int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { void * handle; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid arguments\n"); exit(1); } if (msd_load_so(&handle, syms, argv[1]) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "load so file failed\n"); exit(1); } if (dll.handle_init) { dll.handle_init("handle_init", 0); } dll.handle_task("handle_task"); if (dll.handle_fini) { dll.handle_fini("handle_fnit", 1); } msd_unload_so(&handle); exit(0); }
/** * @brief 重启已停止work进程 * @param * @return */ int monitor_work_proc(int argc, char* argv[], pid_t *wpids, int pid_count, bool /* use_barrier */) { int result; pid_t old_pid, new_pid; int sec = 10; while (!g_stop) { struct timeval tv = {sec, 0}; int sleep_ok = select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); for (int i = 0; i < pid_count && sleep_ok == 0; ++i) { if(wpids[i] != 0) { result = kill(wpids[i], 0); if (0 == result || errno != ESRCH) { continue; } } if (!g_stop) { old_pid = wpids[i]; /// WORK进程异常退出时,需要清理过滤器中这个进程的资源 if (g_bench_conf.use_barrier) { AFUTEX_LOCK_ERR_CHK(g_rcv_rq_lock); g_prcv_brq->clean_4pid(old_pid); AFUTEX_UNLOCK_ERR_CHK(g_rcv_rq_lock); } new_pid = fork(); if(new_pid < 0) { wpids[i] = 0; ERROR_LOG("Work[%u] exited, and fork failed: %s", new_pid, strerror(errno)); } else if(new_pid > 0) {///parent process wpids[i] = new_pid; ERROR_LOG("Work[%u] exited, fork[%u] to replace.", old_pid, new_pid); } else { run_work_proc(argc, argv, g_bench_conf.use_barrier); } } } if (dll.handle_timer) { dll.handle_timer(&sec); } } if (dll.handle_fini) { dll.handle_fini(PROC_MAIN); } ///wait for all child processes end for (int i = 0; i < pid_count; ) { if (wpids[i] != 0) { result = kill(wpids[i], 0); if (result != 0 && errno == ESRCH) { /// 等待下一个进程 ++i; } else { /// 继续等待 50 毫秒 usleep(50000); continue; } } } return 0; }
/** * @brief 启动work进程 * @param * @return */ int run_work_proc(int argc, char *argv[], bool /* use_barrier */) { setproctitle("%s:[WORK]", g_bench_conf.prog_name); if (dll.handle_init != NULL && dll.handle_init(argc, argv, PROC_WORK) != 0) { print_prompt(false, "Worker process handle_init failed."); return -1; } /// 由于环形队列中有头 shm_block_t,所以需要给头预留空间 int prcv_data_len = g_bench_conf.max_pkg_len + sizeof(shm_block_t); char *prcv_data = (char *)malloc(prcv_data_len); if (prcv_data == NULL) { print_prompt(false, "Malloc work proc pop buffer fail, size: %d B", prcv_data_len); return -1; } shm_block_t *mb = (shm_block_t *)prcv_data; int sndlen = 0; int ret = 0; char *puser_data = NULL; if (g_bench_conf.use_barrier == true) { if (g_prcv_brq == NULL) { print_prompt(false, "Use barrier mode, but i_barrier_ring_queue is null."); goto work_proc_end; } while (! g_stop) { if (dll.handle_schedule) { dll.handle_schedule(); } if (!g_prcv_brq->is_able_pop()) { /// 等待数据 struct timespec tv = {0, 200000}; nanosleep(&tv, NULL); continue; } AFUTEX_LOCK_ERR_CHK(g_rcv_rq_lock); ret = g_prcv_brq->pop(prcv_data, prcv_data_len); AFUTEX_UNLOCK_ERR_CHK(g_rcv_rq_lock); if (ret < 0) { ERROR_LOG("Barrier pop error: %d", g_prcv_brq->get_last_errno()); sleep(1); /// 防止出错以后打印日志速度太快 continue; } else if (ret == 0) { /// 没有取出任何数据 continue; } else { if(ret != mb->length || (u_int)mb->length <= sizeof(shm_block_t) || mb->length > prcv_data_len) { /// 数据包包长有误,关闭这个连接 ERROR_LOG("Pop data len(%d) err, pkg len(%d), prcv_data_len(%d), shm_block_t(%zd), close conn: %d.", ret, mb->length, prcv_data_len, sizeof(shm_block_t), mb->blk_id); work_proc_close_conn(mb); continue; } } TRACE_LOG("Pop barrier ring queue len: %d", mb->length); sndlen = 0; ret = dll.handle_process(mb->data, mb->length - sizeof(shm_block_t), &puser_data, &sndlen, &mb->skinfo); if (ret != 0) { work_proc_close_conn(mb); TRACE_LOG("Handle_process fail, close conn: %d", mb->blk_id); } else if(sndlen + sizeof(shm_block_t) > (u_int)prcv_data_len) { work_proc_close_conn(mb); ERROR_LOG("Handle_process sndlen(%d) > buf len, close conn: %d", sndlen, mb->blk_id); } else { if (sndlen > 0) { mb->length = sndlen + sizeof(shm_block_t); mb->type = DAT_BLOCK; memcpy(mb->data, puser_data, sndlen); AFUTEX_LOCK_ERR_CHK(g_snd_rq_lock); ret = g_psnd_rq->push_data(prcv_data, mb->length, true); AFUTEX_UNLOCK_ERR_CHK(g_snd_rq_lock); if (ret != mb->length) { ERROR_LOG("Push data(len: %d) error (ret: %d, data: %d, empty: %d)", mb->length, g_psnd_rq->get_last_errno(), g_psnd_rq->get_data_len(), g_psnd_rq->get_empty_buffer_len()); } else { TRACE_LOG("ring queue push data len: %d", mb->length); g_p_net_io_notifier->popup(); } } } } } else { if (g_prcv_rq == NULL) { print_prompt(false, "Use nonbarrier mode, but i_ring_queue object is null."); goto work_proc_end; } while (!g_stop) { if (dll.handle_schedule != NULL) { dll.handle_schedule(); } if (g_prcv_rq->get_data_len() <= 0) { struct timespec tv = {0, 200000}; nanosleep (&tv, NULL); continue; } AFUTEX_LOCK_ERR_CHK(g_rcv_rq_lock); ret = g_prcv_rq->pop_data(prcv_data, prcv_data_len, 0); AFUTEX_UNLOCK_ERR_CHK(g_rcv_rq_lock); if (ret < 0) { ERROR_LOG("Common ring queue pop fail(ret: %d): %s", ret, g_prcv_rq->get_last_errstr()); sleep(1); /// 防止日志打印过快 continue; } else if (ret == 0) { /// 数据还没准备好 continue; } else { if(ret != mb->length || (u_int)mb->length <= sizeof(shm_block_t) || mb->length > prcv_data_len) { /// 数据包包长有误,关闭这个连接 ERROR_LOG("Pop data len(%d) err, pkg len(%d), prcv_data_len(%d), shm_block_t(%zd), close conn: %d.", ret, mb->length, prcv_data_len, sizeof(shm_block_t), mb->blk_id); work_proc_close_conn(mb); continue; } } TRACE_LOG("Common ring queue pop len: %d", mb->length); sndlen = 0; ret = dll.handle_process(mb->data, mb->length - sizeof(shm_block_t), &puser_data, &sndlen, &mb->skinfo); if (ret != 0) { work_proc_close_conn(mb); TRACE_LOG("Handle process fail, close conn: %d", mb->blk_id); } else if(sndlen + sizeof(shm_block_t) > (u_int)prcv_data_len) { work_proc_close_conn(mb); ERROR_LOG("Handle_process sndlen(%zd) > buf len %d, close conn: %d", sndlen + sizeof(shm_block_t), prcv_data_len, mb->blk_id); } else { if (sndlen > 0) { mb->length = sndlen + sizeof(shm_block_t); mb->type = DAT_BLOCK; memcpy(mb->data, puser_data, sndlen); AFUTEX_LOCK_ERR_CHK(g_snd_rq_lock); ret = g_psnd_rq->push_data(prcv_data, mb->length, true); AFUTEX_UNLOCK_ERR_CHK(g_snd_rq_lock); if (ret != mb->length) { ERROR_LOG("Push data(len: %d) error (ret: %d, data: %d, empty: %d)", mb->length, g_psnd_rq->get_last_errno(), g_psnd_rq->get_data_len(), g_psnd_rq->get_empty_buffer_len()); } else { TRACE_LOG("Common ring queue push len: %d", mb->length); g_p_net_io_notifier->popup(); } } } } } work_proc_end: free(prcv_data); if (g_p_send_buff != NULL) { free(g_p_send_buff); g_p_send_buff = NULL; g_send_buff_len = 0; } if (dll.handle_fini != NULL) { dll.handle_fini(PROC_WORK); } return 0; }
