void ForwardEulerNumericalMethod<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>::UpdateAllNodePositions(double dt) { if (!this->mUseUpdateNodeLocation) { // Apply forces to each cell, and save a vector of net forces F std::vector<c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> > forces = this->ComputeForcesIncludingDamping(); unsigned index = 0; for (typename AbstractMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mpCellPopulation->rGetMesh().GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->mpCellPopulation->rGetMesh().GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter, ++index) { // Get the current node location and calculate the new location according to the forward Euler method const c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM>& r_old_location = node_iter->rGetLocation(); c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> displacement = dt * forces[index]; // In the vertex-based case, the displacement may be scaled if the cell rearrangement threshold is exceeded this->DetectStepSizeExceptions(node_iter->GetIndex(), displacement, dt); c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> new_location = r_old_location + displacement; this->SafeNodePositionUpdate(node_iter->GetIndex(), new_location); } } else { /* * If this type of cell population does not support the new numerical methods, delegate * updating node positions to the population itself. * * This only applies to NodeBasedCellPopulationWithBuskeUpdates. */ this->mpCellPopulation->UpdateNodeLocations(dt); } }
void NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles<DIM>::Validate() { std::map<unsigned, bool> validated_nodes; for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM, DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { validated_nodes[node_iter->GetIndex()] = node_iter->IsParticle(); } // Look through all of the cells and record what node they are associated with. for (typename AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>::Iterator cell_iter=this->Begin(); cell_iter!=this->End(); ++cell_iter) { unsigned node_index = this->GetLocationIndexUsingCell((*cell_iter)); // If the node attached to this cell is labelled as a particle, then throw an error if (this->GetNode(node_index)->IsParticle()) { EXCEPTION("Node " << node_index << " is labelled as a particle and has a cell attached"); } validated_nodes[node_index] = true; } for (std::map<unsigned, bool>::iterator map_iter = validated_nodes.begin(); map_iter != validated_nodes.end(); map_iter++) { if (!map_iter->second) { EXCEPTION("Node " << map_iter->first << " does not appear to be a particle or has a cell associated with it"); } } }
void NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles<DIM>::UpdateParticlePositions(double dt) { // Initialise vector of forces on particles std::vector<c_vector<double, DIM> > drdt(this->GetNumNodes()); for (unsigned i=0; i<drdt.size(); i++) { drdt[i] = zero_vector<double>(DIM); } // Calculate forces on particles double damping_constant = this->GetDampingConstantNormal(); for (unsigned i=0; i<drdt.size(); i++) { drdt[i] = this->GetNode(i)->rGetAppliedForce()/damping_constant; } for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM,DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { if (node_iter->IsParticle()) { ChastePoint<DIM> new_point(node_iter->rGetLocation() + dt*drdt[node_iter->GetIndex()]); node_iter->SetPoint(new_point); } } }
void NodeBasedCellPopulation<DIM>::Validate() { for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM,DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { try { this->GetCellUsingLocationIndex(node_iter->GetIndex()); } catch (Exception&) { EXCEPTION("Node " << node_iter->GetIndex() << " does not appear to have a cell associated with it"); } } }
