long bottom(const rectangle& r) { return r.bottom(); }
long top(const rectangle& r) { return r.top(); }
long right(const rectangle& r) { return r.right(); }
	vec2 getCenter()const { return bounds.center(); };
long left(const rectangle& r) { return r.left(); }
    This function mimics the priority PROM/circuit on the pcb.  It takes
    the tilemaps & sprite bitmaps as inputs, and outputs a final pixel
    based on alpha & priority values.  Rendering sprites to temporary
    bitmaps is the only reasonable way to implement proper priority &
    blending support - it can't be done in-place on the final framebuffer
    without a lot of support bitmaps.
void nslasher_state::mixDualAlphaSprites(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, gfx_element *gfx0, gfx_element *gfx1, int mixAlphaTilemap)
	const pen_t *pens = m_deco_ace->pens();
	const pen_t *pal0 = &pens[gfx0->colorbase()];
	const pen_t *pal1 = &pens[gfx1->colorbase()];
	const pen_t *pal2 = &pens[m_gfxdecode->gfx((m_pri & 1) ? 1 : 2)->colorbase()];
	bitmap_ind16& sprite0_mix_bitmap = m_sprgen[0]->get_sprite_temp_bitmap();
	bitmap_ind16& sprite1_mix_bitmap = m_sprgen[1]->get_sprite_temp_bitmap();

	/* Mix sprites into main bitmap, based on priority & alpha */
	for (int y = cliprect.top(); y <= cliprect.bottom(); y++)
		uint8_t* tilemapPri = &screen.priority().pix8(y);
		uint16_t* sprite0 = &sprite0_mix_bitmap.pix16(y);
		uint16_t* sprite1 = &sprite1_mix_bitmap.pix16(y);
		uint32_t* destLine = &bitmap.pix32(y);
		uint16_t* alphaTilemap = &m_tilemap_alpha_bitmap->pix16(y);

		for (int x = cliprect.left(); x <= cliprect.right(); x++)
			uint16_t const priColAlphaPal0 = sprite0[x];
			uint16_t const priColAlphaPal1 = sprite1[x];
			uint16_t const pri0 = (priColAlphaPal0 & 0x6000) >> 13;
			uint16_t const pri1 = (priColAlphaPal1 & 0x6000) >> 13;
			uint16_t const col0 = (((priColAlphaPal0 & 0x1f00) >> 8) % gfx0->colors()) * gfx0->granularity();
			uint16_t const col1 = (((priColAlphaPal1 & 0x0f00) >> 8) % gfx1->colors()) * gfx1->granularity();
			uint16_t const alpha1 = priColAlphaPal1 & 0x8000;

			// Apply sprite bitmap 0 according to priority rules
			if ((priColAlphaPal0 & 0xff) != 0)
				    Sprite 0 priority rules:

				    0 = Sprite above all layers
				    1 = Sprite under top playfield
				    2 = Sprite under top two playfields
				    3 = Sprite under all playfields
				if ((pri0 & 0x3) == 0 || (pri0 & 0x3) == 1 || ((pri0 & 0x3) == 2 && mixAlphaTilemap)) // Spri0 on top of everything, or under alpha playfield
					destLine[x] = pal0[(priColAlphaPal0 & 0xff) + col0];
				else if ((pri0 & 0x3) == 2) // Spri0 under top playfield
					if (tilemapPri[x] < 4)
						destLine[x] = pal0[(priColAlphaPal0 & 0xff) + col0];
				else // Spri0 under top & middle playfields
					if (tilemapPri[x] < 2)
						destLine[x] = pal0[(priColAlphaPal0 & 0xff) + col0];

			// Apply sprite bitmap 1 according to priority rules
			if ((priColAlphaPal1 & 0xff) != 0)
				// Apply alpha for this pixel based on Ace setting
				if (alpha1)
					    Alpha rules:

					    Pri 0 - Over all tilemaps, but under sprite 0 pri 0, pri 1, pri 2
					    Pri 1 -
					    Pri 2 -
					    Pri 3 -

					/* Alpha values are tied to ACE ram... */
					//int alpha = m_deco_ace->get_alpha(((priColAlphaPal1 & 0xf0) >> 4) / 2);
					//if (alpha < 0)
					//  alpha = 0;

					/* I don't really understand how object ACE ram is really hooked up,
					    the only obvious place in Night Slashers is the stagecoach in level 2 */

					if (pri1 == 0 && (((priColAlphaPal0 & 0xff) == 0 || ((pri0 & 0x3) != 0 && (pri0 & 0x3) != 1 && (pri0 & 0x3) != 2))))
						if ((m_pri & 1) == 0 || ((m_pri & 1) == 1 && tilemapPri[x] < 4) || ((m_pri & 1) == 1 && mixAlphaTilemap))
							destLine[x] = alpha_blend_r32(destLine[x], pal1[(priColAlphaPal1 & 0xff) + col1], 0x80);
					else if (pri1 == 1 && ((priColAlphaPal0 & 0xff) == 0 || ((pri0 & 0x3) != 0 && (pri0 & 0x3) != 1 && (pri0 & 0x3) != 2)))
						destLine[x] = alpha_blend_r32(destLine[x], pal1[(priColAlphaPal1 & 0xff) + col1], 0x80);
					else if (pri1 == 2) // TOdo
						destLine[x] = alpha_blend_r32(destLine[x], pal1[(priColAlphaPal1 & 0xff) + col1], 0x80);
					else if (pri1 == 3) // TOdo
						destLine[x] = alpha_blend_r32(destLine[x], pal1[(priColAlphaPal1 & 0xff) + col1], 0x80);
					    Non alpha rules:

