static Ref_t create_detector(Detector& theDetector, xml_h element, SensitiveDetector sens) { xml_det_t x_det = element; Layering layering(x_det); xml_dim_t dim = x_det.dimensions(); string det_name = x_det.nameStr(); //unused: string det_type = x_det.typeStr(); Material air = theDetector.air(); Material stavesMaterial = theDetector.material(x_det.materialStr()); int numSides = dim.numsides(); int det_id =; DetElement sdet(det_name,det_id); PlacedVolume pVol; // --- create an envelope volume and position it into the world --------------------- Volume envelope = dd4hep::xml::createPlacedEnvelope( theDetector, element , sdet ) ; sdet.setTypeFlag( DetType::CALORIMETER | DetType::ENDCAP | DetType::HADRONIC ) ; if( theDetector.buildType() == BUILD_ENVELOPE ) return sdet ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sens.setType("calorimeter"); DetElement stave_det("module0stave0",det_id); // The way to reaad constant from XML/Detector file. double Hcal_radiator_thickness = theDetector.constant<double>("Hcal_radiator_thickness"); double Hcal_endcap_lateral_structure_thickness = theDetector.constant<double>("Hcal_endcap_lateral_structure_thickness"); double Hcal_endcap_layer_air_gap = theDetector.constant<double>("Hcal_endcap_layer_air_gap"); //double Hcal_cells_size = theDetector.constant<double>("Hcal_cells_size"); double HcalEndcap_inner_radius = theDetector.constant<double>("HcalEndcap_inner_radius"); double HcalEndcap_outer_radius = theDetector.constant<double>("HcalEndcap_outer_radius"); double HcalEndcap_min_z = theDetector.constant<double>("HcalEndcap_min_z"); double HcalEndcap_max_z = theDetector.constant<double>("HcalEndcap_max_z"); double Hcal_steel_cassette_thickness = theDetector.constant<double>("Hcal_steel_cassette_thickness"); double HcalServices_outer_FR4_thickness = theDetector.constant<double>("HcalServices_outer_FR4_thickness"); double HcalServices_outer_Cu_thickness = theDetector.constant<double>("HcalServices_outer_Cu_thickness"); double Hcal_endcap_services_module_width = theDetector.constant<double>("Hcal_endcap_services_module_width"); Material stainless_steel = theDetector.material("stainless_steel"); Material PCB = theDetector.material("PCB"); Material copper = theDetector.material("Cu"); std::cout <<"\n HcalEndcap_inner_radius = " <<HcalEndcap_inner_radius/dd4hep::mm <<" mm" <<"\n HcalEndcap_outer_radius = " <<HcalEndcap_outer_radius/dd4hep::mm <<" mm" <<"\n HcalEndcap_min_z = " <<HcalEndcap_min_z/dd4hep::mm <<" mm" <<"\n HcalEndcap_max_z = " <<HcalEndcap_max_z/dd4hep::mm <<" mm" <<std::endl; Readout readout = sens.readout(); Segmentation seg = readout.segmentation(); std::vector<double> cellSizeVector = seg.segmentation()->cellDimensions(0); //Assume uniform cell sizes, provide dummy cellID double cell_sizeX = cellSizeVector[0]; double cell_sizeY = cellSizeVector[1]; //========== fill data for reconstruction ============================ LayeredCalorimeterData* caloData = new LayeredCalorimeterData ; caloData->layoutType = LayeredCalorimeterData::EndcapLayout ; caloData->inner_symmetry = 4 ; // hard code cernter box hole caloData->outer_symmetry = 0 ; // outer tube, or 8 for Octagun caloData->phi0 = 0 ; /// extent of the calorimeter in the r-z-plane [ rmin, rmax, zmin, zmax ] in mm. caloData->extent[0] = HcalEndcap_inner_radius ; caloData->extent[1] = HcalEndcap_outer_radius ; caloData->extent[2] = HcalEndcap_min_z ; caloData->extent[3] = HcalEndcap_max_z ; int endcapID = 0; for(xml_coll_t c(x_det.child(_U(dimensions)),_U(dimensions)); c; ++c) { xml_comp_t l(c); double dim_x = l.attr<double>(_Unicode(dim_x)); double dim_y = l.attr<double>(_Unicode(dim_y)); double dim_z = l.attr<double>(_Unicode(dim_z)); double pos_y = l.attr<double>(_Unicode(y_offset)); // Hcal Endcap module shape double box_half_x= dim_x/2.0; // module width, all