sqlite3_command::sqlite3_command(sqlite3_connection &con, const std::wstring &sql) : con(con),stmt(0),refs(0),argc(0) {
		const void *tail=NULL;
		if(sqlite3_prepare16(con.db(), sql.data(), (int)sql.length()*2, &this->stmt, &tail)!=SQLITE_OK)
			throw database_error(con);

void createDatabases(sqlite3_connection& con) {

  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS timing(property_name TEXT, total_wallclock FLOAT, total_usertime FLOAT, total_systime FLOAT, wallclock FLOAT, usertime FLOAT, systime FLOAT )");
  catch(std::exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
    // Function IDs are only unique within a file
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS function_statistics(row_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, function_id INTEGER, num_instructions INTEGER )");
  catch(std::exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS function_ids(row_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, file TEXT, function_name TEXT)");
  catch(std::exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS vectors(row_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, function_id INTEGER,  index_within_function INTEGER, line INTEGER, offset INTEGER, sum_of_counts INTEGER, counts BLOB, instr_seq BLOB)");

  catch(std::exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS clusters(row_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, cluster INTEGER, function_id INTEGER, index_within_function INTEGER, vectors_row INTEGER, dist INTEGER)");

  catch(std::exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

	table_generator::table_generator( sqlite3_connection & con, std::string const & n )
		: m_pimpl( new table_generator::table_generator_impl )
		int check = con.executeint( "select count(*) from sqlite_master where type like 'table' and name like '"+n+"'" );
		// ^^^ we use 'like' here because sqlite3 is case-insensitive
		if( 0 != check )
			throw database_error( "table_generator() db table '%s' already exists.", n.c_str() );
		this->m_pimpl->db = &con;
		this->m_pimpl->name = n;
void createDatabases(sqlite3_connection& con) {
  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS run_parameters(window_size INTEGER, stride INTEGER)");
  catch(exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS detection_parameters(similarity_threshold FLOAT, false_negative_rate FLOAT)");
  catch(exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS vector_generator_timing(file TEXT, total_wallclock FLOAT, total_usertime FLOAT, total_systime FLOAT, vecgen_wallclock FLOAT, vecgen_usertime FLOAT, vecgen_systime FLOAT )");
  catch(exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS timing(property_name TEXT, total_wallclock FLOAT, total_usertime FLOAT, total_systime FLOAT, wallclock FLOAT, usertime FLOAT, systime FLOAT )");
  catch(exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
    // Function IDs are only unique within a file
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS function_statistics(row_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, function_id INTEGER, num_instructions INTEGER )");
  catch(exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS results(row_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, edit_distance INTEGER, false_positive_rate FLOAT )");
  catch(exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS function_ids(row_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, file TEXT, function_name TEXT)");
  catch(exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
    // index_within_function values are only unique within a file and function
//	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS vectors(row_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, line INTEGER, offset INTEGER, sum_of_counts INTEGER, counts BLOB, instr_seq TEXT, function_id INTEGER, index_within_function INTEGER )");
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS vectors(row_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, function_id INTEGER,  index_within_function INTEGER, line INTEGER, offset INTEGER, sum_of_counts INTEGER, counts BLOB, instr_seq BLOB)");

  catch(exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
    // index_within_function values are only unique within a file and function
	  con.executenonquery("create index IF NOT EXISTS vectors_sum_of_counts_index on vectors(sum_of_counts)");
  catch(exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS clusters(row_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, cluster INTEGER, function_id INTEGER, index_within_function INTEGER, vectors_row INTEGER, dist INTEGER)");

  catch(exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {
	  con.executenonquery("create table IF NOT EXISTS postprocessed_clusters(row_number INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, cluster INTEGER, function_id INTEGER, index_within_function INTEGER, vectors_row INTEGER, dist INTEGER )");
  catch(exception &ex) {
	cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;

  try {con.executenonquery("create table if not exists function_coverage(function_id integer, num_instructions_covered_not_postprocessed integer, fraction_instructions_covered_not_postprocessed float, num_instructions_covered_postprocessed integer, fraction_instructions_covered_postprocessed float)");}
  catch(exception &ex) {cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;}

  try {con.executenonquery("create table if not exists total_coverage(num_instructions_covered_not_postprocessed integer, fraction_instructions_covered_not_postprocessed float, num_instructions_covered_postprocessed integer, fraction_instructions_covered_postprocessed float)");}
  catch(exception &ex) {cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;}

  try {con.executenonquery("create index if not exists clusters_by_function on clusters(function_id)");}
  catch(exception &ex) {cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;}

  try {con.executenonquery("create index if not exists postprocessed_clusters_by_function on postprocessed_clusters(function_id)");}
  catch(exception &ex) {cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;}

  try {con.executenonquery("create index if not exists function_statistics_by_function on function_statistics(function_id)");}
  catch(exception &ex) {cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;}

  try {
	sqlite3_command(con, "create index if not exists clusters_index_by_cluster on clusters(cluster)").executenonquery();
  } catch (exception& ex) {cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;}
  try {
	sqlite3_command(con, "create index if not exists postprocessed_clusters_index_by_cluster on postprocessed_clusters(cluster)").executenonquery();
  } catch (exception& ex) {cerr << "Exception Occurred: " << ex.what() << endl;}
