object_ptr interpreter::make_text (parameters &command) {
   TRACE ('f', command);
   string first = shift(command);
   string font = "";
   double size = 12.0; //Default size is 12 for text
   //If conversion succeeds, then next string on list is the fontname,
   //otherwise the string that couldn't be converted to a double is
   //the fontname.
      size = from_string<double>(first);
      font = shift(command);
   catch (runtime_error &error){
      font = first;
   //At this point, the rest of the words are text to be printed.
   string textdata{};
   parameters::const_iterator itor = command.begin();
   parameters::const_iterator end = command.end();
   for(; itor != end; ++itor){
      textdata += *itor + ' ';
   }textdata += *itor;//remove trailing space
   return make_shared<text> (font, points(size), textdata);
datasource_ptr datasource_cache::create(const parameters& params, bool bind)
    boost::optional<std::string> type = params.get<std::string>("type");
    if ( ! type)
        throw config_error(std::string("Could not create datasource. Required ") +
                           "parameter 'type' is missing");

    mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);

    datasource_ptr ds;
    std::map<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<PluginInfo> >::iterator itr=plugins_.find(*type);
    if ( itr == plugins_.end() )
        throw config_error(std::string("Could not create datasource. No plugin ") +
                           "found for type '" + * type + "' (searched in: " + plugin_directories() + ")");

    if ( ! itr->second->handle())
        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Cannot load library: ") +

    // http://www.mr-edd.co.uk/blog/supressing_gcc_warnings
#ifdef __GNUC__
        create_ds* create_datasource =
        reinterpret_cast<create_ds*>(lt_dlsym(itr->second->handle(), "create"));

    if (! create_datasource)
        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Cannot load symbols: ") +

    MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(datasource_cache) << "datasource_cache: Size=" << params.size();

    parameters::const_iterator i = params.begin();
    for (; i != params.end(); ++i)
        MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(datasource_cache) << "datasource_cache: -- " << i->first << "=" << i->second;

    ds = datasource_ptr(create_datasource(params, bind), datasource_deleter());

    MAPNIK_LOG_DEBUG(datasource_cache) << "datasource_cache: Datasource=" << ds << " type=" << type;

    return ds;
 static return_type extract(parameters const& params,
                            std::string const& name,
                            boost::optional<T> const& default_opt_value)
     boost::optional<T> result(default_opt_value);
     parameters::const_iterator itr = params.find(name);
     if (itr != params.end())
     return result;
 static boost::python::tuple
 getstate(const parameters& p)
     using namespace boost::python;
     dict d;
     parameters::const_iterator pos=p.begin();
         d[pos->first] = pos->second;
     return boost::python::make_tuple(d);
boost::python::list list_params(parameters& p)
    boost::python::list l;
    parameters::const_iterator pos=p.begin();
        boost::python::list vals;
        pickle_value serializer( vals );
        mapnik::value_holder val = pos->second;
        boost::apply_visitor( serializer, val );
    return l;
boost::python::dict dict_params(parameters& p)
    boost::python::dict d;
    parameters::const_iterator pos=p.begin();
        boost::python::list vals;
        pickle_value serializer( vals );
        mapnik::value_holder val = pos->second;
        boost::apply_visitor( serializer, val );
        d[pos->first] = vals[0];
    return d;
chained_datasource::chained_datasource(const parameters& params, bool _bind) :
	// Iterate over params and populate m_source_params
	// from all parameters that start with "src_"
	for (parameters::const_iterator iter=params.begin(); iter!=params.end(); iter++) {
		const std::string &name(iter->first);
		if (!boost::starts_with(name, "src_")) continue;

		const std::string sub_name(name.substr(4));

	if (_bind) {
 static boost::python::tuple
 getstate(const parameters& p)
     using namespace boost::python;
     dict d;
     parameters::const_iterator pos=p.begin();
         boost::python::list vals;
         pickle_value serializer( vals );
         mapnik::value_holder val = pos->second;
         boost::apply_visitor( serializer, val );
         d[pos->first] = vals[0];
     return boost::python::make_tuple(d);
	matches im_utility::diff(const std::string &im_file1, const std::string &im_file2, const parameters &params, key_points *im1_kps, key_points *im2_kps)
		using namespace cv;
		matches mt;
		std::vector<KeyPoint> im1_key_points, im2_key_points;
		std::vector<DMatch> matches;
		std::vector<DMatch> good_matches;

		double min_hessian = 400.0;
		if (params.find(key_hessian_threshold) != params.end()) min_hessian = params.at(key_hessian_threshold);
		double sigma = 2.0;
		if (params.find(key_match_threshold) != params.end()) sigma = params.at(key_match_threshold);
		int speedup = speedup_default;
		if (params.find(key_speedup) != params.end())
			speedup = params.at(key_speedup);

		//auto info = getBuildInformation();
		if (speedup == speedup_use_cuda)
			using namespace gpu;
			DeviceInfo dev;
			auto name = dev.name();
			GpuMat img1, img2;

			// upload data
			img1.upload(imread(im_file1, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE));
			img2.upload(imread(im_file2, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE));

			// detect keypoints & computing descriptors
			SURF_GPU surf;
			GpuMat kps_gpu1, kps_gpu2;
			GpuMat desc_gpu1, desc_gpu2;

			surf(img1, GpuMat(), kps_gpu1, desc_gpu1);
			surf(img2, GpuMat(), kps_gpu2, desc_gpu2);

			// matching descriptors
			BFMatcher_GPU matcher_gpu(NORM_L2);
			GpuMat trainIdx, distance;
			matcher_gpu.matchSingle(desc_gpu1, desc_gpu2, trainIdx, distance);

