bool hoxChesscapePlayer::_ParseIncomingCommand( const wxMemoryBuffer& data, wxString& command, wxString& paramsStr ) const { /* TODO: Force to convert the buffer to a string. */ const wxString contentStr = wxString::FromUTF8( (const char*) data.GetData(), data.GetDataLen() ); if ( data.GetDataLen() > 0 && contentStr.empty() ) // failed? { wxLogDebug("%s: *WARN* Fail to convert [%d] data to string.", __FUNCTION__, data.GetDataLen()); return false; } /* CHECK: The first character must be 0x10 */ if ( contentStr.empty() || contentStr[0] != 0x10 ) { wxLogDebug("%s: *WARN* Invalid command = [%s].", __FUNCTION__, contentStr.c_str()); return false; } /* Chop off the 1st character */ const wxString actualContent = contentStr.Mid(1); /* Extract the command and its parameters-string */ command = actualContent.BeforeFirst( '=' ); paramsStr = actualContent.AfterFirst('='); return true; // success }
void clSFTP::Write(const wxMemoryBuffer& fileContent, const wxString& remotePath) throw(clException) { if(!m_sftp) { throw clException("SFTP is not initialized"); } int access_type = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; sftp_file file; wxString tmpRemoteFile = remotePath; tmpRemoteFile << ".codelitesftp"; file = sftp_open(m_sftp, tmpRemoteFile.mb_str(wxConvUTF8).data(), access_type, 0644); if(file == NULL) { throw clException(wxString() << _("Can't open file: ") << tmpRemoteFile << ". " << ssh_get_error(m_ssh->GetSession()), sftp_get_error(m_sftp)); } char* p = (char*)fileContent.GetData(); const int maxChunkSize = 65536; wxInt64 bytesLeft = fileContent.GetDataLen(); while(bytesLeft > 0) { wxInt64 chunkSize = bytesLeft > maxChunkSize ? maxChunkSize : bytesLeft; wxInt64 bytesWritten = sftp_write(file, p, chunkSize); if(bytesWritten < 0) { sftp_close(file); throw clException(wxString() << _("Can't write data to file: ") << tmpRemoteFile << ". " << ssh_get_error(m_ssh->GetSession()), sftp_get_error(m_sftp)); } bytesLeft -= bytesWritten; p += bytesWritten; } sftp_close(file); // Unlink the original file if it exists bool needUnlink = false; { // Check if the file exists sftp_attributes attr = sftp_stat(m_sftp, remotePath.mb_str(wxConvISO8859_1).data()); if(attr) { needUnlink = true; sftp_attributes_free(attr); } } if(needUnlink && sftp_unlink(m_sftp, remotePath.mb_str(wxConvUTF8).data()) < 0) { throw clException(wxString() << _("Failed to unlink file: ") << remotePath << ". " << ssh_get_error(m_ssh->GetSession()), sftp_get_error(m_sftp)); } // Rename the file if(sftp_rename(m_sftp, tmpRemoteFile.mb_str(wxConvUTF8).data(), remotePath.mb_str(wxConvUTF8).data()) < 0) { throw clException(wxString() << _("Failed to rename file: ") << tmpRemoteFile << " -> " << remotePath << ". " << ssh_get_error(m_ssh->GetSession()), sftp_get_error(m_sftp)); } }
void clSocketBase::Send(const wxMemoryBuffer& msg) throw(clSocketException) { if(m_socket == INVALID_SOCKET) { throw clSocketException("Invalid socket!"); } char* pdata = (char*)msg.GetData(); int bytesLeft = msg.GetDataLen(); while(bytesLeft) { if(SelectWriteMS(1000) == kTimeout) continue; int bytesSent = ::send(m_socket, (const char*)pdata, bytesLeft, 0); if(bytesSent <= 0) throw clSocketException("Send error: " + error()); pdata += bytesSent; bytesLeft -= bytesSent; } }
bool wxRegKey::SetValue(const wxString& szValue, const wxMemoryBuffer& buffer) { #ifdef __TWIN32__ wxFAIL_MSG("RegSetValueEx not implemented by TWIN32"); return false; #else if ( CONST_CAST Open() ) { m_dwLastError = RegSetValueEx((HKEY) m_hKey, RegValueStr(szValue), (DWORD) RESERVED, REG_BINARY, (RegBinary)buffer.GetData(),buffer.GetDataLen()); if ( m_dwLastError == ERROR_SUCCESS ) return true; } wxLogSysError(m_dwLastError, _("Can't set value of '%s'"), GetFullName(this, szValue)); return false; #endif }
