ASTfunction_declaration::ASTfunction_declaration (OSLCompilerImpl *comp, TypeSpec type, ustring name, ASTNode *form, ASTNode *stmts, ASTNode *meta) : ASTNode (function_declaration_node, comp, 0, meta, form, stmts), m_name(name), m_sym(NULL), m_is_builtin(false) { m_typespec = type; Symbol *f = comp->symtab().clash (name); if (f && f->symtype() != SymTypeFunction) { error ("\"%s\" already declared in this scope as a ", name.c_str(), f->typespec().string().c_str()); // FIXME -- print the file and line of the other definition f = NULL; } // FIXME -- allow multiple function declarations, but only if they // aren't the same polymorphic type. if (name[0] == '_' && name[1] == '_' && name[2] == '_') { error ("\"%s\" : sorry, can't start with three underscores", name.c_str()); } m_sym = new FunctionSymbol (name, type, this); func()->nextpoly ((FunctionSymbol *)f); std::string argcodes = oslcompiler->code_from_type (m_typespec); for (ASTNode *arg = form; arg; arg = arg->nextptr()) { const TypeSpec &t (arg->typespec()); if (t == TypeSpec() /* UNKNOWN */) { m_typespec = TypeDesc::UNKNOWN; return; } argcodes += oslcompiler->code_from_type (t); ASSERT (arg->nodetype() == variable_declaration_node); ASTvariable_declaration *v = (ASTvariable_declaration *)arg; if (v->init()) v->error ("function parameter '%s' may not have a default initializer.", v->name().c_str()); } func()->argcodes (ustring (argcodes)); oslcompiler->symtab().insert (m_sym); // Typecheck it right now, upon declaration typecheck (typespec ()); }
ustring gw_path_get_dirname(const ustring & filename) { ustring returnvalue; gchar *dirname; dirname = g_path_get_dirname(filename.c_str()); returnvalue = dirname; g_free(dirname); return returnvalue; }
ustring gw_path_get_basename(const ustring & filename) { ustring returnvalue; gchar *basename; basename = g_path_get_basename(filename.c_str()); returnvalue = basename; g_free(basename); return returnvalue; }
_size_t_ getMarkedCharPos (ustring ch) { _size_t_ mark = LettersWithMarks.find (removeAccentFromChar (ch.lowercase ())); if (mark != ustring::npos) mark %= LettersWithoutMarks.length (); return mark; }
static void time_read_image () { ImageInput *in = ImageInput::open (input_filename.c_str()); ASSERT (in); in->read_image (TypeDesc::TypeFloat, &buffer[0]); in->close (); delete in; }
void CGlobalRecords::wide2str16(const ustring& str1, u16string& str2) { ustring::const_iterator cBegin, cEnd; size_t len; str2.clear(); len = str1.length(); str2.reserve(len); cBegin = str1.begin(); cEnd = str1.end(); while(cBegin != cEnd) { str2.push_back((unsigned16_t)*cBegin++); } XL_ASSERT(str2.length() == str1.length()); }
void DataValue::parsePixbuf(const ustring &text, void *value) { gsize size; guchar *buf = g_base64_decode(text.c_str(), &size); Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::PixbufLoader> loader = Gdk::PixbufLoader::create(); loader->write(buf, size); loader->close(); (*(TypePixbuf*)value) = loader->get_pixbuf(); g_free(buf); }
inline ustring ascii_toupper(ustring str) { ustring ret; for (ustring::const_iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) { uchar x = *it; if (x >= 0x61 && x <= 0x7A) x -= 0x20; ret.append(x); } return ret; }
void script_decode_usfm_file(const ustring & filename) // Decodes a USFM file, that means, puts the original USFM code back. { // Read the file. Bail out if there's no text. ustring input; { gchar *contents; g_file_get_contents(filename.c_str(), &contents, NULL, NULL); if (!contents) return; input = contents; g_free(contents); } if (input.empty()) return; // Go through the input, changing usfm codes to their numerical equivalent, // and copying data to the output. // E.g. "\_105_100" would become "\id". ustring output; while (!input.empty()) { ustring character = input.substr(0, 1); input.erase(0, 1); output.append(character); if (character == "\\") { size_t pos = input.find(" "); if (pos == string::npos) pos = input.length(); ustring encoded_text = input.substr(0, pos); input.erase(0, pos); Parse parse(encoded_text, false, "_"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parse.words.size(); i++) { gunichar unichar = convert_to_int(parse.words[i]); gchar buf[7]; gint length = g_unichar_to_utf8(unichar, (gchar *) & buf); buf[length] = '\0'; character = buf; output.append(character); } } } // Write the data back to the file. g_file_set_contents(filename.c_str(), output.c_str(), -1, NULL); }
