lagrange (vpMatrix &a, vpMatrix &b, vpColVector &x1, vpColVector &x2)
    std::cout << "begin (CLagrange.cc)Lagrange(...) " << std::endl;

    int i,imin;

    vpMatrix ata ; // A^T A
    ata = a.t()*a ;
    vpMatrix btb ; // B^T B
    btb = b.t()*b ;

    vpMatrix bta ;  // B^T A
    bta = b.t()*a ;

    vpMatrix btb1 ;  // (B^T B)^(-1)

    if (b.getRows() >= b.getCols()) btb1 = btb.inverseByLU() ;
    else btb1 = btb.pseudoInverse();

    if (DEBUG_LEVEL1)
      std::cout << " BTB1 * BTB : " << std::endl << btb1*btb << std::endl;
      std::cout << " BTB * BTB1 : " << std::endl << btb*btb1 << std::endl;

    vpMatrix r ;  // (B^T B)^(-1) B^T A
    r = btb1*bta ;

    vpMatrix e ;  //   - A^T B (B^T B)^(-1) B^T A
    e = - (a.t()*b) *r ;

    e += ata ; // calcul E = A^T A - A^T B (B^T B)^(-1) B^T A

    if (DEBUG_LEVEL1)
      std::cout << " E :" << std::endl << e << std::endl;

    //   vpColVector sv ;
    //    vpMatrix v ;
    e.svd(x1,ata) ;// destructif sur e
    // calcul du vecteur propre de E correspondant a la valeur propre min.

    /* calcul de SVmax	*/
    imin = 0;
    // FC : Pourquoi calculer SVmax ??????
    //     double  svm = 0.0;
    //    for (i=0;i<x1.getRows();i++)
    //    {
    //      if (x1[i] > svm) { svm = x1[i]; imin = i; }
    //    }
    //    svm *= EPS;	/* pour le rang	*/

    for (i=0;i<x1.getRows();i++)
      if (x1[i] < x1[imin]) imin = i;

    if (DEBUG_LEVEL1)
      printf("SV(E) : %.15lf %.15lf %.15lf\n",x1[0],x1[1],x1[2]);
      std::cout << " i_min " << imin << std::endl;

    for (i=0;i<x1.getRows();i++)
      x1[i] = ata[i][imin];

    x2 = - (r*x1) ; // X_2 = - (B^T B)^(-1) B^T A X_1

    if (DEBUG_LEVEL1)
      std::cout << " X1 : " <<  x1.t() << std::endl;
      std::cout << " V : " << std::endl << ata << std::endl;
    vpERROR_TRACE(" ") ;
    throw ;
    std::cout << "end (CLagrange.cc)Lagrange(...) " << std::endl;

  Compute the covariance matrix of the parameters x from a least squares minimisation defined as:
  WAx = Wb
  \param A : Matrix A from WAx = Wb.
  \param x : Vector x from WAx = Wb corresponding to the parameters to estimate.
  \param b : Vector b from WAx = Wb.
  \param W : Diagonal weigths matrix from WAx = Wb.
vpMatrix vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrix(const vpMatrix &A, const vpColVector &x, const vpColVector &b, const vpMatrix &W)
  double sigma2 = ( ((W*b).t())*W*b - ( ((W*b).t())*W*A*x ) );
  return (A.t()*W*A).pseudoInverse()*sigma2;