are same double box_half_y= dim_y/2.0; // total thickness, all are same double box_half_z= dim_z/2.0; // module length, changed, double x_offset = box_half_x*numSides-box_half_x*endcapID*2.0-box_half_x; double y_offset = pos_y; Box EndcapModule(box_half_x,box_half_y,box_half_z); // define the name of each endcap Module string envelopeVol_name = det_name+_toString(endcapID,"_EndcapModule%d"); Volume envelopeVol(envelopeVol_name,EndcapModule,stavesMaterial); // Set envelope volume attributes. envelopeVol.setAttributes(theDetector,x_det.regionStr(),x_det.limitsStr(),x_det.visStr()); double FEE_half_x = box_half_x-Hcal_endcap_services_module_width/2.0; double FEE_half_y = box_half_y; double FEE_half_Z = Hcal_endcap_services_module_width/2.0; Box FEEBox(FEE_half_x,FEE_half_y,FEE_half_Z); Volume FEEModule("Hcal_endcap_FEE",FEEBox,air); double FEELayer_thickness = Hcal_steel_cassette_thickness + HcalServices_outer_FR4_thickness + HcalServices_outer_Cu_thickness; Box FEELayerBox(FEE_half_x,FEELayer_thickness/2.0,FEE_half_Z); Volume FEELayer("FEELayer",FEELayerBox,air); Box FEELayerSteelBox(FEE_half_x,Hcal_steel_cassette_thickness/2.0,FEE_half_Z); Volume FEELayerSteel("FEELayerSteel",FEELayerSteelBox,stainless_steel); pVol = FEELayer.placeVolume(FEELayerSteel, Position(0, (-FEELayer_thickness/2.0 +Hcal_steel_cassette_thickness/2.0), 0)); Box FEELayerFR4Box(FEE_half_x,HcalServices_outer_FR4_thickness/2.0,FEE_half_Z); Volume FEELayerFR4("FEELayerFR4",FEELayerFR4Box,PCB); pVol = FEELayer.placeVolume(FEELayerFR4, Position(0, (-FEELayer_thickness/2.0+Hcal_steel_cassette_thickness +HcalServices_outer_FR4_thickness/2.0), 0)); Box FEELayerCuBox(FEE_half_x,HcalServices_outer_Cu_thickness/2.0,FEE_half_Z); Volume FEELayerCu("FEELayerCu",FEELayerCuBox,copper); pVol = FEELayer.placeVolume(FEELayerCu, Position(0, (-FEELayer_thickness/2.0+Hcal_steel_cassette_thickness+HcalServices_outer_FR4_thickness +HcalServices_outer_Cu_thickness/2.0), 0)); // ========= Create Hcal Chamber (i.e. Layers) ============================== // It will be the sub volume for placing the slices. // Itself will be placed into the Hcal Endcap modules envelope. // ========================================================================== // create Layer (air) and place the slices (Polystyrene,Cu,FR4,air) into it. // place the Layer into the Hcal Endcap Modules envelope (stavesMaterial). // First Hcal Chamber position, start after first radiator double layer_pos_y = - box_half_y + Hcal_radiator_thickness; // Create Hcal Endcap Chamber without radiator // Place into the Hcal Encap module envelope, after each radiator int layer_num = 1; for(xml_coll_t m(x_det,_U(layer)); m; ++m) { xml_comp_t x_layer = m; int repeat = x_layer.repeat(); // Get number of layers. double layer_thickness = layering.layer(layer_num)->thickness(); string layer_name = envelopeVol_name+"_layer"; DetElement layer(stave_det,layer_name,det_id); // Active Layer box & volume double active_layer_dim_x = box_half_x - Hcal_endcap_lateral_structure_thickness - Hcal_endcap_layer_air_gap; double active_layer_dim_y = layer_thickness/2.0; double active_layer_dim_z = box_half_z; // Build chamber including air gap // The Layer will be filled with slices, Volume layer_vol(layer_name, Box((active_layer_dim_x + Hcal_endcap_layer_air_gap), active_layer_dim_y,active_layer_dim_z), air); LayeredCalorimeterData::Layer caloLayer ; caloLayer.cellSize0 = cell_sizeX; caloLayer.cellSize1 = cell_sizeY; // ========= Create sublayer slices ========================================= // Create and place the slices into Layer // ========================================================================== // Create the slices (sublayers) within the Hcal Chamber. double slice_pos_y = -(layer_thickness / 2.0); int slice_number = 0; double nRadiationLengths=0.; double