void CPlasmaRepulser::NewProjectile(CWeaponProjectile* p)
	if (weaponDef->smartShield && teamHandler->AlliedTeams(p->owner()->team, owner->team)) {

	float3 dir = p->speed;
	if (p->targetPos != ZeroVector) {
		dir = p->targetPos - p->pos; // assume that it will travel roughly in the direction of the targetpos if it have one

	dir.y = 0.0f;

	const float3 dif = owner->pos - p->pos;

	if (weaponDef->exteriorShield && (dif.SqLength() < sqRadius)) {

	const float closeLength = std::max(0.0f, dif.dot(dir));
	const float3 closeVect = dif - dir * closeLength;
	const float closeDist = closeVect.SqLength2D();

	// TODO: this isn't good enough in case shield is mounted on a mobile unit,
	//       and this unit moves relatively fast compared to the projectile.
	// it should probably be: radius + closeLength / |projectile->speed| * |owner->speed|,
	// but this still doesn't solve anything for e.g. teleporting shields.
	if (closeDist < Square(radius * 1.5f)) {
		incomingProjectiles[p->id] = p;
		AddDeathDependence(p, DEPENDENCE_REPULSED);
void CFeature::DoDamage(const DamageArray& damages, const float3& impulse, CUnit*, int)
	if (damages.paralyzeDamageTime) {
		return; // paralyzers do not damage features

	residualImpulse = impulse;
	health -= damages[0];

	if (health <= 0 && def->destructable) {
		CFeature* deathFeature = featureHandler->CreateWreckage(
			pos, def->deathFeature, heading,
			buildFacing, 1, team, -1, false, NULL

		if (deathFeature) {
			// if a partially reclaimed corpse got blasted,
			// ensure its wreck is not worth the full amount
			// (which might be more than the amount remaining)
			deathFeature->reclaimLeft = reclaimLeft;

		blockHeightChanges = false;

		if (def->drawType >= DRAWTYPE_TREE) {
			if (impulse.SqLength2D() > 0.25f) {
				treeDrawer->AddFallingTree(pos, impulse, def->drawType - 1);
float3 CCannon::GetWantedDir(const float3& diff)
	// try to cache results, sacrifice some (not much too much even for a pewee) accuracy
	// it saves a dozen or two expensive calculations per second when 5 guardians
	// are shooting at several slow- and fast-moving targets
	if (fabs(diff.x - lastDiff.x) < (SQUARE_SIZE / 4.0f) &&
		fabs(diff.y - lastDiff.y) < (SQUARE_SIZE / 4.0f) &&
		fabs(diff.z - lastDiff.z) < (SQUARE_SIZE / 4.0f)) {
		return lastDir;

	const float Dsq = diff.SqLength();
	const float DFsq = diff.SqLength2D();
	const float& g = gravity;
	const float& v = projectileSpeed;
	const float dy  = diff.y;
	const float dxz = math::sqrt(DFsq);
	float Vxz = 0.0f;
	float Vy  = 0.0f;

	if (Dsq == 0.0f) {
		Vy = highTrajectory ? v : -v;
	} else {
		// FIXME: temporary safeguards against FP overflow
		// (introduced by extreme off-map unit positions; the term
		// DFsq * Dsq * ... * dy should never even approach 1e38)
		if (Dsq < 1e12f && fabs(dy) < 1e6f) {
			const float root1 = v*v*v*v + 2.0f*v*v*g*dy - g*g*DFsq;

			if (root1 >= 0.0f) {
				const float root2 = 2.0f * DFsq * Dsq * (v * v + g * dy + (highTrajectory ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * math::sqrt(root1));

				if (root2 >= 0.0f) {
					Vxz = math::sqrt(root2) / (2.0f * Dsq);
					Vy = (dxz == 0.0f || Vxz == 0.0f) ? v : (Vxz * dy / dxz  -  dxz * g / (2.0f * Vxz));

	float3 dir = ZeroVector;

	if (Vxz != 0.0f || Vy != 0.0f) {
		dir.x = diff.x;
		dir.z = diff.z;
		dir *= Vxz;
		dir.y = Vy;

		lastDiff = diff;
		lastDir = dir;

