Abc::FloatArraySamplePtr getKnotVector(AbcG::ICurves& obj)

  Abc::ICompoundProperty arbGeom = obj.getSchema().getArbGeomParams();

  if (!arbGeom.valid()) {
    return Abc::FloatArraySamplePtr();

  if (arbGeom.getPropertyHeader(".knot_vectors") != NULL) {
    Abc::IFloatArrayProperty knotProp =
        Abc::IFloatArrayProperty(arbGeom, ".knot_vectors");
    if (knotProp.valid() && knotProp.getNumSamples() != 0) {
      return knotProp.getValue(0);
  if (arbGeom.getPropertyHeader(".knot_vector") != NULL) {
    Abc::IFloatArrayProperty knotProp =
        Abc::IFloatArrayProperty(arbGeom, ".knot_vector");
    if (knotProp.valid() && knotProp.getNumSamples() != 0) {
      return knotProp.getValue(0);

  return Abc::FloatArraySamplePtr();
void setupPropertyModifiers( AbcG::IObject& iObj, INode* pMaxNode, const std::string& file, const std::string& identifier, alembic_importoptions &options, const std::string prefix )

   Abc::ICompoundProperty userProps = AbcNodeUtils::getUserProperties(iObj);
      std::vector<AbcProp> propsVec;
      readInputProperties(userProps, propsVec);

         std::sort(propsVec.begin(), propsVec.end(), sortFunc);
         std::string name = prefix + " User Properties";
         createDisplayModifier(name, name, propsVec, pMaxNode);

         addControllersToModifierV2(name, name, propsVec, file, identifier, "userProperties", options, pMaxNode);

   //Abc::ICompoundProperty geomProps = AbcNodeUtils::getArbGeomParams(iObj);
   //   std::vector<AbcProp> propsVec;
   //   readInputProperties(geomProps, propsVec);

   //   if(!propsVec.empty())
   //   {
   //      std::sort(propsVec.begin(), propsVec.end(), sortFunc);
   //      std::string name = prefix + "ArbGeom Properties";
   //      createDisplayModifier(name, name, propsVec, pMaxNode);

   //      //addControllersToModifierV2("ArbGeom Properties", "ArbGeom Properties", propsVec, file, iObjXform.getFullName(), options, pMaxNode);
   //   }

Abc::UInt16ArraySamplePtr getCurveOrders(AbcG::ICurves& obj)

   Abc::ICompoundProperty arbGeom = obj.getSchema().getArbGeomParams();

      return Abc::UInt16ArraySamplePtr();

   if ( arbGeom.getPropertyHeader( ".orders" ) != NULL ){
      Abc::IUInt16ArrayProperty orders = Abc::IUInt16ArrayProperty( arbGeom, ".orders" );
      if(orders.valid() && orders.getNumSamples() != 0){
         return orders.getValue(0);

   return Abc::UInt16ArraySamplePtr();
XSI_XformTypes::xte getXformType(AbcG::IXform& obj)
   Abc::ICompoundProperty arbGeom = obj.getSchema().getArbGeomParams();

      return XSI_XformTypes::UNKNOWN;

   if ( arbGeom.getPropertyHeader( ".xsiNodeType" ) != NULL ){

      Abc::IUcharProperty types = Abc::IUcharProperty( arbGeom, ".xsiNodeType" );
      if(types.valid() && types.getNumSamples() != 0){
         return (XSI_XformTypes::xte)types.getValue(0);

   return XSI_XformTypes::UNKNOWN;

void AlembicFloatController::GetValueLocalTime(TimeValue t, void* ptr,
                                               Interval& valid,
                                               GetSetMethod method)

  Interval interval = FOREVER;

  MCHAR const* strPath = NULL;
  this->pblock->GetValue(AlembicFloatController::ID_PATH, t, strPath, interval);

  MCHAR const* strIdentifier = NULL;
  this->pblock->GetValue(AlembicFloatController::ID_IDENTIFIER, t,
                         strIdentifier, interval);

  MCHAR const* strCategory = NULL;
  this->pblock->GetValue(AlembicFloatController::ID_CATEGORY, t, strCategory,

