void idTypeInfoTools::VerifyVariable( const char *varName, const char *varType, const char *scope, const char *prefix, const char *postfix, const char *value, const void *varPtr, int varSize ) {
	idToken token;

	if ( typeError ) {

	src->SkipUntilString( "=" );
	src->ExpectTokenType( TT_STRING, 0, &token );
	if ( token.Cmp( value ) != 0 ) {

		// NOTE: skip several things

		if ( IsRenderHandleVariable( varName, varType, scope, prefix, postfix, value ) ) {

		if ( IsAllowedToChangedFromSaveGames( varName, varType, scope, prefix, postfix, value ) ) {

		src->Warning( "state diff for %s%s::%s%s\n%s\n%s", prefix, scope, varName, postfix, token.c_str(), value );
		typeError = true;
bool sdGUIDFile::ParseEntry( idLexer& src ) {
	// parse entry
	sdGUIDInfo newInfo;

	idDict data;
	if ( !data.Parse( src ) ) {
		return false;

	idStr tempString;
	if ( data.GetString( "ip", "", tempString ) ) {
		int ip;
		if ( !IPForString( tempString.c_str(), ip ) ) {
			return false;
		newInfo.SetIP( ip );
	} else if ( data.GetString( "pbid", "", tempString ) ) {
		int pbguid;
		if ( !PBGUIDForString( tempString.c_str(), pbguid ) ) {
			return false;
		newInfo.SetPBID( pbguid );
	} else if ( data.GetString( "guid", "", tempString ) ) {
		sdNetClientId id;
		if ( !GUIDForString( tempString.c_str(), id ) ) {
			return false;
		newInfo.SetGUID( id );

	newInfo.SetAuthGroup( data.GetString( "auth_group" ) );

	const char* banText = data.GetString( "ban_time" );
	if ( *banText != '\0' ) {
		if ( !idStr::Icmp( banText, "forever" ) ) {
		} else {
			int t;
			sdProperties::sdFromString( t, banText );
			newInfo.SetBanTime( t );

	const char* userName = data.GetString( "user_name" );
	if ( *userName != '\0' ) {
		newInfo.SetUserName( userName );

	if ( newInfo.GetMatchType() == sdGUIDInfo::MT_INVALID ) {
		src.Warning( "No match type specified" );
		return true;

	info.Alloc() = newInfo;

	return true;
bool idSoundShader::ParseShader( idLexer &src )
    int			i;
    idToken		token;

    parms.minDistance = 1;
    parms.maxDistance = 10;
    parms.volume = 1;
    parms.shakes = 0;
    parms.soundShaderFlags = 0;
    parms.soundClass = 0;

    speakerMask = 0;
    altSound = NULL;

    for( i = 0; i < SOUND_MAX_LIST_WAVS; i++ )
        leadins[i] = NULL;
        entries[i] = NULL;
    numEntries = 0;
    numLeadins = 0;

    int	maxSamples = idSoundSystemLocal::s_maxSoundsPerShader.GetInteger();
    if ( com_makingBuild.GetBool() || maxSamples <= 0 || maxSamples > SOUND_MAX_LIST_WAVS )
        maxSamples = SOUND_MAX_LIST_WAVS;