	return dir;
float3 CCannon::GetWantedDir(const float3& diff)
	// try to cache results, sacrifice some (not much too much even for a pewee) accuracy
	// it saves a dozen or two expensive calculations per second when 5 guardians
	// are shooting at several slow- and fast-moving targets
	if (fabs(diff.x-lastDiff.x) < SQUARE_SIZE/4.f
			&& fabs(diff.y-lastDiff.y) < SQUARE_SIZE/4.f
			&& fabs(diff.z-lastDiff.z) < SQUARE_SIZE/4.f) {
		return lastDir;

	float Dsq = diff.SqLength();
	float DFsq = diff.SqLength2D();
	float g = gravity;
	float v = projectileSpeed;
	float dy = diff.y;
	float dxz = sqrt(DFsq);
	float Vxz;
	float Vy;
	if(Dsq == 0) {
		Vxz = 0;
		Vy = highTrajectory ? v : -v;
	} else {
		float root1 = v*v*v*v + 2*v*v*g*dy-g*g*DFsq;
		if(root1 >= 0) {
			float root2 = 2*DFsq*Dsq*(v*v + g*dy + (highTrajectory ? -1 : 1)
				* sqrt(root1));
			if(root2 >= 0) {
				Vxz = sqrt(root2)/(2*Dsq);
				Vy = (dxz == 0 || Vxz == 0) ? v : (Vxz*dy/dxz - dxz*g/(2*Vxz));
			} else {
				Vxz = 0;
				Vy = 0;
		} else {
			Vxz = 0;
			Vy = 0;
	float3 dir(diff.x, 0, diff.z);
	dir *= Vxz;
	dir.y = Vy;
	lastDiff = diff;
	lastDir = dir;
	return dir;
文件: Cannon.cpp 项目: nixtux/spring
float3 CCannon::GetWantedDir2(const float3& diff) const
	const float Dsq = diff.SqLength();
	const float DFsq = diff.SqLength2D();
	const float g = gravity;
	const float v = projectileSpeed;
	const float dy  = diff.y;
	const float dxz = math::sqrt(DFsq);
	float Vxz = 0.0f;
	float Vy  = 0.0f;

	if (Dsq == 0.0f) {
		Vy = highTrajectory ? v : -v;
	} else {
		// FIXME: temporary safeguards against FP overflow
		// (introduced by extreme off-map unit positions; the term
		// DFsq * Dsq * ... * dy should never even approach 1e38)
		if (Dsq < 1e12f && math::fabs(dy) < 1e6f) {
			const float root1 = v*v*v*v + 2.0f*v*v*g*dy - g*g*DFsq;

			if (root1 >= 0.0f) {
				const float root2 = 2.0f * DFsq * Dsq * (v * v + g * dy + (highTrajectory ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * math::sqrt(root1));

				if (root2 >= 0.0f) {
					Vxz = math::sqrt(root2) / (2.0f * Dsq);
					Vy = (dxz == 0.0f || Vxz == 0.0f) ? v : (Vxz * dy / dxz  -  dxz * g / (2.0f * Vxz));

	float3 dir = ZeroVector;

	if (Vxz != 0.0f || Vy != 0.0f) {
		dir.x = diff.x;
		dir.z = diff.z;
		dir *= Vxz;
		dir.y = Vy;

	return dir;
void CPlasmaRepulser::NewProjectile(CWeaponProjectile* p)
	// PlasmaRepulser instances are created if type == "Shield",
	// but projectiles are removed from incomingProjectiles only
	// if def->interceptor || def->isShield --> dangling pointers
	// due to isShield being a separate tag (in 91.0)

	if (weaponDef->smartShield && p->owner() && teamHandler->AlliedTeams(p->owner()->team, owner->team)) {

	float3 dir = p->speed;
	if (p->GetTargetPos() != ZeroVector) {
		// assume projectile will travel roughly in the direction of its targetpos
		dir = p->GetTargetPos() - p->pos;

	dir.y = 0.0f;

	const float3 dif = owner->pos - p->pos;

	if (weaponDef->exteriorShield && (dif.SqLength() < sqRadius)) {

	const float closeLength = std::max(0.0f, dif.dot(dir));
	const float3 closeVect = dif - dir * closeLength;
	const float closeDist = closeVect.SqLength2D();

