bool Foam::treeLeaf<Foam::octreeDataPoint>::findNearest
    const octreeDataPoint& shapes,
    const point& sample,
    treeBoundBox& tightest,
    label& tightestI,
    scalar& tightestDist
) const
    // Some aliases
    const pointField& points = shapes.points();
    point& tMin = tightest.min();
    point& tMax = tightest.max();

    scalar minDist2 = sqr(tightestDist);

    label minIndex = -1;
    forAll(indices_, i)
        label pointi = indices_[i];
        scalar dist = magSqr(points[pointi] - sample);

        if (dist < minDist2)
            minDist2 = dist;
            minIndex = pointi;
bool Foam::octreeDataBoundBox::findTightest
    const label index,
    const point& sample,
    treeBoundBox& tightest
) const
    // Get furthest away vertex
    point myNear, myFar;
    allBb_[index].calcExtremities(sample, myNear, myFar);

    const point dist = myFar - sample;
    scalar myFarDist = mag(dist);

    point tightestNear, tightestFar;
    tightest.calcExtremities(sample, tightestNear, tightestFar);

    scalar tightestFarDist = mag(tightestFar - sample);

    if (tightestFarDist < myFarDist)
        // Keep current tightest.
        return false;
        // Construct bb around sample and myFar
        const point dist2(fabs(dist.x()), fabs(dist.y()), fabs(dist.z()));

        tightest.min() = sample - dist2;
        tightest.max() = sample + dist2;

        return true;
bool Foam::octreeDataCell::overlaps
    const label index,
    const treeBoundBox& cubeBb
) const
    return cubeBb.overlaps(bbs_[index]);
bool Foam::octreeDataBoundBox::overlaps
    const label index,
    const treeBoundBox& sampleBb
) const
    return sampleBb.overlaps(allBb_[index]);
// Check if any point on shape is inside cubeBb.
bool Foam::treeDataPoint::overlaps
    const label index,
    const treeBoundBox& cubeBb
) const
    return cubeBb.contains(points_[index]);
bool Foam::treeLeaf<Foam::octreeDataTriSurface>::findNearest
    const octreeDataTriSurface& shapes,
    const point& sample,
    treeBoundBox& tightest,
    label& tightestI,
    scalar& tightestDist
) const
    // Some aliases
    const treeBoundBoxList& allBb = shapes.allBb();
    point& min = tightest.min();
    point& max = tightest.max();

    point nearest;

    bool changed = false;
    forAll(indices_, i)
        label faceI = indices_[i];

        // Quick rejection test.
        if (tightest.overlaps(allBb[faceI]))
            // Full calculation
            scalar dist = shapes.calcNearest(faceI, sample, nearest);

            if (dist < tightestDist)
                // Update bb (centered around sample, span is dist)
                min.x() = sample.x() - dist;
                min.y() = sample.y() - dist;
                min.z() = sample.z() - dist;

                max.x() = sample.x() + dist;
                max.y() = sample.y() + dist;
                max.z() = sample.z() + dist;

                tightestI = faceI;
                tightestDist = dist;

                changed = true;
bool Foam::treeDataPoint::overlaps
    const label index,
    const treeBoundBox& cubeBb
) const
    label pointi = (useSubset_ ? pointLabels_[index] : index);
    return cubeBb.contains(points_[pointi]);
treeNode<Type>::treeNode(const treeBoundBox& bb)
    for(label octant=0; octant<8; octant++)
        subNodes_[octant] = NULL;
        setVolType(octant, octree<Type>::UNKNOWN);
void dumpBox(const treeBoundBox& bb, const fileName& fName)
    OFstream str(fName);

    Info<< "Dumping bounding box " << bb << " as lines to obj file "
        << << endl;

    pointField boxPoints(bb.points());

    forAll(boxPoints, i)
        meshTools::writeOBJ(str, boxPoints[i]);
void Foam::treeDataPoint::findNearestOp::operator()
    const labelUList& indices,
    const linePointRef& ln,

    treeBoundBox& tightest,
    label& minIndex,
    point& linePoint,
    point& nearestPoint
) const
    const treeDataPoint& shape = tree_.shapes();