nInteractionLengths=0.; double thickness_sum=0; nRadiationLengths = Hcal_radiator_thickness/(stavesMaterial.radLength()); nInteractionLengths = Hcal_radiator_thickness/(stavesMaterial.intLength()); thickness_sum = Hcal_radiator_thickness; for(xml_coll_t k(x_layer,_U(slice)); k; ++k) { xml_comp_t x_slice = k; string slice_name = layer_name + _toString(slice_number,"_slice%d"); double slice_thickness = x_slice.thickness(); Material slice_material = theDetector.material(x_slice.materialStr()); DetElement slice(layer,_toString(slice_number,"slice%d"),det_id); slice_pos_y += slice_thickness / 2.0; // Slice volume & box Volume slice_vol(slice_name,Box(active_layer_dim_x,slice_thickness/2.0,active_layer_dim_z),slice_material); nRadiationLengths += slice_thickness/(2.*slice_material.radLength()); nInteractionLengths += slice_thickness/(2.*slice_material.intLength()); thickness_sum += slice_thickness/2; if ( x_slice.isSensitive() ) { sens.setType("calorimeter"); slice_vol.setSensitiveDetector(sens); #if DD4HEP_VERSION_GE( 0, 15 ) //Store "inner" quantities caloLayer.inner_nRadiationLengths = nRadiationLengths; caloLayer.inner_nInteractionLengths = nInteractionLengths; caloLayer.inner_thickness = thickness_sum; //Store scintillator thickness caloLayer.sensitive_thickness = slice_thickness; #endif //Reset counters to measure "outside" quantitites nRadiationLengths=0.; nInteractionLengths=0.; thickness_sum = 0.; } nRadiationLengths += slice_thickness/(2.*slice_material.radLength()); nInteractionLengths += slice_thickness/(2.*slice_material.intLength()); thickness_sum += slice_thickness/2; // Set region, limitset, and vis. slice_vol.setAttributes(theDetector,x_slice.regionStr(),x_slice.limitsStr(),x_slice.visStr()); // slice PlacedVolume PlacedVolume slice_phv = layer_vol.placeVolume(slice_vol,Position(0,slice_pos_y,0)); //slice_phv.addPhysVolID("slice",slice_number); slice.setPlacement(slice_phv); // Increment Z position for next slice. slice_pos_y += slice_thickness / 2.0; // Increment slice number. ++slice_number; } // Set region, limitset, and vis. layer_vol.setAttributes(theDetector,x_layer.regionStr(),x_layer.limitsStr(),x_layer.visStr()); #if DD4HEP_VERSION_GE( 0, 15 ) //Store "outer" quantities caloLayer.outer_nRadiationLengths = nRadiationLengths; caloLayer.outer_nInteractionLengths = nInteractionLengths; caloLayer.outer_thickness = thickness_sum; #endif // ========= Place the Layer (i.e. Chamber) ================================= // Place the Layer into the Hcal Endcap module envelope. // with the right position and rotation. // Registry the IDs (layer, stave, module). // Place the same layer 48 times into Endcap module // ========================================================================== for (int j = 0; j < repeat; j++) { // Layer position in y within the Endcap Modules. layer_pos_y += layer_thickness / 2.0; PlacedVolume layer_phv = envelopeVol.placeVolume(layer_vol, Position(0,layer_pos_y,0)); // registry the ID of Layer, stave and module layer_phv.addPhysVolID("layer",layer_num); // then setPlacement for it. layer.setPlacement(layer_phv); pVol = FEEModule.placeVolume(FEELayer, Position(0,layer_pos_y,0)); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( caloData->layers.size() < (unsigned int)repeat ) { caloLayer.distance = HcalEndcap_min_z + box_half_y + layer_pos_y - caloLayer.inner_thickness ; // Will be added later at "DDMarlinPandora/" to get center of sensitive element caloLayer.absorberThickness = Hcal_radiator_thickness ; caloData->layers.push_back( caloLayer ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ===== Prepare for next layer (i.e. next Chamber) ========================= // Prepare the chamber placement position and the chamber dimension // ========================================================================== // Increment