	// TODO: this isn't good enough in case shield is mounted on a mobile unit,
	//       and this unit moves relatively fast compared to the projectile.
	// it should probably be: radius + closeLength / |projectile->speed| * |owner->speed|,
	// but this still doesn't solve anything for e.g. teleporting shields.
	if (closeDist < Square(radius * 1.5f)) {
		incomingProjectiles[p->id] = p;
		AddDeathDependence(p, DEPENDENCE_REPULSED);
void CInterceptHandler::Update(bool forced) {
	if (((gs->frameNum % UNIT_SLOWUPDATE_RATE) != 0) && !forced)

	for (CWeapon* w: interceptors) {
		const WeaponDef* wDef = w->weaponDef;
		const CUnit* wOwner = w->owner;

		assert(wDef->interceptor || wDef->isShield);

		for (CWeaponProjectile* p: interceptables) {
			if (!p->CanBeInterceptedBy(wDef))
			if (w->incomingProjectiles.find(p->id) != w->incomingProjectiles.end())

			const int pAllyTeam = p->GetAllyteamID();

			if (teamHandler->IsValidAllyTeam(pAllyTeam)  && teamHandler->Ally(wOwner->allyteam, pAllyTeam))

			// note: will be called every Update so long as gadget does not return true
			if (!eventHandler.AllowWeaponInterceptTarget(wOwner, w, p))

			// there are four cases when an interceptor <w> should fire at a projectile <p>:
			//     1. p's target position inside w's interception circle (w's owner can move!)
			//     2. p's current position inside w's interception circle
			//     3. p's projected impact position inside w's interception circle
			//     4. p's trajectory intersects w's interception circle
			// these checks all need to be evaluated periodically, not just
			// when a projectile is created and handed to AddInterceptTarget
			const float weaponDist = w->aimFromPos.distance(p->pos);
			const float impactDist = CGround::LineGroundCol(p->pos, p->pos + p->dir * weaponDist);

			const float3& pImpactPos = p->pos + p->dir * impactDist;
			const float3& pTargetPos = p->GetTargetPos();
			const float3  pWeaponVec = p->pos - w->aimFromPos;

			if (w->aimFromPos.SqDistance2D(pTargetPos) < Square(wDef->coverageRange)) {
				w->AddDeathDependence(p, DEPENDENCE_INTERCEPT);
				w->incomingProjectiles[p->id] = p;
				continue; // 1

			if (false /*wDef->noFlyThroughIntercept*/) {
				// <w> is just a static interceptor and fires only at projectiles
				// TARGETED within its current interception area; any projectiles
				// CROSSING its interception area aren't targeted
				//XXX implement in lua?

			if (pWeaponVec.SqLength2D() < Square(wDef->coverageRange)) {
				w->AddDeathDependence(p, DEPENDENCE_INTERCEPT);
				w->incomingProjectiles[p->id] = p;
				continue; // 2

			if (w->aimFromPos.SqDistance2D(pImpactPos) < Square(wDef->coverageRange)) {
				const float3 pTargetDir = (pTargetPos - p->pos).SafeNormalize();
				const float3 pImpactDir = (pImpactPos - p->pos).SafeNormalize();

				// the projected impact position can briefly shift into the covered
				// area during transition from vertical to horizontal flight, so we
				// perform an extra test (NOTE: assumes non-parabolic trajectory)
				if (pTargetDir.dot(pImpactDir) >= 0.999f) {
					w->AddDeathDependence(p, DEPENDENCE_INTERCEPT);
					w->incomingProjectiles[p->id] = p;
					continue; // 3

			const float3 pMinSepPos = p->pos + p->dir * Clamp(-(pWeaponVec.dot(p->dir)), 0.0f, impactDist);
			const float3 pMinSepVec = w->aimFromPos - pMinSepPos;

			if (pMinSepVec.SqLength() < Square(wDef->coverageRange)) {
				w->AddDeathDependence(p, DEPENDENCE_INTERCEPT);
				w->incomingProjectiles[p->id] = p;
				continue; // 4
* @brief Causes this CMobileCAI to execute the attack order c
void CMobileCAI::ExecuteAttack(Command &c)

	// limit how far away we fly
	if (tempOrder && (owner->moveState < 2) && orderTarget
			&& LinePointDist(ClosestPointOnLine(commandPos1, commandPos2, owner->pos),
					commandPos2, orderTarget->pos)
			> (500 * owner->moveState + owner->maxRange)) {

	// check if we are in direct command of attacker
	if (!inCommand) {
		// don't start counting until the owner->AttackGround() order is given
		owner->commandShotCount = -1;

		if (c.params.size() == 1) {
			CUnit* targetUnit = uh->GetUnit(c.params[0]);

