int ElmerReader::readNodes(node_map& nodes){ string line; double coords[3]; // store node coords int id, buffer, tokens; char test; nodes.clear(); // printf("reading nodes from \"%s\"\n",nodeFile.c_str()); ifstream in(nodeFile.c_str()); if(!in.is_open()) return -1; // printf("file opened successfully\n"); while(in.good()){ getline(in, line); test=0; // format for nodes is "node-id unused x y z" tokens=sscanf(line.c_str(),"%d %d %lf %lf %lf%c", &id, &buffer, coords, coords+1, coords+2, &test); //printf("read %d tokens: %d %d %lf %lf %lf, test is %d\n", // tokens, id, buffer, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], test); if(tokens==5 && test==0){ //line format is correct nodes[id]=vector<double>(coords, coords+3); } } in.close(); // printf("read %d nodes from %s\n", nodes.size(),nodeFile.c_str()); return nodes.size(); }
int assignRegions(id_map& regions, node_map& regionDefs, node_map& nodes, elem_map& elems){ regions.clear(); Eigen::Vector3d n; // tmp storage for a region-constraint double d; // such that the constraint is evaluated on p as<=d bool found, match; unsigned int i=0; for(elem_map::const_iterator it=elems.begin(); it!=elems.end(); ++it,++i){ // check which region fits this tri Eigen::Vector3d // a,b,c are node coordinates a (nodes[it->second[0]][0], nodes[it->second[0]][1], nodes[it->second[0]][2]), b (nodes[it->second[1]][0], nodes[it->second[1]][1], nodes[it->second[1]][2]), c (nodes[it->second[2]][0], nodes[it->second[2]][1], nodes[it->second[2]][2]); found=false; for(node_map::iterator rd=regionDefs.begin(); rd!=regionDefs.end() && !found; ++rd){ //iterate region defs match=true; for(int j=0; j<rd->second.size() && match; j+=4){ n[0]=rd->second[j ]; n[1]=rd->second[j+1]; n[2]=rd->second[j+2]; d =rd->second[j+3]; if( > d && // || // using && means tri is added to region if at least 1 vertex matches > d && // || // using || means tri is added to region if all of its vertices match > d ) match=false; } if(match){ found=true; regions[it->first]=rd->first; } } } return 0; }
int readRegionDefinitions(node_map& regionDefs, string filename){ //node_map maps id to vector<double> int nRegions=0; // number of regionDefs read bool regKwdFound=false; // look for the keyword "regions" followed by the number of regions to read string line, token; int ret, done=0; char check; double a,b,c,d; unsigned int nextId; std::istringstream strstream; ifstream in(filename.c_str()); if(!in.is_open()) return -1; while(in.good()){ getline(in, line); if(line.empty() ||'#') continue; // comments have # in the first column strstream.clear(); strstream.str(line); getline(strstream, token, ' '); if(!regKwdFound){ if("regions")==0){ regKwdFound=true; getline(strstream, token, ' '); //next token is number of regions to read ret=sscanf(token.c_str(), "%u", &nRegions); if(ret!=1){ in.close(); //printf("invalid ret=%d should be 1 on token %s\n",ret, token.c_str()); return -1; } } }else if(done<nRegions){ //reading next region until we have plenty //printf("processing '%s' done %d\n",line.c_str(),done); ret=sscanf(token.c_str(), "%u", &nextId); if(ret==1) while(getline(strstream, token, ' ')){ //token is now one condition of the region definition //printf("parsing token '%s'",token.c_str()); ret=sscanf(token.c_str(), "(%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf%c",&a,&b,&c,&d,&check); if(ret==5 && check==')'){ // correct format regionDefs[nextId].push_back(a); regionDefs[nextId].push_back(b); regionDefs[nextId].push_back(c); regionDefs[nextId].push_back(d); //printf(" ... ok\n"); } //else printf(" ... reject ret=%d, check='%c'\n",ret,check); } ++done; } } //printf("\nregionDefs:\n"); //printMap(regionDefs); // finally add an empty region def which will be the default if(regionDefs.empty()) nextId=ELEM_BASE_INDEX; else nextId = regionDefs.rbegin()->first +1; regionDefs[nextId].assign(0,0.0); return nRegions; }