					    Pri 0 - Under sprite 0 pri 0, over all tilemaps
					if (pri1 == 0 && ((priColAlphaPal0 & 0xff) == 0 || ((pri0 & 0x3) != 0)))
						destLine[x] = pal1[(priColAlphaPal1 & 0xff) + col1];
					else if (pri1 == 1) // todo
						destLine[x] = pal1[(priColAlphaPal1 & 0xff) + col1];
					else if (pri1 == 2) // todo
						destLine[x] = pal1[(priColAlphaPal1 & 0xff) + col1];
					else if (pri1 == 3) // todo
						destLine[x] = pal1[(priColAlphaPal1 & 0xff) + col1];

			/* Optionally mix in alpha tilemap */
			if (mixAlphaTilemap)
				uint16_t p = alphaTilemap[x];
				if (p & 0xf)
					/* Alpha tilemap under top two sprite 0 priorities */
					if (((priColAlphaPal0 & 0xff) == 0 || (pri0 & 0x3) == 2 || (pri0 & 0x3) == 3)
						&& ((priColAlphaPal1 & 0xff) == 0 || (pri1 & 0x3) == 2 || (pri1 & 0x3) == 3 || alpha1))
						/* Alpha values are tied to ACE ram */
						int alpha = m_deco_ace->get_alpha(0x17 + (((p & 0xf0) >> 4) / 2));
						if (alpha < 0)
							alpha = 0;

						destLine[x] = alpha_blend_r32(destLine[x], pal2[p], alpha);
UINT32 aristmk6_state::screen_update_aristmk6(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int x,y,count;
	const UINT8 *blit_ram = memregion("maincpu")->base();










	popmessage("%d %d %04x %d",m_test_x,m_test_y,m_start_offs,m_type);

	bitmap.fill(m_palette->black_pen(), cliprect);

	count = (m_start_offs);

				UINT16 vram;
				int r,g,b;

				vram = blit_ram[count+0] | blit_ram[count+1]<<8;

				r = (vram & 0x001f)>>0;
				g = (vram & 0x07e0)>>5;
				b = (vram & 0xf800)>>11;

				r = (r << 3) | (r & 0x7);
				g = (g << 2) | (g & 3);
				b = (b << 3) | (b & 0x7);

				if(cliprect.contains(x, y))
					bitmap.pix32(y, x) = r | g<<8 | b<<16;

				UINT8 color;

				color = blit_ram[count];

				if(cliprect.contains(x, y))
					bitmap.pix32(y, x) = m_palette->pen(color);

int main(int argc, char** argv)

        command_line_parser parser;

        parser.add_option("h","Displays this information.");
        parser.add_option("v","Display version.");

        parser.set_group_name("Creating XML files");
        parser.add_option("c","Create an XML file named <arg> listing a set of images.",1);
        parser.add_option("r","Search directories recursively for images.");
        parser.add_option("convert","Convert foreign image Annotations from <arg> format to the imglab format. "
                          "Supported formats: pascal-xml, pascal-v1, idl.",1);

        parser.set_group_name("Viewing XML files");
        parser.add_option("tile","Chip out all the objects and save them as one big image called <arg>.",1);
        parser.add_option("size","When using --tile or --cluster, make each extracted object contain "
                                 "about <arg> pixels (default 8000).",1);
        parser.add_option("l","List all the labels in the given XML file.");
        parser.add_option("stats","List detailed statistics on the object labels in the given XML file.");
        parser.add_option("files","List all the files in the given XML file.");

