void LOD::Render(Graphics::Renderer *renderer, const matrix4x4f &trans, RenderData *rd) { //figure out approximate pixel size on screen and pick a child to render const vector3f cameraPos(-trans[12], -trans[13], -trans[14]); const float pixrad = 0.5f * Graphics::GetScreenWidth() * rd->boundingRadius / cameraPos.Length(); assert(m_children.size() == m_pixelSizes.size()); if (m_pixelSizes.empty()) return; unsigned int lod = m_children.size() - 1; for (unsigned int i=m_pixelSizes.size(); i > 0; i--) { if (pixrad < m_pixelSizes[i-1]) lod = i-1; } m_children[lod]->Render(renderer, trans, rd); }
void LOD::Render(const matrix4x4f &trans, const RenderData *rd) { //figure out approximate pixel size of object's bounding radius //on screen and pick a child to render const vector3f cameraPos(-trans[12], -trans[13], -trans[14]); //fov is vertical, so using screen height const float pixrad = Graphics::GetScreenHeight() * rd->boundingRadius / (cameraPos.Length() * Graphics::GetFovFactor()); if (m_pixelSizes.empty()) return; unsigned int lod = m_children.size() - 1; for (unsigned int i=m_pixelSizes.size(); i > 0; i--) { if (pixrad < m_pixelSizes[i-1]) lod = i-1; } m_children[lod]->Render(trans, rd); }
void LOD::Render(const std::vector<matrix4x4f> &trans, const RenderData *rd) { // anything to draw? if (m_pixelSizes.empty()) return; // got something to draw with Graphics::Renderer *r = GetRenderer(); if ( r!=nullptr ) { const size_t count = m_pixelSizes.size(); const size_t tsize = trans.size(); // transformation buffers std::vector< std::vector<matrix4x4f> > transform; transform.resize(count); for (Uint32 i = 0; i<count; i++) { transform[i].reserve(tsize); } // seperate out the transformations for (auto mt : trans) { //figure out approximate pixel size of object's bounding radius //on screen and pick a child to render const vector3f cameraPos(-mt[12], -mt[13], -mt[14]); //fov is vertical, so using screen height const float pixrad = Graphics::GetScreenHeight() * rd->boundingRadius / (cameraPos.Length() * Graphics::GetFovFactor()); unsigned int lod = m_children.size() - 1; for (unsigned int i = m_pixelSizes.size(); i > 0; i--) { if (pixrad < m_pixelSizes[i - 1]) { lod = i - 1; } } transform[lod].push_back(mt); } // now render each of the buffers for each of the lods for (Uint32 inst = 0; inst < transform.size(); inst++) { if (!transform[inst].empty()) { m_children[inst]->Render(transform[inst], rd); } } } }
void Camera::Draw(Renderer *renderer, const Body *excludeBody) { if (!m_camFrame) return; if (!renderer) return; m_renderer = renderer; glPushAttrib(GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS & (~GL_POINT_BIT)); m_renderer->SetPerspectiveProjection(m_fovAng, m_width/m_height, m_zNear, m_zFar); m_renderer->SetTransform(matrix4x4f::Identity()); m_renderer->ClearScreen(); matrix4x4d trans2bg; Frame::GetFrameRenderTransform(Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetRootFrame(), m_camFrame, trans2bg); trans2bg.ClearToRotOnly(); // Pick up to four suitable system light sources (stars) m_lightSources.clear(); m_lightSources.reserve(4); position_system_lights(m_camFrame, Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetRootFrame(), m_lightSources); if (m_lightSources.empty()) { // no lights means we're somewhere weird (eg hyperspace). fake one const Color col(1.f); m_lightSources.push_back(LightSource(0, Graphics::Light(Graphics::Light::LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL, vector3f(0.f), col, col))); } //fade space background based on atmosphere thickness and light angle float bgIntensity = 1.f; if (m_camFrame->GetParent() && m_camFrame->GetParent()->IsRotFrame()) { //check