bool GraphicsElementManager::InitElement( shared_ptr<GraphicsElement> pElement, int layer_index )
	int element_index = GetVacantSlotIndex();

	m_vecpElement[element_index] = pElement;

	m_vecpElement[element_index]->SetGraphicsElementManager( this );
	m_vecpElement[element_index]->ChangeScale( m_fScale );
	m_vecpElement[element_index]->SetElementIndex( element_index );

	pElement->m_pSelf = pElement;

//	if( pElement->GetElementType() != GraphicsElement::TYPE_GROUP )
	if( pElement->BelongsToLayer() )
		// GraphicsElementGroup and CombinedPrimitiveElement do not belong to layer

		bool res = RegisterToLayer( element_index, layer_index );
		if( !res )
			return false;

		m_vecpElement[element_index]->SetLayerIndex( layer_index );

	return true;
bool GraphicsElementManager::RemoveElement( shared_ptr<GraphicsElement> pElement )
	if( !pElement // invalid argument
	 || !(pElement->m_pManager) ) // already released
		return false;


	int element_id = pElement->GetElementIndex();

	// callback triggered by element removal
	// - used by effect manager to remove effect which is currently being applied to removed element 'pElement'
	if( m_pCallbackPtr.get() )
		m_pCallbackPtr->OnDestroyed( pElement );

//	if( pElement->GetElementType() != GraphicsElement::TYPE_GROUP )
	if( pElement->BelongsToLayer() )
		RemoveFromLayer( pElement );

	// remove the element from the group to which it currently belongs
	int group_id = pElement->GetGroupID();
	shared_ptr<GraphicsElementGroup> pGroup;
	if( 0 <= group_id
	 && GetElement(group_id)->GetElementType() == GraphicsElement::TYPE_GROUP
	 && ( pGroup = dynamic_pointer_cast< GraphicsElementGroup, GraphicsElement >(GetElement(group_id)) ) )
		pGroup->RemoveElementFromGroup( pElement );

//	SAFE_DELETE( m_vecpElement[element_id] );


	return true;