bool MfStatusCache::DoLoad(const wxTextFile& file, int version)
   bool isFmtOk = true;

   CacheFileFormat fmt;
   if ( version == BuildVersion(1, 1) )
      fmt = CacheFile_1_1;
   else if ( version == BuildVersion(1, 0) )
      fmt = CacheFile_1_0;
      fmt = CacheFile_Max;

   // read the data
   wxString str, name;
   str.Alloc(1024);     // avoid extra memory allocations

   MailFolderStatus status;

   size_t count = file.GetLineCount();
   for ( size_t n = 1; n < count; n++ )
      str = file[n];

      // first get the end of the full folder name knowing that we should
      // skip all "::" as they could have only resulted from quoting a ':'
      // in the folder name and so the loop below looks for the first ':'
      // not followed by another ':'
      const wxChar *p = wxStrchr(str, CACHE_DELIMITER_CH);
      while ( p && p[1] == CACHE_DELIMITER_CH )
         p = wxStrchr(p + 2, CACHE_DELIMITER_CH);

      if ( !p )
         wxLogError(_("Missing '%c' at line %d."), CACHE_DELIMITER_CH, n + 1);

         isFmtOk = false;


      name = wxString(str.c_str(), p);

      // now unquote ':' which were doubled by Save()

      // get the rest
      switch ( fmt )
         case CacheFile_1_0:
            isFmtOk = wxSscanf(p + 1,
                             _T("%lu") CACHE_DELIMITER
                             _T("%lu") CACHE_DELIMITER
                             &status.flagged) == 3;

            FAIL_MSG( _T("unknown cache file format") );
            // fall through nevertheless

         case CacheFile_1_1:
            isFmtOk = wxSscanf(p + 1,
                             _T("%lu") CACHE_DELIMITER
                             _T("%lu") CACHE_DELIMITER 
                             _T("%lu") CACHE_DELIMITER
                             &status.flagged) == 4;

      if ( !isFmtOk )
         wxLogError(_("Missing field(s) at line %d."), n + 1);


      // ignore the folders which were deleted during the last program run
      MFolder *folder = MFolder::Get(name);
      if ( folder )

         // do add the entry to the cache
         size_t entry = m_folderNames.Add(name);
         m_folderData.Insert(new MailFolderStatus(status), entry);
         wxLogDebug(_T("Removing deleted folder '%s' from status cache."),

   if ( !isFmtOk )
      wxLogWarning(_("Your mail folder status cache file (%s) was corrupted."),

      return false;

   return true;
void wxFileConfig::Parse(wxTextFile& file, bool bLocal)
  const wxChar *pStart;
  const wxChar *pEnd;
  wxString strLine;

  size_t nLineCount = file.GetLineCount();
  for ( size_t n = 0; n < nLineCount; n++ ) {
    strLine = file[n];

    // add the line to linked list
    if ( bLocal )

    // skip leading spaces
    for ( pStart = strLine; wxIsspace(*pStart); pStart++ )

    // skip blank/comment lines
    if ( *pStart == wxT('\0')|| *pStart == wxT(';') || *pStart == wxT('#') )

    if ( *pStart == wxT('[') ) {          // a new group
      pEnd = pStart;

      while ( *++pEnd != wxT(']') ) {
        if ( *pEnd == wxT('\\') ) {
            // the next char is escaped, so skip it even if it is ']'

        if ( *pEnd == wxT('\n') || *pEnd == wxT('\0') ) {
            // we reached the end of line, break out of the loop

      if ( *pEnd != wxT(']') ) {
        wxLogError(_("file '%s': unexpected character %c at line %d."),
                   file.GetName(), *pEnd, n + 1);
        continue; // skip this line

      // group name here is always considered as abs path
      wxString strGroup;
      strGroup << wxCONFIG_PATH_SEPARATOR
               << FilterInEntryName(wxString(pStart, pEnd - pStart));

      // will create it if doesn't yet exist

      if ( bLocal )

