int CHTTPWebinterfaceAddonsHandler::HandleRequest()
  m_responseData = ADDON_HEADER;
  if (!ADDON::CAddonMgr::GetInstance().GetAddons(addons, ADDON::ADDON_WEB_INTERFACE) || addons.empty())
    m_response.type = HTTPError;
    m_response.status = MHD_HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;

    return MHD_YES;

  for (ADDON::IVECADDONS addon = addons.begin(); addon != addons.end(); ++addon)
    m_responseData += "<li><a href=/addons/" + (*addon)->ID() + "/>" + (*addon)->Name() + "</a></li>\n";

  m_responseData += "</ul>\n</body></html>";

  m_responseRange.SetData(m_responseData.c_str(), m_responseData.size());

  m_response.type = HTTPMemoryDownloadNoFreeCopy;
  m_response.status = MHD_HTTP_OK;
  m_response.contentType = "text/html";
  m_response.totalLength = m_responseData.size();

  return MHD_YES;
bool CLangInfo::SetLanguage(bool& fallback, const std::string &strLanguage /* = "" */, bool reloadServices /* = true */)
  fallback = false;

  std::string language = strLanguage;
  if (language.empty())
    language = CSettings::GetInstance().GetString(CSettings::SETTING_LOCALE_LANGUAGE);

    if (language.empty())
      CLog::Log(LOGFATAL, "CLangInfo: cannot load empty language.");
      return false;

  LanguageResourcePtr languageAddon = GetLanguageAddon(language);
  if (languageAddon == NULL)
    CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "CLangInfo: unable to load language \"%s\". Trying to determine matching language addon...", language.c_str());

    // we may have to fall back to the default language
    std::string defaultLanguage = static_cast<CSettingString*>(CSettings::GetInstance().GetSetting(CSettings::SETTING_LOCALE_LANGUAGE))->GetDefault();
    std::string newLanguage = defaultLanguage;

    // try to determine a language addon matching the given language in name
    if (!ADDON::CLanguageResource::FindLanguageAddonByName(language, newLanguage))
      CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "CLangInfo: unable to find an installed language addon matching \"%s\". Trying to find an installable language...", language.c_str());

      bool foundMatchingAddon = false;
      CAddonDatabase addondb;
      if (addondb.Open())
        // update the addon repositories to check if there's a matching language addon available for download
        CAddonInstaller::GetInstance().UpdateRepos(true, true);

        ADDON::VECADDONS languageAddons;
        if (addondb.GetAddons(languageAddons, ADDON::ADDON_RESOURCE_LANGUAGE) && !languageAddons.empty())
          // try to get the proper language addon by its name from all available language addons
          if (ADDON::CLanguageResource::FindLanguageAddonByName(language, newLanguage, languageAddons))
            if (CAddonInstaller::GetInstance().Install(newLanguage, true, "", false, false))
              CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "CLangInfo: successfully installed language addon \"%s\" matching current language \"%s\"", newLanguage.c_str(), language.c_str());
              foundMatchingAddon = true;
              CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CLangInfo: failed to installed language addon \"%s\" matching current language \"%s\"", newLanguage.c_str(), language.c_str());
            CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CLangInfo: unable to match old language \"%s\" to any available language addon", language.c_str());
          CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CLangInfo: no language addons available to match against \"%s\"", language.c_str());
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "CLangInfo: unable to open addon database to look for a language addon matching \"%s\"", language.c_str());

      // if the new language matches the default language we are loading the
      // default language as a fallback
      if (!foundMatchingAddon && newLanguage == defaultLanguage)
        CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "CLangInfo: fall back to the default language \"%s\"", defaultLanguage.c_str());
        fallback = true;

    if (!CSettings::GetInstance().SetString(CSettings::SETTING_LOCALE_LANGUAGE, newLanguage))
      return false;

    return true;

  CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "CLangInfo: loading %s language information...", language.c_str());
  if (!Load(language))
    CLog::LogF(LOGFATAL, "CLangInfo: failed to load %s language information", language.c_str());
    return false;

  CLog::Log(LOGINFO, "CLangInfo: loading %s language strings...", language.c_str());
  if (!g_localizeStrings.Load(GetLanguagePath(), language))
    CLog::LogF(LOGFATAL, "CLangInfo: failed to load %s language strings", language.c_str());
    return false;

  if (reloadServices)
    // also tell our weather and skin to reload as these are localized
    CApplicationMessenger::GetInstance().PostMsg(TMSG_EXECUTE_BUILT_IN, -1, -1, nullptr, "ReloadSkin");

  return true;