  MCHAR const* strProperty = NULL;
  this->pblock->GetValue(AlembicFloatController::ID_PROPERTY, t, strProperty,

  float fTime;
  this->pblock->GetValue(AlembicFloatController::ID_TIME, t, fTime, interval);

  BOOL bMuted;
  this->pblock->GetValue(AlembicFloatController::ID_MUTED, t, bMuted, interval);

  extern bool g_bVerboseLogging;

  if (g_bVerboseLogging) {
    ESS_LOG_WARNING("Param block at tick " << t << "-----------------------");
    ESS_LOG_WARNING("PATH: " << strPath);
    ESS_LOG_WARNING("IDENTIFIER: " << strIdentifier);
    ESS_LOG_WARNING("PROPERTY: " << strProperty);
    ESS_LOG_WARNING("TIME: " << fTime);
    ESS_LOG_WARNING("MUTED: " << bMuted);
    ESS_LOG_WARNING("Param block end -------------");

  const float fDefaultVal = -1.0;

  std::string szPath = EC_MCHAR_to_UTF8(strPath);
  std::string szIdentifier = EC_MCHAR_to_UTF8(strIdentifier);
  std::string szProperty = EC_MCHAR_to_UTF8(strProperty);
  std::string szCategory = EC_MCHAR_to_UTF8(strCategory);

  if (szCategory.empty()) {  // default to standard properties for backwards
    // compatibility
    szCategory = std::string("standardProperties");

  if (!strProperty || !strPath || !strIdentifier /*|| !strCategory*/) {
    return setController("1", szProperty, valid, interval, method, ptr,

  if (bMuted) {
    return setController("2", szProperty, valid, interval, method, ptr,

  // if( szCategory.size() == 0 ) {
  //   ESS_LOG_ERROR( "No category specified." );
  //   return setController("3a", szProperty, valid, interval,   method,   ptr,
  //   fDefaultVal);

  if (szProperty.size() == 0) {
    ESS_LOG_ERROR("No property specified.");
    return setController("3b", szProperty, valid, interval, method, ptr,

  AbcG::IObject iObj = getObjectFromArchive(szPath, szIdentifier);

  if (!iObj.valid()) {
    return setController("4", szProperty, valid, interval, method, ptr,

  TimeValue dTicks = GetTimeValueFromSeconds(fTime);
  double sampleTime = GetSecondsFromTimeValue(dTicks);

  float fSampleVal = fDefaultVal;

  if (boost::iequals(szCategory, "standardProperties")) {
    if (Alembic::AbcGeom::ICamera::matches(
            iObj.getMetaData())) {  // standard camera properties

      Alembic::AbcGeom::ICamera objCamera =
          Alembic::AbcGeom::ICamera(iObj, Alembic::Abc::kWrapExisting);

      SampleInfo sampleInfo =
          getSampleInfo(sampleTime, objCamera.getSchema().getTimeSampling(),
      Alembic::AbcGeom::CameraSample sample;
      objCamera.getSchema().get(sample, sampleInfo.floorIndex);

      double sampleVal;
      if (!getCameraSampleVal(objCamera, sampleInfo, sample, szProperty,
                              sampleVal)) {
        return setController("5", szProperty, valid, interval, method, ptr,

      // Blend the camera values, if necessary
      if (sampleInfo.alpha != 0.0) {
        objCamera.getSchema().get(sample, sampleInfo.ceilIndex);
        double sampleVal2 = 0.0;
        if (getCameraSampleVal(objCamera, sampleInfo, sample, szProperty,
                               sampleVal2)) {
          sampleVal = (1.0 - sampleInfo.alpha) * sampleVal +
                      sampleInfo.alpha * sampleVal2;

      fSampleVal = (float)sampleVal;
    else if (Alembic::AbcGeom::ILight::matches(
                 iObj.getMetaData())) {  // ILight material properties

          "AlembicFloatController::GetValueLocalTime - read ILight shader "

      Alembic::AbcGeom::ILight objLight =
          Alembic::AbcGeom::ILight(iObj, Alembic::Abc::kWrapExisting);

