void Rewriter::relocate_and_link(instanceKlassHandle this_oop,
                                 objArrayHandle methods, TRAPS) {
  int len = methods->length();
  for (int i = len-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    methodHandle m(THREAD, (methodOop)methods->obj_at(i));

    if (m->has_jsrs()) {
      m = rewrite_jsrs(m, CHECK);
      // Method might have gotten rewritten.
      methods->obj_at_put(i, m());

    // Set up method entry points for compiler and interpreter    .
    m->link_method(m, CHECK);

    // This is for JVMTI and unrelated to relocator but the last thing we do
#ifdef ASSERT
    if (StressMethodComparator) {
      static int nmc = 0;
      for (int j = i; j >= 0 && j >= i-4; j--) {
        if ((++nmc % 1000) == 0)  tty->print_cr("Have run MethodComparator %d times...", nmc);
        bool z = MethodComparator::methods_EMCP(m(),
        if (j == i && !z) {
          tty->print("MethodComparator FAIL: "); m->print(); m->print_codes();
          assert(z, "method must compare equal to itself");
#endif //ASSERT
// Fill in the StackFrameInfo at the given index in frames_array
void JavaFrameStream::fill_frame(int index, objArrayHandle  frames_array,
                                 const methodHandle& method, TRAPS) {
    if (_need_method_info) {
        Handle stackFrame(THREAD, frames_array->obj_at(index));
        fill_stackframe(stackFrame, method);
    } else {
        frames_array->obj_at_put(index, method->method_holder()->java_mirror());
// Unpacks one or more frames into user-supplied buffers.
// Updates the end index, and returns the number of unpacked frames.
// Always start with the existing vfst.method and bci.
// Do not call vfst.next to advance over the last returned value.
// In other words, do not leave any stale data in the vfst.
// Parameters:
//   mode             Restrict which frames to be decoded.
//   JavaFrameStream  stream of javaVFrames
//   max_nframes      Maximum number of frames to be filled.
//   start_index      Start index to the user-supplied buffers.
//   frames_array     Buffer to store Class or StackFrame in, starting at start_index.
//                    frames array is a Class<?>[] array when only getting caller
//                    reference, and a StackFrameInfo[] array (or derivative)
//                    otherwise. It should never be null.
//   end_index        End index to the user-supplied buffers with unpacked frames.
// Returns the number of frames whose information was transferred into the buffers.
int StackWalk::fill_in_frames(jlong mode, JavaFrameStream& stream,
                              int max_nframes, int start_index,
                              objArrayHandle  frames_array,
                              int& end_index, TRAPS) {
  if (TraceStackWalk) {
    tty->print_cr("fill_in_frames limit=%d start=%d frames length=%d",
                  max_nframes, start_index, frames_array->length());
  assert(max_nframes > 0, "invalid max_nframes");
  assert(start_index + max_nframes <= frames_array->length(), "oob");

  int frames_decoded = 0;
  for (; !stream.at_end(); stream.next()) {
    Method* method = stream.method();
    int bci = stream.bci();

    if (method == NULL) continue;
    if (!ShowHiddenFrames && StackWalk::skip_hidden_frames(mode)) {
      if (method->is_hidden()) {
        if (TraceStackWalk) {
          tty->print("  hidden method: "); method->print_short_name();

    int index = end_index++;
    if (TraceStackWalk) {
      tty->print("  %d: frame method: ", index); method->print_short_name();
      tty->print_cr(" bci=%d", bci);

    // fill in StackFrameInfo and initialize MemberName
    if (live_frame_info(mode)) {
      assert (use_frames_array(mode), "Bad mode for get live frame");
      Handle stackFrame(frames_array->obj_at(index));
      fill_live_stackframe(stackFrame, method, bci, stream.java_frame(), CHECK_0);
    } else if (need_method_info(mode)) {
      assert (use_frames_array(mode), "Bad mode for get stack frame");
      Handle stackFrame(frames_array->obj_at(index));
      fill_stackframe(stackFrame, method, bci);
    } else {
      assert (use_frames_array(mode) == false, "Bad mode for get caller class");
      frames_array->obj_at_put(index, method->method_holder()->java_mirror());
    if (++frames_decoded >= max_nframes)  break;
  return frames_decoded;
void JavaAssertions::fillJavaArrays(const OptionList* p, int len,
objArrayHandle names, typeArrayHandle enabled, TRAPS) {
  // Fill in the parallel names and enabled (boolean) arrays.  Start at the end
  // of the array and work backwards, so the order of items in the arrays
  // matches the order on the command line (the list is in reverse order, since
  // it was created by prepending successive items from the command line).
  int index;
  for (index = len - 1; p != 0; p = p->next(), --index) {
    assert(index >= 0, "length does not match list");
    Handle s = java_lang_String::create_from_str(p->name(), CHECK);
    s = java_lang_String::char_converter(s, '/', '.', CHECK);
    names->obj_at_put(index, s());
    enabled->bool_at_put(index, p->enabled());
  assert(index == -1, "length does not match list");
bool BaseFrameStream::cleanup_magic_on_exit(objArrayHandle frames_array) {
    bool ok = check_magic(frames_array);
    frames_array->obj_at_put(magic_pos, NULL);
    _anchor = 0L;
    return ok;
// setup and cleanup actions
void BaseFrameStream::setup_magic_on_entry(objArrayHandle frames_array) {
    frames_array->obj_at_put(magic_pos, _thread->threadObj());
    _anchor = address_value();
    assert(check_magic(frames_array), "invalid magic");
bool StackWalkAnchor::cleanup_magic_on_exit(objArrayHandle classes_array) {
  bool ok = check_magic(classes_array);
  classes_array->obj_at_put(magic_pos, NULL);
  _anchor = 0L;
  return ok;
// setup and cleanup actions
void StackWalkAnchor::setup_magic_on_entry(objArrayHandle classes_array) {
  classes_array->obj_at_put(magic_pos, _thread->threadObj());
  _anchor = address_value();
  assert(check_magic(classes_array), "invalid magic");