      // check that there is nothing except comments left on this line
      bool bCont = TRUE;
      while ( *++pEnd != wxT('\0') && bCont ) {
        switch ( *pEnd ) {
          case wxT('#'):
          case wxT(';'):
            bCont = FALSE;

          case wxT(' '):
          case wxT('\t'):
            // ignore whitespace ('\n' impossible here)

            wxLogWarning(_("file '%s', line %d: '%s' ignored after group header."),
                         file.GetName(), n + 1, pEnd);
            bCont = FALSE;
    else {                        // a key
      const wxChar *pEnd = pStart;
      while ( *pEnd && *pEnd != wxT('=') && !wxIsspace(*pEnd) ) {
        if ( *pEnd == wxT('\\') ) {
          // next character may be space or not - still take it because it's
          // quoted (unless there is nothing)
          if ( !*pEnd ) {
            // the error message will be given below anyhow


      wxString strKey(FilterInEntryName(wxString(pStart, pEnd)));

      // skip whitespace
      while ( wxIsspace(*pEnd) )

      if ( *pEnd++ != wxT('=') ) {
        wxLogError(_("file '%s', line %d: '=' expected."),
                   file.GetName(), n + 1);
      else {
        ConfigEntry *pEntry = m_pCurrentGroup->FindEntry(strKey);

        if ( pEntry == NULL ) {
          // new entry
          pEntry = m_pCurrentGroup->AddEntry(strKey, n);

          if ( bLocal )
        else {
          if ( bLocal && pEntry->IsImmutable() ) {
            // immutable keys can't be changed by user
            wxLogWarning(_("file '%s', line %d: value for immutable key '%s' ignored."),
                         file.GetName(), n + 1, strKey.c_str());
          // the condition below catches the cases (a) and (b) but not (c):
          //  (a) global key found second time in global file
          //  (b) key found second (or more) time in local file
          //  (c) key from global file now found in local one
          // which is exactly what we want.
          else if ( !bLocal || pEntry->IsLocal() ) {
            wxLogWarning(_("file '%s', line %d: key '%s' was first found at line %d."),
                         file.GetName(), n + 1, strKey.c_str(), pEntry->Line());

            if ( bLocal )

        // skip whitespace
        while ( wxIsspace(*pEnd) )
        if ( GetStyle() & wxCONFIG_USE_NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTERS )
            pEntry->SetValue(pEnd, FALSE /* read from file, without escapes */);
            pEntry->SetValue(FilterInValue(pEnd), FALSE /* read from file, with escapes */);
        //pEntry->SetValue(FilterInValue(pEnd), FALSE /* read from file */);
bool ClassGenerateDialog::GenerateFile(Table* pTab, wxTextFile& htmpFile, wxString& hFile, const wxString& classItemName, const wxString& classItemDef, const wxString& classColName, const wxString& classTableName, const wxString& classUtilName)
    Constraint* pPK = NULL;
    int colCount = 0;
    int lastEditParam = 0;

    SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
    while( node ) {
        Constraint* pConstr = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Constraint);
        if (pConstr) {
            if (pConstr->GetType() == Constraint::primaryKey) pPK = pConstr;
        } else colCount++;
        node = node->GetNext();
    Column* pPKCol = NULL;

    if (pPK) {
        SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
        while( node ) {
            Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
            if (pCol) {
                if (pCol->GetName() == pPK->GetLocalColumn()) pPKCol = pCol;
            node = node->GetNext();

    if( (pPKCol == NULL) && (pTab->IsView() == false) ) {
        m_textLog->AppendText( wxString::Format( _("Table %s has no primary key defined!\n"), pTab->GetName().c_str() ) );
        return false;