    while ( 1 )
        if ( !src.ExpectAnyToken( &token ) )
            return false;
        // end of definition
        else if ( token == "}" )
        // minimum number of sounds
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "minSamples" ) )
            maxSamples = idMath::ClampInt( src.ParseInt(), SOUND_MAX_LIST_WAVS, maxSamples );
        // description
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "description" ) )
            src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token );
            desc = token.c_str();
        // mindistance
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "mindistance" ) )
            parms.minDistance = src.ParseFloat();
        // maxdistance
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "maxdistance" ) )
            parms.maxDistance = src.ParseFloat();
        // shakes screen
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "shakes" ) )
            src.ExpectAnyToken( &token );
            if ( token.type == TT_NUMBER )
                parms.shakes = token.GetFloatValue();
                src.UnreadToken( &token );
                parms.shakes = 1.0f;
        // reverb
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "reverb" ) )
            int reg0 = src.ParseFloat();
            if ( !src.ExpectTokenString( "," ) )
                return false;
            int reg1 = src.ParseFloat();
            // no longer supported
        // volume
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "volume" ) )
            parms.volume = src.ParseFloat();
        // leadinVolume is used to allow light breaking leadin sounds to be much louder than the broken loop
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "leadinVolume" ) )
            leadinVolume = src.ParseFloat();
        // speaker mask
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_center" ) )
            speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_CENTER;
        // speaker mask
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_left" ) )
            speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_LEFT;
        // speaker mask
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_right" ) )
            speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_RIGHT;
        // speaker mask
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_backright" ) )
            speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_BACKRIGHT;
        // speaker mask
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_backleft" ) )
            speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_BACKLEFT;
        // speaker mask
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_lfe" ) )
            speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_LFE;
        // soundClass
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "soundClass" ) )
            parms.soundClass = src.ParseInt();
            if ( parms.soundClass < 0 || parms.soundClass >= SOUND_MAX_CLASSES )
                src.Warning( "SoundClass out of range" );
                return false;
        // altSound
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "altSound" ) )
            if ( !src.ExpectAnyToken( &token ) )
                return false;
            altSound = declManager->FindSound( token.c_str() );
        // ordered
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "ordered" ) )
            // no longer supported
        // no_dups
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "no_dups" ) )
            parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_NO_DUPS;
        // no_flicker
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "no_flicker" ) )
            parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_NO_FLICKER;
        // plain
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "plain" ) )
            // no longer supported
        // looping
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "looping" ) )
            parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_LOOPING;
        // no occlusion
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "no_occlusion" ) )
            parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_NO_OCCLUSION;
        // private
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "private" ) )
            parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_PRIVATE_SOUND;
        // antiPrivate
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "antiPrivate" ) )
            parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_ANTI_PRIVATE_SOUND;
        // once
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "playonce" ) )
            parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_PLAY_ONCE;
        // global
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "global" ) )
            parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_GLOBAL;
        // unclamped
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "unclamped" ) )
            parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_UNCLAMPED;
        // omnidirectional
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "omnidirectional" ) )
            parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_OMNIDIRECTIONAL;
        // onDemand can't be a parms, because we must track all references and overrides would confuse it
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "onDemand" ) )
            // no longer loading sounds on demand
            //onDemand = true;

        // the wave files
        else if ( !token.Icmp( "leadin" ) )
            // add to the leadin list
            if ( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
                src.Warning( "Expected sound after leadin" );
                return false;
            if ( soundSystemLocal.soundCache && numLeadins < maxSamples )
                leadins[ numLeadins ] = soundSystemLocal.soundCache->FindSound( token.c_str(), onDemand );
        else if ( token.Find( ".wav", false ) != -1 || token.Find( ".ogg", false ) != -1 )
            // add to the wav list
            if ( soundSystemLocal.soundCache && numEntries < maxSamples )
                idStr lang = cvarSystem->GetCVarString( "sys_lang" );
                if ( lang.Icmp( "english" ) != 0 && token.Find( "sound/vo/", false ) >= 0 )
                    idStr work = token;
                    work.StripLeading( "sound/vo/" );
                    work = va( "sound/vo/%s/%s", lang.c_str(), work.c_str() );
                    if ( fileSystem->ReadFile( work, NULL, NULL ) > 0 )
                        token = work;
                        // also try to find it with the .ogg extension
                        work.SetFileExtension( ".ogg" );
                        if ( fileSystem->ReadFile( work, NULL, NULL ) > 0 )
                            token = work;
                entries[ numEntries ] = soundSystemLocal.soundCache->FindSound( token.c_str(), onDemand );
            src.Warning( "unknown token '%s'", token.c_str() );
            return false;

    if ( parms.shakes > 0.0f )