			// check if we have valid target parameter and that we aren't attacking ourselves
			if (targetUnit != NULL && targetUnit != owner) {
				float3 fix = targetUnit->pos + owner->posErrorVector * 128;
				float3 diff = float3(fix - owner->pos).Normalize();

				SetGoal(fix - diff * targetUnit->radius, owner->pos);

				orderTarget = targetUnit;
				inCommand = true;
			} else {
				// unit may not fire on itself, cancel order
		else if (c.params.size() >= 3) {
			// user gave force-fire attack command
			float3 pos(c.params[0], c.params[1], c.params[2]);
			SetGoal(pos, owner->pos);
			inCommand = true;
	else if ((c.params.size() == 3) && (owner->commandShotCount > 0) && (commandQue.size() > 1)) {
		// the trailing CMD_SET_WANTED_MAX_SPEED in a command pair does not count
		if ((commandQue.size() > 2) || (commandQue.back().id != CMD_SET_WANTED_MAX_SPEED)) {

	// if our target is dead or we lost it then stop attacking
	// NOTE: unit should actually just continue to target area!
	if (targetDied || (c.params.size() == 1 && UpdateTargetLostTimer(int(c.params[0])) == 0)) {
		// cancel keeppointingto

	// user clicked on enemy unit (note that we handle aircrafts slightly differently)
	if (orderTarget) {
		//bool b1 = owner->AttackUnit(orderTarget, c.id == CMD_DGUN);
		bool b2 = false;
		bool b3 = false;
		bool b4 = false;
		float edgeFactor = 0.f; // percent offset to target center
		float3 diff = owner->pos - orderTarget->midPos;

		if (owner->weapons.size() > 0) {
			if (!(c.options & ALT_KEY) && SkipParalyzeTarget(orderTarget)) {
			CWeapon* w = owner->weapons.front();
			// if we have at least one weapon then check if we
			// can hit target with our first (meanest) one
			b2 = w->TryTargetRotate(orderTarget, c.id == CMD_DGUN);
			b3 = Square(w->range - (w->relWeaponPos).Length())
					> (orderTarget->pos.SqDistance(owner->pos));
			b4 = w->TryTargetHeading(GetHeadingFromVector(-diff.x, -diff.z),
					orderTarget->pos, orderTarget != NULL, orderTarget);
			edgeFactor = fabs(w->targetBorder);

		float diffLength2d = diff.Length2D();

		// if w->AttackUnit() returned true then we are already
		// in range with our biggest weapon so stop moving
		// also make sure that we're not locked in close-in/in-range state loop
		// due to rotates invoked by in-range or out-of-range states
		if (b2) {
			if (!(tempOrder && owner->moveState == 0)
				&& (diffLength2d * 1.4f > owner->maxRange
					- orderTarget->speed.SqLength()
							/ owner->unitDef->maxAcc)
				&& b4 && diff.dot(orderTarget->speed) < 0)
				SetGoal(owner->pos + (orderTarget->speed * 80), owner->pos,
						SQUARE_SIZE, orderTarget->speed.Length() * 1.1f);
			} else {
				// FIXME kill magic frame number
				if (gs->frameNum > lastCloseInTry + MAX_CLOSE_IN_RETRY_TICKS) {
							std::min((float) owner->losRadius * loshandler->losDiv,
								owner->maxRange * 0.9f), true);
			owner->AttackUnit(orderTarget, c.id == CMD_DGUN);

		// if we're on hold pos in a temporary order, then none of the close-in
		// code below should run, and the attack command is cancelled.
		else if (tempOrder && owner->moveState == 0) {

		// if ((our movetype has type TAAirMoveType and length of 2D vector from us to target
		// less than 90% of our maximum range) OR squared length of 2D vector from us to target
		// less than 1024) then we are close enough
		else if(diffLength2d < (owner->maxRange * 0.9f)){
			if (dynamic_cast<CTAAirMoveType*>(owner->moveType)
					|| (diff.SqLength2D() < 1024))
						std::min((float) owner->losRadius * loshandler->losDiv,
							owner->maxRange * 0.9f), true);