bool Exword::Authenticate(wxString user, wxMemoryBuffer& key) { bool success = false; int rsp; uint16_t count; exword_dirent_t *entries; exword_authchallenge_t c; exword_authinfo_t ai; exword_userid_t u; if (!IsConnected()) return success; memcpy(c.challenge, key.GetData(), 20); memcpy(ai.blk1, "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF", 16); strncpy((char*)ai.blk2, user.utf8_str().data(), 24); strncpy(, user.utf8_str().data(), 16); exword_setpath(m_device, (uint8_t*)"\\_INTERNAL_00", 0); rsp = exword_authchallenge(m_device, c); if (rsp == EXWORD_SUCCESS) { exword_setpath(m_device, (uint8_t*)"", 0); exword_list(m_device, &entries, &count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (strcmp((const char*)entries[i].name, "_SD_00") == 0) { exword_setpath(m_device, (uint8_t*)"\\_SD_00", 0); rsp = exword_authchallenge(m_device, c); if (rsp != EXWORD_SUCCESS) exword_authinfo(m_device, &ai); } } exword_free_list(entries); exword_userid(m_device, u); success = true; } return success; }
/*! The type wxJSONTYPE_MEMORYBUFF is a \b wxJSON extension that is not correctly read by other JSON implementations. By default, the function writes such a type as an array of INTs as follows: \code [ 0,32,45,255,6,...] \endcode If the writer object was constructed using the \c wxJSONWRITER_MEMORYBUFF flag, then the output is much more compact and recognized by the \b wxJSON reader as a memory buffer type: \code '00203FFF06..' \endcode */ int wxJSONWriter::WriteMemoryBuff( wxOutputStream& os, const wxMemoryBuffer& buff ) { #define MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW 20 char str[16]; // if STYLED and SPLIT_STRING flags are set, the function writes 20 bytes on every row // the following is the counter of bytes written. // the string is splitted only for the special meory buffer type, not for array of INTs int bytesWritten = 0; bool splitString = false; if ( (m_style & wxJSONWRITER_STYLED) && (m_style & wxJSONWRITER_SPLIT_STRING)) { splitString = true; } size_t buffLen = buff.GetDataLen(); unsigned char* ptr = (unsigned char*) buff.GetData(); wxASSERT( ptr ); char openChar = '\''; char closeChar = '\''; bool asArray = false; if ( (m_style & wxJSONWRITER_MEMORYBUFF ) == 0 ) { // if the special flag is not specified, write as an array of INTs openChar = '['; closeChar = ']'; asArray = true; } // write the open character os.PutC( openChar ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < buffLen; i++ ) { unsigned char c = *ptr; ++ptr; if ( asArray ) { snprintf( str, 14, "%d", c ); size_t len = strlen( str ); wxASSERT( len <= 3 ); wxASSERT( len >= 1 ); str[len] = ','; // do not write the comma char for the last element if ( i < buffLen - 1 ) { ++len; } os.Write( str, len ); if ( os.GetLastError() != wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR ) { return -1; } } else { // now convert the byte in two hex digits char c1 = c / 16; char c2 = c % 16; c1 += '0'; c2 += '0'; if ( c1 > '9' ) { c1 += 7; } if ( c2 > '9' ) { c2 += 7; } os.PutC( c1 ); os.PutC( c2 ); if ( os.GetLastError() != wxSTREAM_NO_ERROR ) { return -1; } if ( splitString ) { ++bytesWritten; } if (( bytesWritten >= MAX_BYTES_PER_ROW ) && ((buffLen - i ) >= 5 )) { // split the string if we wrote 20 bytes, but only is we have to // write at least 5 bytes os.Write( "\'\n", 2 ); int lastChar = WriteIndent( os, m_level + 2 ); // write indentation os.PutC( '\'' ); // reopen quotes if ( lastChar < 0 ) { return lastChar; } bytesWritten = 0; } } } // write the close character os.PutC( closeChar ); return closeChar; }