    for ( wxString str = htmpFile.GetFirstLine(); !htmpFile.Eof(); str = htmpFile.GetNextLine() ) {
        if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classItemGetters%%"))) {
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol) {
                    hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\tconst %s Get%s() const {"), GetResTypeName(pCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(), pCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                    hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\treturn m_%s;"), pCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                    hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t}")) << "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classItemVariables%%"))) {
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol) {
                    hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t%s m_%s;"), GetTypeName(pCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(), pCol->GetName().c_str())<< "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classItemLoading%%"))) {
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol) {
                    hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\tm_%s = pResult->%s(wxT(\"%s\"));"),pCol->GetName().c_str(), GetResultFunction(pCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(), pCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classItemBindings%%"))) {
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol) {
                    hFile <<  GetDebeaBinding(pCol) << "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classItemAddParameters%%"))) {
            bool first = true;
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol) {
                    if( first ) {
                        hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t\t%s %s"), GetParamTypeName(pCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(), pCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                        first = false;
                    } else {
                        hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t\t,%s %s"), GetParamTypeName(pCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(), pCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classItemSetParams%%"))) {
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol ) {
                    hFile <<  wxT("\tm_") + pCol->GetName() + wxT(" = ") + pCol->GetName() + wxT(";") << "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classColLabelFillGrid%%"))) {
            int i = 0;
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol) {
                    hFile << wxT("\t\tpGrid->AppendCols(1);")<< "\n";
                    hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\tpGrid->SetColLabelValue(%i,wxT(\"%s\"));"),i++,pCol->GetName().c_str())<< "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classColDataFillGrid%%"))) {
            int i = 0;
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol) {
                    hFile << GetFillData(pCol, i++) << "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%primaryKeyHeader%%"))) {
            if (pPKCol) {
                hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t/*! \\brief Return %s from db on the %s base */"),pPKCol->GetParentName().c_str(),pPKCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\tstatic %s* GetBy%s(%s %s, DatabaseLayer* pDbLayer);"),classItemName.c_str(),pPKCol->GetName().c_str(), GetTypeName(pPKCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(),pPKCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%primaryKeyBody%%"))) {
            if (pPKCol) {
                hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("%s* %s::GetBy%s(%s %s, DatabaseLayer* pDbLayer)"),classItemName.c_str(),classItemName.c_str(),pPKCol->GetName().c_str(), GetTypeName(pPKCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(),pPKCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                hFile << wxT("{") << "\n";
                hFile << wxT("\tDatabaseResultSet* resSet = NULL;") << "\n";
                hFile << wxT("\tPreparedStatement* pStatement = NULL;") << "\n";
                hFile << wxT("\tif (pDbLayer){") << "\n";
                hFile << wxT("\t\tif (pDbLayer->IsOpen()){") << "\n";

                hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t\tpStatement = pDbLayer->PrepareStatement(wxT(\"SELECT * FROM %s WHERE %s = ?\"));"),classTableName.c_str(), pPKCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t\tpStatement->%s(1, %s);"), GetAddParamFunction(pPKCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(), pPKCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                hFile << wxT("\t\t\tresSet = pStatement->RunQueryWithResults();") << "\n";
                hFile << wxT("\t\t\t}") << "\n";
                hFile << wxT("\t\t}") << "\n";

                hFile << wxT("\tif (resSet){") << "\n";
                hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\tif (resSet->Next()) return new %s(resSet);"),classItemName.c_str()) << "\n";
                hFile << wxT("\t\tpStatement->Close();") << "\n";
                hFile << wxT("\t\t}") << "\n";
                hFile << wxT("\treturn NULL;") << "\n";

                hFile << wxT("}") << "\n";

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsAddParameters%%"))) {
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol) {
                    hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t\t,%s %s"), GetParamTypeName(pCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(), pCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsAddParametersWithoutPK%%"))) {
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol && ( !pPKCol || (pCol->GetName() != pPKCol->GetName()) ) ) {
                    hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t\t,%s %s"), GetParamTypeName(pCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(), pCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsDeleteParameters%%"))) {
            if (pPKCol) hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t\t,%s %s"), GetParamTypeName(pPKCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(), pPKCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsAddSetParams%%"))) {
            int i = 1;
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol) {
                    hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t\tpStatement->%s(%i, %s);"), GetAddParamFunction(pCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(),i++,pCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();
            lastEditParam = i;