			// if (((first weapon range minus first weapon length greater than distance to target)
			// and length of 2D vector from us to target less than 90% of our maximum range)
			// then we are close enough, but need to move sideways to get a shot.
			//assumption is flawed: The unit may be aiming or otherwise unable to shoot
			else if (owner->unitDef->strafeToAttack && b3 && diffLength2d < (owner->maxRange * 0.9f))
				moveDir ^= (owner->moveType->progressState == AMoveType::Failed);
				float sin = moveDir ? 3.0/5 : -3.0/5;
				float cos = 4.0/5;
				float3 goalDiff(0, 0, 0);
				goalDiff.x = diff.dot(float3(cos, 0, -sin));
				goalDiff.z = diff.dot(float3(sin, 0, cos));
				goalDiff *= (diffLength2d < (owner->maxRange * 0.3f)) ? 1/cos : cos;
				goalDiff += orderTarget->pos;
				SetGoal(goalDiff, owner->pos);

		// if 2D distance of (target position plus attacker error vector times 128)
		// to goal position greater than
		// (10 plus 20% of 2D distance between attacker and target) then we need to close
		// in on target more
		else if ((orderTarget->pos + owner->posErrorVector * 128).SqDistance2D(goalPos)
				> Square(10 + orderTarget->pos.distance2D(owner->pos) * 0.2f)) {
			// if the target isn't in LOS, go to its approximate position
			// otherwise try to go precisely to the target
			// this should fix issues with low range weapons (mainly melee)
			float3 fix = orderTarget->pos +
					(orderTarget->losStatus[owner->allyteam] & LOS_INLOS ?
						float3(0.f,0.f,0.f) :
						owner->posErrorVector * 128);
			float3 norm = float3(fix - owner->pos).Normalize();
			float3 goal = fix - norm*(orderTarget->radius*edgeFactor*0.8f);
			SetGoal(goal, owner->pos);
			if (lastCloseInTry < gs->frameNum + MAX_CLOSE_IN_RETRY_TICKS)
				lastCloseInTry = gs->frameNum;

	// user is attacking ground
	else if (c.params.size() >= 3) {
		const float3 pos(c.params[0], c.params[1], c.params[2]);
		const float3 diff = owner->pos - pos;

		if (owner->weapons.size() > 0) {
			// if we have at least one weapon then check if
			// we can hit position with our first (assumed
			// to be meanest) one
			CWeapon* w = owner->weapons.front();

			// XXX hack - dgun overrides any checks
			if (c.id == CMD_DGUN) {
				float rr = owner->maxRange * owner->maxRange;

				for (vector<CWeapon*>::iterator it = owner->weapons.begin();
						it != owner->weapons.end(); ++it) {

					if (dynamic_cast<CDGunWeapon*>(*it))
						rr = (*it)->range * (*it)->range;

				if (diff.SqLength() < rr) {
					owner->AttackGround(pos, c.id == CMD_DGUN);
					owner->moveType->KeepPointingTo(pos, owner->maxRange * 0.9f, true);
			} else {
				const bool inAngle = w->TryTargetRotate(pos, c.id == CMD_DGUN);
				const bool inRange = diff.SqLength2D() < Square(w->range - (w->relWeaponPos).Length2D());

				if (inAngle || inRange) {
					owner->AttackGround(pos, c.id == CMD_DGUN);
					owner->moveType->KeepPointingTo(pos, owner->maxRange * 0.9f, true);

		else if (diff.SqLength2D() < 1024) {
			owner->moveType->KeepPointingTo(pos, owner->maxRange * 0.9f, true);

		// if we are more than 10 units distant from target position then keeping moving closer
		else if (pos.SqDistance2D(goalPos) > 100) {
			SetGoal(pos, owner->pos);
void CMobileCAI::ExecuteAttack(Command &c)

	// limit how far away we fly based on our movestate
	if (tempOrder && orderTarget) {
		const float3& closestPos = ClosestPointOnLine(commandPos1, commandPos2, owner->pos);
		const float curTargetDist = LinePointDist(closestPos, commandPos2, orderTarget->pos);
		const float maxTargetDist = (500 * owner->moveState + owner->maxRange);

		if (owner->moveState < MOVESTATE_ROAM && curTargetDist > maxTargetDist) {

	// check if we are in direct command of attacker
	if (!inCommand) {
		if (c.params.size() == 1) {
			CUnit* targetUnit = unitHandler->GetUnit(c.params[0]);

			// check if we have valid target parameter and that we aren't attacking ourselves
			if (targetUnit == NULL) { StopMove(); FinishCommand(); return; }
			if (targetUnit == owner) { StopMove(); FinishCommand(); return; }
			if (targetUnit->GetTransporter() != NULL && !modInfo.targetableTransportedUnits) {
				StopMove(); FinishCommand(); return;

			const float3 tgtErrPos = targetUnit->pos + owner->posErrorVector * 128;
			const float3 tgtPosDir = (tgtErrPos - owner->pos).Normalize();