arma::vec3 normalFromElnodes(const gind* elnodes, const node_map& nodes){ arma::vec3 n0 =[0])->xyzvec3(); arma::vec3 n1 =[1])->xyzvec3() - n0; arma::vec3 n2 =[2])->xyzvec3() - n0; arma::vec3 n = cross(n1,n2); n/=arma::norm(n,2.0); return n; }
void CModuleManager::remove_in_use_module_ids_from_set( const node_map &search_nodes, guid_set &set ) const { for( node_map::const_iterator i = search_nodes.begin(); i != search_nodes.end(); i++ ) { const INode *node = i->second; set.erase( node->get_interface_definition().get_module_guid() ); remove_in_use_module_ids_from_set( node->get_children(), set ); } }
bool CModuleManager::is_module_in_use( const node_map &search_nodes, const GUID &module_id ) const { for( node_map::const_iterator i = search_nodes.begin(); i != search_nodes.end(); i++ ) { const INode *node = i->second; if ( CGuidHelper::guids_are_equal( node->get_interface_definition().get_module_guid(), module_id ) ) { return true; } if( is_module_in_use( node->get_children(), module_id ) ) { return true; } } return false; }
void CServer::dump_state( const node_map &nodes, int indentation ) const { for( node_map::const_iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); i++ ) { const INode *node = i->second; for( int i = 0; i < indentation; i++ ) { std::cout << " |"; } const IInterfaceDefinition &interface_definition = node->get_interface_definition(); string module_id_string = CGuidHelper::guid_to_string( interface_definition.get_module_guid() ); std::cout << " Node: \"" << node->get_name() << "\".\t module name: " << interface_definition.get_interface_info().get_name() << ".\t module id: " << module_id_string << ".\t Path: " << node->get_path().get_string() << std::endl; bool has_children = !node->get_children().empty(); const node_endpoint_map &node_endpoints = node->get_node_endpoints(); for( node_endpoint_map::const_iterator node_endpoint_iterator = node_endpoints.begin(); node_endpoint_iterator != node_endpoints.end(); node_endpoint_iterator++ ) { const INodeEndpoint *node_endpoint = node_endpoint_iterator->second; const CValue *value = node_endpoint->get_value(); if( !value ) continue; for( int i = 0; i < indentation; i++ ) { std::cout << " |"; } std::cout << ( has_children ? " |" : " " ); string value_string = value->get_as_string(); std::cout << " -Attribute: " << node_endpoint->get_endpoint_definition().get_name() << " = " << value_string << std::endl; } if( has_children ) { dump_state( node->get_children(), indentation + 1 ); } } }
void sendClouds(ros::NodeHandle& nh, node_map& nodes, map<int,ros::Publisher>& publishers) { sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 msg; for (node_map::iterator node_it = nodes.begin(); node_it != nodes.end(); ++node_it){ Node* node = &node_it->second; if (publishers.find(node->cluster_id) == publishers.end()) { // create new publisher: ros::Publisher pub; char buff[20]; sprintf(buff, "/cluster_%i", node->cluster_id); pub = nh.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(string(buff),5); publishers[node->cluster_id] = pub; } if (publishers.find(node->cluster_id)->second.getNumSubscribers() == 0) continue; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> pc_global; pcl::transformPointCloud(node->frame.dense_pointcloud,pc_global,node->pose.cast<float>()); pcl::toROSMsg (pc_global, msg); msg.header.frame_id= "/openni_rgb_optical_frame"; // /fixed_frame"; msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); msg.header.seq = node->node_id; publishers.find(node->cluster_id)->second.publish(msg); } }