void ODTExporter::ODTCreateContentFile(wxZipOutputStream &zout, const wxMemoryBuffer &styled_text, int lineCount, int tabWidth) { const char *buffer = reinterpret_cast<char *>(styled_text.GetData()); const size_t buffer_size = styled_text.GetDataLen(); int lineno = 1; int width = calcWidth(lineCount); zout.PutNextEntry(_T("content.xml")); zout.Write(ODTContentFileBEG, strlen(ODTContentFileBEG)); if (buffer_size) { char current_style = buffer[1]; string content("<text:h text:style-name=\"Default\">"); if (lineCount != -1) { int difWidth = width - calcWidth(lineno); if (difWidth > 0) { content += string("<text:s text:c=\"") + to_string(difWidth) + string("\"/>"); } content += to_string(lineno); ++lineno; content += "<text:s text:c=\"2\"/>"; } size_t first = 0; if (buffer_size > 0 && buffer[0] == ' ') { content += fix_spaces(buffer, &first, buffer_size, true); } if (current_style != 0) { content += string("<text:span text:style-name=\"style") + to_string(current_style) + string("\">"); } int charLinePos = 0; for (size_t i = first; i < buffer_size; i += 2, ++charLinePos) { if (buffer[i + 1] != current_style) { if (!isspace(buffer[i])) { if (current_style != 0) { content += string("</text:span>"); } current_style = buffer[i + 1]; if (current_style != 0) { content += string("<text:span text:style-name=\"style") + to_string(current_style) + string("\">"); } } } switch (buffer[i]) { case '<': content += "<"; break; case '>': content += ">"; break; case '&': content += "&"; break; case '\'': content += "'"; break; case '"': content += """; break; case ' ': content += fix_spaces(buffer, &i, buffer_size); break; case '\t': { const int extraSpaces = tabWidth - charLinePos % tabWidth; size_t dummy = 0; const std::string extraSpacesStr(extraSpaces * 2, ' '); // imitates buffer (char + style) content += fix_spaces(extraSpacesStr.c_str(), &dummy, extraSpacesStr.size()); charLinePos += extraSpaces - 1; // account for auto-increment } break; case '\r': --charLinePos; // account for auto-increment break; case '\n': if (current_style != 0) { content += string("</text:span>"); current_style = 0; } content += "</text:h>\n"; content += "<text:h text:style-name=\"Default\">"; if (lineCount != -1) { int difWidth = width - calcWidth(lineno); if (difWidth > 0) { content += string("<text:s text:c=\"") + to_string(difWidth) + string("\"/>"); } content += to_string(lineno); ++lineno; content += "<text:s text:c=\"2\"/>"; } if (i + 2 < buffer_size && buffer[i + 2] == ' ') { i += 2; content += fix_spaces(buffer, &i, buffer_size, true); } charLinePos = -1; // account for auto-increment break; default: content += buffer[i]; break; } } if (current_style != 0) { content += string("</text:span>"); } content += "</text:h>\n"; zout.Write(content.c_str(), content.size()); } zout.Write(ODTContentFileEND, strlen(ODTContentFileEND)); }
bool wxZlibInputStream::SetDictionary(const wxMemoryBuffer &buf) { return SetDictionary((char*)buf.GetData(), buf.GetDataLen()); }
Emfout::EMFDataObject::EMFDataObject(wxMemoryBuffer data) : wxCustomDataObject(m_emfFormat) { SetData(data.GetBufSize(), data.GetData()); }
void PreparedStatement::SetParamBlob(int nPosition, const wxMemoryBuffer& buffer) { SetParamBlob(nPosition, buffer.GetData(), buffer.GetBufSize()); }
WebSocketMessage::WebSocketMessage(const wxMemoryBuffer &buffer) { _type = WebSocketMessage::Binary; _content.AppendData(buffer.GetData(), buffer.GetDataLen()); }