KDateTime Event::dateTime( DateTimeRole role ) const
  switch ( role ) {
  case RoleRecurrenceStart:
  case RoleAlarmStartOffset:
  case RoleStartTimeZone:
  case RoleSort:
    return dtStart();
  case RoleCalendarHashing:
    return !recurs() && !isMultiDay() ? dtStart() :
  case RoleAlarmEndOffset:
  case RoleEndTimeZone:
  case RoleEndRecurrenceBase:
  case RoleEnd:
  case RoleDisplayEnd:
    return dtEnd();
  case RoleAlarm:
    if ( alarms().isEmpty() ) {
      return KDateTime();
    } else {
      Alarm::Ptr alarm = alarms().first();
      return alarm->hasStartOffset() ? dtStart() : dtEnd();

    return KDateTime();
void CompatOutlook9::fixAlarms( const Incidence::Ptr &incidence )
  if ( !incidence ) {
  Alarm::List alarms = incidence->alarms();
  Alarm::List::Iterator it;
  for ( it = alarms.begin(); it != alarms.end(); ++it ) {
    Alarm::Ptr al = *it;
    if ( al && al->hasStartOffset() ) {
      Duration offsetDuration = al->startOffset();
      int offs = offsetDuration.asSeconds();
      if ( offs > 0 ) {
        offsetDuration = Duration( -offs );
      al->setStartOffset( offsetDuration );
void AlarmDialog::eventNotification()
  bool beeped = false;
  bool found = false;

  ReminderList list;

  QTreeWidgetItemIterator it( mIncidenceTree );
  while ( *it ) {
    ReminderListItem *item = static_cast<ReminderListItem *>( *it );
    if ( item->isDisabled() || item->mNotified ) {
      //skip suspended reminders or reminders that have been notified
    found = true;
    item->mNotified = true;
    Incidence::Ptr incidence = CalendarSupport::incidence( item->mIncidence );
    Alarm::List alarms = incidence->alarms();
    Alarm::List::ConstIterator ait;
    for ( ait = alarms.constBegin(); ait != alarms.constEnd(); ++ait ) {
      Alarm::Ptr alarm = *ait;
      // FIXME: Check whether this should be done for all multiple alarms
      if ( alarm->type() == Alarm::Procedure ) {
        // FIXME: Add a message box asking whether the procedure should really be executed
        kDebug() << "Starting program: '" << alarm->programFile() << "'";

        QString program = alarm->programFile();

        // if the program name contains spaces escape it
        if ( program.contains( ' ' )   &&
             !( program.startsWith( '\"' ) && program.endsWith( '\"' ) ) ) {
          program = '\"' + program + '\"';

        QProcess::startDetached( program + ' ' + alarm->programArguments() );
      } else if ( alarm->type() == Alarm::Audio ) {
        beeped = true;
        Phonon::MediaObject *player =
          Phonon::createPlayer( Phonon::NotificationCategory, alarm->audioFile() );
        player->setParent( this );
        connect( player, SIGNAL(finished()), player, SLOT(deleteLater()) );
      } else if ( alarm->type() == Alarm::Email ) {
        QString from = CalendarSupport::KCalPrefs::instance()->email();
        Identity id = KOCore::self()->identityManager()->identityForAddress( from );
        QString to;
        if ( alarm->mailAddresses().isEmpty() ) {
          to = from;
        } else {
          const Person::List addresses = alarm->mailAddresses();
          QStringList add;
          for ( Person::List::ConstIterator it = addresses.constBegin();
                it != addresses.constEnd(); ++it ) {
            add << (*it)->fullName();
          to = add.join( ", " );

        QString subject;

        Akonadi::Item parentItem = mCalendar->itemForIncidenceUid( alarm->parentUid() );
        Incidence::Ptr parent = CalendarSupport::incidence( parentItem );

        if ( alarm->mailSubject().isEmpty() ) {
          if ( parent->summary().isEmpty() ) {
            subject = i18nc( "@title", "Reminder" );
          } else {
            subject = i18nc( "@title", "Reminder: %1", cleanSummary( parent->summary() ) );
        } else {
          subject = i18nc( "@title", "Reminder: %1", alarm->mailSubject() );

        QString body =
            parent.staticCast<IncidenceBase>(), KSystemTimeZones::local() );
        if ( !alarm->mailText().isEmpty() ) {
          body += '\n' + alarm->mailText();
        //TODO: support attachments
        CalendarSupport::MailClient mailer;
        mailer.send( id, from, to, QString(), subject, body, true, false, QString(),
                     MailTransport::TransportManager::self()->defaultTransportName() );

  if ( !beeped && found ) {