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsAddSetDebeaParams%%"))) {
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol && ( !pPKCol || (pCol->GetName() != pPKCol->GetName()) ) ) {
                    hFile <<  wxT("\t\tc.m_") + pCol->GetName() + wxT(" = ") + pCol->GetName() + wxT(";") << "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsAddDelParams%%"))) {
            if (pPKCol) hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t\tpStatement->%s(%i, %s);"), GetAddParamFunction(pPKCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(),1,pPKCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsAddStatement%%"))) {
            wxString cols = wxT("");
            wxString params = wxT("");
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol) {
                    if (!cols.IsEmpty()) cols = cols + wxT(",");
                    cols += pCol->GetName();

                    if (!params.IsEmpty()) params += wxT(",");
                    params += wxT("?");
                node = node->GetNext();
            hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\tPreparedStatement* pStatement = pDbLayer->PrepareStatement(wxT(\"INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)\"));"),pTab->GetName().c_str(), cols.c_str(), params.c_str()) << "\n";

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsEditStatement%%"))) {
            wxString cols = wxT("");
            wxString params = wxT("");
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol) {
                    if (!cols.IsEmpty()) cols = cols + wxT(",");
                    cols += pCol->GetName() + wxT(" = ?");
                node = node->GetNext();
            if (pPKCol)	hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\tPreparedStatement* pStatement = pDbLayer->PrepareStatement(wxT(\"UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s = ?\"));"),pTab->GetName().c_str(), cols.c_str(), pPKCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
            else hFile << wxT("\t\tPreparedStatement* pStatement = NULL;") << "\n";

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsEditDebeaStatement%%"))) {
            SerializableList::compatibility_iterator node = pTab->GetFirstChildNode();
            while( node ) {
                Column* pCol = wxDynamicCast(node->GetData(),Column);
                if (pCol && ( !pPKCol || (pCol->GetName() != pPKCol->GetName()) ) ) {
                    hFile <<  wxT("\t\t\tc->setMember(c->m_") + pCol->GetName() + wxT(", ") + pCol->GetName() + wxT(");") << "\n";
                node = node->GetNext();

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsDeleteStatement%%"))) {
            if (pPKCol)	hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\tPreparedStatement* pStatement = pDbLayer->PrepareStatement(wxT(\"DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s = ?\"));"),pTab->GetName().c_str(), pPKCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";
            else hFile << wxT("\t\tPreparedStatement* pStatement = NULL;") << "\n";

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsPKSetParams%%"))) {
            if (pPKCol) hFile << wxString::Format(wxT("\t\t\tpStatement->%s(%i, %s);"), GetAddParamFunction(pPKCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()).c_str(),lastEditParam,pPKCol->GetName().c_str()) << "\n";

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsCreateStatement%%"))) {
            wxStringTokenizer tknz( m_pDbAdapter->GetCreateTableSql( pTab, true ), wxT("\n"), wxTOKEN_STRTOK );
            while( true ) {
                wxString line = tknz.GetNextToken();
                if( !tknz.HasMoreTokens() ) break; // omit last line
                hFile <<  wxT("\t\t\t\"") + line + wxT("\" \\")  << "\n";

        } else if (str.Contains(wxT("%%classUtilsDropStatement%%"))) {
            wxStringTokenizer tknz( m_pDbAdapter->GetDropTableSql( pTab ), wxT("\n"), wxTOKEN_STRTOK );
            while( tknz.HasMoreTokens() ) {
                hFile <<  wxT("\t\t\t\"") + tknz.GetNextToken() + wxT("\" \\")  << "\n";