        parser.set_group_name("Editing/Transforming XML datasets");
        parser.add_option("rename", "Rename all labels of <arg1> to <arg2>.",2);
        parser.add_option("parts","The display will allow image parts to be labeled.  The set of allowable parts "
                          "is defined by <arg> which should be a space separated list of parts.",1);
        parser.add_option("rmempty","Remove all images that don't contain non-ignored annotations and save the results to a new XML file.");
        parser.add_option("rmdupes","Remove duplicate images from the dataset.  This is done by comparing "
                                    "the md5 hash of each image file and removing duplicate images. " );
        parser.add_option("rmdiff","Set the ignored flag to true for boxes marked as difficult.");
        parser.add_option("rmtrunc","Set the ignored flag to true for boxes that are partially outside the image.");
        parser.add_option("sort-num-objects","Sort the images listed an XML file so images with many objects are listed first.");
        parser.add_option("sort","Alphabetically sort the images in an XML file.");
        parser.add_option("shuffle","Randomly shuffle the order of the images listed in an XML file.");
        parser.add_option("seed", "When using --shuffle, set the random seed to the string <arg>.",1);
        parser.add_option("split", "Split the contents of an XML file into two separate files.  One containing the "
            "images with objects labeled <arg> and another file with all the other images. ",1);
        parser.add_option("add", "Add the image metadata from <arg1> into <arg2>.  If any of the image "
                                 "tags are in both files then the ones in <arg2> are deleted and replaced with the "
                                 "image tags from <arg1>.  The results are saved into merged.xml and neither <arg1> or "
                                 "<arg2> files are modified.",2);
        parser.add_option("flip", "Read an XML image dataset from the <arg> XML file and output a left-right flipped "
                                  "version of the dataset and an accompanying flipped XML file named flipped_<arg>.",1);
        parser.add_option("rotate", "Read an XML image dataset and output a copy that is rotated counter clockwise by <arg> degrees. "
                                  "The output is saved to an XML file prefixed with rotated_<arg>.",1);
        parser.add_option("cluster", "Cluster all the objects in an XML file into <arg> different clusters and save "
                                     "the results as cluster_###.xml and cluster_###.jpg files.",1);
        parser.add_option("ignore", "Mark boxes labeled as <arg> as ignored.  The resulting XML file is output as a separate file and the original is not modified.",1);
        parser.add_option("rmlabel","Remove all boxes labeled <arg> and save the results to a new XML file.",1);
        parser.add_option("rm-other-labels","Remove all boxes not labeled <arg> and save the results to a new XML file.",1);
        parser.add_option("rmignore","Remove all boxes marked ignore and save the results to a new XML file.");
        parser.add_option("rm-if-overlaps","Remove all boxes labeled <arg> if they overlap any box not labeled <arg> and save the results to a new XML file.",1);
        parser.add_option("jpg", "When saving images to disk, write them as jpg files instead of png.");

        parser.set_group_name("Cropping sub images");
        parser.add_option("resample", "Crop out images that are centered on each object in the dataset. "
                                      "The output is a new XML dataset."); 
        parser.add_option("cropped-object-size", "When doing --resample, make the cropped objects contain about <arg> pixels (default 10000).",1);
        parser.add_option("min-object-size", "When doing --resample, skip objects that have fewer than <arg> pixels in them (default 1).",1);
        parser.add_option("crop-size", "When doing --resample, the entire cropped image will be <arg> times wider than the object (default 2.5).",1); 
        parser.add_option("one-object-per-image", "When doing --resample, only include one non-ignored object per image (i.e. the central object).");

        parser.parse(argc, argv);

        const char* singles[] = {"h","c","r","l","files","convert","parts","rmdiff", "rmtrunc", "rmdupes", "seed", "shuffle", "split", "add", 
                                 "flip", "rotate", "tile", "size", "cluster", "resample", "min-object-size", "rmempty",
                                 "crop-size", "cropped-object-size", "rmlabel", "rm-other-labels", "rm-if-overlaps", "sort-num-objects", 
                                 "one-object-per-image", "jpg", "rmignore", "sort"};
        const char* c_sub_ops[] = {"r", "convert"};
        parser.check_sub_options("c", c_sub_ops);
        parser.check_sub_option("shuffle", "seed");
        const char* resample_sub_ops[] = {"min-object-size", "crop-size", "cropped-object-size", "one-object-per-image"};
        parser.check_sub_options("resample", resample_sub_ops);
        const char* size_parent_ops[] = {"tile", "cluster"};
        parser.check_sub_options(size_parent_ops, "size");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "l");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "files");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rmdiff");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rmempty");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rmlabel");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rm-other-labels");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rmignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rm-if-overlaps");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rmdupes");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rmtrunc");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "add");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "flip");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rotate");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "ignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "parts");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "cluster");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("c", "resample");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("l", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("l", "ignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("l", "add");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("l", "parts");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("l", "flip");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("l", "rotate");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("files", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("files", "ignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("files", "add");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("files", "parts");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("files", "flip");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("files", "rotate");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("add", "flip");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("add", "rotate");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("add", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("flip", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rotate", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("cluster", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("resample", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("flip", "cluster");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rotate", "cluster");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("add", "cluster");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("flip", "resample");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rotate", "resample");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("add", "resample");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("shuffle", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("sort-num-objects", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("sort", "tile");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "l");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "files");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "ignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "parts");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "cluster");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("convert", "resample");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmdiff", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmdiff", "ignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmempty", "ignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmempty", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmlabel", "ignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmlabel", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rm-other-labels", "ignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rm-other-labels", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmignore", "ignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmignore", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rm-if-overlaps", "ignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rm-if-overlaps", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmdupes", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmdupes", "ignore");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmtrunc", "rename");
        parser.check_incompatible_options("rmtrunc", "ignore");
        const char* convert_args[] = {"pascal-xml","pascal-v1","idl"};
        parser.check_option_arg_range("convert", convert_args);
        parser.check_option_arg_range("cluster", 2, 999);
        parser.check_option_arg_range("rotate", -360, 360);
        parser.check_option_arg_range("size", 10*10, 1000*1000);
        parser.check_option_arg_range("min-object-size", 1, 10000*10000);
        parser.check_option_arg_range("cropped-object-size", 4, 10000*10000);
        parser.check_option_arg_range("crop-size", 1.0, 100.0);