void sendClouds_simple(ros::Publisher pub, node_map& nodes) { if (pub.getNumSubscribers() == 0) return; sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 msg; for (node_map::iterator node_it = nodes.begin(); node_it != nodes.end(); ++node_it){ Node* node = &node_it->second; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> pc_global; pcl::transformPointCloud(node->frame.dense_pointcloud,pc_global,node->pose.cast<float>()); pcl::toROSMsg (pc_global, msg); msg.header.frame_id= "/openni_rgb_optical_frame"; // /fixed_frame"; msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); msg.header.seq = node->node_id; // ROS_INFO("sending cloud %i", node->node_id); pub.publish(msg); } }
int readVCG(std::string filename, node_map& nodes, elem_map& elems){ localReaderVCG::MyMesh mesh; nodes.clear(); elems.clear(); int r = io::Importer<localReaderVCG::MyMesh>::Open(mesh,filename.c_str()); id_map vertexId; unsigned int k=NODE_BASE_INDEX; for(localReaderVCG::MyMesh::VertexIterator vi=mesh.vert.begin(); vi!=mesh.vert.end(); ++vi) if(!vi->IsD()){ nodes[k].assign(3,0.0); nodes[k][0]= vi->P()[0]; nodes[k][1]= vi->P()[1]; nodes[k][2]= vi->P()[2]; vertexId[vi-mesh.vert.begin()]=k; ++k; } k=ELEM_BASE_INDEX; for(localReaderVCG::MyMesh::FaceIterator fi=mesh.face.begin(); fi!=mesh.face.end(); ++fi) if(!fi->IsD()){ elems[k].assign(3,0); elems[k][0]=vertexId[tri::Index(mesh, fi->V(0))]; elems[k][1]=vertexId[tri::Index(mesh, fi->V(1))]; elems[k][2]=vertexId[tri::Index(mesh, fi->V(2))]; ++k; } return r; }
void visualizeOdometry_GT(node_map& nodes, FrameGenerator& frame_gen, bool estimate) { int size_px = 800; float border_m = 0.25; // size of border around bounding box cv::Mat odo_img(size_px, size_px,CV_32FC3); odo_img.setTo(cv::Scalar::all(0)); // compute the track's bounding box cv::Point2f min_(1e5,1e5); cv::Point2f max_(-1e5,-1e5); for (node_it it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) { cv::Point2f p; if (estimate){ p.x = (*it).second.opt_pose(0,3); p.y = (*it).second.opt_pose(1,3); } else p = (*it).second.gt_pos_xy; min_.x = min(min_.x,p.x); max_.x = max(max_.x,p.x); min_.y = min(min_.y,p.y); max_.y = max(max_.y,p.y); } // 0.5 Abstand um die Bounding Box double m2px_x = (2*border_m+ (max_.x-min_.x))/size_px; double m2px_y = (2*border_m+ (max_.y-min_.y))/size_px; double m2px = max(m2px_x,m2px_y); // ROS_INFO("m2px: %f", m2px); // ROS_INFO("min: %f %f", min_.x, min_.y); map<uint, cv::Point> px_pos; for (node_it it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) { cv::Point2f p; if (estimate){ p.x = (*it).second.opt_pose(0,3); p.y = (*it).second.opt_pose(1,3); } else p = (*it).second.gt_pos_xy; // printf("gt_pos: %f %f \n", p.x,p.y); px_pos[it->first] = cv::Point2i( (p.x-(min_.x-border_m))/m2px , (p.y-(min_.y-border_m))/m2px ) ; // ROS_INFO("px: %i %i",px_pos[it->first].x, px_pos[it->first].y ); // px_pos[it->first] = cv::Point2i( (border_m+(p.x-min_.x))/m2px, (border_m+(p.y-min_.y))/m2px ); } for (float x = floor(min_.x-border_m); x <= ceil(max_.x+border_m); x+=0.25) { int px_x = (x-(min_.x-border_m))/m2px; cv::line(odo_img,cv::Point2i(px_x,0),cv::Point2i(px_x,size_px), cv::Scalar(255,255,255),1); } for (float y = floor(min_.y-border_m); y <= ceil(max_.y+border_m); y+=0.25) { int px_y = (y-(min_.y-border_m))/m2px; cv::line(odo_img,cv::Point2i(0,px_y),cv::Point2i(size_px,px_y), cv::Scalar(255,255,255),1); } // show node positions for (node_it it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) { Node* current = &(*it).second; if (current->is_keyframe) cv::circle(odo_img,px_pos[current->node_id],3,cv::Scalar(255,0,0),1 ); else cv::circle(odo_img,px_pos[current->node_id],1,cv::Scalar(255,255,255),1 ); } // if (nodes.size() > 0){ // Node* last = &nodes.rbegin()->second; // for (uint i=0; i<last->tree_proposals.size(); ++i) // cv::line(odo_img,px_pos[last->node_id],px_pos[nodes[last->tree_proposals[i]].node_id],cv::Scalar::all(255),1); // } // show edges: for (node_it it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); ++it) { Node* current = &(*it).second; for (uint j=0; j<current->matches.size(); j++) { Node_match* nm = ¤t->; if (current->node_id < nm->other_id) continue; // ROS_INFO("edges: %i %i", current->node_id, nm->other_id); Node* neighbour = &nodes[nm->other_id]; int r,g,b; r=g=b=0; // ROS_INFO("type: %i", nm->type); switch (nm->type) { case ET_Direct_neighbour: r = b = 255; break; // yellow case ET_Tree_Proposal: r = 255; break; // red case ET_Ring: g = 255; break; case ET_Last_match: g = r = 255; break; default: r=g=b=255; break; } cv::Scalar col = cv::Scalar(b,g,r); cv::line(odo_img,px_pos[current->node_id],px_pos[neighbour->node_id],col,1); } } // if (frame_gen.node_id_running % 10 == 0){ // char buffer[300]; // sprintf(buffer, "/home/engelhar/Desktop/img/%i.png", (int)frame_gen.node_id_running);; // cv::imwrite(buffer, odo_img); // } if (estimate){ cv::namedWindow("pos_Est",1); cv::imshow("pos_Est",odo_img); } else { cv::namedWindow("odometry_GT",1); cv::imshow("odometry_GT",odo_img); } cv::waitKey(10); }
void sendMarkers(ros::Publisher pub_marker, ros::Publisher pub_marker_array , node_map& nodes) { visualization_msgs::MarkerArray m_array; if (pub_marker_array.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { for (node_map::iterator nm_it = nodes.begin(); nm_it !=nodes.end(); ++nm_it) { visualization_msgs::Marker marker; visualization_msgs::Marker marker_text; Eigen::Vector4d P = Eigen::Vector4d::Zero(); P.array()[3] = 1; Eigen::Vector4d start = nm_it->second.pose*P; P.array()[2] = 0.2; // 20cm in z-direction Eigen::Vector4d end = nm_it->second.pose*P; // cerr << "node " << nm_it->second.node_id << " at: " << start << endl; marker.header.frame_id = "/openni_rgb_optical_frame"; marker.header.stamp = ros::Time(); marker.ns = "cam_positions_ns"; = nm_it->first*2; marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW; marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::MODIFY; // same as add geometry_msgs::Point p,p2; p.x = start.array()[0]; p.y = start.array()[1]; p.z = start.array()[2]; marker.points.push_back(p); p2.x = end.array()[0]; p2.y = end.array()[1]; p2.z = end.array()[2]; marker.points.push_back(p2); marker.scale.x = 0.01; // radius in m marker.scale.y = 0.03; // head radius in m marker.color.a = 1; // ROS_INFO("drawing node with cluster %i ( mod 3 = %i)",nm_it->second.cluster_id, nm_it->second.cluster_id%3 ); // cout << "at " << nm_it->second.pose << endl; marker.color.r = marker.color.g = marker.color.b = 0; switch (nm_it->second.cluster_id%3) { case 0: marker.color.b = 1; break; case 1: marker.color.g = 1; break; case 2: marker.color.r = 1; break; default: break; } m_array.markers.push_back(marker); marker_text.header.frame_id = "/openni_rgb_optical_frame";//"/fixed_frame"; //marker_text.header.frame_id = "/fixed_frame"; marker_text.header.stamp = ros::Time(); marker_text.ns = "cam_positions_ns"; = nm_it->first*2+1; marker_text.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::TEXT_VIEW_FACING; marker_text.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::MODIFY; // same as add char buff[20]; sprintf(buff, "%i", nm_it->first); marker_text.text = string(buff); marker_text.color = marker.color; marker_text.scale.z = 0.02; marker_text.pose.position.x = nm_it->second.pose(0,3); marker_text.pose.position.y = nm_it->second.pose(1,3); marker_text.pose.position.z = nm_it->second.pose(2,3)-0.1; m_array.markers.push_back(marker_text); } // ROS_ERROR("published %i arrows", (int) m_array.markers.size()); pub_marker_array.publish(m_array); } if (pub_marker.