/// Auto-select from style under caret in idle time void wxRichTextStyleListBox::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { if (CanAutoSetSelection() && GetRichTextCtrl() && IsShownOnScreen() && wxWindow::FindFocus() != this) { wxString styleName = GetStyleToShowInIdleTime(GetRichTextCtrl(), GetStyleType()); int sel = GetSelection(); if (!styleName.IsEmpty()) { // Don't do the selection if it's already set if (sel == GetIndexForStyle(styleName)) return; SetStyleSelection(styleName); } else if (sel != -1) SetSelection(-1); } event.Skip(); }
void wxRichTextStyleComboCtrl::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { if (GetRichTextCtrl() && !IsPopupShown() && m_stylePopup && IsShownOnScreen() && wxWindow::FindFocus() != this) { wxString styleName = wxRichTextStyleListBox::GetStyleToShowInIdleTime(GetRichTextCtrl(), m_stylePopup->GetStyleType()); wxString currentValue = GetValue(); if (!styleName.IsEmpty()) { // Don't do the selection if it's already set if (currentValue == styleName) return; SetValue(styleName); } else if (!currentValue.IsEmpty()) SetValue(wxEmptyString); } event.Skip(); }
void wxExFrameWithHistory::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { event.Skip(); const wxString title(GetTitle()); if (title.empty()) { return; } #ifdef wxExUSE_CPP0X auto* stc = GetSTC(); auto* project = GetProject(); #else wxExSTC* stc = GetSTC(); wxExListViewFile* project = GetProject(); #endif const wxUniChar indicator('*'); if ((project != NULL && project->GetContentsChanged()) || // using GetContentsChanged gives assert in vcs dialog (stc != NULL && stc->GetModify() && stc->AllowChangeIndicator())) { // Project or editor changed, add indicator if not yet done. if (title.Last() != indicator) { SetTitle(title + " " + indicator); } } else { // Project or editor not changed, remove indicator if not yet done. if (title.Last() == indicator && title.size() > 2) { SetTitle(title.substr(0, title.length() - 2)); } } }
void DropDownPopup::OnIdle( wxIdleEvent& event ) { if (IsShown()) { m_mouse = ScreenToClient(wxGetMousePosition()); wxPrintf(wxT("OnIdle mouse %d %d\n"), m_mouse.x, m_mouse.y); wxWindow *child = GetChild(); if (!child) return; // nothing to do wxRect clientRect(GetClientRect()); //wxPrintf(wxT("**DropDownPopup::OnIdle mouse %d %d -- %d %d %d\n"), m_mouse.x, m_mouse.y, m_popped_handler, m_child, m_handlerPopup); fflush(stdout); // pop the event handler if inside the child window or // restore the event handler if not in the child window if (clientRect.Contains(m_mouse)) PopPopupHandler(child); else PushPopupHandler(child); } event.Skip(); }
void DendrogramPanel::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { if (isResize && isWindowActive) { isResize = false; wxSize sz = GetClientSize(); if (sz.x > 0 && sz.y > 0) { if (layer_bm) { delete layer_bm; layer_bm = 0; } double scale_factor = GetContentScaleFactor(); layer_bm = new wxBitmap; layer_bm->CreateScaled(sz.x, sz.y, 32, scale_factor); if (root) init(); } } event.Skip(); }
void CTimeBarFrame::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { if (m_bPlaying) { wxLongLong timeNow = wxGetLocalTimeMillis(); if (m_nIntervalMS < timeNow - m_nBeginTime) { m_nBeginTime = timeNow; BEATS_ASSERT(m_uMaxFrameIndex != 0); if (m_nPlayType == 0) { if ((m_nCursorPos + 1) >(int)m_uMaxFrameIndex) { m_bPlaying = false; } } SetCursorPos((m_nCursorPos + 1) % (m_uMaxFrameIndex + 1)); } } event.Skip(); }
void GLCanvas::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { //if (!inited) { // ((FrmMainFrame *)mParent)->init(); // inited = true; //} if (!m_pEngine) return; { PROFILE("Nau"); if (!isPaused) { this->Render(); if (APISupport->apiSupport(IAPISupport::BUFFER_ATOMICS)) DlgAtomics::Instance()->update(); } event.RequestMore(); } if (m_pEngine->getProfileResetRequest()) Profile::Reset(); }