        if (parser.option("h"))
            cout << "Usage: imglab [options] <image files/directories or XML file>\n";
            cout << endl << endl;
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("add"))
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("flip"))
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rotate"))
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("v"))
            cout << "imglab v" << VERSION 
                 << "\nCompiled: " << __TIME__ << " " << __DATE__ 
                 << "\nWritten by Davis King\n";
            cout << "Check for updates at http://dlib.net\n\n";
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("tile"))
            return tile_dataset(parser);

        if (parser.option("cluster"))
            return cluster_dataset(parser);

        if (parser.option("resample"))
            return resample_dataset(parser);

        if (parser.option("c"))
            if (parser.option("convert"))
                if (parser.option("convert").argument() == "pascal-xml")
                else if (parser.option("convert").argument() == "pascal-v1")
                else if (parser.option("convert").argument() == "idl")
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
        if (parser.option("rmdiff"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rmdiff option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i)
                for (unsigned long j = 0; j < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j)
                    if (data.images[i].boxes[j].difficult)
                        data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore = true;
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rmempty"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rmempty option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data, data2;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);

            data2 = data;
            for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i)
                bool has_label = false;
                for (unsigned long j = 0; j < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j)
                    if (!data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore)
                        has_label = true;
                if (has_label)
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data2, parser[0] + ".rmempty.xml");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rmlabel"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rmlabel option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);

            const auto label = parser.option("rmlabel").argument();

            for (auto&& img : data.images)
                std::vector<dlib::image_dataset_metadata::box> boxes;
                for (auto&& b : img.boxes)
                    if (b.label != label)
                img.boxes = boxes;

            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0] + ".rmlabel-"+label+".xml");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rm-other-labels"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rm-other-labels option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);

            const auto labels = parser.option("rm-other-labels").argument();
            // replace comma by dash to form the file name
            std::string strlabels = labels;
            std::replace(strlabels.begin(), strlabels.end(), ',', '-');
            std::vector<string> all_labels = split(labels, ",");
            for (auto&& img : data.images)
                std::vector<dlib::image_dataset_metadata::box> boxes;
                for (auto&& b : img.boxes)
                    if (std::find(all_labels.begin(), all_labels.end(), b.label) != all_labels.end())
                img.boxes = boxes;

            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0] + ".rm-other-labels-"+ strlabels +".xml");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rmignore"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rmignore option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);

            for (auto&& img : data.images)
                std::vector<dlib::image_dataset_metadata::box> boxes;
                for (auto&& b : img.boxes)
                    if (!b.ignore)
                img.boxes = boxes;

            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0] + ".rmignore.xml");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rm-if-overlaps"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rm-if-overlaps option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);

            const auto label = parser.option("rm-if-overlaps").argument();

            test_box_overlap overlaps(0.5);

            for (auto&& img : data.images)
                std::vector<dlib::image_dataset_metadata::box> boxes;
                for (auto&& b : img.boxes)
                    if (b.label != label)
                        bool has_overlap = false;
                        for (auto&& b2 : img.boxes)
                            if (b2.label != label && overlaps(b2.rect, b.rect))
                                has_overlap = true;
                        if (!has_overlap)
                img.boxes = boxes;

            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0] + ".rm-if-overlaps-"+label+".xml");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rmdupes"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rmdupes option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data, data_out;
            std::set<std::string> hashes;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            data_out = data;

            for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i)
                ifstream fin(data.images[i].filename.c_str(), ios::binary);
                string hash = md5(fin);
                if (hashes.count(hash) == 0)
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data_out, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rmtrunc"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rmtrunc option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
                locally_change_current_dir chdir(get_parent_directory(file(parser[0])));
                for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i)
                    array2d<unsigned char> img;
                    load_image(img, data.images[i].filename);
                    const rectangle area = get_rect(img);
                    for (unsigned long j = 0; j < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j)
                        if (!area.contains(data.images[i].boxes[j].rect))
                            data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore = true;
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("l"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The -l option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("files"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --files option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i)
                cout << data.images[i].filename << "\n";
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("split"))
            return split_dataset(parser);

        if (parser.option("shuffle"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --shuffle option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            const string default_seed = cast_to_string(time(0));
            const string seed = get_option(parser, "seed", default_seed);
            dlib::rand rnd(seed);
            randomize_samples(data.images, rnd);
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("sort-num-objects"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --sort-num-objects option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            std::sort(data.images.rbegin(),  data.images.rend(), 
                [](const image_dataset_metadata::image& a, const image_dataset_metadata::image& b) { return a.boxes.size() < b.boxes.size(); });
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("sort"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --sort option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            std::sort(data.images.begin(),  data.images.end(), 
                [](const image_dataset_metadata::image& a, const image_dataset_metadata::image& b) { return a.filename < b.filename; });
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("stats"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --stats option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("rename"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --rename option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            for (unsigned long i = 0; i < parser.option("rename").count(); ++i)
                rename_labels(data, parser.option("rename").argument(0,i), parser.option("rename").argument(1,i));
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.option("ignore"))
            if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
                cerr << "The --ignore option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
                return EXIT_FAILURE;

            dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data;
            load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
            for (unsigned long i = 0; i < parser.option("ignore").count(); ++i)
                ignore_labels(data, parser.option("ignore").argument());
            save_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]+".ignored.xml");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        if (parser.number_of_arguments() == 1)
            metadata_editor editor(parser[0]);
            if (parser.option("parts"))
                std::vector<string> parts = split(parser.option("parts").argument());
                for (unsigned long i = 0; i < parts.size(); ++i)
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;

        cout << "Invalid command, give -h to see options." << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    catch (exception& e)
        cerr << e.what() << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
        // make sure the user entered an argument to this program
        if (argc != 2)
            cout << "error, you have to enter a BMP file as an argument to this program" << endl;
            return 1;

        // Here we declare an image object that can store rgb_pixels.  Note that in 
        // dlib there is no explicit image object, just a 2D array and
        // various pixel types.  
        array2d<rgb_pixel> img;

        // Now load the image file into our image.  If something is wrong then
        // load_image() will throw an exception.  Also, if you linked with libpng
        // and libjpeg then load_image() can load PNG and JPEG files in addition
        // to BMP files. 
        load_image(img, argv[1]);

        // get the 100 strongest SURF points from the image
        std::vector<surf_point> sp = get_surf_points(img, 100);

        // create a window to display the input image and the SURF boxes.  (Note that
        // you can zoom into the window by holding CTRL and scrolling the mouse wheel)
        image_window my_window(img);

        // Now lets draw some rectangles on top of the image so we can see where
        // SURF found its points.
        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < sp.size(); ++i)
            // Pull out the info from the SURF point relevant to figuring out
            // where its rotated box should be.
            const unsigned long box_size = static_cast<unsigned long>(sp[i].p.scale*20);
            const double ang = sp[i].angle;
            const point center(sp[i].p.center);
            const rectangle rect = centered_rect(center, box_size, box_size); 

            // Rotate the 4 corners of the rectangle 
            const point p1 = rotate_point(center, rect.tl_corner(), ang);
            const point p2 = rotate_point(center, rect.tr_corner(), ang);
            const point p3 = rotate_point(center, rect.bl_corner(), ang);
            const point p4 = rotate_point(center, rect.br_corner(), ang);

            // Draw the sides of the box as red lines
            my_window.add_overlay(p1, p2, rgb_pixel(255,0,0));
            my_window.add_overlay(p1, p3, rgb_pixel(255,0,0));
            my_window.add_overlay(p4, p2, rgb_pixel(255,0,0));
            my_window.add_overlay(p4, p3, rgb_pixel(255,0,0));

            // Draw a line from the center to the top side so we can see how the box is oriented.
            // Also make this line green.
            my_window.add_overlay(center, (p1+p2)/2, rgb_pixel(0,255,0));

        // wait until the user closes the window before we let the program 
        // terminate.
    catch (exception& e)
        cout << "exception thrown: " << e.what() << endl;
void rotate_dataset(const command_line_parser& parser)
    image_dataset_metadata::dataset metadata;
    const string datasource = parser[0];

    double angle = get_option(parser, "rotate", 0);

    // Set the current directory to be the one that contains the
    // metadata file. We do this because the file might contain
    // file paths which are relative to this folder.

    const string file_prefix = "rotated_"+ cast_to_string(angle) + "_";
    const string metadata_filename = get_parent_directory(file(datasource)).full_name() +
        directory::get_separator() + file_prefix + file(datasource).name();

    array2d<rgb_pixel> img, temp;
    for (unsigned long i = 0; i < metadata.images.size(); ++i)
        file f(metadata.images[i].filename);
        string filename = get_parent_directory(f).full_name() + directory::get_separator() + file_prefix + to_png_name(f.name());

        load_image(img, metadata.images[i].filename);
        const point_transform_affine tran = rotate_image(img, temp, angle*pi/180);
        if (parser.option("jpg"))
            filename = to_jpg_name(filename);
            save_jpeg(temp, filename,JPEG_QUALITY);
            save_png(temp, filename);

        for (unsigned long j = 0; j < metadata.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j)
            const rectangle rect = metadata.images[i].boxes[j].rect;
            rectangle newrect;
            newrect += tran(rect.tl_corner());
            newrect += tran(rect.tr_corner());
            newrect += tran(rect.bl_corner());
            newrect += tran(rect.br_corner());
            // now make newrect have the same area as the starting rect.
            double ratio = std::sqrt(rect.area()/(double)newrect.area());
            newrect = centered_rect(newrect, newrect.width()*ratio, newrect.height()*ratio);
            metadata.images[i].boxes[j].rect = newrect;