if camera is near a planet Body *camParentBody = m_camFrame->GetParent()->GetBody(); if (camParentBody && camParentBody->IsType(Object::PLANET)) { Planet *planet = static_cast<Planet*>(camParentBody); const vector3f relpos(planet->GetInterpPositionRelTo(m_camFrame)); double altitude(relpos.Length()); double pressure, density; planet->GetAtmosphericState(altitude, &pressure, &density); if (pressure >= 0.001) { //go through all lights to calculate something resembling light intensity float angle = 0.f; for(std::vector<LightSource>::const_iterator it = m_lightSources.begin(); it != m_lightSources.end(); ++it) { const vector3f lightDir(it->GetLight().GetPosition().Normalized()); angle += std::max(0.f, lightDir.Dot(-relpos.Normalized())) * it->GetLight().GetDiffuse().GetLuminance(); } //calculate background intensity with some hand-tweaked fuzz applied bgIntensity = Clamp(1.f - std::min(1.f, powf(density, 0.25f)) * (0.3f + powf(angle, 0.25f)), 0.f, 1.f); } } } Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetBackground().SetIntensity(bgIntensity); Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetBackground().Draw(renderer, trans2bg); { std::vector<Graphics::Light> rendererLights; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_lightSources.size(); i++) rendererLights.push_back(m_lightSources[i].GetLight()); renderer->SetLights(rendererLights.size(), &rendererLights[0]); } for (std::list<BodyAttrs>::iterator i = m_sortedBodies.begin(); i != m_sortedBodies.end(); ++i) { BodyAttrs *attrs = &(*i); // explicitly exclude a single body if specified (eg player) if (attrs->body == excludeBody) continue; double rad = attrs->body->GetClipRadius(); if (!m_frustum.TestPointInfinite((*i).viewCoords, rad)) continue; // draw spikes for far objects double screenrad = 500 * rad / attrs->camDist; // approximate pixel size if (attrs->body->IsType(Object::PLANET) && screenrad < 2) { // absolute bullshit double spikerad = (7 + 1.5*log10(screenrad)) * rad / screenrad; DrawSpike(spikerad, attrs->viewCoords, attrs->viewTransform); } else if (screenrad >= 2 || attrs->body->IsType(Object::STAR) || (attrs->body->IsType(Object::PROJECTILE) && screenrad > 0.25)) attrs->body->Render(renderer, this, attrs->viewCoords, attrs->viewTransform); } Sfx::RenderAll(renderer, Pi::game->GetSpace()->GetRootFrame(), m_camFrame); m_frame->RemoveChild(m_camFrame); delete m_camFrame; m_camFrame = 0; glPopAttrib(); }
void SectorView::DrawNearSector(int sx, int sy, int sz, const vector3f &playerAbsPos,const matrix4x4f &trans) { m_renderer->SetTransform(trans); Sector* ps = GetCached(sx, sy, sz); int cz = int(floor(m_pos.z+0.5f)); if (cz == sz) { const Color darkgreen(0.f, 0.2f, 0.f, 1.f); const vector3f vts[] = { vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), vector3f(0.f, Sector::SIZE, 0.f), vector3f(Sector::SIZE, Sector::SIZE, 0.f), vector3f(Sector::SIZE, 0.f, 0.f) }; m_renderer->DrawLines(4, vts, darkgreen, LINE_LOOP); } Uint32 sysIdx = 0; for (std::vector<Sector::System>::iterator i = ps->m_systems.begin(); i != ps->m_systems.end(); ++i, ++sysIdx) { // calculate where the system is in relation the centre of the view... const vector3f sysAbsPos = Sector::SIZE*vector3f(float(sx), float(sy), float(sz)) + (*i).p; const vector3f toCentreOfView = m_pos*Sector::SIZE - sysAbsPos; // ...and skip the system if it doesn't fall within the sphere we're viewing. if (toCentreOfView.Length() > OUTER_RADIUS) continue; // if the system is the current system or target we can't skip it bool can_skip = !i->IsSameSystem(m_selected) && !i->IsSameSystem(m_hyperspaceTarget) && !i->IsSameSystem(m_current); // if the