    return true;
void idMD5Mesh::ParseMesh( idLexer& parser, int numJoints, const idJointMat* joints )
	idToken		token;
	idToken		name;
	parser.ExpectTokenString( "{" );
	// parse name
	if( parser.CheckTokenString( "name" ) )
		parser.ReadToken( &name );
	// parse shader
	parser.ExpectTokenString( "shader" );
	parser.ReadToken( &token );
	idStr shaderName = token;
	shader = declManager->FindMaterial( shaderName );
	// parse texture coordinates
	parser.ExpectTokenString( "numverts" );
	int count = parser.ParseInt();
	if( count < 0 )
		parser.Error( "Invalid size: %s", token.c_str() );
	this->numVerts = count;
	idList<idVec2> texCoords;
	idList<int> firstWeightForVertex;
	idList<int> numWeightsForVertex;
	texCoords.SetNum( count );
	firstWeightForVertex.SetNum( count );
	numWeightsForVertex.SetNum( count );
	int numWeights = 0;
	int maxweight = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < texCoords.Num(); i++ )
		parser.ExpectTokenString( "vert" );
		parser.Parse1DMatrix( 2, texCoords[ i ].ToFloatPtr() );
		firstWeightForVertex[ i ]	= parser.ParseInt();
		numWeightsForVertex[ i ]	= parser.ParseInt();
		if( !numWeightsForVertex[ i ] )
			parser.Error( "Vertex without any joint weights." );
		numWeights += numWeightsForVertex[ i ];
		if( numWeightsForVertex[ i ] + firstWeightForVertex[ i ] > maxweight )
			maxweight = numWeightsForVertex[ i ] + firstWeightForVertex[ i ];
	// parse tris
	parser.ExpectTokenString( "numtris" );
	count = parser.ParseInt();
	if( count < 0 )
		parser.Error( "Invalid size: %d", count );
	idList<int> tris;
	tris.SetNum( count * 3 );
	numTris = count;
	for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		parser.ExpectTokenString( "tri" );
		tris[ i * 3 + 0 ] = parser.ParseInt();
		tris[ i * 3 + 1 ] = parser.ParseInt();
		tris[ i * 3 + 2 ] = parser.ParseInt();
	// parse weights
	parser.ExpectTokenString( "numweights" );
	count = parser.ParseInt();
	if( count < 0 )
		parser.Error( "Invalid size: %d", count );
	if( maxweight > count )
		parser.Warning( "Vertices reference out of range weights in model (%d of %d weights).", maxweight, count );
	idList<vertexWeight_t> tempWeights;
	tempWeights.SetNum( count );
	assert( numJoints < 256 );		// so we can pack into bytes
	for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		parser.ExpectTokenString( "weight" );
		int jointnum = parser.ParseInt();
		if( ( jointnum < 0 ) || ( jointnum >= numJoints ) )
			parser.Error( "Joint Index out of range(%d): %d", numJoints, jointnum );
		tempWeights[ i ].joint			= jointnum;
		tempWeights[ i ].jointWeight	= parser.ParseFloat();
		parser.Parse1DMatrix( 3, tempWeights[ i ].offset.ToFloatPtr() );
	// create pre-scaled weights and an index for the vertex/joint lookup
	idVec4* scaledWeights = ( idVec4* ) Mem_Alloc16( numWeights * sizeof( scaledWeights[0] ), TAG_MD5_WEIGHT );
	int* weightIndex = ( int* ) Mem_Alloc16( numWeights * 2 * sizeof( weightIndex[0] ), TAG_MD5_INDEX );
	memset( weightIndex, 0, numWeights * 2 * sizeof( weightIndex[0] ) );
	count = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < texCoords.Num(); i++ )
		int num = firstWeightForVertex[i];
		for( int j = 0; j < numWeightsForVertex[i]; j++, num++, count++ )
			scaledWeights[count].ToVec3() = tempWeights[num].offset * tempWeights[num].jointWeight;
			scaledWeights[count].w = tempWeights[num].jointWeight;
			weightIndex[count * 2 + 0] = tempWeights[num].joint * sizeof( idJointMat );
		weightIndex[count * 2 - 1] = 1;
	parser.ExpectTokenString( "}" );
	// update counters
	c_numVerts += texCoords.Num();
	c_numWeights += numWeights;
	for( int i = 0; i < numWeights; i++ )
		c_numWeightJoints += weightIndex[i * 2 + 1];
	// build a base pose that can be used for skinning
	idDrawVert* basePose = ( idDrawVert* )Mem_ClearedAlloc( texCoords.Num() * sizeof( *basePose ), TAG_MD5_BASE );
	for( int j = 0, i = 0; i < texCoords.Num(); i++ )
		idVec3 v = ( *( idJointMat* )( ( byte* )joints + weightIndex[j * 2 + 0] ) ) * scaledWeights[j];
		while( weightIndex[j * 2 + 1] == 0 )
			v += ( *( idJointMat* )( ( byte* )joints + weightIndex[j * 2 + 0] ) ) * scaledWeights[j];
		basePose[i].xyz = v;
		basePose[i].SetTexCoord( texCoords[i] );