void TCellDiffusionForce<DIM>::AddForceContribution(AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>& rCellPopulation) { double dt = SimulationTime::Instance()->GetTimeStep(); // Iterate over the nodes for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM, DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = rCellPopulation.rGetMesh().GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != rCellPopulation.rGetMesh().GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { // Get the radius of this node unsigned node_index = node_iter->GetIndex(); double node_radius = node_iter->GetRadius(); // Get cell associated with this index CellPtr p_cell = rCellPopulation.GetCellUsingLocationIndex(node_index); // Reject if no radius has been set if (node_radius == 0.0) { EXCEPTION("SetRadius() must be called on each Node before calling TCellDiffusionForce::AddForceContribution() to avoid a division by zero error"); } // If the selected cell is a Unlabelled Differentiated T Cell, apply diffusion force contribution. if ( (p_cell->GetMutationState()->IsType<TCellMutationState>()) && (p_cell->GetCellProliferativeType()->IsType<DifferentiatedCellProliferativeType>()) && !(p_cell->HasCellProperty<CellLabel>()) ) { double nu = dynamic_cast<AbstractOffLatticeCellPopulation<DIM>*>(&rCellPopulation)->GetDampingConstant(node_index); /* Compute the diffusion coefficient D as D = k*T/(6*pi*eta*r), where * * k = Boltzmann's constant, * T = absolute temperature, * eta = dynamic viscosity, * r = cell radius. */ double diffusion_const_scaling = GetDiffusionScalingConstant(); double diffusion_constant = diffusion_const_scaling/node_radius; c_vector<double, DIM> force_contribution; for (unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++) { /* The force on this cell is scaled with the timestep such that when it is * used in the discretised equation of motion for the cell, we obtain the * correct formula * * x_new = x_old + sqrt(2*D*dt)*W * * where W is a standard normal random variable. */ double xi = RandomNumberGenerator::Instance()->StandardNormalRandomDeviate(); force_contribution[i] = mStrengthParameter * ((nu*sqrt(2.0*diffusion_constant*dt)/dt)*xi); } node_iter->AddAppliedForceContribution(force_contribution); } } }
void MeshBasedCellPopulationWithGhostNodes<DIM>::AcceptCellWritersAcrossPopulation() { for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM, DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->rGetMesh().GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->rGetMesh().GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { // If it isn't a ghost node then there might be cell writers attached if (! this->IsGhostNode(node_iter->GetIndex())) { for (typename std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCellWriter<DIM, DIM> > >::iterator cell_writer_iter = this->mCellWriters.begin(); cell_writer_iter != this->mCellWriters.end(); ++cell_writer_iter) { CellPtr cell_from_node = this->GetCellUsingLocationIndex(node_iter->GetIndex()); this->AcceptCellWriter(*cell_writer_iter, cell_from_node); } } } }
void NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles<DIM>::SetParticles(const std::set<unsigned>& rParticleIndices) { for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM,DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { if (rParticleIndices.find(node_iter->GetIndex()) != rParticleIndices.end()) { node_iter->SetIsParticle(true); } } NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles::Validate(); }
std::set<unsigned> NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles<DIM>::GetParticleIndices() { std::set<unsigned> particle_indices; for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM,DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { if (node_iter->IsParticle()) { particle_indices.insert(node_iter->GetIndex()); } } return particle_indices; }
void MeshBasedCellPopulationWithGhostNodes<DIM>::ApplyGhostForces(){ // Initialise vector of forces on ghost nodes std::vector<c_vector<double, DIM> > drdt(this->GetNumNodes()); for (unsigned i=0; i<drdt.size(); i++) { drdt[i] = zero_vector<double>(DIM); } // Calculate forces on ghost nodes for (typename MutableMesh<DIM, DIM>::EdgeIterator edge_iterator = static_cast<MutableMesh<DIM, DIM>&>((this->mrMesh)).EdgesBegin(); edge_iterator != static_cast<MutableMesh<DIM, DIM>&>((this->mrMesh)).EdgesEnd(); ++edge_iterator) { unsigned nodeA_global_index = edge_iterator.GetNodeA()->GetIndex(); unsigned nodeB_global_index = edge_iterator.GetNodeB()->GetIndex(); c_vector<double, DIM> force = CalculateForceBetweenGhostNodes(nodeA_global_index, nodeB_global_index); if (!this->mIsGhostNode[nodeA_global_index]) { drdt[nodeB_global_index] -= force; } else { drdt[nodeA_global_index] += force; if (this->mIsGhostNode[nodeB_global_index]) { drdt[nodeB_global_index] -= force; } } } for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM,DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { unsigned node_index = node_iter->GetIndex(); if (this->mIsGhostNode[node_index]) { node_iter->ClearAppliedForce(); node_iter->AddAppliedForceContribution(drdt[node_index]); } } };
NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles<DIM>::NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles(NodesOnlyMesh<DIM>& rMesh, std::vector<CellPtr>& rCells, const std::vector<unsigned> locationIndices, bool deleteMesh) : NodeBasedCellPopulation<DIM>(rMesh, rCells, locationIndices, deleteMesh, false) { EXCEPT_IF_NOT(PetscTools::IsSequential()); if (!locationIndices.empty()) { // Create a set of node indices corresponding to particles std::set<unsigned> node_indices; std::set<unsigned> location_indices; std::set<unsigned> particle_indices; for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM,DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = rMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != rMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { node_indices.insert(node_iter->GetIndex()); } for (unsigned i=0; i<locationIndices.size(); i++) { location_indices.insert(locationIndices[i]); } std::set_difference(node_indices.begin(), node_indices.end(), location_indices.begin(), location_indices.end(), std::inserter(particle_indices, particle_indices.begin())); // This method finishes and then calls Validate() SetParticles(particle_indices); } else { for (typename NodesOnlyMesh<DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = rMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != rMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { (*node_iter).SetIsParticle(false); } NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles::Validate(); } }
void NodeBasedCellPopulationWithParticles<DIM>::WriteVtkResultsToFile(const std::string& rDirectory) { #ifdef CHASTE_VTK // Store the present time as a string std::stringstream time; time << SimulationTime::Instance()->GetTimeStepsElapsed(); // Make sure the nodes are ordered contiguously in memory NodeMap map(1 + this->mpNodesOnlyMesh->GetMaximumNodeIndex()); this->mpNodesOnlyMesh->ReMesh(map); // Store the number of cells for which to output data to VTK unsigned num_nodes = this->GetNumNodes(); std::vector<double> rank(num_nodes); std::vector<double> particles(num_nodes); unsigned num_cell_data_items = 0; std::vector<std::string> cell_data_names; // We assume that the first cell is representative of all cells if (num_nodes > 0) { num_cell_data_items = this->Begin()->GetCellData()->GetNumItems(); cell_data_names = this->Begin()->GetCellData()->GetKeys(); } std::vector<std::vector<double> > cell_data; for (unsigned var=0; var<num_cell_data_items; var++) { std::vector<double> cell_data_var(num_nodes); cell_data.push_back(cell_data_var); } // Create mesh writer for VTK output VtkMeshWriter<DIM, DIM> mesh_writer(rDirectory, "results_"+time.str(), false); mesh_writer.SetParallelFiles(*(this->mpNodesOnlyMesh)); // Iterate over any cell writers that are present for (typename std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCellWriter<DIM, DIM> > >::iterator cell_writer_iter = this->mCellWriters.begin(); cell_writer_iter != this->mCellWriters.end(); ++cell_writer_iter) { // Create vector to store VTK cell data std::vector<double> vtk_cell_data(num_nodes); // Loop over nodes for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM,DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { unsigned node_index = node_iter->GetIndex(); // If this node is a particle (not a cell), then we set the 'dummy' VTK cell data for this to be -2.0... if (this->IsParticle(node_index)) { vtk_cell_data[node_index] = -2.0; } else { // ...otherwise we populate the vector of VTK cell data as usual CellPtr p_cell = this->GetCellUsingLocationIndex(node_index); vtk_cell_data[node_index] = (*cell_writer_iter)->GetCellDataForVtkOutput(p_cell, this); } } mesh_writer.AddPointData((*cell_writer_iter)->GetVtkCellDataName(), vtk_cell_data); } // Loop over cells for (typename