			SetGoal(tgtErrPos - tgtPosDir * targetUnit->radius, owner->pos);
			owner->AttackUnit(targetUnit, (c.options & INTERNAL_ORDER) == 0, c.GetID() == CMD_MANUALFIRE);

			inCommand = true;
		else if (c.params.size() >= 3) {
			// user gave force-fire attack command
			SetGoal(c.GetPos(0), owner->pos);

			inCommand = true;

	// if our target is dead or we lost it then stop attacking
	// NOTE: unit should actually just continue to target area!
	if (targetDied || (c.params.size() == 1 && UpdateTargetLostTimer(int(c.params[0])) == 0)) {
		// cancel keeppointingto

	// user clicked on enemy unit (note that we handle aircrafts slightly differently)
	if (orderTarget != NULL) {
		bool tryTargetRotate  = false;
		bool tryTargetHeading = false;

		float edgeFactor = 0.0f; // percent offset to target center
		const float3 targetMidPosVec = owner->midPos - orderTarget->midPos;

		const float targetGoalDist = (orderTarget->pos + owner->posErrorVector * 128.0f).SqDistance2D(goalPos);
		const float targetPosDist = Square(10.0f + orderTarget->pos.distance2D(owner->pos) * 0.2f);
		const float minPointingDist = std::min(1.0f * owner->losRadius * loshandler->losDiv, owner->maxRange * 0.9f);

		// FIXME? targetMidPosMaxDist is 3D, but compared with a 2D value
		const float targetMidPosDist2D = targetMidPosVec.Length2D();
		//const float targetMidPosMaxDist = owner->maxRange - (orderTarget->speed.SqLength() / owner->unitDef->maxAcc);

		if (!owner->weapons.empty()) {
			if (!(c.options & ALT_KEY) && SkipParalyzeTarget(orderTarget)) {

		for (unsigned int wNum = 0; wNum < owner->weapons.size(); wNum++) {
			CWeapon* w = owner->weapons[wNum];

			if (c.GetID() == CMD_MANUALFIRE) {

				if (!w->weaponDef->manualfire) {

			tryTargetRotate  = w->TryTargetRotate(orderTarget, (c.options & INTERNAL_ORDER) == 0);
			tryTargetHeading = w->TryTargetHeading(GetHeadingFromVector(-targetMidPosVec.x, -targetMidPosVec.z), orderTarget->pos, orderTarget != NULL, orderTarget);

			if (tryTargetRotate || tryTargetHeading)

			edgeFactor = math::fabs(w->targetBorder);

		// if w->AttackUnit() returned true then we are already
		// in range with our biggest (?) weapon, so stop moving
		// also make sure that we're not locked in close-in/in-range state loop
		// due to rotates invoked by in-range or out-of-range states
		if (tryTargetRotate) {
			const bool canChaseTarget = (!tempOrder || owner->moveState != MOVESTATE_HOLDPOS);
			const bool targetBehind = (targetMidPosVec.dot(orderTarget->speed) < 0.0f);

			if (canChaseTarget && tryTargetHeading && targetBehind) {
				SetGoal(owner->pos + (orderTarget->speed * 80), owner->pos, SQUARE_SIZE, orderTarget->speed.Length() * 1.1f);
			} else {

				if (gs->frameNum > lastCloseInTry + MAX_CLOSE_IN_RETRY_TICKS) {
					owner->moveType->KeepPointingTo(orderTarget->midPos, minPointingDist, true);

			owner->AttackUnit(orderTarget, (c.options & INTERNAL_ORDER) == 0, c.GetID() == CMD_MANUALFIRE);

		// if we're on hold pos in a temporary order, then none of the close-in
		// code below should run, and the attack command is cancelled.
		else if (tempOrder && owner->moveState == MOVESTATE_HOLDPOS) {

		// if ((our movetype has type HoverAirMoveType and length of 2D vector from us to target
		// less than 90% of our maximum range) OR squared length of 2D vector from us to target
		// less than 1024) then we are close enough
		else if (targetMidPosDist2D < (owner->maxRange * 0.9f)) {
			if (dynamic_cast<CHoverAirMoveType*>(owner->moveType) != NULL || (targetMidPosVec.SqLength2D() < 1024)) {
				owner->moveType->KeepPointingTo(orderTarget->midPos, minPointingDist, true);