        } else {
            str.Replace(wxT("%%classUtilName%%"), classUtilName);
            if( pPKCol ) {
                str.Replace(wxT("%%pkType%%"), GetParamTypeName(pPKCol->GetType()->GetUniversalType()));
                str.Replace(wxT("%%pkName%%"), pPKCol->GetName());
            hFile << str << "\n";

    return true;
bool STISpectrumExports::LoadFromFile(wxTextFile& wxtfSplData)
    // TODO: missin' error check on reading
    int nBand;
    double dbValue;
    wxString wxszDataBuffer;
    wxszDataBuffer = wxtfSplData.GetFirstLine();

        if(wxszDataBuffer.Contains(wxT("BACKGROUND NOISE LEFT")))
            for( nBand = 2, wxszDataBuffer = wxtfSplData.GetNextLine(); 
                 (nBand < 9) && !wxtfSplData.Eof(); 
                 nBand++, wxszDataBuffer = wxtfSplData.GetNextLine() )
                m_pAs->SetNoiseLevel(dbValue, nBand, CH_LEFT, true);
        else if(wxszDataBuffer.Contains(wxT("SIGNAL LEVEL LEFT")))
            for( nBand = 2, wxszDataBuffer = wxtfSplData.GetNextLine(); 
                 (nBand < 9) && !wxtfSplData.Eof(); 
                 nBand++, wxszDataBuffer = wxtfSplData.GetNextLine() )
                m_pAs->SetSignalLevel(dbValue, nBand, CH_LEFT, true);
        else if(wxszDataBuffer.Contains(wxT("BACKGROUND NOISE RIGHT")))
            for( nBand = 2, wxszDataBuffer = wxtfSplData.GetNextLine(); 
                 (nBand < 9) && !wxtfSplData.Eof(); 
                 nBand++, wxszDataBuffer = wxtfSplData.GetNextLine() )
                m_pAs->SetNoiseLevel(dbValue, nBand, CH_RIGHT, true);
        else if(wxszDataBuffer.Contains(wxT("SIGNAL LEVEL RIGHT")))
            for( nBand = 2, wxszDataBuffer = wxtfSplData.GetNextLine(); 
                 (nBand < 9) && !wxtfSplData.Eof(); 
                 nBand++, wxtfSplData.GetNextLine() )
                m_pAs->SetSignalLevel(dbValue, nBand, CH_RIGHT, true);
            wxszDataBuffer = wxtfSplData.GetNextLine();
    return true;
bool cbMGMakefile::formFileForTarget( ProjectBuildTarget *p_BuildTarget, wxTextFile &p_File )
    bool l_Ret = false;
    if ( !p_BuildTarget )
        wxString l_Msg = _( "Can't found an active target!\n"
                            "C::B MakefileGen could not complete the operation." );
        cbMessageBox( l_Msg, _( "Error" ), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK, (wxWindow *)Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow() );
        Manager::Get()->GetMessageManager()->DebugLog( l_Msg );
        return l_Ret;

    wxString l_TargetName = p_BuildTarget->GetTitle();

    wxString l_ObjsName = _T("OBJS_") + l_TargetName.Upper();
    wxString l_CmdBefore = cmdbefore + _T('_') + l_TargetName;
    wxString l_CmdAfter = cmdafter + _T('_') + l_TargetName;
    wxString l_CmdClean = cmdclean + _T('_') + l_TargetName;


    const wxString& l_CompilerId = p_BuildTarget->GetCompilerID();
    Compiler* l_pCompiler = CompilerFactory::GetCompiler( l_CompilerId );

    if( !l_pCompiler )
        wxString l_Msg = _( "Can't found an compiler settings!\n"
                            "C::B MakefileGen could not complete the operation." );
        cbMessageBox( l_Msg, _( "Error" ), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK, (wxWindow *)Manager::Get()->GetAppWindow() );
        Manager::Get()->GetMessageManager()->DebugLog( l_Msg );
        return false;

    if ( !getDependencies( p_BuildTarget, l_pCompiler ) ) return false;

    if ( !m_VariablesIsSaved )

    const wxArrayString& l_CommandsBeforeBuild = p_BuildTarget->GetCommandsBeforeBuild();
    const wxArrayString& l_CommandsAfterBuild = p_BuildTarget->GetCommandsAfterBuild();