	// build the weights and bone indexes into the verts, so they will be duplicated
	// as necessary at mirror seems
	static int maxWeightsPerVert;
	static float maxResidualWeight;
	const int MAX_VERTEX_WEIGHTS = 4;
	idList< bool > jointIsUsed;
	jointIsUsed.SetNum( numJoints );
	for( int i = 0; i < jointIsUsed.Num(); i++ )
		jointIsUsed[i] = false;
	numMeshJoints = 0;
	maxJointVertDist = 0.0f;
	// new-style setup for fixed four weights and normal / tangent deformation
	// Several important models have >25% residual weight in joints after the
	// first four, which is worrisome for using a fixed four joint deformation.
	for( int i = 0; i < texCoords.Num(); i++ )
		idDrawVert& dv = basePose[i];
		// some models do have >4 joint weights, so it is necessary to sort and renormalize
		// sort the weights and take the four largest
		int	weights[256];
		const int numWeights = numWeightsForVertex[ i ];
		for( int j = 0; j < numWeights; j++ )
			weights[j] = firstWeightForVertex[i] + j;
		// bubble sort
		for( int j = 0; j < numWeights; j++ )
			for( int k = 0; k < numWeights - 1 - j; k++ )
				if( tempWeights[weights[k]].jointWeight < tempWeights[weights[k + 1]].jointWeight )
					SwapValues( weights[k], weights[k + 1] );
		if( numWeights > maxWeightsPerVert )
			maxWeightsPerVert = numWeights;
		const int usedWeights = Min( MAX_VERTEX_WEIGHTS, numWeights );
		float totalWeight = 0;
		for( int j = 0; j < numWeights; j++ )
			totalWeight += tempWeights[weights[j]].jointWeight;
		assert( totalWeight > 0.999f && totalWeight < 1.001f );
		float usedWeight = 0;
		for( int j = 0; j < usedWeights; j++ )
			usedWeight += tempWeights[weights[j]].jointWeight;
		const float residualWeight = totalWeight - usedWeight;
		if( residualWeight > maxResidualWeight )
			maxResidualWeight = residualWeight;
		byte finalWeights[MAX_VERTEX_WEIGHTS] = { 0 };
		byte finalJointIndecies[MAX_VERTEX_WEIGHTS] = { 0 };
		for( int j = 0; j < usedWeights; j++ )
			const vertexWeight_t& weight = tempWeights[weights[j]];
			const int jointIndex = weight.joint;
			const float fw = weight.jointWeight;
			assert( fw >= 0.0f && fw <= 1.0f );
			const float normalizedWeight = fw / usedWeight;
			finalWeights[j] = idMath::Ftob( normalizedWeight * 255.0f );
			finalJointIndecies[j] = jointIndex;
		// Sort the weights and indices for hardware skinning
		for( int k = 0; k < 3; ++k )
			for( int l = k + 1; l < 4; ++l )
				if( finalWeights[l] > finalWeights[k] )
					SwapValues( finalWeights[k], finalWeights[l] );
					SwapValues( finalJointIndecies[k], finalJointIndecies[l] );
		// Give any left over to the biggest weight
		finalWeights[0] += Max( 255 - finalWeights[0] - finalWeights[1] - finalWeights[2] - finalWeights[3], 0 );
		dv.color[0] = finalJointIndecies[0];
		dv.color[1] = finalJointIndecies[1];
		dv.color[2] = finalJointIndecies[2];
		dv.color[3] = finalJointIndecies[3];
		dv.color2[0] = finalWeights[0];
		dv.color2[1] = finalWeights[1];
		dv.color2[2] = finalWeights[2];
		dv.color2[3] = finalWeights[3];
		for( int j = usedWeights; j < 4; j++ )
			assert( dv.color2[j] == 0 );
		for( int j = 0; j < usedWeights; j++ )
			if( !jointIsUsed[finalJointIndecies[j]] )
				jointIsUsed[finalJointIndecies[j]] = true;
			const idJointMat& joint = joints[finalJointIndecies[j]];
			float dist = ( dv.xyz - joint.GetTranslation() ).Length();
			if( dist > maxJointVertDist )
				maxJointVertDist = dist;
	meshJoints = ( byte* ) Mem_Alloc( numMeshJoints * sizeof( meshJoints[0] ), TAG_MODEL );
	numMeshJoints = 0;
	for( int i = 0; i < numJoints; i++ )
		if( jointIsUsed[i] )
			meshJoints[numMeshJoints++] = i;
	// build the deformInfo and collect a final base pose with the mirror
	// seam verts properly including the bone weights
	deformInfo = R_BuildDeformInfo( texCoords.Num(), basePose, tris.Num(), tris.Ptr(),
									shader->UseUnsmoothedTangents() );
	for( int i = 0; i < deformInfo->numOutputVerts; i++ )
		for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
			if( deformInfo->verts[i].color[j] >= numJoints )
				idLib::FatalError( "Bad joint index" );
	Mem_Free( basePose );
void idDeclFX::ParseSingleFXAction( idLexer &src, idFXSingleAction& FXAction ) {
	idToken token;

