void AliasSetTracker::add(const AliasSetTracker &AST) {
  assert(&AA == &AST.AA &&
         "Merging AliasSetTracker objects with different Alias Analyses!");

  // Loop over all of the alias sets in AST, adding the pointers contained
  // therein into the current alias sets.  This can cause alias sets to be
  // merged together in the current AST.
  for (const_iterator I = AST.begin(), E = AST.end(); I != E; ++I) {
    if (I->Forward) continue;   // Ignore forwarding alias sets
    AliasSet &AS = const_cast<AliasSet&>(*I);

    // If there are any call sites in the alias set, add them to this AST.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = AS.UnknownInsts.size(); i != e; ++i)

    // Loop over all of the pointers in this alias set.
    bool X;
    for (AliasSet::iterator ASI = AS.begin(), E = AS.end(); ASI != E; ++ASI) {
      AliasSet &NewAS = addPointer(ASI.getPointer(), ASI.getSize(),
                                   (AliasSet::AccessType)AS.AccessTy, X);
      if (AS.isVolatile()) NewAS.setVolatile();
void AliasSetTracker::add(const AliasSetTracker &AST) {
  assert(&AA == &AST.AA &&
         "Merging AliasSetTracker objects with different Alias Analyses!");

  // Loop over all of the alias sets in AST, adding the pointers contained
  // therein into the current alias sets.  This can cause alias sets to be
  // merged together in the current AST.
  for (const AliasSet &AS : AST) {
    if (AS.Forward)
      continue; // Ignore forwarding alias sets

    // If there are any call sites in the alias set, add them to this AST.
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = AS.UnknownInsts.size(); i != e; ++i)
      if (auto *Inst = AS.getUnknownInst(i))

    // Loop over all of the pointers in this alias set.
    for (AliasSet::iterator ASI = AS.begin(), E = AS.end(); ASI != E; ++ASI)
          MemoryLocation(ASI.getPointer(), ASI.getSize(), ASI.getAAInfo()),
void AliasSetTracker::add(const AliasSetTracker &AST) {
  assert(&AA == &AST.AA &&
         "Merging AliasSetTracker objects with different Alias Analyses!");

  // Loop over all of the alias sets in AST, adding the pointers contained
  // therein into the current alias sets.  This can cause alias sets to be
  // merged together in the current AST.
  for (const_iterator I = AST.begin(), E = AST.end(); I != E; ++I)
    if (!I->Forward) {   // Ignore forwarding alias sets
      AliasSet &AS = const_cast<AliasSet&>(*I);

      // If there are any call sites in the alias set, add them to this AST.
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = AS.CallSites.size(); i != e; ++i)

      // Loop over all of the pointers in this alias set...
      AliasSet::iterator I = AS.begin(), E = AS.end();
      bool X;
      for (; I != E; ++I)
        addPointer(I.getPointer(), I.getSize(),
                   (AliasSet::AccessType)AS.AccessTy, X);
文件: LICM.cpp 项目: aaasz/SHP
/// FindPromotableValuesInLoop - Check the current loop for stores to definite
/// pointers, which are not loaded and stored through may aliases and are safe
/// for promotion.  If these are found, create an alloca for the value, add it 
/// to the PromotedValues list, and keep track of the mapping from value to 
/// alloca. 
void LICM::FindPromotableValuesInLoop(
                   std::vector<std::pair<AllocaInst*, Value*> > &PromotedValues,
                             std::map<Value*, AllocaInst*> &ValueToAllocaMap) {
  Instruction *FnStart = CurLoop->getHeader()->getParent()->begin()->begin();

  // Loop over all of the alias sets in the tracker object.
  for (AliasSetTracker::iterator I = CurAST->begin(), E = CurAST->end();
       I != E; ++I) {
    AliasSet &AS = *I;
    // We can promote this alias set if it has a store, if it is a "Must" alias
    // set, if the pointer is loop invariant, and if we are not eliminating any
    // volatile loads or stores.
    if (AS.isForwardingAliasSet() || !AS.isMod() || !AS.isMustAlias() ||
        AS.isVolatile() || !CurLoop->isLoopInvariant(AS.begin()->getValue()))
    assert(!AS.empty() &&
           "Must alias set should have at least one pointer element in it!");
    Value *V = AS.begin()->getValue();