AbstractCellPopulation<DIM>::Iterator cell_iter = this->Begin(); cell_iter != this->End(); ++cell_iter) { // Get the node index corresponding to this cell unsigned global_index = this->GetLocationIndexUsingCell(*cell_iter); unsigned node_index = this->rGetMesh().SolveNodeMapping(global_index); for (unsigned var=0; var<num_cell_data_items; var++) { cell_data[var][node_index] = cell_iter->GetCellData()->GetItem(cell_data_names[var]); } rank[node_index] = (PetscTools::GetMyRank()); } mesh_writer.AddPointData("Process rank", rank); // Loop over nodes for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM,DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { unsigned node_index = node_iter->GetIndex(); particles[node_index] = (double) (this->IsParticle(node_index)); } mesh_writer.AddPointData("Non-particles", particles); if (num_cell_data_items > 0) { for (unsigned var=0; var<cell_data.size(); var++) { mesh_writer.AddPointData(cell_data_names[var], cell_data[var]); } } mesh_writer.WriteFilesUsingMesh(*(this->mpNodesOnlyMesh)); *(this->mpVtkMetaFile) << " <DataSet timestep=\""; *(this->mpVtkMetaFile) << SimulationTime::Instance()->GetTimeStepsElapsed(); *(this->mpVtkMetaFile) << "\" group=\"\" part=\"0\" file=\"results_"; *(this->mpVtkMetaFile) << SimulationTime::Instance()->GetTimeStepsElapsed(); EXCEPT_IF_NOT(PetscTools::IsSequential()); { *(this->mpVtkMetaFile) << ".vtu\"/>\n"; } /* { // Parallel vtu files .vtu -> .pvtu *(this->mpVtkMetaFile) << ".pvtu\"/>\n"; }*/ #endif //CHASTE_VTK }
void AbstractContinuumMechanicsSolver<DIM>::AllocateMatrixMemory() { Vec template_vec = mrQuadMesh.GetDistributedVectorFactory()->CreateVec(mProblemDimension); /////////////////////////// // three vectors /////////////////////////// VecDuplicate(template_vec, &mResidualVector); VecDuplicate(mResidualVector, &mLinearSystemRhsVector); // the one is only allocated if it will be needed (in ApplyDirichletBoundaryConditions), // depending on whether the matrix is kept symmetric. mDirichletBoundaryConditionsVector = NULL; PetscTools::Destroy(template_vec); /////////////////////////// // two matrices /////////////////////////// int lo, hi; VecGetOwnershipRange(mResidualVector, &lo, &hi); PetscInt local_size = hi - lo; if (DIM==2) { // 2D: N elements around a point => 7N+3 non-zeros in that row? Assume N<=10 (structured mesh would have N_max=6) => 73. unsigned num_non_zeros = std::min(75u, mNumDofs); PetscTools::SetupMat(mSystemLhsMatrix, mNumDofs, mNumDofs, num_non_zeros, local_size, local_size); PetscTools::SetupMat(mPreconditionMatrix, mNumDofs, mNumDofs, num_non_zeros, local_size, local_size); } else { assert(DIM==3); // in 3d we get the number of containing elements for each node and use that to obtain an upper bound // for the number of non-zeros for each DOF associated with that node. int* num_non_zeros_each_row = new int[mNumDofs]; for (unsigned i=0; i<mNumDofs; i++) { num_non_zeros_each_row[i] = 0; } for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM,DIM>::NodeIterator iter = mrQuadMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); iter != mrQuadMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++iter) { // this upper bound neglects the fact that two containing elements will share the same nodes.. // 4 = max num dofs associated with this node // 30 = 3*9+3 = 3 dimensions x 9 other nodes on this element + 3 vertices with a pressure unknown unsigned num_non_zeros_upper_bound = 4 + 30*iter->GetNumContainingElements(); num_non_zeros_upper_bound = std::min(num_non_zeros_upper_bound, mNumDofs); unsigned i = iter->GetIndex(); num_non_zeros_each_row[mProblemDimension*i + 0] = num_non_zeros_upper_bound; num_non_zeros_each_row[mProblemDimension*i + 1] = num_non_zeros_upper_bound; num_non_zeros_each_row[mProblemDimension*i + 2] = num_non_zeros_upper_bound; if (mCompressibilityType==INCOMPRESSIBLE) { if(!iter->IsInternal()) { num_non_zeros_each_row[mProblemDimension*i + 3] = num_non_zeros_upper_bound; } else { num_non_zeros_each_row[mProblemDimension*i + 3] = 1; } } } // NOTE: PetscTools::SetupMat() or the below creates a MATAIJ matrix, which means the matrix will // be of type MATSEQAIJ if num_procs=1 and MATMPIAIJ otherwise. In the former case // MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation MUST be called [MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation will have // no effect (silently)], and vice versa in the latter case /// We want to allocate different numbers of non-zeros per row, which means /// PetscTools::SetupMat isn't that useful. We could call //PetscTools::SetupMat(mSystemLhsMatrix, mNumDofs, mNumDofs, 0, PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE); //PetscTools::SetupMat(mPreconditionMatrix, mNumDofs, mNumDofs, 0, PETSC_DECIDE, PETSC_DECIDE); /// but we would get warnings due to the lack allocation // possible todo: create a PetscTools::SetupMatNoAllocation() #if (PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR == 2 && PETSC_VERSION_MINOR == 2) //PETSc 2.2 MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,local_size,local_size,mNumDofs,mNumDofs,&mSystemLhsMatrix); MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,local_size,local_size,mNumDofs,mNumDofs,&mPreconditionMatrix); #else //New API MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&mSystemLhsMatrix); MatCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,&mPreconditionMatrix); MatSetSizes(mSystemLhsMatrix,local_size,local_size,mNumDofs,mNumDofs); MatSetSizes(mPreconditionMatrix,local_size,local_size,mNumDofs,mNumDofs); #endif if (PetscTools::IsSequential()) { MatSetType(mSystemLhsMatrix, MATSEQAIJ); MatSetType(mPreconditionMatrix, MATSEQAIJ); MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(mSystemLhsMatrix, PETSC_DEFAULT, num_non_zeros_each_row); MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation(mPreconditionMatrix, PETSC_DEFAULT, num_non_zeros_each_row); } else { int* num_non_zeros_each_row_in_diag = new int[local_size]; int* num_non_zeros_each_row_off_diag = new int[local_size]; for (unsigned i=0; i<unsigned(local_size); i++) { num_non_zeros_each_row_in_diag[i] = num_non_zeros_each_row[lo+i]; num_non_zeros_each_row_off_diag[i] = num_non_zeros_each_row[lo+i]; // In the on process ("diagonal block") there cannot be more non-zero columns specified than there are rows if(num_non_zeros_each_row_in_diag[i] > local_size) { num_non_zeros_each_row_in_diag[i] = local_size; } } MatSetType(mSystemLhsMatrix, MATMPIAIJ); MatSetType(mPreconditionMatrix, MATMPIAIJ); MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(mSystemLhsMatrix, PETSC_DEFAULT, num_non_zeros_each_row_in_diag, PETSC_DEFAULT, num_non_zeros_each_row_off_diag); MatMPIAIJSetPreallocation(mPreconditionMatrix, PETSC_DEFAULT, num_non_zeros_each_row_in_diag, PETSC_DEFAULT, num_non_zeros_each_row_off_diag); } MatSetFromOptions(mSystemLhsMatrix); MatSetFromOptions(mPreconditionMatrix); #if (PETSC_VERSION_MAJOR == 3) //PETSc 3.x.x MatSetOption(mSystemLhsMatrix, MAT_IGNORE_OFF_PROC_ENTRIES, PETSC_TRUE); MatSetOption(mPreconditionMatrix, MAT_IGNORE_OFF_PROC_ENTRIES, PETSC_TRUE); #else MatSetOption(mSystemLhsMatrix, MAT_IGNORE_OFF_PROC_ENTRIES); MatSetOption(mPreconditionMatrix, MAT_IGNORE_OFF_PROC_ENTRIES); #endif //unsigned total_non_zeros = 0; //for (unsigned i=0; i<mNumDofs; i++) //{ // total_non_zeros += num_non_zeros_each_row[i]; //} //std::cout << total_non_zeros << " versus " << 500*mNumDofs << "\n" << std::flush; delete [] num_non_zeros_each_row; } }
void PottsBasedCellPopulation<DIM>::WriteVtkResultsToFile(const std::string& rDirectory) { #ifdef CHASTE_VTK unsigned num_timesteps = SimulationTime::Instance()->GetTimeStepsElapsed(); std::stringstream time; time << num_timesteps; // Create mesh writer for VTK output VtkMeshWriter<DIM, DIM> mesh_writer(rDirectory, "results_"+time.str(), false); // Iterate over any cell writers that are present unsigned num_nodes = GetNumNodes(); for (typename std::set<boost::shared_ptr<AbstractCellWriter<DIM, DIM> > >::iterator cell_writer_iter = this->mCellWriters.begin(); cell_writer_iter != this->mCellWriters.end(); ++cell_writer_iter) { // Create vector to store VTK cell data std::vector<double> vtk_cell_data(num_nodes); // Iterate over nodes in the mesh for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM,DIM>::NodeIterator iter = mpPottsMesh->GetNodeIteratorBegin(); iter != mpPottsMesh->GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++iter) { // Get the index of this node in the mesh