environment namespace_cmd(parser & p) { auto pos = p.pos(); name n = p.check_atomic_id_next("invalid namespace declaration, atomic identifier expected"); if (is_root_namespace(n)) throw parser_error(sstream() << "invalid namespace name, '" << n << "' is reserved", pos); return push_scope(p.env(), p.ios(), n); }
environment coercion_cmd(parser & p) { auto pos = p.pos(); expr f = p.parse_expr(); if (!is_constant(f)) throw parser_error("invalid 'coercion' command, constant expected", pos); if (p.curr_is_token(g_colon)) { p.next(); pos = p.pos(); expr C = p.parse_expr(); if (!is_constant(C)) throw parser_error("invalid 'coercion' command, constant expected", pos); return add_coercion(p.env(), const_name(f), const_name(C), p.ios()); } else { return add_coercion(p.env(), const_name(f), p.ios()); } }
// using [class] id (id ...) (renaming id->id id->id) (hiding id ... id) environment using_cmd(parser & p) { environment env = p.env(); while (true) { name cls = parse_class(p); bool decls = cls.is_anonymous() || cls == g_decls || cls == g_declarations; auto pos = p.pos(); name ns = p.check_id_next("invalid 'using' command, identifier expected"); optional<name> real_ns = to_valid_namespace_name(env, ns); if (!real_ns) throw parser_error(sstream() << "invalid namespace name '" << ns << "'", pos); ns = *real_ns; env = using_namespace(env, p.ios(), ns, cls); if (decls) { // Remark: we currently to not allow renaming and hiding of universe levels buffer<name> exceptions; bool found_explicit = false; while (p.curr_is_token(g_lparen)) { p.next(); if (p.curr_is_token_or_id(g_renaming)) { p.next(); while (p.curr_is_identifier()) { name from_id = p.get_name_val(); p.next(); p.check_token_next(g_arrow, "invalid 'using' command renaming, '->' expected"); name to_id = p.check_id_next("invalid 'using' command renaming, identifier expected"); check_identifier(p, env, ns, from_id); exceptions.push_back(from_id); env = add_expr_alias(env, to_id, ns+from_id); } } else if (p.curr_is_token_or_id(g_hiding)) { p.next(); while (p.curr_is_identifier()) { name id = p.get_name_val(); p.next(); check_identifier(p, env, ns, id); exceptions.push_back(id); } } else if (p.curr_is_identifier()) { found_explicit = true; while (p.curr_is_identifier()) { name id = p.get_name_val(); p.next(); check_identifier(p, env, ns, id); env = add_expr_alias(env, id, ns+id); } } else { throw parser_error("invalid 'using' command option, identifier, 'hiding' or 'renaming' expected", p.pos()); } if (found_explicit && !exceptions.empty()) throw parser_error("invalid 'using' command option, mixing explicit and implicit 'using' options", p.pos()); p.check_token_next(g_rparen, "invalid 'using' command option, ')' expected"); } if (!found_explicit) env = add_aliases(env, ns, name(), exceptions.size(), exceptions.data()); } if (!p.curr_is_token(g_lbracket) && !p.curr_is_identifier()) break; } return env; }
environment check_cmd(parser & p) { expr e = p.parse_expr(); list<expr> ctx = locals_to_context(e, p); level_param_names ls = to_level_param_names(collect_univ_params(e)); level_param_names new_ls; std::tie(e, new_ls) = p.elaborate_relaxed(e, ctx); auto tc = mk_type_checker_with_hints(p.env(), p.mk_ngen(), true); expr type = tc->check(e, append(ls, new_ls)); auto reg = p.regular_stream(); formatter const & fmt = reg.get_formatter(); options opts = p.ios().get_options(); unsigned indent = get_pp_indent(opts); format r = group(format{fmt(e), space(), colon(), nest(indent, compose(line(), fmt(type)))}); reg << mk_pair(r, opts) << endl; return p.env(); }
environment print_cmd(parser & p) { if (p.curr() == scanner::token_kind::String) { p.regular_stream() << p.get_str_val() << endl; p.next(); } else if (p.curr_is_token_or_id(g_raw)) { p.next(); expr e = p.parse_expr(); p.regular_stream() << e << endl; } else if (p.curr_is_token_or_id(g_options)) { p.next(); p.regular_stream() << p.ios().get_options() << endl; } else { throw parser_error("invalid print command", p.pos()); } return p.env(); }
environment section_cmd(parser & p) { p.push_local_scope(); return push_scope(p.env(), p.ios()); }