			// download results
			std::vector<float> desc1, desc2;
			surf.downloadKeypoints(kps_gpu1, im1_key_points);
			surf.downloadKeypoints(kps_gpu2, im2_key_points);
			surf.downloadDescriptors(desc_gpu1, desc1);
			surf.downloadDescriptors(desc_gpu2, desc2);
			BFMatcher_GPU::matchDownload(trainIdx, distance, matches);

			good_matches = matches;
		else if (speedup == speedup_use_ocl)
			using namespace ocl;
			DevicesInfo devs;
			getOpenCLDevices(devs, CVCL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU);

			int dev = 0;
			if (params.find(key_ocl_dev) != params.end())
				dev = params.at(key_ocl_dev);

 			if (dev < 0 || dev >= devs.size()) dev = 0;

			SURF_OCL surf(800.0);
			BFMatcher_OCL matcher(NORM_L2);
			oclMat desc1, desc2;
			oclMat im1, im2;
			im1 = imread(im_file1, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
			im2 = imread(im_file2, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
			surf(im1, oclMat(), im1_key_points, desc1);
			surf(im2, oclMat(), im2_key_points, desc2);
			matcher.match(desc1, desc2, matches);

			double max_dist = 0;
			double min_dist = 100;
			for (int i = 0; i < desc1.rows; i++)
				double dist = matches[i].distance;
				if (dist < min_dist) min_dist = dist;
				if (dist > max_dist) max_dist = dist;

			for (int i = 0; i < desc1.rows; i++)
				if (matches[i].distance <= max(sigma * min_dist, 0.02))
			auto get_file_desc = [](const std::string &filename, double min_hessian, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> *out_key_points)
				using namespace cv;
				Mat desc;
				Mat img = imread(filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
				if (!img.data) return desc;

				SurfFeatureDetector detecter(min_hessian);

				std::vector<KeyPoint> key_points;
				detecter.detect(img, key_points);

				if (out_key_points) *out_key_points = key_points;

				if (key_points.empty())
					std::cout << "no feature detected: " << filename << std::endl;
					return desc;

				SurfDescriptorExtractor extractor;
				extractor.compute(img, key_points, desc);

				return desc;

			auto im1_desc = get_file_desc(im_file1, min_hessian, &im1_key_points);
			auto im2_desc = get_file_desc(im_file2, min_hessian, &im2_key_points);
			FlannBasedMatcher matcher;

			matcher.match(im1_desc, im2_desc, matches);

			double max_dist = 0;
			double min_dist = 100;
			for (int i = 0; i < im1_desc.rows; i++)
				double dist = matches[i].distance;
				if (dist < min_dist) min_dist = dist;
				if (dist > max_dist) max_dist = dist;

			for (int i = 0; i < im1_desc.rows; i++)
				if (matches[i].distance <= max(sigma * min_dist, 0.02))

		auto conv_keypoint = [](const std::vector<KeyPoint> &kps)
			key_points out;
			std::transform(kps.begin(), kps.end(), std::back_inserter(out), [](const KeyPoint &kp){
				//return key_point{ kp.pt.x, kp.pt.y, kp.size, kp.angle };
				key_point p;
				p.x = kp.pt.x;
				p.y = kp.pt.y;
				p.size = kp.size;
				p.angle = kp.angle;
				return p;
			return out;

		auto kps1 = conv_keypoint(im1_key_points);
		auto kps2 = conv_keypoint(im2_key_points);

		if (im1_kps)
			*im1_kps = kps1;
		if (im2_kps)
			*im2_kps = kps2;

		std::transform(good_matches.begin(), good_matches.end(), std::back_inserter(mt), [&](const DMatch &m)
			//return match{ kps1[m.queryIdx] , kps2[m.trainIdx] , m.distance };
			match ma;
			ma.pt1 = kps1[m.queryIdx];
			ma.pt2 = kps2[m.trainIdx];
			ma.distance = m.distance;
			return ma;

		return mt;
datasource_ptr datasource_cache::create(parameters const& params)
    boost::optional<std::string> type = params.get<std::string>("type");
    if ( ! type)
        throw config_error(std::string("Could not create datasource. Required ") +
                           "parameter 'type' is missing");

    datasource_ptr ds;

    // return if it's created, raise otherwise
    ds = create_static_datasource(params);
    if (ds)
        return ds;

    mapnik::scoped_lock lock(mutex_);

    std::map<std::string,std::shared_ptr<PluginInfo> >::iterator itr=plugins_.find(*type);
    if (itr == plugins_.end())
        std::string s("Could not create datasource for type: '");
        s += *type + "'";
        if (plugin_directories_.empty())
            s += " (no datasource plugin directories have been successfully registered)";
            s += " (searched for datasource plugins in '" + plugin_directories() + "')";
        throw config_error(s);

    if (! itr->second->valid())
        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Cannot load library: ") +

    // http://www.mr-edd.co.uk/blog/supressing_gcc_warnings
#ifdef __GNUC__
        create_ds* create_datasource = reinterpret_cast<create_ds*>(itr->second->get_symbol("create"));

    if (! create_datasource)
        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Cannot load symbols: ") +

    ds = datasource_ptr(create_datasource(params), datasource_deleter());

        << "datasource_cache: Datasource="
        << ds << " type=" << type;

        << "datasource_cache: Size="
        << params.size();

    parameters::const_iterator i = params.begin();
    for (; i != params.end(); ++i)
            << "datasource_cache: -- "
            << i->first << "=" << i->second;

    return ds;