exception("invalid breakpoint"); breakpoint.SetCallback(BPCallback, 0); std::unique_ptr<char> working_dir(get_working_dir()); SBProcess process = target.LaunchSimple (0, 0, working_dir.get()); { unique_lock<mutex> lock(g_mutex); g_condition.wait_for(lock, chrono::seconds(5)); if (g_breakpoint_hit_count != 1) throw Exception("Breakpoint hit count expected to be 1"); } }
void SwitcherData::Thread() { chrono::duration<long long, milli> duration = chrono::milliseconds(interval); string lastTitle; string title; for (;;) { unique_lock<mutex> lock(m); OBSWeakSource scene; bool match = false; cv.wait_for(lock, duration); if (switcher->stop) { switcher->stop = false; break; } duration = chrono::milliseconds(interval); GetCurrentWindowTitle(title); if (lastTitle != title) { switcher->Prune(); for (SceneSwitch &s : switches) { if (s.window == title) { match = true; scene = s.scene; break; } } /* try regex */ if (!match) { for (SceneSwitch &s : switches) { try { bool matches = regex_match( title,; if (matches) { match = true; scene = s.scene; break; } } catch (const regex_error &) {} } } if (!match && switchIfNotMatching && nonMatchingScene) { match = true; scene = nonMatchingScene; } if (match) { obs_source_t *source = obs_weak_source_get_source(scene); obs_source_t *currentSource = obs_frontend_get_current_scene(); if (source && source != currentSource) obs_frontend_set_current_scene(source); obs_source_release(currentSource); obs_source_release(source); } } lastTitle = title; } }
void CPU_WaitStatus(bool (*pred)()) { cpuThreadLock.lock(); while (!pred()) cpuThreadCond.wait_for(cpuThreadLock, 16); cpuThreadLock.unlock(); }
void waitForCountAndFailOnTimeout(unsigned int expectedCount, const milliseconds& time = milliseconds(100)) { unique_lock<mutex> lock(m); ASSERT_TRUE(wasExecuted.wait_for(lock, time, [&] {return expectedCount == count;})); }