the layer_pos_y // Place Hcal Chamber after each radiator layer_pos_y += layer_thickness / 2.0; layer_pos_y += Hcal_radiator_thickness; ++layer_num; } } // =========== Place Hcal Endcap envelope =================================== // Finally place the Hcal Endcap envelope into the world volume. // Registry the stave(up/down), module(left/right) and endcapID. // ========================================================================== // Acording to the number of staves and modules, // Place the same Hcal Endcap module volume into the world volume // with the right position and rotation. for(int stave_num=0;stave_num<2;stave_num++){ double EndcapModule_pos_x = 0; double EndcapModule_pos_y = 0; double EndcapModule_pos_z = 0; double rot_EM = 0; double EndcapModule_center_pos_z = HcalEndcap_min_z + box_half_y; double FEEModule_pos_x = 0; double FEEModule_pos_y = 0; double FEEModule_pos_z = 0; double FEEModule_center_pos_z = HcalEndcap_min_z + box_half_y; switch (stave_num) { case 0 : EndcapModule_pos_x = x_offset; EndcapModule_pos_y = y_offset; FEEModule_pos_x = x_offset; FEEModule_pos_y = y_offset + box_half_z + Hcal_endcap_services_module_width/2.0; break; case 1 : EndcapModule_pos_x = -x_offset; EndcapModule_pos_y = -y_offset; FEEModule_pos_x = -x_offset; FEEModule_pos_y = -y_offset - box_half_z - Hcal_endcap_services_module_width/2.0; break; } for(int module_num=0;module_num<2;module_num++) { int module_id = (module_num==0)? 0:6; rot_EM = (module_id==0)?(-M_PI/2.0):(M_PI/2.0); EndcapModule_pos_z = (module_id==0)? -EndcapModule_center_pos_z:EndcapModule_center_pos_z; PlacedVolume env_phv = envelope.placeVolume(envelopeVol, Transform3D(RotationX(rot_EM), Translation3D(EndcapModule_pos_x, EndcapModule_pos_y, EndcapModule_pos_z))); env_phv.addPhysVolID("tower",endcapID); env_phv.addPhysVolID("stave",stave_num); // y: up /down env_phv.addPhysVolID("module",module_id); // z: -/+ 0/6 env_phv.addPhysVolID("system",det_id); FEEModule_pos_z = (module_id==0)? -FEEModule_center_pos_z:FEEModule_center_pos_z; if (!(endcapID==0)) env_phv = envelope.placeVolume(FEEModule, Transform3D(RotationX(rot_EM), Translation3D(FEEModule_pos_x, FEEModule_pos_y, FEEModule_pos_z))); DetElement sd = (module_num==0&&stave_num==0) ? stave_det : stave_det.clone(_toString(module_id,"module%d")+_toString(stave_num,"stave%d")); sd.setPlacement(env_phv); } } endcapID++; } sdet.addExtension< LayeredCalorimeterData >( caloData ) ; return sdet; }
static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h xmlHandle, SensitiveDetector /*sens*/) { //------------------------------------------ // See comments starting with '//**' for // hints on porting issues //------------------------------------------ std::cout << "This is the Mask:" << std::endl; // Access to the XML File xml_det_t xmlMask = xmlHandle; const std::string name = xmlMask.nameStr(); //-------------------------------- Assembly envelope(name + "_assembly"); //-------------------------------- DetElement tube(name,; // const double phi1 = 0 ; // const double phi2 = 360.0*dd4hep::degree; // Parameters we have to know about dd4hep::xml::Component xmlParameter = xmlMask.child(_Unicode(parameter)); const double crossingAngle = xmlParameter.attr<double>(_Unicode(crossingangle)) * 0.5; // only half the angle for (xml_coll_t c(xmlMask, Unicode("section")); c; ++c) { xml_comp_t xmlSection(c); ODH::ECrossType crossType = ODH::getCrossType(xmlSection.attr<std::string>(_Unicode(type))); const double zStart = xmlSection.attr<double>(_Unicode(start)); const double zEnd = xmlSection.attr<double>(_Unicode(end)); const double rInnerStart = xmlSection.attr<double>(_Unicode(rMin1)); const double rInnerEnd = xmlSection.attr<double>(_Unicode(rMin2)); const double rOuterStart = xmlSection.attr<double>(_Unicode(rMax1)); const double rOuterEnd = xmlSection.attr<double>(_Unicode(rMax2)); const double phi1 = xmlSection.attr<double>(_Unicode(Phi1)); const double phi2 = xmlSection.attr<double>(_Unicode(Phi2)); const double thickness = rOuterStart - rInnerStart; Material sectionMat = theDetector.material(xmlSection.materialStr()); const std::string volName = "tube_" + xmlSection.nameStr(); std::cout << std::setw(8) << zStart << std::setw(8) << zEnd << std::setw(8) << rInnerStart << std::setw(8) << rInnerEnd << std::setw(8) << rOuterStart << std::setw(8) << rOuterEnd << std::setw(8) << thickness << std::setw(8) << crossType << std::setw(8) << phi1 << std::setw(8) << phi2 << std::setw(15) << volName << std::setw(15) << << std::endl; // things which can be calculated immediately const double zHalf = fabs(zEnd - zStart) * 0.5; // half z length of the cone const double zPosition = fabs(zEnd + zStart) * 0.5; // middle z position Material material = sectionMat; // this could mess up your geometry, so better check it if (not ODH::checkForSensibleGeometry(crossingAngle, crossType)) { throw std::runtime_error(" Mask_o1_v01_noRot_geo.cpp : checkForSensibleGeometry() failed "); } const double rotateAngle = getCurrentAngle(crossingAngle, crossType); // for the placement at +z (better make it const now) const double mirrorAngle = M_PI - rotateAngle; // for the "mirrored" placement at -z // the "mirroring" in fact is done by a rotation of (almost) 180 degrees around the y-axis switch (crossType) { case ODH::kCenter: case ODH::kUpstream: case ODH::kDnstream: { // a volume on the z-axis, on the upstream branch, or on the downstream branch // absolute transformations for the placement in the world, rotate over X Transform3D transformer(RotationX(rotateAngle), RotateX(Position(0, 0, zPosition), rotateAngle)); Transform3D transmirror(RotationX(mirrorAngle), RotateX(Position(0, 0, zPosition), mirrorAngle)); // solid for the tube (including vacuum and wall): a solid cone ConeSegment tubeSolid(zHalf, rInnerStart, rOuterStart, rInnerEnd, rOuterEnd, phi1, phi2); // tube consists of vacuum Volume tubeLog(volName, tubeSolid, material); tubeLog.setVisAttributes(theDetector, xmlMask.visStr()); // placement of the tube in the world, both at +z and -z envelope.placeVolume(tubeLog, transformer); envelope.placeVolume(tubeLog, transmirror); } break; case ODH::kPunchedCenter: { // a cone with one or two inner holes (two tubes are punched out) const double rUpstreamPunch = rInnerStart; // just alias names denoting what is meant here const double rDnstreamPunch = rInnerEnd; // (the database entries are "abused" in this case) // relative transformations for the composition of the SubtractionVolumes Transform3D upstreamTransformer(RotationY(-crossingAngle), Position(zPosition * tan(-crossingAngle), 0, 0)); Transform3D dnstreamTransformer(RotationY(+crossingAngle), Position(zPosition * tan(+crossingAngle), 0, 0)); // absolute transformations for the final placement in the world (angles always equal zero and 180 deg) Transform3D placementTransformer(RotationY(rotateAngle), RotateY(Position(0, 0, zPosition), rotateAngle)); Transform3D placementTransmirror(RotationY(mirrorAngle), RotateY(Position(0, 0, zPosition), mirrorAngle)); // the main solid and the two pieces (only tubes, for the moment) which will be punched out ConeSegment wholeSolid(zHalf, 0, rOuterStart, 0, rOuterEnd, phi1, phi2); Solid tmpSolid0, tmpSolid1, finalSolid0, finalSolid1; // the punched subtraction solids can be asymmetric and therefore have to be created twice: // one time in the "right" way, another time in the "reverse" way, because the "mirroring" // rotation around the y-axis will not only exchange +z and -z, but also +x and -x if (rUpstreamPunch > 1e-6) { // do we need a hole on the upstream branch? Tube upstreamPunch(0, rUpstreamPunch, 5 * zHalf, phi1, phi2); // a