    // Check that all of the pointers in the alias set have the same type.  We
    // cannot (yet) promote a memory location that is loaded and stored in
    // different sizes.
      bool PointerOk = true;
      for (AliasSet::iterator I = AS.begin(), E = AS.end(); I != E; ++I)
        if (V->getType() != I->getValue()->getType()) {
          PointerOk = false;
      if (!PointerOk)

    // It isn't safe to promote a load/store from the loop if the load/store is
    // conditional.  For example, turning:
    //    for () { if (c) *P += 1; }
    // into:
    //    tmp = *P;  for () { if (c) tmp +=1; } *P = tmp;
    // is not safe, because *P may only be valid to access if 'c' is true.
    // It is safe to promote P if all uses are direct load/stores and if at
    // least one is guaranteed to be executed.
    bool GuaranteedToExecute = false;
    bool InvalidInst = false;
    for (Value::use_iterator UI = V->use_begin(), UE = V->use_end();
         UI != UE; ++UI) {
      // Ignore instructions not in this loop.
      Instruction *Use = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*UI);
      if (!Use || !CurLoop->contains(Use->getParent()))

      if (!isa<LoadInst>(Use) && !isa<StoreInst>(Use)) {
        InvalidInst = true;
      if (!GuaranteedToExecute)
        GuaranteedToExecute = isSafeToExecuteUnconditionally(*Use);

    // If there is an non-load/store instruction in the loop, we can't promote
    // it.  If there isn't a guaranteed-to-execute instruction, we can't
    // promote.
    if (InvalidInst || !GuaranteedToExecute)
    const Type *Ty = cast<PointerType>(V->getType())->getElementType();
    AllocaInst *AI = new AllocaInst(Ty, 0, V->getName()+".tmp", FnStart);
    PromotedValues.push_back(std::make_pair(AI, V));

    // Update the AST and alias analysis.
    CurAST->copyValue(V, AI);

    for (AliasSet::iterator I = AS.begin(), E = AS.end(); I != E; ++I)
      ValueToAllocaMap.insert(std::make_pair(I->getValue(), AI));

    DEBUG(errs() << "LICM: Promoting value: " << *V << "\n");
文件: LICM.cpp 项目: nobled/llvm
/// PromoteAliasSet - Try to promote memory values to scalars by sinking
/// stores out of the loop and moving loads to before the loop.  We do this by
/// looping over the stores in the loop, looking for stores to Must pointers
/// which are loop invariant.
void LICM::PromoteAliasSet(AliasSet &AS) {
  // We can promote this alias set if it has a store, if it is a "Must" alias
  // set, if the pointer is loop invariant, and if we are not eliminating any
  // volatile loads or stores.
  if (AS.isForwardingAliasSet() || !AS.isMod() || !AS.isMustAlias() ||
      AS.isVolatile() || !CurLoop->isLoopInvariant(AS.begin()->getValue()))

  assert(!AS.empty() &&
         "Must alias set should have at least one pointer element in it!");
  Value *SomePtr = AS.begin()->getValue();

  // It isn't safe to promote a load/store from the loop if the load/store is
  // conditional.  For example, turning:
  //    for () { if (c) *P += 1; }
  // into:
  //    tmp = *P;  for () { if (c) tmp +=1; } *P = tmp;
  // is not safe, because *P may only be valid to access if 'c' is true.
  // It is safe to promote P if all uses are direct load/stores and if at
  // least one is guaranteed to be executed.
  bool GuaranteedToExecute = false;

  SmallVector<Instruction*, 64> LoopUses;
  SmallPtrSet<Value*, 4> PointerMustAliases;

  // We start with an alignment of one and try to find instructions that allow
  // us to prove better alignment.
  unsigned Alignment = 1;

  // Check that all of the pointers in the alias set have the same type.  We
  // cannot (yet) promote a memory location that is loaded and stored in
  // different sizes.
  for (AliasSet::iterator ASI = AS.begin(), E = AS.end(); ASI != E; ++ASI) {
    Value *ASIV = ASI->getValue();

