void wxAnyButton::QtSetBitmap( const wxBitmap &bitmap ) { // load the bitmap and resize the button: QPixmap *pixmap = bitmap.GetHandle(); m_qtPushButton->setIcon( QIcon( *pixmap )); m_qtPushButton->setIconSize( pixmap->rect().size() ); }
void wxQtDCImpl::DoDrawBitmap(const wxBitmap &bmp, wxCoord x, wxCoord y, bool useMask ) { QPixmap pix = *bmp.GetHandle(); if (pix.depth() == 1) { //Monochrome bitmap, draw using text fore/background //Save pen/brush QBrush savedBrush = m_qtPainter->background(); QPen savedPen = m_qtPainter->pen(); //Use text colors m_qtPainter->setBackground(QBrush(m_textBackgroundColour.GetQColor())); m_qtPainter->setPen(QPen(m_textForegroundColour.GetQColor())); //Draw m_qtPainter->drawPixmap(x, y, pix); //Restore saved settings m_qtPainter->setBackground(savedBrush); m_qtPainter->setPen(savedPen); } else { if ( useMask && bmp.GetMask() && bmp.GetMask()->GetHandle() ) pix.setMask(*bmp.GetMask()->GetHandle()); m_qtPainter->drawPixmap(x, y, pix); } }
bool wxListCtrl::SetItem(wxListItem& info) { const long id = info.GetId(); if ( id < 0 ) return false; QTreeWidgetItem *qitem = QtGetItem(id); if ( qitem != NULL ) { if ((info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_TEXT) && !info.GetText().IsNull() ) qitem->setText(info.GetColumn(), wxQtConvertString(info.GetText())); qitem->setTextAlignment(info.GetColumn(), wxQtConvertTextAlign(info.GetAlign())); if ( info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_DATA ) { QVariant variant = qVariantFromValue(info.GetData()); qitem->setData(0, Qt::UserRole, variant); } if (info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_STATE) { if ((info.m_stateMask & wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED) && (info.m_state & wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED)) m_qtTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(qitem, 0); if (info.m_stateMask & wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED) qitem->setSelected(info.m_state & wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); } if (info.m_mask & wxLIST_MASK_IMAGE) { if (info.m_image >= 0) { wxImageList *imglst = GetImageList(InReportView() ? wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL : wxIMAGE_LIST_NORMAL); wxCHECK_MSG(imglst, false, "invalid listctrl imagelist"); const wxBitmap bitmap = imglst->GetBitmap(info.m_image); // set the new image: qitem->setIcon( info.GetColumn(), QIcon( *bitmap.GetHandle() )); } else { // remove the image using and empty qt icon: qitem->setIcon( info.GetColumn(), QIcon() ); } } for (int col=0; col<GetColumnCount(); col++) { if ( info.GetFont().IsOk() ) qitem->setFont(col, info.GetFont().GetHandle() ); if ( info.GetTextColour().IsOk() ) qitem->setTextColor(col, info.GetTextColour().GetQColor()); if ( info.GetBackgroundColour().IsOk() ) qitem->setBackgroundColor(col, info.GetBackgroundColour().GetQColor()); } return true; } else return false; }
bool wxMask::Create(const wxBitmap& bitmap, const wxColour& colour) { if (!bitmap.IsOk()) return false; if (m_qtBitmap) delete m_qtBitmap; m_qtBitmap = new QBitmap(bitmap.GetHandle()->createMaskFromColor(colour.GetHandle())); return true; }
bool wxMask::Create(const wxBitmap& bitmap) { //Only for mono bitmaps if (!bitmap.IsOk() || bitmap.GetDepth() != 1) return false; if (m_qtBitmap) delete m_qtBitmap; m_qtBitmap = new QBitmap(*bitmap.GetHandle()); return true; }