and those elements (i.e. cells) that contain this node unsigned node_index = iter->GetIndex(); std::set<unsigned> element_indices = iter->rGetContainingElementIndices(); // If there are no elements associated with this node, then we set the value of any VTK cell data to be -1 at this node... if (element_indices.empty()) { // Populate the vector of VTK cell data vtk_cell_data[node_index] = -1.0; } else { // ... otherwise there should be exactly one element (i.e. cell) containing this node assert(element_indices.size() == 1); unsigned elem_index = *(element_indices.begin()); CellPtr p_cell = this->GetCellUsingLocationIndex(elem_index); // Populate the vector of VTK cell data vtk_cell_data[node_index] = (*cell_writer_iter)->GetCellDataForVtkOutput(p_cell, this); } } mesh_writer.AddPointData((*cell_writer_iter)->GetVtkCellDataName(), vtk_cell_data); } // When outputting any CellData, we assume that the first cell is representative of all cells unsigned num_cell_data_items = this->Begin()->GetCellData()->GetNumItems(); std::vector<std::string> cell_data_names = this->Begin()->GetCellData()->GetKeys(); std::vector<std::vector<double> > cell_data; for (unsigned var=0; var<num_cell_data_items; var++) { std::vector<double> cell_data_var(num_nodes); cell_data.push_back(cell_data_var); } for (typename AbstractMesh<DIM,DIM>::NodeIterator iter = mpPottsMesh->GetNodeIteratorBegin(); iter != mpPottsMesh->GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++iter) { // Get the index of this node in the mesh and those elements (i.e. cells) that contain this node unsigned node_index = iter->GetIndex(); std::set<unsigned> element_indices = iter->rGetContainingElementIndices(); // If there are no elements associated with this node, then we set the value of any VTK cell data to be -1 at this node... if (element_indices.empty()) { for (unsigned var=0; var<num_cell_data_items; var++) { cell_data[var][node_index] = -1.0; } } else { // ... otherwise there should be exactly one element (i.e. cell) containing this node assert(element_indices.size() == 1); unsigned elem_index = *(element_indices.begin()); CellPtr p_cell = this->GetCellUsingLocationIndex(elem_index); for (unsigned var=0; var<num_cell_data_items; var++) { cell_data[var][node_index] = p_cell->GetCellData()->GetItem(cell_data_names[var]); } } } for (unsigned var=0; var<cell_data.size(); var++) { mesh_writer.AddPointData(cell_data_names[var], cell_data[var]); } /* * The current VTK writer can only write things which inherit from AbstractTetrahedralMeshWriter. * For now, we do an explicit conversion to NodesOnlyMesh. This can be written to VTK then visualized as glyphs. */ NodesOnlyMesh<DIM> temp_mesh; temp_mesh.ConstructNodesWithoutMesh(*mpPottsMesh, 1.5); // This cut-off is arbitrary, as node connectivity is not used here mesh_writer.WriteFilesUsingMesh(temp_mesh); *(this->mpVtkMetaFile) << " <DataSet timestep=\""; *(this->mpVtkMetaFile) << num_timesteps; *(this->mpVtkMetaFile) << "\" group=\"\" part=\"0\" file=\"results_"; *(this->mpVtkMetaFile) << num_timesteps; *(this->mpVtkMetaFile) << ".vtu\"/>\n"; #endif //CHASTE_VTK }
void MeshBasedCellPopulation<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>::Update(bool hasHadBirthsOrDeaths) { ///\todo check if there is a more efficient way of keeping track of node velocity information (#2404) bool output_node_velocities = (this-> template HasWriter<NodeVelocityWriter>()); /** * If node radii are set, then we must keep a record of these, since they will be cleared during * the remeshing process. We then restore these attributes to the nodes after calling ReMesh(). * * At present, we check whether node radii are set by interrogating the radius of the first node * in the mesh and asking if it is strictly greater than zero (the default value, as set in the * NodeAttributes constructor). Hence, we assume that either ALL node radii are set, or NONE are. * * \todo There may be a better way of checking if node radii are set (#2694) */ std::map<unsigned, double> old_node_radius_map; old_node_radius_map.clear(); if (this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin()->HasNodeAttributes()) { if (this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin()->GetRadius() > 0.0) { for (typename AbstractMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { unsigned node_index = node_iter->GetIndex(); old_node_radius_map[node_index] = node_iter->GetRadius(); } } } std::map<unsigned, c_vector<double, SPACE_DIM> > old_node_applied_force_map; old_node_applied_force_map.clear(); if (output_node_velocities) { /* * If outputting node velocities, we must keep a record of the applied force at each * node, since this will be cleared during the remeshing process. We then restore * these attributes to the nodes after calling ReMesh(). */ for (typename AbstractMesh<ELEMENT_DIM, SPACE_DIM>::NodeIterator node_iter = this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorBegin(); node_iter != this->mrMesh.GetNodeIteratorEnd(); ++node_iter) { unsigned node_index = node_iter->GetIndex(); old_node_applied_force_map[node_index] = node_iter->rGetAppliedForce(); } } NodeMap node_map(this->mrMesh.GetNumAllNodes()); // We must use a static_cast to call ReMesh() as this method is not defined in parent mesh classes static_cast<MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>&>((this->mrMesh)).ReMesh(node_map); if (!node_map.IsIdentityMap()) { UpdateGhostNodesAfterReMesh(node_map); // Update the mappings between cells and location indices std::map<Cell*, unsigned> old_cell_location_map = this->mCellLocationMap; // Remove any dead pointers from the maps (needed to avoid archiving errors) this->mLocationCellMap.clear(); this->mCellLocationMap.clear(); for (std::list<CellPtr>::iterator it = this->mCells.begin(); it != this->mCells.end(); ++it) { unsigned old_node_index = old_cell_location_map[(*it).get()]; // This shouldn't ever happen, as the cell vector only contains living cells assert(!node_map.IsDeleted(old_node_index)); unsigned new_node_index = node_map.GetNewIndex(old_node_index); this->SetCellUsingLocationIndex(new_node_index,*it); if (old_node_radius_map[old_node_index] > 0.0) { this->GetNode(new_node_index)->SetRadius(old_node_radius_map[old_node_index]); } if (output_node_velocities) { this->GetNode(new_node_index)->AddAppliedForceContribution(old_node_applied_force_map[old_node_index]); } } this->Validate(); } else { if (old_node_radius_map[this->mCellLocationMap[(*(this->mCells.begin())).get()]] > 0.0) { for (std::list<CellPtr>::iterator it = this->mCells.begin(); it != this->mCells.end(); ++it) { unsigned node_index = this->mCellLocationMap[(*it).get()]; this->GetNode(node_index)->SetRadius(old_node_radius_map[node_index]); } } if (output_node_velocities) { for (std::list<CellPtr>::iterator it = this->mCells.begin(); it != this->mCells.end(); ++it) { unsigned node_index = this->mCellLocationMap[(*it).get()]; this->GetNode(node_index)->AddAppliedForceContribution(old_node_applied_force_map[node_index]); } } } // Purge any marked springs that are no longer springs std::vector<const std::pair<CellPtr,CellPtr>*> springs_to_remove; for (std::set<std::pair<CellPtr,CellPtr> >::iterator spring_it = this->mMarkedSprings.begin(); spring_it != this->mMarkedSprings.end(); ++spring_it) { CellPtr p_cell_1 = spring_it->first; CellPtr p_cell_2 = spring_it->second; Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node_1 = this->GetNodeCorrespondingToCell(p_cell_1); Node<SPACE_DIM>* p_node_2 = this->GetNodeCorrespondingToCell(p_cell_2); bool joined = false; // For each element containing node1, if it also contains node2 then the cells are joined std::set<unsigned> node2_elements = p_node_2->rGetContainingElementIndices(); for (typename Node<SPACE_DIM>::ContainingElementIterator elem_iter = p_node_1->ContainingElementsBegin(); elem_iter != p_node_1->ContainingElementsEnd(); ++elem_iter) { if (node2_elements.find(*elem_iter) != node2_elements.end()) { joined = true; break; } } // If no longer joined, remove this spring from the set if (!joined) { springs_to_remove.push_back(&(*spring_it)); } } // Remove any springs necessary for (std::vector<const std::pair<CellPtr,CellPtr>* >::iterator spring_it = springs_to_remove.begin(); spring_it != springs_to_remove.end(); ++spring_it) { this->mMarkedSprings.erase(**spring_it); } // Tessellate if needed TessellateIfNeeded(); static_cast<MutableMesh<ELEMENT_DIM,SPACE_DIM>&>((this->mrMesh)).SetMeshHasChangedSinceLoading(); }