Adds or updates an element in stock history
int Model_CurrencyHistory::addUpdate(const int& currencyID, const wxDate& date, double price, UPDTYPE type)
    Data *currHist = this->get(currencyID, date);
    if (!currHist) currHist = this->create();

    currHist->CURRENCYID = currencyID;
    currHist->CURRDATE = date.FormatISODate();
    currHist->CURRVALUE = price;
    currHist->CURRUPDTYPE = type;
    return save(currHist);
int DB_Init_Model::Add_Asset(const wxString& name, const wxDate& date, double value, Model_Asset::TYPE asset_type,
    Model_Asset::RATE value_change, double value_change_rate, const wxString& notes)
    Model_Asset::Data* entry = Model_Asset::instance().create();
    entry->ASSETNAME = name;
    entry->STARTDATE = date.FormatISODate();
    entry->VALUE = value;
    entry->VALUECHANGE = Model_Asset::all_rate()[value_change];
    entry->VALUECHANGERATE = value_change_rate;
    entry->ASSETTYPE = Model_Asset::all_type()[asset_type];
    entry->NOTES = notes;
    return Model_Asset::instance().save(entry);
int DB_Init_Model::Add_Stock_Entry(int account_id, const wxDate& purchase_date, double num_shares, double purchase_price,
    double commission, double current_price, double value,
    const wxString& stock_name, const wxString& stock_symbol, const wxString& notes)
    Model_Stock::Data* entry = Model_Stock::instance().create();
    entry->HELDAT = account_id;
    entry->PURCHASEDATE = purchase_date.FormatISODate();
    entry->NUMSHARES = num_shares;
    entry->PURCHASEPRICE = purchase_price;
    entry->STOCKNAME = stock_name;
    entry->SYMBOL = stock_symbol;
    entry->NOTES = notes;
    entry->COMMISSION = commission;
    entry->CURRENTPRICE = current_price == 0 ? purchase_price : current_price;
    entry->VALUE = value == 0 ? purchase_price * num_shares : value;
    return Model_Stock::instance().save(entry);
DB_Table_CHECKINGACCOUNT_V1::TRANSDATE Model_Checking::TRANSDATE(const wxDate& date, OP op)
    return DB_Table_CHECKINGACCOUNT_V1::TRANSDATE(date.FormatISODate(), op);
DB_Table_CURRENCYHISTORY_V1::CURRDATE Model_CurrencyHistory::CURRDATE(const wxDate& date, OP op)
    return DB_Table_CURRENCYHISTORY_V1::CURRDATE(date.FormatISODate(), op);
double mmHistoryData::getDailyBalanceAt(const Model_Account::Data *account, const wxDate& date)
    wxString strDate = date.FormatISODate();
    std::map<int, double> totBalance;

    for (const auto & stock : *this)
        if (stock.acctId != account->id())

        wxString precValueDate, nextValueDate;

        double valueAtDate = 0.0, precValue = 0.0, nextValue = 0.0;

        for (const auto & hist : stock.stockHist)
            // test for the date requested
            if (hist.DATE == strDate)
                valueAtDate = hist.VALUE;
            // if not found, search for previous and next date
            if (precValue == 0.0 && hist.DATE < strDate)
                precValue = hist.VALUE;
                precValueDate = hist.DATE;
            if (hist.DATE > strDate)
                nextValue = hist.VALUE;
                nextValueDate = hist.DATE;
            // end conditions: prec value assigned and price date < requested date
            if (precValue != 0.0 && hist.DATE < strDate)
        if (valueAtDate == 0.0)
            //  if previous not found but if the given date is after purchase date, takes purchase price
            if (precValue == 0.0 && date >= stock.purchaseDate)
                precValue = stock.purchasePrice;
                precValueDate = stock.purchaseDateStr;
            //  if next not found and the accoung is open, takes previous date
            if (nextValue == 0.0 && Model_Account::status(account) == Model_Account::OPEN)
                nextValue = precValue;
                nextValueDate = precValueDate;
            if (precValue > 0.0 && nextValue > 0.0 && precValueDate >= stock.purchaseDateStr && nextValueDate >= stock.purchaseDateStr)
                valueAtDate = precValue;

        totBalance[stock.stockId] += stock.numShares * valueAtDate;

    double balance = 0.0;
    for (const auto& it : totBalance)
        balance += it.second;

    return balance;
Returns the total stock balance at a given date
double Model_Stock::getDailyBalanceAt(const Model_Account::Data *account, const wxDate& date)
    wxString strDate = date.FormatISODate();
    std::map<int, double> totBalance;

    Data_Set stocks = this->instance().find(HELDAT(account->id()));
    for (const auto & stock : stocks)
        wxString precValueDate, nextValueDate;
        Model_StockHistory::Data_Set stock_hist = Model_StockHistory::instance().find(SYMBOL(stock.SYMBOL));
        std::stable_sort(stock_hist.begin(), stock_hist.end(), SorterByDATE());
        std::reverse(stock_hist.begin(), stock_hist.end());

        double valueAtDate = 0.0,  precValue = 0.0, nextValue = 0.0;

        for (const auto & hist : stock_hist)
            // test for the date requested
            if (hist.DATE == strDate)
                valueAtDate = hist.VALUE;
            // if not found, search for previous and next date
            if (precValue == 0.0 && hist.DATE < strDate)
                precValue = hist.VALUE;
                precValueDate = hist.DATE;
            if (hist.DATE > strDate)
                nextValue = hist.VALUE;
                nextValueDate = hist.DATE;
            // end conditions: prec value assigned and price date < requested date
            if (precValue != 0.0 && hist.DATE < strDate)
        if (valueAtDate == 0.0)
            //  if previous not found but if the given date is after purchase date, takes purchase price
            if (precValue == 0.0 && date >= PURCHASEDATE(stock))
                precValue = stock.PURCHASEPRICE;
                precValueDate = stock.PURCHASEDATE;
            //  if next not found and the accoung is open, takes previous date
            if (nextValue == 0.0 && Model_Account::status(account) == Model_Account::OPEN)
                nextValue = precValue;
                nextValueDate = precValueDate;
            if (precValue > 0.0 && nextValue > 0.0 && precValueDate >= stock.PURCHASEDATE && nextValueDate >= stock.PURCHASEDATE)
                valueAtDate = precValue;

        totBalance[stock.id()] += stock.NUMSHARES * valueAtDate;

    double balance = 0.0;
    for (const auto& it : totBalance)
        balance += it.second;

    return balance;
DB_Table_ASSETS_V1::STARTDATE Model_Asset::STARTDATE(const wxDate& date, OP op)
    return DB_Table_ASSETS_V1::STARTDATE(date.FormatISODate(), op);