			// if (((first weapon range minus first weapon length greater than distance to target)
			// and length of 2D vector from us to target less than 90% of our maximum range)
			// then we are close enough, but need to move sideways to get a shot.
			//assumption is flawed: The unit may be aiming or otherwise unable to shoot
			else if (owner->unitDef->strafeToAttack && targetMidPosDist2D < (owner->maxRange * 0.9f)) {
				moveDir ^= (owner->moveType->progressState == AMoveType::Failed);

				const float sin = moveDir ? 3.0/5 : -3.0/5;
				const float cos = 4.0 / 5;

				float3 goalDiff;
				goalDiff.x = targetMidPosVec.dot(float3(cos, 0, -sin));
				goalDiff.z = targetMidPosVec.dot(float3(sin, 0,  cos));
				goalDiff *= (targetMidPosDist2D < (owner->maxRange * 0.3f)) ? 1/cos : cos;
				goalDiff += orderTarget->pos;
				SetGoal(goalDiff, owner->pos);

		// if 2D distance of (target position plus attacker error vector times 128)
		// to goal position greater than
		// (10 plus 20% of 2D distance between attacker and target) then we need to close
		// in on target more
		else if (targetGoalDist > targetPosDist) {
			// if the target isn't in LOS, go to its approximate position
			// otherwise try to go precisely to the target
			// this should fix issues with low range weapons (mainly melee)
			const float3 errPos = ((orderTarget->losStatus[owner->allyteam] & LOS_INLOS)? ZeroVector: owner->posErrorVector * 128.0f);
			const float3 tgtPos = orderTarget->pos + errPos;

			const float3 norm = (tgtPos - owner->pos).Normalize();
			const float3 goal = tgtPos - norm * (orderTarget->radius * edgeFactor * 0.8f);

			SetGoal(goal, owner->pos);

			if (lastCloseInTry < gs->frameNum + MAX_CLOSE_IN_RETRY_TICKS)
				lastCloseInTry = gs->frameNum;

	// user wants to attack the ground; cycle through our
	// weapons until we find one that can accomodate him
	else if (c.params.size() >= 3) {
		const float3 attackPos = c.GetPos(0);
		const float3 attackVec = attackPos - owner->pos;

		bool foundWeapon = false;

		for (unsigned int wNum = 0; wNum < owner->weapons.size(); wNum++) {
			CWeapon* w = owner->weapons[wNum];

			if (foundWeapon)

			// XXX HACK - special weapon overrides any checks
			if (c.GetID() == CMD_MANUALFIRE) {

				if (!w->weaponDef->manualfire)
				if (attackVec.SqLength() >= (w->range * w->range))

				owner->AttackGround(attackPos, (c.options & INTERNAL_ORDER) == 0, c.GetID() == CMD_MANUALFIRE);
				owner->moveType->KeepPointingTo(attackPos, owner->maxRange * 0.9f, true);

				foundWeapon = true;
			} else {
				// NOTE:
				//   we call TryTargetHeading which is less restrictive than TryTarget
				//   (eg. the former succeeds even if the unit has not already aligned
				//   itself with <attackVec>)
				if (w->TryTargetHeading(GetHeadingFromVector(attackVec.x, attackVec.z), attackPos, (c.options & INTERNAL_ORDER) == 0, NULL)) {
					if (w->TryTargetRotate(attackPos, (c.options & INTERNAL_ORDER) == 0)) {
						owner->AttackGround(attackPos, (c.options & INTERNAL_ORDER) == 0, c.GetID() == CMD_MANUALFIRE);

						foundWeapon = true;

					// for gunships, this pitches the nose down such that
					// TryTargetRotate (which also checks range for itself)
					// has a bigger chance of succeeding
					// hence it must be called as soon as we get in range
					// and may not depend on what TryTargetRotate returns
					// (otherwise we might never get a firing solution)
					owner->moveType->KeepPointingTo(attackPos, owner->maxRange * 0.9f, true);

		#if 0
		// no weapons --> no need to stop at an arbitrary distance?
		else if (diff.SqLength2D() < 1024) {
			owner->moveType->KeepPointingTo(attackPos, owner->maxRange * 0.9f, true);

		// if we are unarmed and more than 10 elmos distant
		// from target position, then keeping moving closer
		if (owner->weapons.empty() && attackPos.SqDistance2D(goalPos) > 100) {
			SetGoal(attackPos, owner->pos);
void CGrassBlockDrawer::DrawQuad(int x, int y)
	const float maxDetailedDist = gd->maxDetailedDist;