	FXAction.type = -1;
	FXAction.sibling = -1;

	FXAction.data = "<none>";
	FXAction.name = "<none>";
	FXAction.fire = "<none>";

	FXAction.delay = 0.0f;
	FXAction.duration = 0.0f;
	FXAction.restart = 0.0f;
	FXAction.size = 0.0f;
	FXAction.fadeInTime = 0.0f;
	FXAction.fadeOutTime = 0.0f;
	FXAction.shakeTime = 0.0f;
	FXAction.shakeAmplitude = 0.0f;
	FXAction.shakeDistance = 0.0f;
	FXAction.shakeFalloff = false;
	FXAction.shakeImpulse = 0.0f;
	FXAction.shakeIgnoreMaster = false;
	FXAction.lightRadius = 0.0f;
	FXAction.rotate = 0.0f;
	FXAction.random1 = 0.0f;
	FXAction.random2 = 0.0f;

	FXAction.lightColor = vec3_origin;
	FXAction.offset = vec3_origin;
	FXAction.axis = mat3_identity;

	FXAction.bindParticles = false;
	FXAction.explicitAxis = false;
	FXAction.noshadows = false;
	FXAction.particleTrackVelocity = false;
	FXAction.trackOrigin = false;
	FXAction.soundStarted = false;

	while (1) {
		if ( !src.ReadToken( &token ) ) {

		if ( !token.Icmp( "}" ) ) {

		if ( !token.Icmp( "shake" ) ) {
			FXAction.type = FX_SHAKE;
			FXAction.shakeTime = src.ParseFloat();
			FXAction.shakeAmplitude = src.ParseFloat();
			FXAction.shakeDistance = src.ParseFloat();
			FXAction.shakeFalloff = src.ParseBool();
			FXAction.shakeImpulse = src.ParseFloat();

		if ( !token.Icmp( "noshadows" ) ) {
			FXAction.noshadows = true;

		if ( !token.Icmp( "name" ) ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.name = token;

		if ( !token.Icmp( "fire") ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.fire = token;

		if ( !token.Icmp( "random" ) ) {
			FXAction.random1 = src.ParseFloat();
			src.ExpectTokenString( "," );
			FXAction.random2 = src.ParseFloat();
			FXAction.delay = 0.0f;		// check random

		if ( !token.Icmp( "delay" ) ) {
			FXAction.delay = src.ParseFloat();

		if ( !token.Icmp( "rotate" ) ) {
			FXAction.rotate = src.ParseFloat();

		if ( !token.Icmp( "duration" ) ) {
			FXAction.duration = src.ParseFloat();

		if ( !token.Icmp( "trackorigin" ) ) {
			FXAction.trackOrigin = src.ParseBool();

		if (!token.Icmp("restart")) {
			FXAction.restart = src.ParseFloat();

		if ( !token.Icmp( "fadeIn" ) ) {
			FXAction.fadeInTime = src.ParseFloat();

		if ( !token.Icmp( "fadeOut" ) ) {
			FXAction.fadeOutTime = src.ParseFloat();

		if ( !token.Icmp( "size" ) ) {
			FXAction.size = src.ParseFloat();

		if ( !token.Icmp( "offset" ) ) {
			FXAction.offset.x = src.ParseFloat();
			src.ExpectTokenString( "," );
			FXAction.offset.y = src.ParseFloat();
			src.ExpectTokenString( "," );
			FXAction.offset.z = src.ParseFloat();

		if ( !token.Icmp( "axis" ) ) {
			idVec3 v;
			v.x = src.ParseFloat();
			src.ExpectTokenString( "," );
			v.y = src.ParseFloat();
			src.ExpectTokenString( "," );
			v.z = src.ParseFloat();
			FXAction.axis = v.ToMat3();
			FXAction.explicitAxis = true;

		if ( !token.Icmp( "angle" ) ) {
			idAngles a;
			a[0] = src.ParseFloat();
			src.ExpectTokenString( "," );
			a[1] = src.ParseFloat();
			src.ExpectTokenString( "," );
			a[2] = src.ParseFloat();
			FXAction.axis = a.ToMat3();
			FXAction.explicitAxis = true;

		if ( !token.Icmp( "uselight" ) ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.data = token;
			for( int i = 0; i < events.Num(); i++ ) {
				if ( events[i].name.Icmp( FXAction.data ) == 0 ) {
					FXAction.sibling = i;
					FXAction.lightColor = events[i].lightColor;
					FXAction.lightRadius = events[i].lightRadius;
			FXAction.type = FX_LIGHT;

			// precache the light material
			declManager->FindMaterial( FXAction.data );

		if ( !token.Icmp( "attachlight" ) ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.data = token;
			FXAction.type = FX_ATTACHLIGHT;

			// precache it
			declManager->FindMaterial( FXAction.data );

		if ( !token.Icmp( "attachentity" ) ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.data = token;
			FXAction.type = FX_ATTACHENTITY;