      SampleInfo sampleInfo =
          getSampleInfo(sampleTime, objLight.getSchema().getTimeSampling(),

      AbcM::IMaterialSchema matSchema = getMatSchema(objLight);

      std::string strProp = szProperty;

      std::vector<std::string> parts;
      boost::split(parts, strProp, boost::is_any_of("."));

      if (parts.size() == 3) {
        const std::string& target = parts[0];
        const std::string& type = parts[1];
        const std::string& prop = parts[2];

        Abc::IFloatProperty fProp = readShaderScalerProp<Abc::IFloatProperty>(
            matSchema, target, type, prop);
        if (fProp.valid()) {
          fProp.get(fSampleVal, sampleInfo.floorIndex);
        else {
          ESS_LOG_WARNING("Float Controller Error: could find shader parameter "
                          << strProp);
      else if (parts.size() == 5) {
        const std::string& target = parts[0];
        const std::string& type = parts[1];
        const std::string& prop = parts[2];
        const std::string& propInterp = parts[3];
        const std::string& propComp = parts[4];

        // ESS_LOG_WARNING("propInterp: "<<propInterp);

        if (propInterp == "rgb") {
          Abc::IC3fProperty fProp = readShaderScalerProp<Abc::IC3fProperty>(
              matSchema, target, type, prop);
          if (fProp.valid()) {
            Abc::C3f v3f;
            fProp.get(v3f, sampleInfo.floorIndex);
            if (propComp == "x") {
              fSampleVal = v3f.x;
            else if (propComp == "y") {
              fSampleVal = v3f.y;
            else if (propComp == "z") {
              fSampleVal = v3f.z;
            else {
                  "Float Controller Error: invalid component: " << propComp);
          else {
                "Float Controller Error: could find shader parameter "
                << strProp);
        else {
              "Float Controller Error: unrecognized parameter interpretation: "
              << propInterp);
      else {
            "Float Controller Error: could not parse property field: "
            << strProperty);
  else if (boost::iequals(szCategory, "userProperties")) {
    // AbcA::TimeSamplingPtr timeSampling = obj.getSchema().getTimeSampling();
    // int nSamples = (int)obj.getSchema().getNumSamples();

    AbcA::TimeSamplingPtr timeSampling;
    int nSamples = 0;
    Abc::ICompoundProperty propk =
        AbcNodeUtils::getUserProperties(iObj, timeSampling, nSamples);

    if (propk.valid()) {
      SampleInfo sampleInfo = getSampleInfo(sampleTime, timeSampling, nSamples);

      std::vector<std::string> parts;
      boost::split(parts, szProperty, boost::is_any_of("."));

      if (parts.size() == 1) {
        Abc::IFloatProperty fProp =
            readScalarProperty<Abc::IFloatProperty>(propk, szProperty);
        if (fProp.valid()) {
          fProp.get(fSampleVal, sampleInfo.floorIndex);
        else {
          Abc::IInt32Property intProp =
              readScalarProperty<Abc::IInt32Property>(propk, szProperty);
          if (intProp.valid()) {
            int intVal;
            intProp.get(intVal, sampleInfo.floorIndex);
            fSampleVal = (float)intVal;
          else {
                "Float Controller Error: could not read user property "
                << szProperty);
      else if (parts.size() == 3) {
        const std::string& prop = parts[0];
        const std::string& propInterp = parts[1];
        const std::string& propComp = parts[2];

        // ESS_LOG_WARNING("interpretation: "<<propInterp);

        if (propInterp == "rgb") {
          fSampleVal = readScalarPropertyExt3<Abc::IC3fProperty, Abc::C3f>(
              propk, sampleInfo, prop, propComp);
        else if (propInterp == "vector") {
          fSampleVal = readScalarPropertyExt3<Abc::IV3fProperty, Abc::V3f>(
              propk, sampleInfo, prop, propComp);
        else {
              "Float Controller Error: unrecognized parameter interpretation: "
              << propInterp);
  // else if( boost::iequals(szCategory, "arbGeomParams") ){


  return setController("6", szProperty, valid, interval, method, ptr,