ASTvariable_declaration::ASTvariable_declaration (OSLCompilerImpl *comp, const TypeSpec &type, ustring name, ASTNode *init, bool isparam, bool ismeta, bool isoutput, bool initlist) : ASTNode (variable_declaration_node, comp, 0, init, NULL /* meta */), m_name(name), m_sym(NULL), m_isparam(isparam), m_isoutput(isoutput), m_ismetadata(ismeta), m_initlist(initlist) { m_typespec = type; Symbol *f = comp->symtab().clash (name); if (f) { std::string e = Strutil::format ("\"%s\" already declared in this scope", name.c_str()); if (f->node()) { boost::filesystem::path p(f->node()->sourcefile().string()); e += Strutil::format ("\n\t\tprevious declaration was at %s:%d", p.filename().c_str(), f->node()->sourceline()); } if (f->scope() == 0 && f->symtype() == SymTypeFunction && isparam) { // special case: only a warning for param to mask global function warning ("%s", e.c_str()); } else { error ("%s", e.c_str()); } } if (name[0] == '_' && name[1] == '_' && name[2] == '_') { error ("\"%s\" : sorry, can't start with three underscores", name.c_str()); } SymType symtype = isparam ? (isoutput ? SymTypeOutputParam : SymTypeParam) : SymTypeLocal; m_sym = new Symbol (name, type, symtype, this); if (! m_ismetadata) oslcompiler->symtab().insert (m_sym); // A struct really makes several subvariables if (type.is_structure() || type.is_structure_array()) { ASSERT (! m_ismetadata); // Add the fields as individual declarations m_compiler->add_struct_fields (type.structspec(), m_sym->name(), symtype, type.arraylength(), this); } }
int Dictionary::dict_find (int nodeID, ustring query) { if (nodeID <= 0 || nodeID >= (int)m_nodes.size()) return 0; // invalid node ID const Dictionary::Node &node (m_nodes[nodeID]); Query q (node.document, nodeID, query); QueryMap::iterator qfound = m_cache.find (q); if (qfound != m_cache.end()) { return qfound->second.valueoffset; } // Query was not found. Do the expensive lookup and cache it pugi::xpath_node_set matches; try { matches = node.node.select_nodes (query.c_str()); } catch (const pugi::xpath_exception& e) { m_context->error ("Invalid dict_find query '%s': %s", query.c_str(), e.what()); return 0; } if (matches.empty()) { m_cache[q] = QueryResult (false); // mark invalid return 0; // Not found } int firstmatch = (int) m_nodes.size(); int last = -1; for (int i = 0, e = (int)matches.size(); i < e; ++i) { m_nodes.push_back (Node (node.document, matches[i].node())); int nodeid = (int) m_nodes.size()-1; if (last < 0) { // If this is the first match, add a cache entry for it m_cache[q] = QueryResult (true /* it's a node */, nodeid); } else { // If this is a subsequent match, set the last match's 'next' m_nodes[last].next = nodeid; } last = nodeid; } return firstmatch; }
void script_encode_usfm_file(const ustring & filename) // Encodes a USFM file. The purpose is that the USFM marked are not changed by the script. // The assumption is that numbers are not affected. { // Read the file. Bail out if there's no text. ustring input; { gchar *contents; g_file_get_contents(filename.c_str(), &contents, NULL, NULL); if (!contents) return; input = contents; g_free(contents); } if (input.empty()) return; // Go through the input, changing usfm codes to their numerical equivalent, // and copying data to the output. // E.g. "\id" would become "\_105_100". ustring output; bool within_usfm = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { ustring character = input.substr(i, 1); if (within_usfm) if (character == " ") within_usfm = false; if (within_usfm) { gunichar unichar; gunichar *uc; uc = g_utf8_to_ucs4_fast(character.c_str(), -1, NULL); unichar = *uc; g_free(uc); character = "_" + convert_to_string(unichar); } output.append(character); if (character == "\\") within_usfm = true; } // Write the data back to the file. g_file_set_contents(filename.c_str(), output.c_str(), -1, NULL); }
bool OSOReaderToMaster::parse_file (const std::string &filename) { m_master->m_osofilename = filename; m_master->m_maincodebegin = 0; m_master->m_maincodeend = 0; m_codesection.clear (); m_codesym = -1; return OSOReader::parse_file (filename) && ! m_errors; }