bit longer tmpSolid0 = SubtractionSolid(wholeSolid, upstreamPunch, upstreamTransformer); tmpSolid1 = SubtractionSolid(wholeSolid, upstreamPunch, dnstreamTransformer); // [sic] } else { // dont't do anything, just pass on the unmodified shape tmpSolid0 = wholeSolid; tmpSolid1 = wholeSolid; } if (rDnstreamPunch > 1e-6) { // do we need a hole on the downstream branch? Tube dnstreamPunch(0, rDnstreamPunch, 5 * zHalf, phi1, phi2); // a bit longer finalSolid0 = SubtractionSolid(tmpSolid0, dnstreamPunch, dnstreamTransformer); finalSolid1 = SubtractionSolid(tmpSolid1, dnstreamPunch, upstreamTransformer); // [sic] } else { // dont't do anything, just pass on the unmodified shape finalSolid0 = tmpSolid0; finalSolid1 = tmpSolid1; } // tube consists of vacuum (will later have two different daughters) Volume tubeLog0(volName + "_0", finalSolid0, material); Volume tubeLog1(volName + "_1", finalSolid1, material); tubeLog0.setVisAttributes(theDetector, xmlMask.visStr()); tubeLog1.setVisAttributes(theDetector, xmlMask.visStr()); // placement of the tube in the world, both at +z and -z envelope.placeVolume(tubeLog0, placementTransformer); envelope.placeVolume(tubeLog1, placementTransmirror); break; } case ODH::kPunchedUpstream: case ODH::kPunchedDnstream: { // a volume on the upstream or downstream branch with two inner holes // (implemented as a cone from which another tube is punched out) const double rCenterPunch = (crossType == ODH::kPunchedUpstream) ? (rInnerStart) : (rInnerEnd); // just alias names denoting what is meant here const double rOffsetPunch = (crossType == ODH::kPunchedDnstream) ? (rInnerStart) : (rInnerEnd); // (the database entries are "abused" in this case) // relative transformations for the composition of the SubtractionVolumes Transform3D punchTransformer(RotationY(-2 * rotateAngle), Position(zPosition * tan(-2 * rotateAngle), 0, 0)); Transform3D punchTransmirror(RotationY(+2 * rotateAngle), Position(zPosition * tan(+2 * rotateAngle), 0, 0)); // absolute transformations for the final placement in the world Transform3D placementTransformer(RotationY(rotateAngle), RotateY(Position(0, 0, zPosition), rotateAngle)); Transform3D placementTransmirror(RotationY(mirrorAngle), RotateY(Position(0, 0, zPosition), mirrorAngle)); // the main solid and the piece (only a tube, for the moment) which will be punched out ConeSegment wholeSolid(zHalf, rCenterPunch, rOuterStart, rCenterPunch, rOuterEnd, phi1, phi2); Tube punchSolid(0, rOffsetPunch, 5 * zHalf, phi1, phi2); // a bit longer // the punched subtraction solids can be asymmetric and therefore have to be created twice: // one time in the "right" way, another time in the "reverse" way, because the "mirroring" // rotation around the y-axis will not only exchange +z and -z, but also +x and -x SubtractionSolid finalSolid0(wholeSolid, punchSolid, punchTransformer); SubtractionSolid finalSolid1(wholeSolid, punchSolid, punchTransmirror); // tube consists of vacuum (will later have two different daughters) Volume tubeLog0(volName + "_0", finalSolid0, material); Volume tubeLog1(volName + "_1", finalSolid1, material); tubeLog0.setVisAttributes(theDetector, xmlMask.visStr()); tubeLog1.setVisAttributes(theDetector, xmlMask.visStr()); // placement of the tube in the world, both at +z and -z envelope.placeVolume(tubeLog0, placementTransformer); envelope.placeVolume(tubeLog1, placementTransmirror); break; } default: { throw std::runtime_error(" Mask_o1_v01_geo.cpp : fatal failure !! ?? "); } } // end switch } // for all xmlSections //-------------------------------------- Volume mother = theDetector.pickMotherVolume(tube); PlacedVolume pv(mother.placeVolume(envelope)); pv.addPhysVolID("system",; //.addPhysVolID("side", 0 ) ; tube.setVisAttributes(theDetector, xmlMask.visStr(), envelope); tube.setPlacement(pv); return tube; }