/** * @brief 创建conn进程 * @param * @return 0:success, -1:fail */ int conn_proc(int argc, char **argv) { //建立TCP连接 if (g_bench_conf.bind_list == NULL) { NB_BOOT_LOG(-1, "Bind info is null."); return -1; } //暂时仅支持一个端口 struct bind_config *bc = g_bench_conf.bind_list; if (bc->type != SOCK_STREAM) { NB_BOOT_LOG(-1, "Warning: cannot support UDP now."); return -1; } c_newbench_net_io_event nb_event; if (nb_event.init() != 0) { NB_BOOT_LOG(-1, "Init c_newbench_net_io_event object failed."); return -1; } if (pnb_io_server->init(bc->bind_ip, bc->bind_port, &nb_event, g_p_net_io_notifier, 1, 1) != 0) { NB_BOOT_LOG(-1, "Bind [%s:%u]: %s", bc->bind_ip, bc->bind_port, pnb_io_server->get_last_errstr()); return -1; } NB_BOOT_LOG(0, "Listen on %s:%u", bc->bind_ip, bc->bind_port); int psnd_data_len = g_bench_conf.max_pkg_len + sizeof(shm_block_t); char *psnd_data = (char *)malloc(psnd_data_len); if (psnd_data == NULL) { NB_BOOT_LOG(-1, "Malloc package send buffer fail, size: %d B", g_bench_conf.max_pkg_len); return -1; } if (dll.handle_init && dll.handle_init(argc, argv, PROC_CONN) != 0) { NB_BOOT_LOG(-1, "Conn handle init fail."); return -1; } setproctitle("%s:[CONN]", g_bench_conf.prog_name); shm_block_t* mb = (shm_block_t*)psnd_data; while(!g_stop) { // 每次阻塞1毫秒, 因后面要发送数据 // TODO:时间应该是可配的 if (pnb_io_server->do_io(4, NET_IO_SERVER_CMD_ACCEPT | NET_IO_SERVER_CMD_READ | NET_IO_SERVER_CMD_WRITE) != 0) { ERROR_LOG("do_io fail: %s", pnb_io_server->get_last_errstr()); } // 发送发送环形队列中的数据包, 发干净为止 while (!g_stop) { // 取出数据包 int ret = g_psnd_rq->pop_data(psnd_data, psnd_data_len, 0); if (ret == 0) { break; } else if (ret < 0) { // 发生错误 ERROR_LOG("Pop data error, ret: %d, err: %s", ret, g_psnd_rq->get_last_errstr()); break; } else { if (ret != mb->length || mb->length > psnd_data_len) { // 出错, 打印日志以后退出发送 ERROR_LOG("pop data len %d != pkg len %d or > psnd_data_len", mb->length, psnd_data_len); break; } } if (mb->type == FIN_BLOCK) { pnb_io_server->close_connection(mb->blk_id, true); continue; } TRACE_LOG("common ring queue pop data length: %d", mb->length); // 发送数据 int bytes_sent = 0; int data_len = mb->length - sizeof(shm_block_t); if (data_len) { if (mb->type == BROADCAST_BLOCK) { ret = pnb_io_server->broadcast( mb->blk_id, (char*)mb->data + bytes_sent, data_len - bytes_sent, 1); if (ret) { // 广播报文为全部成功 ERROR_LOG("broadcast not success at all, %d failed", ret); } } else { ret = pnb_io_server->send_data_atomic( mb->blk_id, (char*)mb->data + bytes_sent, data_len - bytes_sent); if (ret != data_len - bytes_sent) { // 发送数据失败时丢弃这个包 ERROR_LOG("Send to conn(%d) fail, len: %d, discard this pkg.", mb->blk_id, mb->length); } else { if (mb->skinfo.ptr_lookout) { // 传回storage reinterpret_cast<union net_io_storage *>(mb->skinfo.ptr_lookout)->u64 = mb->; } } } } } } free(psnd_data); if (dll.handle_fini) { dll.handle_fini(PROC_CONN); } return 0; }