void sc_report_handler::default_handler(const sc_report& rep,
                                        const sc_actions& actions)
    if ( actions & SC_DISPLAY )
        ::std::cout << ::std::endl << sc_report_compose_message(rep) <<

    if ( (actions & SC_LOG) && get_log_file_name() )
        if ( !log_stream )
            log_stream = new ::std::ofstream(get_log_file_name()); // ios::trunc

        *log_stream << rep.get_time() << ": "
                    << sc_report_compose_message(rep) << ::std::endl;
    if ( actions & SC_STOP )
        sc_stop_here(rep.get_msg_type(), rep.get_severity());
    if ( actions & SC_INTERRUPT )
        sc_interrupt_here(rep.get_msg_type(), rep.get_severity());

    if ( actions & SC_ABORT )

    if ( actions & SC_THROW )
        throw rep;
// not documented, but available
const std::string sc_report_compose_message(const sc_report& rep)
    static const char * severity_names[] =
        "Info", "Warning", "Error", "Fatal"
    std::string str;

    str += severity_names[rep.get_severity()];
    str += ": ";

    if ( rep.get_id() >= 0 ) // backward compatibility with 2.0+
        char idstr[64];
        std::sprintf(idstr, "(%c%d) ",
                     "IWEF"[rep.get_severity()], rep.get_id());
        str += idstr;
    str += rep.get_msg_type();

    if ( *rep.get_msg() )
        str += ": ";
        str += rep.get_msg();
    if ( rep.get_severity() > SC_INFO )
        char line_number_str[16];
        str += "\nIn file: ";
        str += rep.get_file_name();
        str += ":";
        std::sprintf(line_number_str, "%d", rep.get_line_number());
        str += line_number_str;
        sc_simcontext* simc = sc_get_curr_simcontext();

        if ( simc && sc_is_running() )
            const char* proc_name = rep.get_process_name();

            if ( proc_name )
                str += "\nIn process: ";
                str += proc_name;
                str += " @ ";
                str += rep.get_time().to_string();

    return str;
// custom handler which is used to dump out reports and actions
void dump_all_handler( const sc_report& report, const sc_actions& actions)
    // dump out report
    cout << "report: " << report.get_msg_type() 
	 << " " << severity2str[ report.get_severity() ];
    cout << " --> ";
    for (int n=0; n<32; n++) {
	sc_actions action = actions & 1<<n;
	if (action) {
	    cout << " ";
	    switch(action) {
	    case SC_UNSPECIFIED:  cout << "unspecified"; break;
	    case SC_DO_NOTHING:   cout << "do-nothing"; break;
	    case SC_THROW:        cout << "throw"; break;
	    case SC_LOG:          cout << "log"; break;         
	    case SC_DISPLAY:      cout << "display"; break;     
	    case SC_CACHE_REPORT: cout << "cache-report"; break;
	    case SC_INTERRUPT:    cout << "interrupt"; break;   
	    case SC_STOP:         cout << "stop"; break;     
	    case SC_ABORT:        cout << "abort"; break;     
		bool found=false;
		for (unsigned int u=0; u<num_usr_actions; u++)
		    if (action == usr_actions[u]) {
			cout << "usr" << u+1;
		if (!found)
		    cout << "UNKNOWN";
    cout << endl;
    cout << " msg="      << report.get_msg()
	 << " file="     << report.get_file_name() 
	 << " line "     << report.get_line_number()
	 << " time="     << report.get_time();
	 const char* name = report.get_process_name();
    cout << " process=" << (name ? name : "<none>") << endl;