            // rotate all the object parts
            std::map<std::string,point>::iterator k;
            for (k = metadata.images[i].boxes[j].parts.begin(); k != metadata.images[i].boxes[j].parts.end(); ++k)
                k->second = tran(k->second); 

        metadata.images[i].filename = filename;

    save_image_dataset_metadata(metadata, metadata_filename);
int resample_dataset(const command_line_parser& parser)
    if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1)
        cerr << "The --resample option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    const size_t obj_size = get_option(parser,"cropped-object-size",100*100); 
    const double margin_scale =  get_option(parser,"crop-size",2.5); // cropped image will be this times wider than the object.
    const unsigned long min_object_size = get_option(parser,"min-object-size",1);
    const bool one_object_per_image = parser.option("one-object-per-image");

    dlib::image_dataset_metadata::dataset data, resampled_data;
    std::ostringstream sout;
    sout << "\nThe --resample parameters which generated this dataset were:" << endl;
    sout << "   cropped-object-size: "<< obj_size << endl;
    sout << "   crop-size: "<< margin_scale << endl;
    sout << "   min-object-size: "<< min_object_size << endl;
    if (one_object_per_image)
        sout << "   one_object_per_image: true" << endl;
    resampled_data.comment = data.comment + sout.str();
    resampled_data.name = data.name + " RESAMPLED";

    load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]);
    locally_change_current_dir chdir(get_parent_directory(file(parser[0])));
    dlib::rand rnd;

    const size_t image_size = std::round(std::sqrt(obj_size*margin_scale*margin_scale));
    const chip_dims cdims(image_size, image_size);

    console_progress_indicator pbar(data.images.size());
    for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i)
        // don't even bother loading images that don't have objects.
        if (data.images[i].boxes.size() == 0)

        array2d<rgb_pixel> img, chip;
        load_image(img, data.images[i].filename);

        // figure out what chips we want to take from this image
        for (unsigned long j = 0; j < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j)
            const rectangle rect = data.images[i].boxes[j].rect;
            if (data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore || rect.area() < min_object_size)

            const auto max_dim = std::max(rect.width(), rect.height());

            const double rand_scale_perturb = 1 - 0.3*(rnd.get_random_double()-0.5);
            const rectangle crop_rect = centered_rect(rect, max_dim*margin_scale*rand_scale_perturb, max_dim*margin_scale*rand_scale_perturb);

            const rectangle_transform tform = get_mapping_to_chip(chip_details(crop_rect, cdims));
            extract_image_chip(img, chip_details(crop_rect, cdims), chip);

            image_dataset_metadata::image dimg;
            // Now transform the boxes to the crop and also mark them as ignored if they
            // have already been cropped out or are outside the crop.
            for (size_t k = 0; k < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++k)
                image_dataset_metadata::box box = data.images[i].boxes[k];
                // ignore boxes outside the cropped image
                if (crop_rect.intersect(box.rect).area() == 0)

                // mark boxes we include in the crop as ignored.  Also mark boxes that
                // aren't totally within the crop as ignored.
                if (crop_rect.contains(grow_rect(box.rect,10)) && (!one_object_per_image || k==j))
                    data.images[i].boxes[k].ignore = true;
                    box.ignore = true;

                if (box.rect.area() < min_object_size)
                    box.ignore = true;

                box.rect = tform(box.rect);
                for (auto&& p : box.parts)
                    p.second = tform.get_tform()(p.second);
            // Put a 64bit hash of the image data into the name to make sure there are no
            // file name conflicts.
            std::ostringstream sout;
            sout << hex << murmur_hash3_128bit(&chip[0][0], chip.size()*sizeof(chip[0][0])).second;
            dimg.filename = data.images[i].filename + "_RESAMPLED_"+sout.str()+".png";

            if (parser.option("jpg"))
                dimg.filename = to_jpg_name(dimg.filename);
                save_jpeg(chip,dimg.filename, JPEG_QUALITY);

    save_image_dataset_metadata(resampled_data, parser[0] + ".RESAMPLED.xml");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
UINT32 archimedes_state::screen_update(screen_device &screen, bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect)
	int xstart,ystart,xend,yend;
	int res_x,res_y;
	int xsize,ysize;
	int calc_dxs = 0,calc_dxe = 0;
	const UINT8 x_step[4] = { 5, 7, 11, 19 };

	/* border color */
	bitmap.fill(machine().pens[0x10], cliprect);

	/* define X display area through BPP mode register */
	calc_dxs = (m_vidc_regs[VIDC_HDSR]*2)+x_step[m_vidc_bpp_mode & 3];
	calc_dxe = (m_vidc_regs[VIDC_HDER]*2)+x_step[m_vidc_bpp_mode & 3];

	/* now calculate display clip rectangle start/end areas */
	xstart = (calc_dxs)-m_vidc_regs[VIDC_HBSR];
	ystart = (m_vidc_regs[VIDC_VDSR])-m_vidc_regs[VIDC_VBSR];
	xend = (calc_dxe)+xstart;
	yend = m_vidc_regs[VIDC_VDER]+ystart;

