static PRUint32
net_FindMediaDelimiter(const nsCString& flatStr,
                       PRUint32 searchStart,
                       char delimiter)
    do {
        // searchStart points to the spot from which we should start looking
        // for the delimiter.
        const char delimStr[] = { delimiter, '"', '\0' };
        PRUint32 curDelimPos = flatStr.FindCharInSet(delimStr, searchStart);
        if (curDelimPos == PRUint32(kNotFound))
            return flatStr.Length();
        char ch = flatStr.CharAt(curDelimPos);
        if (ch == delimiter) {
            // Found delimiter
            return curDelimPos;

        // We hit the start of a quoted string.  Look for its end.
        searchStart = net_FindStringEnd(flatStr, curDelimPos, ch);
        if (searchStart == flatStr.Length())
            return searchStart;


        // searchStart now points to the first char after the end of the
        // string, so just go back to the top of the loop and look for
        // |delimiter| again.
    } while (true);

    NS_NOTREACHED("How did we get here?");
    return flatStr.Length();
nsGopherContentStream::ParseTypeAndSelector(char &type, nsCString &selector)
    nsCAutoString buffer;
    nsresult rv = mChannel->URI()->GetPath(buffer); // unescaped down below
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
        return rv;

    // No path given
    if (buffer[0] == '\0' || (buffer[0] == '/' && buffer[1] == '\0')) {
        type = '1';
    } else {
        NS_ENSURE_STATE(buffer[1] != '\0');

        type = buffer[1]; // Ignore leading '/'

        // Do it this way in case selector contains embedded nulls after
        // unescaping.
        char *sel = buffer.BeginWriting() + 2;
        PRInt32 count = nsUnescapeCount(sel);
        selector.Assign(sel, count);

        // NOTE: FindCharInSet cannot be used to search for a null byte.
        if (selector.FindCharInSet("\t\n\r") != kNotFound ||
            selector.FindChar('\0') != kNotFound) {
            // gopher selectors cannot containt tab, cr, lf, or \0
            return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI;

    return NS_OK;
// Return the index of the closing quote of the string, if any
static PRUint32
net_FindStringEnd(const nsCString& flatStr,
                  PRUint32 stringStart,
                  char stringDelim)
    NS_ASSERTION(stringStart < flatStr.Length() &&
                 flatStr.CharAt(stringStart) == stringDelim &&
                 (stringDelim == '"' || stringDelim == '\''),
                 "Invalid stringStart");

    const char set[] = { stringDelim, '\\', '\0' };
    do {
        // stringStart points to either the start quote or the last
        // escaped char (the char following a '\\')
        // Write to searchStart here, so that when we get back to the
        // top of the loop right outside this one we search from the
        // right place.
        PRUint32 stringEnd = flatStr.FindCharInSet(set, stringStart + 1);
        if (stringEnd == PRUint32(kNotFound))
            return flatStr.Length();

        if (flatStr.CharAt(stringEnd) == '\\') {
            // Hit a backslash-escaped char.  Need to skip over it.
            stringStart = stringEnd + 1;
            if (stringStart == flatStr.Length())
                return stringStart;

            // Go back to looking for the next escape or the string end

        return stringEnd;

    } while (true);

    NS_NOTREACHED("How did we get here?");
    return flatStr.Length();