    wxString l_TargetFileName = p_BuildTarget->GetOutputFilename();
    Manager::Get()->GetMacrosManager()->ReplaceMacros(l_TargetFileName, p_BuildTarget);
    wxFileName l_OutFileName = UnixFilename(l_TargetFileName);
    cbMGRule l_Rule;
    if ( 0 == l_TargetName.CmpNoCase( _T( "default" ) ) )
        l_Rule.SetTarget( _T( "all" ) );
        l_Rule.SetTarget( l_TargetName );
    wxString l_Pre;
    if ( l_CommandsBeforeBuild.GetCount() > 0 )
        l_Pre = l_CmdBefore;
    l_Pre += l_OutFileName.GetFullPath();
    if ( l_CommandsAfterBuild.GetCount() > 0 )
        l_Pre += _T(" ") + l_CmdAfter;

    l_Rule.SetPrerequisites( l_Pre );
    m_Rules.Add( l_Rule );

    if ( l_CommandsBeforeBuild.GetCount() > 0 )
        l_Rule.SetTarget( cmdphony );
        l_Rule.SetPrerequisites( l_CmdBefore );
        m_Rules.Add( l_Rule );
        l_Rule.SetTarget( l_CmdBefore );
        for ( unsigned long idx = 0; idx < l_CommandsBeforeBuild.GetCount(); idx ++ )
            l_Rule.AddCommand( l_CommandsBeforeBuild[ idx ] );
        m_Rules.Add( l_Rule );
    if ( l_CommandsAfterBuild.GetCount() > 0 )
        l_Rule.SetTarget( cmdphony );
        l_Rule.SetPrerequisites( l_CmdAfter );
        m_Rules.Add( l_Rule );
        l_Rule.SetTarget( l_CmdAfter );
        for ( unsigned long idx = 0; idx < l_CommandsAfterBuild.GetCount(); idx ++ )
            l_Rule.AddCommand( l_CommandsAfterBuild[ idx ] );
        m_Rules.Add( l_Rule );
    l_Rule.SetTarget( l_OutFileName.GetFullPath() );
    l_Rule.SetPrerequisites( _T("$(") + l_ObjsName + _T(")") );

    wxString kind_of_output = _T( "unknown" );
    /* ctInvalid was deleted */
    /* FIXME (shl#1#): Wrongly used ctCompileObjectCmd. Can have problems . */
    CommandType ct = ctCompileObjectCmd; // get rid of compiler warning
    switch ( p_BuildTarget->GetTargetType() )
    case ttConsoleOnly:
        ct = ctLinkConsoleExeCmd;
        kind_of_output = _T( "console executable" );

    case ttExecutable:
        ct = ctLinkExeCmd;
        kind_of_output = _T( "executable" );

    case ttDynamicLib:
        ct = ctLinkDynamicCmd;
        kind_of_output = _T( "dynamic library" );

    case ttStaticLib:
        ct = ctLinkStaticCmd;
        kind_of_output = _T( "static library" );

    case ttNative:
        ct = ctLinkNativeCmd;
        kind_of_output = _T( "native" );
    case ttCommandsOnly:
        ct = ctLinkConsoleExeCmd;
        kind_of_output = _T( "commands only" );

//      case ttCommandsOnly:
//          // add target post-build commands
//          ret.Clear();
//          AppendArray(GetPostBuildCommands(target), ret);
//          return ret;
//          break;
    /*if(ttCommandsOnly == lTarget->GetTargetType())
        l_Rule.AddCommand( _T( "echo Building " ) + kind_of_output + _T( " " ) + l_OutFileName.GetFullPath() );
        wxString l_LinkerCmd = l_pCompiler->GetCommand( ct );

        Manager::Get()->GetMessageManager()->DebugLog(wxString::Format( _("LinkerCmd: %s"), l_LinkerCmd.c_str()) );
        l_pCompiler->GenerateCommandLine( l_LinkerCmd,
                                          _T("$$(") + l_TargetName + _T(")"),
                                          wxEmptyString );
        l_Rule.AddCommand( l_LinkerCmd );
    m_Rules.Add( l_Rule );

