void change_char_at_pos(const std::string & str, const s_vector & N)
  RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR.push_back(""); // If it is empty I can start so add empty string.
  std::string set[] = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9",

  int idx = 0;
  s_vector::const_iterator pos = N.begin();

  while(pos != N.end()) // During iterations, when we confront pos change it from 0 to z.
    if ((int)str.length() - *pos > idx) //Maintain character positions that vector N doesn't mention.
      for (str_vector::iterator it = RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR.begin(); it != RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR.end(); ++it)
        *it += str[idx];
    else //Change charactor positions that vector N mention.
      str_vector tempV;
      for (str_vector::iterator it = RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR.begin(); it != RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR.end(); ++it)
      	for (int i=0;i<62;i++)
      		tempV.push_back(*it + set[i]);
      RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR = tempV; //already modify all the elements in RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR, and give them back to itself.
      ++pos; idx++;

  while (idx < (int)str.length()) // If while loop ends because we changed all, add left part of string.
    for (str_vector::iterator it = RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR.begin(); it != RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR.end(); ++it)
      *it += str[idx];

void account_table::recommend(const std::string & str, str_vector & result, const unsigned int & numbers)
	int score = 1;
	while (1)
		str_vector temp;

		int s_len = 0;
		int s_mod; // score - s_len
		unsigned int p_cnt = 0;

		while ( s_len <= score )
			s_mod = score - s_len;
			get_pos_set(s_mod); //calculate score(s_mod) permutation set

			// First step cut first and modify
			if (str.length() > p_cnt)
			  std::string temp_str = str.substr(0, (int)str.length() - p_cnt); //cut length

				if (s_mod == 0) temp.push_back(temp_str); // Add string, which is only cut
				else //Add string; there is modification
			    	for (m_vector::iterator it = TABLE[s_mod-1].begin(); it != TABLE[s_mod-1].end(); ++it)
			      		if (it->front() <= (int)temp_str.length()) //Need to check, whether the modification target position is within string.
			        		change_char_at_pos(temp_str, *it);
			        		std::copy (RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR.begin(),RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR.end(),back_inserter(temp));

			// Second step modify first and add permutation
			str_vector pmt = permute(p_cnt);
			if (pmt.size() != 0)
				if ((int)str.length() + p_cnt <= 100) // Length of ID should be less than 100
					if (s_mod == 0) // s_mod is 0
						for (str_vector::iterator it = pmt.begin(); it != pmt.end(); ++it)
					    	temp.push_back(str + *it);
						for (m_vector::iterator it = TABLE[s_mod-1].begin(); it != TABLE[s_mod-1].end(); ++it)
							if (it->front() <= (int)str.length())
								change_char_at_pos(str, *it);

								for (str_vector::iterator i_it = RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR.begin(); i_it != RESULT_BY_CHANGE_CHAR.end(); ++i_it)
									for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator ii_it = pmt.begin(); ii_it != pmt.end(); ++ii_it)
										temp.push_back(*i_it + *ii_it);
    	s_len += p_cnt;

    std::sort( temp.begin(), temp.end() );
    str_vector::iterator it = temp.begin();
    while( result.size() < numbers && it != temp.end() )
    	iter_m i = this->account_list.find(*it);
    	if (*it != str && i==this->account_list.end()) //not equal to original string, and it can't already exist
    		if (result.size() != 0 && *it != result.back()) result.push_back(*it);
    	 	else if (result.size() == 0)                    result.push_back(*it);
    if (result.size() == numbers) break;