	/* disable the screen if display params are invalid */
	if(xstart > xend || ystart > yend)
		return 0;

	xsize = calc_dxe-calc_dxs;
	ysize = m_vidc_regs[VIDC_VDER]-m_vidc_regs[VIDC_VDSR];

		int count;
		int x,y,xi;
		UINT8 pen;
		static UINT8 *vram = memregion("vram")->base();

		count = (0);

			case 0: //1 bpp
						pen = vram[count];

							res_x = x+xi+xstart;
							res_y = (y+ystart)*(m_vidc_interlace+1);

								if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y) <= yend)
									bitmap.pix32(res_y, res_x) = machine().pens[(pen>>(xi))&0x1];
								if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y+1) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y+1) <= yend)
									bitmap.pix32(res_y+1, res_x) = machine().pens[(pen>>(xi))&0x1];
								if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y) <= yend)
									bitmap.pix32(res_y, res_x) = machine().pens[(pen>>(xi))&0x1];

			case 3: //8 bpp
						pen = vram[count];

						res_x = x+xstart;
						res_y = (y+ystart)*(m_vidc_interlace+1);

							if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y) <= yend)
								bitmap.pix32(res_y, res_x) = machine().pens[(pen&0xff)+0x100];
							if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y+1) <= yend)
								bitmap.pix32(res_y+1, res_x) = machine().pens[(pen&0xff)+0x100];
							if (cliprect.contains(res_x, res_y) && (res_x) <= xend && (res_y) <= yend)
								bitmap.pix32(res_y, res_x) = machine().pens[(pen&0xff)+0x100];

void mapped_surface::commit_changes(const rectangle& area, error_code& ec) noexcept {
	cairo_surface_mark_dirty_rectangle(_Mapped_surface.csfce, static_cast<int>(area.x()), static_cast<int>(area.y()),
		static_cast<int>(area.width()), static_cast<int>(area.height()));
void mapped_surface::commit_changes(const rectangle& area) {
	cairo_surface_mark_dirty_rectangle(_Mapped_surface.csfce, static_cast<int>(area.x()), static_cast<int>(area.y()),
		static_cast<int>(area.width()), static_cast<int>(area.height()));
long width(const rectangle& r) { return r.width(); }
 * Sprite Format
 * ------------------
 * Word | Bit(s)           | Use
 * -----+-fedcba9876543210-+----------------
 *   0  | --------xxxxxxxx | display y start
 *   0  | xxxxxxxx-------- | display y end
 *   2  | -------xxxxxxxxx | x position
 *   2  | ------x--------- | unknown (used in logicpr2, maybe just a bug?)
 *   2  | xxxxxx---------- | unused?
 *   4  | ---------xxxxxxx | width
 *   4  | --------x------- | is this flip y like in System 16?
 *   4  | -------x-------- | flip x
 *   4  | xxxxxxx--------- | unused?
 *   6  | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | ROM address low bits
 *   8  | ----------xxxxxx | color
 *   8  | --------xx------ | priority
 *   8  | ---xxxxx-------- | ROM address high bits
 *   8  | xxx------------- | unused? (extra address bits for larger ROMs?)
 *   a  | ---------------- | zoomx like in System 16?
 *   c  | ---------------- | zoomy like in System 16?
 *   e  | ---------------- |
void deniam_state::draw_sprites( screen_device &screen, bitmap_ind16 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect )
	int offs;
	UINT8 *gfx = memregion("gfx2")->base();

	for (offs = m_spriteram.bytes() / 2 - 8; offs >= 0; offs -= 8)
		int sx, starty, endy, x, y, start, color, width, flipx, primask;
		UINT8 *rom = gfx;

		sx = (m_spriteram[offs + 1] & 0x01ff) + 16 * 8 - 1;
		if (sx >= 512) sx -= 512;
		starty = m_spriteram[offs + 0] & 0xff;
		endy = m_spriteram[offs + 0] >> 8;

		width = m_spriteram[offs + 2] & 0x007f;
		flipx = m_spriteram[offs + 2] & 0x0100;
		if (flipx) sx++;

		color = 0x40 + (m_spriteram[offs + 4] & 0x3f);

		primask = 8;
		switch (m_spriteram[offs + 4] & 0xc0)
			case 0x00: primask |= 4 | 2 | 1; break; /* below everything */
			case 0x40: primask |= 4 | 2;     break; /* below fg and tx */
			case 0x80: primask |= 4;         break; /* below tx */
			case 0xc0:                       break; /* above everything */

		start = m_spriteram[offs + 3] + ((m_spriteram[offs + 4] & 0x1f00) << 8);
		rom += 2 * start;

		for (y = starty + 1; y <= endy; y++)
			int drawing = 0;
			int i = 0;

			rom += 2 * width;   /* note that the first line is skipped */
			x = 0;
			while (i < 512) /* safety check */
				if (flipx)
					if ((rom[i] & 0x0f) == 0x0f)
						if (!drawing) drawing = 1;
						else break;
						if (rom[i] & 0x0f)
							if (cliprect.contains(sx + x, y))
								if ((screen.priority().pix8(y, sx + x) & primask) == 0)
									bitmap.pix16(y, sx + x) = color * 16 + (rom[i] & 0x0f);
								screen.priority().pix8(y, sx + x) = 8;

