	 * Returns a float associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
	 * @param	Column	Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
	virtual FLOAT GetFloat( const TCHAR* Column ) const
		FLOAT ReturnValue = 0;
			// Retrieve specified column field value for selected row.
			_variant_t Value = ADORecordSet->GetCollect( Column );
			// Check variant type for validity and cast to specified type. _variant_t has overloaded cast operators.
			if( Value.vt != VT_NULL )
				ReturnValue = (FLOAT)Value;
			// Unknown column.
				debugf(NAME_DevDataBase,TEXT("Failure retrieving FLOAT value for column [%s]"),Column);
		// Error handling. Will return default value of 0.
		catch( _com_error& Error )
			debugf(NAME_DevDataBase,TEXT("Failure retrieving FLOAT value for column [%s] [%s]"),Column,(TCHAR*) Error.Description());	
		return ReturnValue;
	 * Returns a string associated with the passed in field/ column for the current row.
	 * @param	Column	Name of column to retrieve data for in current row
	virtual FString GetString( const TCHAR* Column ) const
		FString ReturnString;
			// Retrieve specified column field value for selected row.
			_variant_t Value = ADORecordSet->GetCollect( Column );
			// Check variant type for validity and cast to specified type. _variant_t has overloaded cast operators.
			if( Value.vt != VT_NULL )
				ReturnString = (TCHAR*)_bstr_t(Value);
			// Unknown column.
				ReturnString = TEXT("Unknown Column");
		// Error handling. Will return string with error message.
		catch( _com_error& Error )
			ReturnString = FString::Printf(TEXT("Failure retrieving string value for column [%s] [%s]"),Column,(TCHAR*) Error.Description());
		return ReturnString;