			// precache the model
			renderModelManager->FindModel( FXAction.data );

		if ( !token.Icmp( "launch" ) ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.data = token;
			FXAction.type = FX_LAUNCH;

			// precache the entity def
			declManager->FindType( DECL_ENTITYDEF, FXAction.data );

		if ( !token.Icmp( "useModel" ) ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.data = token;
			for( int i = 0; i < events.Num(); i++ ) {
				if ( events[i].name.Icmp( FXAction.data ) == 0 ) {
					FXAction.sibling = i;
			FXAction.type = FX_MODEL;

			// precache the model
			renderModelManager->FindModel( FXAction.data );

		if ( !token.Icmp( "light" ) ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.data = token;
			src.ExpectTokenString( "," );
			FXAction.lightColor[0] = src.ParseFloat();
			src.ExpectTokenString( "," );
			FXAction.lightColor[1] = src.ParseFloat();
			src.ExpectTokenString( "," );
			FXAction.lightColor[2] = src.ParseFloat();
			src.ExpectTokenString( "," );
			FXAction.lightRadius = src.ParseFloat();
			FXAction.type = FX_LIGHT;

			// precache the light material
			declManager->FindMaterial( FXAction.data );
		if ( !token.Icmp( "model" ) ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.data = token;
			FXAction.type = FX_MODEL;

			// precache it
			renderModelManager->FindModel( FXAction.data );

		if ( !token.Icmp( "particle" ) ) {	// FIXME: now the same as model
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.data = token;
			FXAction.type = FX_PARTICLE;

			// precache it
			renderModelManager->FindModel( FXAction.data );

		if ( !token.Icmp( "decal" ) ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.data = token;
			FXAction.type = FX_DECAL;

			// precache it
			declManager->FindMaterial( FXAction.data );

		if ( !token.Icmp( "particleTrackVelocity" ) ) {
			FXAction.particleTrackVelocity = true;

		if ( !token.Icmp( "sound" ) ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.data = token;
			FXAction.type = FX_SOUND;

			// precache it
			declManager->FindSound( FXAction.data );

		if ( !token.Icmp( "ignoreMaster" ) ) {
			FXAction.shakeIgnoreMaster = true;

		if ( !token.Icmp( "shockwave" ) ) {
			src.ReadToken( &token );
			FXAction.data = token;
			FXAction.type = FX_SHOCKWAVE;

			// precache the entity def
			declManager->FindType( DECL_ENTITYDEF, FXAction.data );

		src.Warning( "FX File: bad token" );
void idMD5Mesh::ParseMesh( idLexer &parser, int numJoints, const idJointMat *joints ) {
	idToken		token;
	idToken		name;
	int			num;
	int			count;
	int			jointnum;
	idStr		shaderName;
	int			i, j;
	idList<int>	tris;
	idList<int>	firstWeightForVertex;
	idList<int>	numWeightsForVertex;
	int			maxweight;
	idList<vertexWeight_t> tempWeights;

	parser.ExpectTokenString( "{" );

	// parse name
	if ( parser.CheckTokenString( "name" ) ) {
		parser.ReadToken( &name );

	// parse shader
	parser.ExpectTokenString( "shader" );

	parser.ReadToken( &token );
	shaderName = token;

    shader = declManager->FindMaterial( shaderName );

	// parse texture coordinates
	parser.ExpectTokenString( "numverts" );
	count = parser.ParseInt();
	if ( count < 0 ) {
		parser.Error( "Invalid size: %s", token.c_str() );

	texCoords.SetNum( count );
	firstWeightForVertex.SetNum( count );
	numWeightsForVertex.SetNum( count );

	numWeights = 0;
	maxweight = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < texCoords.Num(); i++ ) {
		parser.ExpectTokenString( "vert" );

		parser.Parse1DMatrix( 2, texCoords[ i ].ToFloatPtr() );

		firstWeightForVertex[ i ]	= parser.ParseInt();
		numWeightsForVertex[ i ]	= parser.ParseInt();

		if ( !numWeightsForVertex[ i ] ) {
			parser.Error( "Vertex without any joint weights." );

		numWeights += numWeightsForVertex[ i ];
		if ( numWeightsForVertex[ i ] + firstWeightForVertex[ i ] > maxweight ) {
			maxweight = numWeightsForVertex[ i ] + firstWeightForVertex[ i ];

