Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::remove(
    const http::Request& request) const
  VLOG(1) << "Removing quota for request path: '" << request.url.path << "'";

  // Authenticate the request.
  Result<Credential> credential = master->http.authenticate(request);
  if (credential.isError()) {
    return Unauthorized("Mesos master", credential.error());

  // Check that the request type is DELETE which is guaranteed by the master.
  CHECK_EQ("DELETE", request.method);

  // Extract role from url.
  vector<string> tokens = strings::tokenize(request.url.path, "/");

  // Check that there are exactly 3 parts: {master,quota,'role'}.
  if (tokens.size() != 3u) {
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to parse request path '" + request.url.path +
        "': 3 tokens ('master', 'quota', 'role') required, found " +
        stringify(tokens.size()) + " token(s)");

  // Check that "quota" is the second to last token.
  if (tokens.end()[-2] != "quota") {
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to parse request path '" + request.url.path +
        "': Missing 'quota' endpoint");

  const string& role = tokens.back();

  // Check that the role is on the role whitelist, if it exists.
  if (!master->isWhitelistedRole(role)) {
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to validate remove quota request for path '" +
        request.url.path +"': Unknown role '" + role + "'");

  // Check that we are removing an existing quota.
  if (!master->quotas.contains(role)) {
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to remove quota for path '" + request.url.path +
        "': Role '" + role + "' has no quota set");

  // Extract principal from request credentials.
  Option<string> principal =
    credential.isSome() ? credential.get().principal() : Option<string>::none();

  Option<string> quota_principal = master->quotas[role].info.has_principal()
    ? master->quotas[role].info.principal()
    : Option<string>::none();

  return authorizeRemoveQuota(principal, quota_principal)
    .then(defer(master->self(), [=](bool authorized) -> Future<http::Response> {
      if (!authorized) {
        return Unauthorized("Mesos master");

      return _remove(role);
Future<http::Response> Master::QuotaHandler::set(
    const http::Request& request) const
  VLOG(1) << "Setting quota from request: '" << request.body << "'";

  // Authenticate the request.
  Result<Credential> credential = master->http.authenticate(request);
  if (credential.isError()) {
    return Unauthorized("Mesos master", credential.error());

  // Check that the request type is POST which is guaranteed by the master.
  CHECK_EQ("POST", request.method);

  // Validate request and extract JSON.
  // TODO(alexr): Create a type (e.g. a protobuf) for the request JSON. If we
  // move the `force` field out of the request JSON, we can reuse `QuotaInfo`.
  Try<JSON::Object> parse = JSON::parse<JSON::Object>(request.body);
  if (parse.isError()) {
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to parse set quota request JSON '" + request.body + "': " +

  Result<JSON::Array> resourcesJSON =

  if (resourcesJSON.isError()) {
    // An `Error` usually indicates that a search string is malformed
    // (which is not the case here), however it may also indicate that
    // the `resources` field is not an array.
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to extract 'resources' from set quota request JSON '" +
        request.body + "': " + resourcesJSON.error());

  if (resourcesJSON.isNone()) {
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to extract 'resources' from set quota request JSON '" +
        request.body + "': Field is missing");

  // Create protobuf representation of resources.
  Try<RepeatedPtrField<Resource>> resources =

  if (resources.isError()) {
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to parse 'resources' from set quota request JSON '" +
        request.body + "': " + resources.error());

  // Create the `QuotaInfo` protobuf message from the request JSON.
  Try<QuotaInfo> create = createQuotaInfo(resources.get());
  if (create.isError()) {
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to create 'QuotaInfo' from set quota request JSON '" +
        request.body + "': " + create.error());

  QuotaInfo quotaInfo = create.get();

  // Check that the `QuotaInfo` is a valid quota request.
  Try<Nothing> validate = quota::validation::quotaInfo(quotaInfo);
  if (validate.isError()) {
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to validate set quota request JSON '" + request.body + "': " +

  // Check that the role is on the role whitelist, if it exists.
  if (!master->isWhitelistedRole(quotaInfo.role())) {
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to validate set quota request JSON '" + request.body +
        "': Unknown role '" + quotaInfo.role() + "'");

  // Check that we are not updating an existing quota.
  // TODO(joerg84): Update error message once quota update is in place.
  if (master->quotas.contains(quotaInfo.role())) {
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to validate set quota request JSON '" + request.body +
        "': Can not set quota for a role that already has quota");

  // The force flag can be used to overwrite the `capacityHeuristic` check.
  Result<JSON::Boolean> force = parse.get().find<JSON::Boolean>("force");
  if (force.isError()) {
    // An `Error` usually indicates that a search string is malformed
    // (which is not the case here), however it may also indicate that
    // the `force` field is not a boolean.
    return BadRequest(
        "Failed to extract 'force' from set quota request JSON '" +
        request.body + "': " + force.error());

  // Extract principal from request credentials.
  Option<string> principal = None();
  if (credential.isSome()) {
    principal = credential.get().principal();

  const bool forced = force.isSome() ? force.get().value : false;

  return authorizeSetQuota(principal, quotaInfo.role())
    .then(defer(master->self(), [=](bool authorized) -> Future<http::Response> {
      if (!authorized) {
        return Unauthorized("Mesos master");

      return _set(quotaInfo, forced);