	void run(threaded_process_status & p_status,abort_callback & p_abort) {
		try {
			const t_uint32 decode_flags = input_flag_no_seeking | input_flag_no_looping; // tell the decoders that we won't seek and that we don't want looping on formats that support looping.
			input_helper input;
			for(t_size walk = 0; walk < m_items.get_size(); ++walk) {

				p_abort.check(); // in case the input we're working with fails at doing this
				p_status.set_progress(walk, m_items.get_size());
				p_status.set_item_path( m_items[walk]->get_path() );
				input.open(NULL, m_items[walk], decode_flags, p_abort);
				double length;
				{ // fetch the track length for proper dual progress display;
					file_info_impl info;
					// input.open should have preloaded relevant info, no need to query the input itself again.
					// Regular get_info() may not retrieve freshly loaded info yet at this point (it will start giving the new info when relevant info change callbacks are dispatched); we need to use get_info_async.
					if (m_items[walk]->get_info_async(info)) length = info.get_length();
					else length = 0;

				memset( &ctx, 0, sizeof( sha1_context ) );
				sha1_starts( &ctx );
				audio_chunk_impl_temporary l_chunk;
				double decoded = 0;
				while(input.run(l_chunk, p_abort)) { // main decode loop
				    sha1_update(&ctx,(unsigned char*)l_chunk.get_data(),l_chunk.get_data_length());
					//m_peak = l_chunk.get_peak(m_peak);
					if (length > 0) { // don't bother for unknown length tracks
						decoded += l_chunk.get_duration();
						if (decoded > length) decoded = length;
						p_status.set_progress_secondary_float(decoded / length);
					p_abort.check(); // in case the input we're working with fails at doing this
				unsigned char sha1sum[20] ={0};
				pfc::string_formatter msg;
			    for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++ )
				  msg <<pfc::format_hex(sha1sum[i]);
				  audio_hash[walk] =msg;

		} catch(std::exception const & e) {
			m_failMsg = e.what();