	// parse tris
	parser.ExpectTokenString( "numtris" );
	count = parser.ParseInt();
	if ( count < 0 ) {
		parser.Error( "Invalid size: %d", count );

	tris.SetNum( count * 3 );
	numTris = count;
	for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
		parser.ExpectTokenString( "tri" );

		tris[ i * 3 + 0 ] = parser.ParseInt();
		tris[ i * 3 + 1 ] = parser.ParseInt();
		tris[ i * 3 + 2 ] = parser.ParseInt();

	// parse weights
	parser.ExpectTokenString( "numweights" );
	count = parser.ParseInt();
	if ( count < 0 ) {
		parser.Error( "Invalid size: %d", count );

	if ( maxweight > count ) {
		parser.Warning( "Vertices reference out of range weights in model (%d of %d weights).", maxweight, count );

	tempWeights.SetNum( count );

	for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
		parser.ExpectTokenString( "weight" );

		jointnum = parser.ParseInt();
		if ( ( jointnum < 0 ) || ( jointnum >= numJoints ) ) {
			parser.Error( "Joint Index out of range(%d): %d", numJoints, jointnum );

		tempWeights[ i ].joint			= jointnum;
		tempWeights[ i ].jointWeight	= parser.ParseFloat();

		parser.Parse1DMatrix( 3, tempWeights[ i ].offset.ToFloatPtr() );

	// create pre-scaled weights and an index for the vertex/joint lookup
	scaledWeights = (idVec4 *) Mem_Alloc16( numWeights * sizeof( scaledWeights[0] ) );
	weightIndex = (int *) Mem_Alloc16( numWeights * 2 * sizeof( weightIndex[0] ) );
	memset( weightIndex, 0, numWeights * 2 * sizeof( weightIndex[0] ) );

	count = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < texCoords.Num(); i++ ) {
		num = firstWeightForVertex[i];
		for( j = 0; j < numWeightsForVertex[i]; j++, num++, count++ ) {
			scaledWeights[count].ToVec3() = tempWeights[num].offset * tempWeights[num].jointWeight;
			scaledWeights[count].w = tempWeights[num].jointWeight;
			weightIndex[count * 2 + 0] = tempWeights[num].joint * sizeof( idJointMat );
		weightIndex[count * 2 - 1] = 1;


	parser.ExpectTokenString( "}" );

	// update counters
	c_numVerts += texCoords.Num();
	c_numWeights += numWeights;
	for ( i = 0; i < numWeights; i++ ) {
		c_numWeightJoints += weightIndex[i*2+1];

	// build the information that will be common to all animations of this mesh:
	// silhouette edge connectivity and normal / tangent generation information
	idDrawVert *verts = (idDrawVert *) _alloca16( texCoords.Num() * sizeof( idDrawVert ) );
	for ( i = 0; i < texCoords.Num(); i++ ) {
		verts[i].st = texCoords[i];
	TransformVerts( verts, joints );
	deformInfo = R_BuildDeformInfo( texCoords.Num(), verts, tris.Num(), tris.Ptr(), shader->UseUnsmoothedTangents() );
bool idSoundShader::ParseShader( idLexer &src ) {
	idToken		token;

	parms.minDistance = 1;
	parms.maxDistance = 10;
	parms.volume = 1;
	parms.shakes = 0;
	parms.soundShaderFlags = 0;
	parms.soundClass = 0;

	speakerMask = 0;
	altSound = NULL;