Accents getAccentFromChar (ustring ch) { _size_t_ accent = VowelsWithAccents.find (ch.lowercase ()); if (accent != ustring::npos) accent %= NUMBER_OF_ACCENTS; else accent = NO_ACCENT; return accent; }
void bibleworks_define_parsing_person (ustring& parsing, ustring& definition) // This looks in the "parsing" whether the person is given. // If so, it adds the description to the "definition" and removes the relevant code from the "parsing". { ustring person = parsing.substr (0, 1); bool person_found = true; if (person == "1") { definition.append (" first person"); } else if (person == "2") { definition.append (" second person"); } else if (person == "3") { definition.append (" third person"); } else { person_found = false; } if (person_found) { parsing.erase (0, 1); } }
bool OSOReaderToMaster::parse_memory (const std::string &oso) { m_master->m_osofilename = "<none>"; m_master->m_maincodebegin = 0; m_master->m_maincodeend = 0; m_codesection.clear (); m_codesym = -1; return OSOReader::parse_memory (oso) && ! m_errors; }
void OSLCompilerImpl::warning (ustring filename, int line, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start (ap, format); std::string errmsg = format ? OIIO::Strutil::vformat (format, ap) : ""; fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: warning: %s\n", filename.c_str(), line, errmsg.c_str()); va_end (ap); }
void CheckMatchingPairs::check_matched_pairs(ustring & text) // Checks on matched pairs. Output any problems found. { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { // Get the unicode character; gunichar unichar; unichar = g_utf8_get_char(text.substr(i, 1).c_str()); // If we found a mirror character, investigate further. gunichar mirror; if (g_unichar_get_mirror_char(unichar, &mirror)) { // Do we ignore this one? if (ignores.find(unichar) != ignores.end()) continue; // See whether this one opens or closes a pair. if (gopeners.find(unichar) != gopeners.end()) { // It opens: Add data. MatchingPairOpener opener(text.substr(i, 1), unichar, book, chapter, verse, get_context(text, i)); openers.push_back(opener); continue; } else { // It closes: check for previously seen opener. bool give_message = false; if (openers.empty()) { give_message = true; } if (!give_message) { if (openers[openers.size() - 1].unichar == mirror) { // Remove last one. openers.pop_back(); } else { // Flag message. give_message = true; } } if (give_message) { // Give message; message(book, chapter, verse, _("Pair not opened: ") + get_context(text, i)); } } } } }
void Kick(ServerConnection *conn, const ustring& params) { if (params.empty()) { throw CommandException(_("/KICK <nick>, kick a user from a channel.")); } else { ustring channel = AppWin->getNotebook().getCurrent()->getName(); ustring param = channel + " " + params; Commands::Kick(conn, param); } }
void Services::Filter::set_host(const ustring & host, PCWSTR user, PCWSTR pass) { LogNoise(L"host: '%s', user: '******'\n", host.c_str(), user); Base::shared_ptr<Ext::RemoteConnection> tmp_conn(new Ext::RemoteConnection(host, user, pass)); Base::shared_ptr<Ext::Service::Manager> tmp_scm(new Ext::Service::Manager(tmp_conn.get(), SC_MANAGER_CONNECT | SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE)); m_writable = false; using std::swap; swap(m_scm, tmp_scm); swap(m_conn, tmp_conn); }
ASTfunction_call::ASTfunction_call (OSLCompilerImpl *comp, ustring name, ASTNode *args) : ASTNode (function_call_node, comp, 0, args), m_name(name), m_argread(~1), // Default - all args are read except the first m_argwrite(1), // Default - first arg only is written by the op m_argtakesderivs(0) // Default - doesn't take derivs { m_sym = comp->symtab().find (name); if (! m_sym) { error ("function '%s' was not declared in this scope", name.c_str()); // FIXME -- would be fun to troll through the symtab and try to // find the things that almost matched and offer suggestions. return; } if (m_sym->symtype() != SymTypeFunction) { error ("'%s' is not a function", name.c_str()); m_sym = NULL; return; } }