system belongs to a faction we've chosen to temporarily hide // then skip it if we can m_visibleFactions.insert(i->faction); if (m_hiddenFactions.find(i->faction) != m_hiddenFactions.end() && can_skip) continue; // determine if system in hyperjump range or not Sector *playerSec = GetCached(m_current.sectorX, m_current.sectorY, m_current.sectorZ); float dist = Sector::DistanceBetween(ps, sysIdx, playerSec, m_current.systemIndex); bool inRange = dist <= m_playerHyperspaceRange; // don't worry about looking for inhabited systems if they're // unexplored (same calculation as in StarSystem.cpp) or we've // already retrieved their population. if ((*i).population < 0 && isqrt(1 + sx*sx + sy*sy + sz*sz) <= 90) { // only do this once we've pretty much stopped moving. vector3f diff = vector3f( fabs(m_posMovingTo.x - m_pos.x), fabs(m_posMovingTo.y - m_pos.y), fabs(m_posMovingTo.z - m_pos.z)); // Ideally, since this takes so f'ing long, it wants to be done as a threaded job but haven't written that yet. if( (diff.x < 0.001f && diff.y < 0.001f && diff.z < 0.001f) ) { SystemPath current = SystemPath(sx, sy, sz, sysIdx); RefCountedPtr<StarSystem> pSS = StarSystem::GetCached(current); (*i).population = pSS->GetTotalPop(); } } matrix4x4f systrans = trans * matrix4x4f::Translation((*i).p.x, (*i).p.y, (*i).p.z); m_renderer->SetTransform(systrans); // for out-of-range systems draw leg only if we draw label if (m_drawSystemLegButton->GetPressed() && (inRange || m_drawOutRangeLabelButton->GetPressed()) || !can_skip){ const Color light(0.5f); const Color dark(0.2f); // draw system "leg" float z = -(*i).p.z; if (sz <= cz) z = z+abs(cz-sz)*Sector::SIZE; else z = z-abs(cz-sz)*Sector::SIZE; m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.f, 0.f, z), light); m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.f, 0.f, z * 0.5f), dark); m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.f, 0.f, z * 0.5f), dark); m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f), light); //cross at other end m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(-0.1f, -0.1f, z), light); m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.1f, 0.1f, z), light); m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(-0.1f, 0.1f, z), light); m_lineVerts->Add(systrans * vector3f(0.1f, -0.1f, z), light); } if (i->IsSameSystem(m_selected)) { m_jumpLine.SetStart(vector3f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f)); m_jumpLine.SetEnd(playerAbsPos - sysAbsPos); m_jumpLine.Draw(m_renderer); } // draw star blob itself systrans.Rotate(DEG2RAD(-m_rotZ), 0, 0, 1); systrans.Rotate(DEG2RAD(-m_rotX), 1, 0, 0); systrans.Scale((StarSystem::starScale[(*i).starType[0]])); m_renderer->SetTransform(systrans); float *col = StarSystem::starColors[(*i).starType[0]]; m_disk->SetColor(Color(col[0], col[1], col[2])); m_disk->Draw(m_renderer); // player location indicator if (m_inSystem && i->IsSameSystem(m_current)) { glDepthRange(0.2,1.0); m_disk->SetColor(Color(0.f, 0.f, 0.8f)); m_renderer->SetTransform(systrans * matrix4x4f::ScaleMatrix(3.f)); m_disk->Draw(m_renderer); } // selected indicator if (i->IsSameSystem(m_current)) { glDepthRange(0.1,1.0); m_disk->SetColor(Color(0.f, 0.8f, 0.f)); m_renderer->SetTransform(systrans * matrix4x4f::ScaleMatrix(2.f)); m_disk->Draw(m_renderer); } // hyperspace target indicator (if different from selection) if (i->IsSameSystem(m_hyperspaceTarget) && m_hyperspaceTarget != m_selected && (!m_inSystem || m_hyperspaceTarget != m_current)) { glDepthRange(0.1,1.0); m_disk->SetColor(Color(0.3f)); m_renderer->SetTransform(systrans * matrix4x4f::ScaleMatrix(2.f)); m_disk->Draw(m_renderer); } } }