	while ( 1 ) {
		if ( !src.ExpectAnyToken( &token ) ) {
			return false;
		// end of definition
		else if ( token == "}" ) {
		// minimum number of sounds
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "minSamples" ) ) {
		// description
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "description" ) ) {
			src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token );
		// mindistance
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "mindistance" ) ) {
			parms.minDistance = src.ParseFloat();
		// maxdistance
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "maxdistance" ) ) {
			parms.maxDistance = src.ParseFloat();
		// shakes screen
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "shakes" ) ) {
			src.ExpectAnyToken( &token );
			if ( token.type == TT_NUMBER ) {
				parms.shakes = token.GetFloatValue();
			} else {
				src.UnreadToken( &token );
				parms.shakes = 1.0f;
		// reverb
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "reverb" ) ) {
			if ( !src.ExpectTokenString( "," ) ) {
				return false;
			// no longer supported
		// volume
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "volume" ) ) {
			parms.volume = src.ParseFloat();
		// leadinVolume is used to allow light breaking leadin sounds to be much louder than the broken loop
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "leadinVolume" ) ) {
			leadinVolume = src.ParseFloat();
			leadin = true;
		// speaker mask
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_center" ) ) {
			speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_CENTER;
		// speaker mask
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_left" ) ) {
			speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_LEFT;
		// speaker mask
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_right" ) ) {
			speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_RIGHT;
		// speaker mask
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_backright" ) ) {
			speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_BACKRIGHT;
		// speaker mask
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_backleft" ) ) {
			speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_BACKLEFT;
		// speaker mask
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "mask_lfe" ) ) {
			speakerMask |= 1<<SPEAKER_LFE;
		// soundClass
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "soundClass" ) ) {
			parms.soundClass = src.ParseInt();
			if ( parms.soundClass < 0 || parms.soundClass >= SOUND_MAX_CLASSES ) {
				src.Warning( "SoundClass out of range" );
				return false;
		// altSound
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "altSound" ) ) {
			if ( !src.ExpectAnyToken( &token ) ) {
				return false;
			altSound = declManager->FindSound( token.c_str() );
		// ordered
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "ordered" ) ) {
			// no longer supported
		// no_dups
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "no_dups" ) ) {
			parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_NO_DUPS;
		// no_flicker
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "no_flicker" ) ) {
			parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_NO_FLICKER;
		// plain
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "plain" ) ) {	
			// no longer supported
		// looping
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "looping" ) ) {
			parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_LOOPING;
		// no occlusion
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "no_occlusion" ) ) {
			parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_NO_OCCLUSION;
		// private
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "private" ) ) {
			parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_PRIVATE_SOUND;
		// antiPrivate
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "antiPrivate" ) ) {
			parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_ANTI_PRIVATE_SOUND;
		// once
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "playonce" ) ) {
			parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_PLAY_ONCE;
		// global
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "global" ) ) {
			parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_GLOBAL;
		// unclamped
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "unclamped" ) ) {
			parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_UNCLAMPED;
		// omnidirectional
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "omnidirectional" ) ) {
			parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_OMNIDIRECTIONAL;
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "onDemand" ) ) {
			// no longer loading sounds on demand
		// the wave files
		else if ( !token.Icmp( "leadin" ) ) {
			leadin = true;
		} else if ( token.Find( ".wav", false ) != -1 || token.Find( ".ogg", false ) != -1 ) {
			if ( token.IcmpPrefixPath( "sound/vo/" ) == 0 || token.IcmpPrefixPath( "sound/guis/" ) == 0 ) {
				parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_VO;
			if ( token.IcmpPrefixPath( "sound/musical/" ) == 0 ) {
				parms.soundShaderFlags |= SSF_MUSIC;
			// add to the wav list
			if ( s_maxSamples.GetInteger() == 0 || ( s_maxSamples.GetInteger() > 0 && entries.Num() < s_maxSamples.GetInteger() ) ) {
				entries.Append( soundSystemLocal.LoadSample( token.c_str() ) );
		} else {
			src.Warning( "unknown token '%s'", token.c_str() );
			return false;

	return true;
void idTypeInfoTools::CompareGameState( const char *fileName ) {
	int entityNum;
	idToken token;

	src = new idLexer();

	if ( !src->LoadFile( fileName ) ) {
		common->Warning( "couldn't load %s", fileName );
		delete src;
		src = NULL;

	fp = NULL;
	Write = VerifyVariable;


	if ( !src->ExpectTokenString( "gameLocal" ) || !src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ) ) {
		delete src;
		src = NULL;

	WriteClass_r( (void *)&gameLocal, "", "idGameLocal", "idGameLocal", "", 0 );

	if ( !src->ExpectTokenString( "}" ) ) {
		delete src;
		src = NULL;


	while( src->ReadToken( &token ) ) {
		if ( token != "entity" ) {
		if ( !src->ExpectTokenType( TT_NUMBER, TT_INTEGER, &token ) ) {

		entityNum = token.GetIntValue();

		if ( entityNum < 0 || entityNum >= gameLocal.num_entities ) {
			src->Warning( "entity number %d out of range", entityNum );

		typeError = false;

		idEntity *ent = gameLocal.entities[entityNum];
		if ( !ent ) {
			src->Warning( "entity %d is not spawned", entityNum );
			src->SkipBracedSection( true );

		if ( !src->ExpectTokenType( TT_NAME, 0, &token ) ) {

		if ( token.Cmp( ent->GetType()->classname ) != 0 ) {
			src->Warning( "entity %d has wrong type", entityNum );
			src->SkipBracedSection( true );

		if ( !src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ) ) {
			src->Warning( "entity %d missing leading {", entityNum );

		WriteClass_r( (void *)ent, "", ent->GetType()->classname, ent->GetType()->classname, "", 0 );

		if ( !src->SkipBracedSection( false ) ) {
			src->Warning( "entity %d missing trailing }", entityNum );

	delete src;
	src = NULL;