CRegStdBase::CRegStdBase (const stdstring& key, bool force, HKEY base)
    : CRegBaseCommon<stdstring> (key, force, base)
	stdstring::size_type pos = key.find_last_of(_T('\\'));
    m_path = key.substr(0, pos);
	m_key = key.substr(pos + 1);
 * Constructor.
 * @param key the path to the key, including the key. example: "Software\\Company\\SubKey\\MyValue"
 * @param def the default value used when the key does not exist or a read error occured
 * @param force set to TRUE if no cache should be used, i.e. always read and write directly from/to registry
 * @param base a predefined base key like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. see the SDK documentation for more information.
CRegStdWORD::CRegStdWORD(stdstring key, DWORD def, BOOL force, HKEY base)
	m_value = 0;
	m_defaultvalue = def;
	m_force = force;
	m_base = base;
	m_read = FALSE;

	stdstring::size_type pos = key.find_last_of(_T('\\'));
    m_path = key.substr(0, pos);
	m_key = key.substr(pos + 1);