bool ImplBunch::operator ()(const IStat& stat, Statistics& statistics) const { // return true if skip this item LogConsoleDebug2(-1, L" appply filter [%s, '%s'] on '%s'\n", to_str(type), name.c_str(),; bool matched = true; for (auto it = bunch.cbegin(); it != bunch.cend() && matched; ++it) { matched = (*it)->operator()(stat, statistics); } return (type == Type::IncludeOnly && !matched) || (type == Type::ExcludeAll && matched); }
void StringList::loadFromFile(const ustring &fileName) { clear(); if(file_test(fileName, FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { gchar *cont; gsize len; g_file_get_contents(fileName.c_str(), &cont, &len, NULL); loadFromChar(cont); g_free(cont); } }
bool HttpBindIP::Assign(const ustring & ip, const ustring & port) { u_short prt = htons(Str::as_uint32(port.c_str())); if (is_valid(ip) && prt) { sockaddr_in *tmp = (sockaddr_in*)pIpPort; tmp->sin_port = prt; tmp->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(utf8(ip).c_str()); tmp->sin_family = AF_INET; return true; } return false; }
void Devoice(ServerConnection *conn, const ustring& params) { if (params.empty()) { throw CommandException(_("/DEVOICE <nicks>, devoices one or more users in the current channel.")); } else { ustring channel = AppWin->getNotebook().getCurrent()->getName(); ustring param = channel + " " + params; Commands::Devoice(conn, param); } }
ASTvariable_ref::ASTvariable_ref (OSLCompilerImpl *comp, ustring name) : ASTNode (variable_ref_node, comp), m_name(name), m_sym(NULL) { m_sym = comp->symtab().find (name); if (! m_sym) { error ("'%s' was not declared in this scope", name.c_str()); // FIXME -- would be fun to troll through the symtab and try to // find the things that almost matched and offer suggestions. return; } m_typespec = m_sym->typespec(); }
ReadFiles::ReadFiles(const ustring & path, const ustring & prefix, const ustring & suffix) { // Reads the regular files in directory "path" that end on "suffix". // It does not return directories. try { GDir *dir = g_dir_open(path.c_str(), 0, NULL); const gchar *s; vector < ustring > entries; while ((s = g_dir_read_name(dir)) != NULL) entries.push_back(s); g_dir_close(dir); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { if (g_str_has_suffix(entries[i].c_str(), suffix.c_str())) if (g_str_has_prefix(entries[i].c_str(), prefix.c_str())) if (!g_file_test(gw_build_filename(path, entries[i]).c_str(), G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) files.push_back(entries[i]); } } catch(...) { } }
void Mods::scan_mods_dir (const ustring& path, vector<ustring>& files) { logger.fineln ("searching for mods in %s", path.c_str ()); try { Dir dir (path); for (DirIterator it = dir.begin (); it != dir.end (); it++) { if ((*it)[0] == '.') continue; files.push_back (path + (*it)); } } catch (FileError fe) { } }
void AudioOpenAL::scan_sounds_dir (const ustring& path, vector<char>& data) { ustring prof_path; ustring lower; size_t sound_count; logger.fineln ("searching %s for sounds", path.c_str ()); try { Dir sound_dir (path); for (DirIterator sit = sound_dir.begin (); sit != sound_dir.end (); sit++) { if ((*sit)[0] == '.') continue; SoundProfileImpl* entry; prof_path = path + (*sit) + "/"; entry = new SoundProfileImpl (); entry->name = *sit; entry->directory = prof_path; sound_count = 0; try { Dir prof_dir (prof_path); for (DirIterator pit = prof_dir.begin (); pit != prof_dir.end (); pit++) { if ((*pit)[0] == '.') continue; lower = ustring (*pit).lowercase (); for (int eti = 0; eti < ET_Count; eti++) { if (str_has_prefix (lower, efect_mask[eti])) { sound_count += load_sound (entry, EffectType (eti), prof_path + (*pit), data); } } } } catch (FileError) { } if (sound_count > 0) { sound_profiles.push_back (entry); } else { delete entry; } } } catch (FileError) { } }
ustring replace(ustring source, std::map<ustring,ustring>strMap, int offset, int times) { int total = 0; ustring::size_type pos; for (std::map<ustring, ustring>::iterator i=strMap.begin(); i!=strMap.end(); ++i) { ustring fromStr = i->first; ustring toStr = i->second; pos=offset; while ( (pos = source.find(fromStr, pos)) < Glib::ustring::npos) { if ( (times!=0) && (total++>=times) ) return source; // Don't work anymore source.replace(pos, fromStr.length(), toStr); pos+=toStr.size(); } } return source; }