					if ((rom[i] & 0xf0) == 0xf0)
						if (!drawing) drawing = 1;
						else break;
						if (rom[i] & 0xf0)
							if (cliprect.contains(sx + x, y))
								if ((screen.priority().pix8(y, sx + x) & primask) == 0)
									bitmap.pix16(y, sx + x) = color * 16+(rom[i] >> 4);
								screen.priority().pix8(y, sx + x) = 8;

					if ((rom[i] & 0xf0) == 0xf0)
						if (!drawing) drawing = 1;
						else break;
						if (rom[i] & 0xf0)
							if (cliprect.contains(sx + x, y))
								if ((screen.priority().pix8(y, sx + x) & primask) == 0)
									bitmap.pix16(y, sx + x) = color * 16 + (rom[i] >> 4);
								screen.priority().pix8(y, sx + x) = 8;

					if ((rom[i] & 0x0f) == 0x0f)
						if (!drawing) drawing = 1;
						else break;
						if (rom[i] & 0x0f)
							if (cliprect.contains(sx + x, y))
								if ((screen.priority().pix8(y, sx + x) & primask) == 0)
									bitmap.pix16(y, sx + x) = color * 16 + (rom[i] & 0x0f);
								screen.priority().pix8(y, sx + x) = 8;

long height(const rectangle& r) { return r.height(); }
	bool intersection(const rectangle & r, point pos_beg, point pos_end, point& good_pos_beg, point& good_pos_end)
		const int right = r.right();
		const int bottom = r.bottom();

		if(pos_beg.x > pos_end.x)
			std::swap(pos_beg, pos_end);

		bool good_beg = (0 <= pos_beg.x && pos_beg.x < right && 0 <= pos_beg.y && pos_beg.y < bottom);
		bool good_end = (0 <= pos_end.x && pos_end.x < right && 0 <= pos_end.y && pos_end.y < bottom);

		if(good_beg && good_end)
			good_pos_beg = pos_beg;
			good_pos_end = pos_end;
			return true;
		else if(pos_beg.x == pos_end.x)
			if(r.x <= pos_beg.x && pos_beg.x < right)
				if(pos_beg.y < r.y)
					if(pos_end.y < r.y)
						return false;
					good_pos_beg.y = r.y;
					good_pos_end.y = (pos_end.y < bottom ? pos_end.y  : bottom - 1);
				else if(pos_beg.y >= bottom)
					if(pos_end.y >= bottom)
						return false;
					good_pos_beg.y = bottom - 1;
					good_pos_end.y = (pos_end.y < r.y ? r.y : pos_end.y);

				good_pos_beg.x = good_pos_end.x = r.x;
				return true;
			return false;
		else if(pos_beg.y == pos_end.y)
			if(r.y <= pos_beg.y && pos_beg.y < bottom)
				if(pos_beg.x < r.x)
					if(pos_end.x < r.x)
						return false;
					good_pos_beg.x = r.x;
					good_pos_end.x = (pos_end.x < right ? pos_end.x : right - 1);
				else if(pos_beg.x >= right)
					if(pos_end.x >= right)
						return false;

					good_pos_beg.x = right - 1;
					good_pos_end.x = (pos_end.x < r.x ? r.x : pos_end.x);
				good_pos_beg.y = good_pos_end.y = r.y;
				return true;
			return false;

		double m = (pos_end.y - pos_beg.y ) / double(pos_end.x - pos_beg.x);
		bool is_nw_to_se = (m >= 0.0);
		//The formulas for the line.
		//y = m * (x - pos_beg.x) + pos_beg.y
		//x = (y - pos_beg.y) / m + pos_beg.x
			good_pos_beg.y = static_cast<int>(m * (r.x - pos_beg.x)) + pos_beg.y;
			if(r.y <= good_pos_beg.y && good_pos_beg.y < bottom)
				good_pos_beg.x = r.x;
				bool cond;
				int y;
					y = r.y;
					cond = good_pos_beg.y < y;
					y = bottom - 1;
					cond = good_pos_beg.y > y;

					good_pos_beg.x = static_cast<int>((y - pos_beg.y) / m) + pos_beg.x;
					if(r.x <= good_pos_beg.x && good_pos_beg.x < right)
						good_pos_beg.y = y;
						return false;
					return false;

			if(good_pos_beg.x < pos_beg.x)
				return false;
			good_pos_beg = pos_beg;

			good_pos_end.y = static_cast<int>(m * (right - 1 - pos_beg.x)) + pos_beg.y;
			if(r.y <= good_pos_end.y && good_pos_end.y < bottom)
				good_pos_end.x = right - 1;
				bool cond;
				int y;
					y = bottom - 1;
					cond = good_pos_end.y > y;
					y = r.y;
					cond = good_pos_end.y < y;

					good_pos_end.x = static_cast<int>((y - pos_beg.y) / m) + pos_beg.x;
					if(r.x <= good_pos_end.x && good_pos_end.x < right)
						good_pos_end.y = y;
						return false;
					return false;
			if(good_pos_end.x > pos_end.x)
				return false;
			good_pos_end = pos_end;

		return true;