    // Best so far
    scalar nearestDistSqr = GREAT;
    if (minIndex >= 0)
        nearestDistSqr = magSqr(linePoint - nearestPoint);

    forAll(indices, i)
        const label index = indices[i];
        label pointi =
          ? shape.pointLabels()[index]
          : index

        const point& shapePt = shape.points()[pointi];

        if (tightest.contains(shapePt))
            // Nearest point on line
            pointHit pHit = ln.nearestDist(shapePt);
            scalar distSqr = sqr(pHit.distance());

            if (distSqr < nearestDistSqr)
                nearestDistSqr = distSqr;
                minIndex = index;
                linePoint = pHit.rawPoint();
                nearestPoint = shapePt;

                    point& minPt = tightest.min();
                    minPt = min(ln.start(), ln.end());
                    minPt.x() -= pHit.distance();
                    minPt.y() -= pHit.distance();
                    minPt.z() -= pHit.distance();
                    point& maxPt = tightest.max();
                    maxPt = max(ln.start(), ln.end());
                    maxPt.x() += pHit.distance();
                    maxPt.y() += pHit.distance();
                    maxPt.z() += pHit.distance();
const treeLeaf<Type>* treeNode<Type>::findLeafLineOctant
    const int level,
    const Type& shapes,
    const label octant,
    const vector& direction,
    point& start,
    const point& end
) const
    static const char* functionName =
        "(const int, const Type&, const label, const vector&,"
        " point&, const point&)";

    if (debug & 2)
        space(Pout, 2*level);
        Pout<< "findLeafLineOctant : bb:" << this->bb()
            << "  start:" << start
            << "  end:" << end
            << "  mid:" << mid()
            << " Searching octant:" << octant
            << endl;

    if (subNodes()[octant])
        if (isNode(octant))
            // Node: recurse into subnodes
            const treeNode<Type>* subNodePtr = getNodePtr(octant);

            if (subNodePtr->bb().contains(direction, start))
                // Search on lower level
                const treeLeaf<Type>* subLeafPtr =
                        level + 1,

                if (debug & 2)
                    space(Pout, 2*level);
                    Pout<< "findLeafLineOctant : bb:" << this->bb()
                        << " returning from sub treeNode"
                        << " with start:" << start << "  subLeaf:"
                        << long(subLeafPtr) << endl;

                return subLeafPtr;
                    << "Sub node " << subNodePtr->bb()
                    << " at octant " << octant
                    << " does not contain start " << start
                    << abort(FatalError);
            // Leaf
            const treeLeaf<Type>* subLeafPtr = getLeafPtr(octant);

            if (subLeafPtr->bb().contains(direction, start))
                // Step to end of subleaf bb
                point tmp;
                        << "Sub leaf contains start " << start
                        << " but line does not intersect its bb "
                        << subLeafPtr->bb()
                        << abort(FatalError);
                start = tmp;

                if (debug & 2)
                    space(Pout, 2*level);
                    Pout<< "findLeafLineOctant : returning from intersecting"
                        << " treeLeaf " << subLeafPtr->bb()
                        << " with start:" << start << "  subLeaf:"
                        << long(subLeafPtr) << endl;

                return subLeafPtr;
                    << "Sub leaf " << subLeafPtr->bb()
                    << " at octant " << octant
                    << " does not contain start " << start
                    << abort(FatalError);
        // Empty subNode. Transfer across.
        const treeBoundBox emptyBb = this->bb().subBbox(mid(), octant);

        if (emptyBb.contains(direction, start))
            if (debug & 2)
                space(Pout, 2*level);
                Pout<< "findLeafLineOctant : Empty node. Octant:" << octant
                    << "  start:" << start
                    << "  bb:" << this->bb()
                    << "  emptyBb:" << emptyBb << endl;

