	FilterResult(dynamic_reference<RegexFactory>& RegexEngine, const std::string& free, const std::string& rea, FilterAction act, long gt, const std::string& fla)
		: freeform(free), reason(rea), action(act), gline_time(gt)
		if (!RegexEngine)
			throw ModuleException("Regex module implementing '"+RegexEngine.GetProvider()+"' is not loaded!");
		regex = RegexEngine->Create(free);
	/** Create a R-line.
	 * @param s_time The set time
	 * @param d The duration of the xline
	 * @param src The sender of the xline
	 * @param re The reason of the xline
	 * @param regex Pattern to match with
	 * @
	RLine(time_t s_time, unsigned long d, const std::string& src, const std::string& re, const std::string& regexs, dynamic_reference<RegexFactory>& rxfactory)
		: XLine(s_time, d, src, re, "R")
		, matchtext(regexs)
		/* This can throw on failure, but if it does we DONT catch it here, we catch it and display it
		 * where the object is created, we might not ALWAYS want it to output stuff to snomask x all the time
		regex = rxfactory->Create(regexs);