void CUnitPane::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { // Set sorting if (m_ColClicked>=0) { CListLayoutItem * p; int col = m_ColClicked; m_ColClicked = -1; p = (CListLayoutItem*)m_pLayout->At(col); if (p) { wxString choice, message=wxString::FromAscii(p->m_Caption), caption=wxT("Set sort order"); wxString choices[NUM_SORTS-1]; choices[0]=wxT("primary"); choices[1]=wxT("secondary"); choices[2]=wxT("tertiary"); choice = wxGetSingleChoice(message, caption, NUM_SORTS-1, choices, m_pParent); if (!choice.IsEmpty()) { int key; if (0==stricmp(choice.mb_str(), "primary")) key = 0; else if (0==stricmp(choice.mb_str(), "secondary")) key = 1; else key = 2; SetSortName(key, p->m_Name); Sort(); } } } //CListPane::OnIdle(event); event.Skip(); }
void wxlCan::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent &event) { if ( m_pendingObjects ) { m_rootobject.Update( 0, 0 ); // we will now render all objects stored in the canvas to a bitmap wxMemoryDC mdc; mdc.SelectObject( m_buffer ); //draw object into buffer Render( mdc ); mdc.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap ); // force a repaint in OnPaint() Refresh(); m_pendingObjects = false; } event.Skip(); //always skip idle events }
void gravApp::idleHandler( wxIdleEvent& evt ) { // start secondary thread if not running if ( usingThreads && !threadRunning ) { grav->setThreads( usingThreads ); threadRunning = true; VPMthread = thread_start( threadTest, this ); } if ( !usingThreads ) sessionManager->iterateSessions(); if ( timerIntervalUS > 0 ) { // this is the method for rendering on idle, with a limiter based on the // timer interval unsigned long time = (unsigned long)timer->getTiming(); if ( time > (unsigned long)timerIntervalUS ) { //gravUtil::logVerbose( "%lu\n", time ); canvas->draw(); timer->resetTiming(); } else { wxMilliSleep( 1 ); } } // otherwise (if fps value isn't set) just constantly draw - if vsync is on, // will be limited to vsync else if ( timerIntervalUS == 0 ) { canvas->draw(); } evt.RequestMore(); }
void OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { if ( m_runTests ) { m_runTests = false; #ifdef __WXOSX__ // we need to wait until the window is activated and fully ready // otherwise no events can be posted wxEventLoopBase* const loop = wxEventLoop::GetActive(); if ( loop ) { loop->DispatchTimeout(1000); loop->Yield(); } #endif // __WXOSX__ m_exitcode = RunTests(); ExitMainLoop(); } event.Skip(); }
void MyFrame::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { // This code is useful for debugging focus problems // (which are plentiful when dealing with popup windows). #if 0 static wxWindow* lastFocus = (wxWindow*) NULL; wxWindow* curFocus = ::wxWindow::FindFocus(); if ( curFocus != lastFocus ) { const wxChar* className = wxT("<none>"); if ( curFocus ) className = curFocus->GetClassInfo()->GetClassName(); lastFocus = curFocus; wxLogDebug( wxT("FOCUSED: %s %X"), className, (unsigned int)curFocus); } #endif event.Skip(); }
void GotoFileDlg::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { if (!m_project.HasProject()) return; // No project, so no files to load. if (m_filesLoaded) return; // Already done loading files. if (m_dirStack.empty()) { const wxString root_path = m_project.GetRoot().GetPath(); m_files.reserve(100); BuildFileList(root_path); } else { DirState& dirState = *m_dirStack.back(); // Get next subdir if (dirState.WalkFolders()) { const wxString fulldirname = dirState.FullFolderName(); wxLogDebug(fulldirname); BuildFileList(fulldirname); } else { // All sub-dirs visited if (dirState.info) { m_filters.pop_back(); delete dirState.info; } delete m_dirStack.back(); m_dirStack.pop_back(); if (m_dirStack.empty()) m_filesLoaded = true; } } m_cmdList->UpdateList(); if (!m_dirStack.empty()) event.RequestMore(); }
void wxNewBitmapButton::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { DoButtonUpdate(); event.Skip(); }