            // Update start by clipping to emptyBb
            point tmp;
                    << "Empty node contains start " << start
                    << " but line does not intersect its (calculated)"
                    << " bb " << emptyBb
                    << endl << "This might be due to truncation error"
                    << abort(FatalError);
            start = tmp;

            if (debug & 2)
                space(Pout, 2*level);
                Pout<< "findLeafLineOctant : returning from intersecting with"
                    << " empty " << emptyBb
                    << " with start:" << start << "  subLeaf:" << 0 << endl;

            return NULL;
                << "Empty node " << emptyBb
                << " at octant " << octant
                << " does not contain start " << start
                << abort(FatalError);

        << "Octant " << octant << " of cube " << this->bb()
        << " does not contain start " << start
        << abort(FatalError);

    return NULL;
// Intersect triangle with bounding box. Return true if
// any of the faces of bb intersect triangle.
// Note: so returns false if triangle inside bb.
bool Foam::triangleFuncs::intersectBb
    const point& p0,
    const point& p1,
    const point& p2,
    const treeBoundBox& cubeBb
    const vector p10 = p1 - p0;
    const vector p20 = p2 - p0;

    // cubeBb points; counted as if cell with vertex0 at cubeBb.min().
    const point& min = cubeBb.min();
    const point& max = cubeBb.max();

    const point& cube0 = min;
    const point  cube1(min.x(), min.y(), max.z());
    const point  cube2(max.x(), min.y(), max.z());
    const point  cube3(max.x(), min.y(), min.z());

    const point  cube4(min.x(), max.y(), min.z());
    const point  cube5(min.x(), max.y(), max.z());
    const point  cube7(max.x(), max.y(), min.z());

    // Intersect all 12 edges of cube with triangle

    point pInter;
    pointField origin(4);
    // edges in x direction
    origin[0] = cube0;
    origin[1] = cube1;
    origin[2] = cube5;
    origin[3] = cube4;

    scalar maxSx = max.x() - min.x();

    if (intersectAxesBundle(p0, p10, p20, 0, origin, maxSx, pInter))
        return true;

    // edges in y direction
    origin[0] = cube0;
    origin[1] = cube1;
    origin[2] = cube2;
    origin[3] = cube3;

    scalar maxSy = max.y() - min.y();

    if (intersectAxesBundle(p0, p10, p20, 1, origin, maxSy, pInter))
        return true;

    // edges in z direction
    origin[0] = cube0;
    origin[1] = cube3;
    origin[2] = cube7;
    origin[3] = cube4;

    scalar maxSz = max.z() - min.z();

    if (intersectAxesBundle(p0, p10, p20, 2, origin, maxSz, pInter))
        return true;

    // Intersect triangle edges with bounding box
    if (cubeBb.intersects(p0, p1, pInter))
        return true;
    if (cubeBb.intersects(p1, p2, pInter))
        return true;
    if (cubeBb.intersects(p2, p0, pInter))
        return true;

    return false;

     // All the info for nearest. Construct to miss
    List<mappedPatchBase::nearInfo> nearest(this->size());

    const polyPatch& pp = bm[patchi];

    if (pp.size() > 0)
        labelList bndFaces(pp.size());
        forAll(bndFaces, i)
            bndFaces[i] =  pp.start() + i;

        treeBoundBox overallBb(pp.points());
        Random rndGen(123456);
        overallBb = overallBb.extend(rndGen, 1e-4);
        overallBb.min() -= point(ROOTVSMALL, ROOTVSMALL, ROOTVSMALL);
        overallBb.max() += point(ROOTVSMALL, ROOTVSMALL, ROOTVSMALL);

        const indexedOctree<treeDataFace> boundaryTree
            treeDataFace    // all information needed to search faces
                false,                      // do not cache bb
                bndFaces                    // patch faces only
            overallBb,                      // overall search domain
            8,                              // maxLevel