	CGrassDrawer::NearGrassStruct* nearGrass = gd->nearGrass;

	if (abs(x - cx) <= gd->detailedBlocks && abs(y - cy) <= gd->detailedBlocks) {
		//! blocks close to the camera
		for (int y2 = y * grassBlockSize; y2 < (y + 1) * grassBlockSize; ++y2) {
			for (int x2 = x * grassBlockSize; x2 < (x + 1) * grassBlockSize; ++x2) {
				if (gd->grassMap[y2 * gs->mapx / grassSquareSize + x2]) {
					float3 squarePos((x2 + 0.5f) * gSSsq, 0.0f, (y2 + 0.5f) * gSSsq);
						squarePos.y = CGround::GetHeightReal(squarePos.x, squarePos.z, false);

					const float sqdist = (camera->GetPos() - squarePos).SqLength();

					CGrassDrawer::NearGrassStruct* ng = &nearGrass[(y2 & 31) * 32 + (x2 & 31)];

					if (sqdist < (maxDetailedDist * maxDetailedDist)) {
						//! close grass, draw directly
						rng.Seed(y2 * 1025 + x2);

						for (int a = 0; a < gd->numTurfs; a++) {
							const float dx = (x2 + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;
							const float dy = (y2 + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;

							float3 pos(dx, CGround::GetHeightReal(dx, dy, false), dy);
								pos.y -= CGround::GetSlope(dx, dy, false) * 10.0f + 0.03f;

							if (ng->square != y2 * 2048 + x2) {
								const float3 v = squarePos - camera->GetPos();
								ng->rotation = GetHeadingFromVector(v.x, v.z) * 180.0f / 32768 + 180; //FIXME make more random
								ng->square = y2 * 2048 + x2;

							glRotatef(ng->rotation, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
					} else {
						//! near but not close, save for later drawing
						CGrassDrawer::InviewNearGrass iv;
							iv.dist = sqdist;
							iv.x = x2;
							iv.y = y2;
						ng->square = -1;


	const float3 dif(camera->GetPos().x - ((x + 0.5f) * bMSsq), 0.0f, camera->GetPos().z - ((y + 0.5f) * bMSsq));
	const float dist = dif.SqLength2D();

	if (dist < Square(gd->maxGrassDist)) {
		const int curSquare = y * gd->blocksX + x;
		const int curModSquare = (y & 31) * 32 + (x & 31);

		CGrassDrawer::GrassStruct* grass = gd->grass + curModSquare;
		grass->lastSeen = globalRendering->drawFrame;

		if (grass->square != curSquare) {
			grass->square = curSquare;

			delete grass->va;
			grass->va = NULL;

		if (!grass->va) {
			grass->va = new CVertexArray;
			grass->pos = float3((x + 0.5f) * bMSsq, CGround::GetHeightReal((x + 0.5f) * bMSsq, (y + 0.5f) * bMSsq, false), (y + 0.5f) * bMSsq);

			CVertexArray* va = grass->va;

			for (int y2 = y * grassBlockSize; y2 < (y + 1) * grassBlockSize; ++y2) {
				for (int x2 = x * grassBlockSize; x2 < (x + 1) * grassBlockSize; ++x2) {
					if (gd->grassMap[y2 * gs->mapx / grassSquareSize + x2]) {
						rng.Seed(y2 * 1025 + x2);

						for (int a = 0; a < gd->numTurfs; a++) {
							const float dx = (x2 + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;
							const float dy = (y2 + rng.RandFloat()) * gSSsq;
							const float col = 1.0f;

							float3 pos(dx, CGround::GetHeightReal(dx, dy, false) + 0.5f, dy);
								pos.y -= (CGround::GetSlope(dx, dy, false) * 10.0f + 0.03f);

							va->AddVertexTN(pos, 0.0f,         0.0f, float3(-partTurfSize, -partTurfSize, col));
							va->AddVertexTN(pos, 1.0f / 16.0f, 0.0f, float3( partTurfSize, -partTurfSize, col));
							va->AddVertexTN(pos, 1.0f / 16.0f, 1.0f, float3( partTurfSize,  partTurfSize, col));
							va->AddVertexTN(pos, 0.0f,         1.0f, float3(-partTurfSize,  partTurfSize, col));

		CGrassDrawer::InviewGrass ig;
			ig.num = curModSquare;
			ig.dist = dif.Length2D();