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { // publish connections between cameras visualization_msgs::Marker m_cam_edge_list; m_cam_edge_list.header.frame_id = "/openni_rgb_optical_frame"; //"/fixed_frame"; m_cam_edge_list.header.stamp = ros::Time(); m_cam_edge_list.ns = "cam_matches_ns";; m_cam_edge_list.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_LIST; m_cam_edge_list.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::MODIFY; m_cam_edge_list.color.a =1; m_cam_edge_list.color.g = 1; m_cam_edge_list.color.r = m_cam_edge_list.color.b = 0; m_cam_edge_list.scale.x = 0.005; // line width in m for (node_map::iterator nm_it = nodes.begin(); nm_it !=nodes.end(); ++nm_it) { Node* current = &nm_it->second; Eigen::Vector4d P = Eigen::Vector4d::Zero(); P.array()[3] = 1; // homogeneous coordinates Eigen::Vector4d p1 = current->pose*P; geometry_msgs::Point p; p.x = p1.array()[0]; p.y = p1.array()[1]; p.z = p1.array()[2]; for (uint i=0; i<current->matches.size(); ++i) { Node* other = &nodes[current->]; Eigen::Vector4d p2 = other->pose*P; geometry_msgs::Point gp; gp.x = p2.array()[0]; gp.y = p2.array()[1]; gp.z = p2.array()[2]; // ROS_INFO("vis edge between %i and %i", current->node_id, other->node_id); m_cam_edge_list.points.push_back(p); m_cam_edge_list.points.push_back(gp); } } pub_marker.publish(m_cam_edge_list); } }
int BEMReader::readModel(elem_map& elems, id_map& bodyIDs, elem_map& bndrys, elem_map& bndryParents, node_map& nodes, const ELEM_TYPE elemType, const std::set<unsigned int> elemBodies, const ELEM_TYPE bndryType, const std::set<unsigned int> bndryBodies ){ //if meshFile ends with ".stl", ".obj", ".ply" etc. use VCG to read raw-mesh (nodes & elems, nothing more) if( meshFile.find(".stl")!=meshFile.npos || meshFile.find(".obj")!=meshFile.npos || meshFile.find(".off")!=meshFile.npos || meshFile.find(".ply")!=meshFile.npos ){ printf("\n%% reading raw triangle mesh from %s (requires --remesh option)\n%%\t",meshFile.c_str()); return readVCG(meshFile,nodes,elems); } node_map nodes_in; //elem_map elems_in; int ret; // read elements and nodes ret=readElems(elems, elemType, elemBodies,ELEMENTS_FILE,&bodyIDs); if(ret<0) return ret; ret=readNodes(nodes_in); if(ret<0) return ret; // now switch to .boundary file string tmp=elemFile; elemFile=meshFile; elemFile.append(".boundary"); ret=readElems(bndrys,bndryType,bndryBodies,BOUNDARY_FILE,NULL,&bndryParents,true); // restore state of the BEMReader object elemFile=tmp; //if(ret<0) return ret; // it's ok to not have a boundary file, if there's no pre-defined cracks // reading is complete, but for HyENA-BEM compatibility the nodes need to be numbered // in the same order as they appear in the element map. // run through the element map and decide new node numbers id_map fwd;// bkwd; // fwd[old_id]=new_id, bkwd[new_id]=old_id unsigned int new_id=NODE_BASE_INDEX; for(elem_map::iterator i = elems.begin(); i!=elems.end(); ++i){ //run through all nodes of the element for(elem_map::mapped_type::iterator j = i->second.begin(); j!=i->second.end(); ++j){ if(fwd.count(*j)==0){ // assing new number at first occurence of node fwd[*j]=new_id; //bkwd[new_id]=*j; new_id++; } (*j)=fwd[*j]; //update element } } nodes.clear(); // copy from nodes_in to nodes while applying new numbering for(node_map::iterator i = nodes_in.begin(); i!= nodes_in.end(); ++i){ nodes[fwd[i->first]] = i->second; } // apply new numbering to bndry elements for(elem_map::iterator i = bndrys.begin(); i!=bndrys.end(); ++i){ for(elem_map::mapped_type::iterator j = i->second.begin(); j!=i->second.end(); ++j){ (*j)=fwd[*j]; //update element } } return elems.size(); }