int bmx_wxidleevent_morerequested(wxIdleEvent & event) { return static_cast<int>(event.MoreRequested()); }
void bmx_wxidleevent_requestmore(wxIdleEvent & event, int needMore) { event.RequestMore(static_cast<bool>(needMore)); }
void wxTerminal::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { event.Skip(); DoFlushOutputBuffer(); }
void DolphinApp::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& ev) { ev.Skip(); Core::HostDispatchJobs(); }
void panRender::OnIdle( wxIdleEvent& event ) { return; // DEBUG!!! if (b_nRealtimeWindows>0 && !mbRealtime) { notRealtimeCnt++; if (notRealtimeCnt<300) { event.Skip(); return; } notRealtimeCnt=0; } // INPUT if (m_bActive) { float delta = g_pEngine->GetDeltaTime(); P3DMOUSED md = g_pInput->GetMouseData(); // ortho zoom m_fOrthoZoom += md.z * delta * 100000; if (m_fOrthoZoom<10) m_fOrthoZoom = 10; // axes switch(miViewType) { case 0: // right //m_vPos break; case 1: // top m_vPos.x -= md.x * delta * 1000; m_vPos.z -= md.y * delta * 1000; //g_pRenderer->SetProjectionOrtho(m_fOrthoZoom*fAspect, m_fOrthoZoom, 0, DEFAULT_FAR_PLANE); //g_pEngine->SetCamera(pntEye, P3DXPoint3D(0, -1, 0), P3DXPoint3D(0, 0, 1)); break; case 2: // front //g_pRenderer->SetProjectionOrtho(m_fOrthoZoom*fAspect, m_fOrthoZoom, 0, DEFAULT_FAR_PLANE); //g_pEngine->SetCamera(pntEye, P3DXPoint3D(0, 0, 1), P3DXPoint3D(0, 1, 0)); break; case 3: // perspect //g_pRenderer->SetProjection(DEFAULT_FIELD_OF_VIEW, fAspect,DEFAULT_NEAR_PLANE, DEFAULT_FAR_PLANE); break; } //char tmp[32]; //sprintf(tmp, "%f", m_fOrthoZoom); //g_pFrmMain->AddConsoleMsg(tmp, tmp); } // SET PROJECTION AND CAMERA wxSize vpSize = this->panViewport->GetSize(); float fAspect = (float)vpSize.x/(float)vpSize.y; P3DXPoint3D pntEye; pntEye.x = pntEye.y = pntEye.z = 0; switch(miViewType) { case 0: // right g_pRenderer->SetProjectionOrtho(m_fOrthoZoom*fAspect, m_fOrthoZoom, 0, DEFAULT_FAR_PLANE); g_pEngine->SetCamera(pntEye, P3DXPoint3D(-1, 0, 0), P3DXPoint3D(0, 1, 0)); break; case 1: // top g_pRenderer->SetProjectionOrtho(m_fOrthoZoom*fAspect, m_fOrthoZoom, 0, DEFAULT_FAR_PLANE); g_pEngine->SetCamera(m_vPos, P3DXPoint3D(0, -1, 0), P3DXPoint3D(0, 0, 1)); break; case 2: // front g_pRenderer->SetProjectionOrtho(m_fOrthoZoom*fAspect, m_fOrthoZoom, 0, DEFAULT_FAR_PLANE); g_pEngine->SetCamera(pntEye, P3DXPoint3D(0, 0, 1), P3DXPoint3D(0, 1, 0)); break; case 3: // perspect g_pRenderer->SetProjection(DEFAULT_FIELD_OF_VIEW, fAspect,DEFAULT_NEAR_PLANE, DEFAULT_FAR_PLANE); break; } // RENDER SCENE eEngineState engState = g_pEngine->RenderScene(GetViewportHWND()); if (m_bActive) g_pEngine->UpdateScene(); // --------------------- if (mbRealtime) event.RequestMore(true); }
void wxMDIChildFrame::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
void MainFrame::OnIdle( wxIdleEvent & event ) { viewer_->frame(); event.RequestMore(); }
void WaterfallCanvas::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent &event) { processInputQueue(); Refresh(); event.RequestMore(); }
void wxFlatButtonBar::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { event.Skip(); }
void wxToolbook::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { if (m_needsRealizing) Realize(); event.Skip(); }
void MyFrame::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent &event) { event.Skip(); }
void Application::idleEvent(wxIdleEvent &event) { drawPane->render(); event.RequestMore(); // keep rendering }
void CDialogProxyRefresh::OnIdle( wxIdleEvent& event ) { event.Skip(); }
void MyFrame::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& event) { UpdateThreadStatus(); event.Skip(); }
void ZoomNavigator::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent& e) { e.Skip(); DoUpdate(); }
void MyApp::OnIdle(wxIdleEvent &evt) { if (render_loop_on) { drawPane->paintNow(); evt.RequestMore(); // render continuously, not only once on idle } }