    // Form rules
    wxString l_Tmp;

    unsigned long ii;

    wxString macro;
    wxString file;
    wxString object;
    wxString FlatObject;
    wxString deps;

    cbMGSortFilesArray files = GetProjectFilesSortedByWeight(p_BuildTarget,true,false);
    unsigned long lnb_files = files.GetCount();
    for ( ii = 0; ii < lnb_files; ii++ )
        ProjectFile* pf = files[ ii ];
        const pfDetails& pfd = pf->GetFileDetails( p_BuildTarget );
        wxString l_Object = ( l_pCompiler->GetSwitches().UseFlatObjects )?pfd.object_file_flat:pfd.object_file;
        wxString l_CompilerCmd;
        // lookup file's type
        FileType ft = FileTypeOf( pf->relativeFilename );
        bool isResource = ft == ftResource;
        bool isHeader = ft == ftHeader;
        if ( !isHeader || l_pCompiler->GetSwitches().supportsPCH )
            pfCustomBuild& pcfb = pf->customBuild[l_pCompiler->GetID()];
            l_CompilerCmd = pcfb.useCustomBuildCommand
                            ? pcfb.buildCommand
                            : l_pCompiler->GetCommand( isResource ? ctCompileResourceCmd : ctCompileObjectCmd );
            wxString l_SourceFile;
            if ( l_pCompiler->GetSwitches().UseFullSourcePaths )
                l_SourceFile = UnixFilename( pfd.source_file_absolute_native );
                // for resource files, use short from if path because if windres bug with spaces-in-paths
                if ( isResource )
                    l_SourceFile = pf->file.GetShortPath();
                l_SourceFile = pfd.source_file;
            QuoteStringIfNeeded( l_SourceFile );
            Manager::Get()->GetMessageManager()->DebugLog(wxString::Format( _("CompilerCmd: %s"), l_CompilerCmd.c_str()) );
            /* FIXME: traps after next command */
            l_pCompiler->GenerateCommandLine( l_CompilerCmd,
                                              pfd.dep_file );
            if ( m_Objs.size() )
                m_Objs += _T(' ');
            m_Objs += l_Object;
            l_Rule.SetTarget( l_Object );
            l_Rule.SetPrerequisites( l_SourceFile );
            l_Rule.AddCommand( _T( "echo Compiling: " ) + l_SourceFile );
            l_Rule.AddCommand( l_CompilerCmd );
            m_Rules.Add( l_Rule );
    for ( unsigned long i=0; i < m_Deps.Count(); i++ )
        l_Rule.SetTarget( m_Deps.GetVarName( i ) );
        l_Rule.SetPrerequisites( m_Deps.GetVariable( i ) );
        m_Rules.Add( l_Rule );

    l_Rule.SetTarget( cmdphony );
    l_Rule.SetPrerequisites( l_CmdClean );
    m_Rules.Add( l_Rule );
    l_Rule.SetTarget( l_CmdClean );
    l_Rule.AddCommand( _T( "echo Delete $(" ) + l_ObjsName + _T( ") " ) + l_OutFileName.GetFullPath() );
#ifdef __WXMSW__
    l_Rule.AddCommand( _T( "-del /f $(" ) + l_ObjsName + _T( ") " ) + l_OutFileName.GetFullPath() );
    l_Rule.AddCommand( _T( "-rm -f $(" ) + l_ObjsName + _T( ") " ) + l_OutFileName.GetFullPath() );
    m_Rules.Add( l_Rule );

    if ( !m_VariablesIsSaved )
        m_Variables.SaveAllVars( p_File );
        m_VariablesIsSaved = true;
    p_File.AddLine( _T("# Target: ") + l_TargetName );
    p_File.AddLine( wxEmptyString );
    p_File.AddLine( l_ObjsName + _T("=") + m_Objs );
    p_File.AddLine( wxEmptyString );
    SaveAllRules( p_File );
    p_File.AddLine( wxEmptyString );
    p_File.AddLine( wxEmptyString );
    l_Ret = true;
    return l_Ret;