    // Check that all of the pointers in the alias set have the same type.  We
    // cannot (yet) promote a memory location that is loaded and stored in
    // different sizes.
    if (SomePtr->getType() != ASIV->getType())

    for (Value::use_iterator UI = ASIV->use_begin(), UE = ASIV->use_end();
         UI != UE; ++UI) {
      // Ignore instructions that are outside the loop.
      Instruction *Use = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*UI);
      if (!Use || !CurLoop->contains(Use))

      // If there is an non-load/store instruction in the loop, we can't promote
      // it.
      if (LoadInst *load = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(Use)) {
        assert(!load->isVolatile() && "AST broken");
        if (!load->isSimple())
      } else if (StoreInst *store = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(Use)) {
        // Stores *of* the pointer are not interesting, only stores *to* the
        // pointer.
        if (Use->getOperand(1) != ASIV)
        assert(!store->isVolatile() && "AST broken");
        if (!store->isSimple())

        // Note that we only check GuaranteedToExecute inside the store case
        // so that we do not introduce stores where they did not exist before
        // (which would break the LLVM concurrency model).

        // If the alignment of this instruction allows us to specify a more
        // restrictive (and performant) alignment and if we are sure this
        // instruction will be executed, update the alignment.
        // Larger is better, with the exception of 0 being the best alignment.
        unsigned InstAlignment = store->getAlignment();
        if ((InstAlignment > Alignment || InstAlignment == 0)
            && (Alignment != 0))
          if (isGuaranteedToExecute(*Use)) {
            GuaranteedToExecute = true;
            Alignment = InstAlignment;

        if (!GuaranteedToExecute)
          GuaranteedToExecute = isGuaranteedToExecute(*Use);

      } else
        return; // Not a load or store.


  // If there isn't a guaranteed-to-execute instruction, we can't promote.
  if (!GuaranteedToExecute)

  // Otherwise, this is safe to promote, lets do it!
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "LICM: Promoting value stored to in loop: " <<*SomePtr<<'\n');
  Changed = true;

  // Grab a debug location for the inserted loads/stores; given that the
  // inserted loads/stores have little relation to the original loads/stores,
  // this code just arbitrarily picks a location from one, since any debug
  // location is better than none.
  DebugLoc DL = LoopUses[0]->getDebugLoc();

  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 8> ExitBlocks;

  // We use the SSAUpdater interface to insert phi nodes as required.
  SmallVector<PHINode*, 16> NewPHIs;
  SSAUpdater SSA(&NewPHIs);
  LoopPromoter Promoter(SomePtr, LoopUses, SSA, PointerMustAliases, ExitBlocks,
                        *CurAST, DL, Alignment);

  // Set up the preheader to have a definition of the value.  It is the live-out
  // value from the preheader that uses in the loop will use.
  LoadInst *PreheaderLoad =
    new LoadInst(SomePtr, SomePtr->getName()+".promoted",
  SSA.AddAvailableValue(Preheader, PreheaderLoad);

  // Rewrite all the loads in the loop and remember all the definitions from
  // stores in the loop.

  // If the SSAUpdater didn't use the load in the preheader, just zap it now.
  if (PreheaderLoad->use_empty())
文件: LICM.cpp 项目: CPFL/guc
/// PromoteAliasSet - Try to promote memory values to scalars by sinking
/// stores out of the loop and moving loads to before the loop.  We do this by
/// looping over the stores in the loop, looking for stores to Must pointers
/// which are loop invariant.
void LICM::PromoteAliasSet(AliasSet &AS) {
  // We can promote this alias set if it has a store, if it is a "Must" alias
  // set, if the pointer is loop invariant, and if we are not eliminating any
  // volatile loads or stores.
  if (AS.isForwardingAliasSet() || !AS.isMod() || !AS.isMustAlias() ||
      AS.isVolatile() || !CurLoop->isLoopInvariant(AS.begin()->getValue()))
  assert(!AS.empty() &&
         "Must alias set should have at least one pointer element in it!");
  Value *SomePtr = AS.begin()->getValue();

  // It isn't safe to promote a load/store from the loop if the load/store is
  // conditional.  For example, turning:
  //    for () { if (c) *P += 1; }
  // into:
  //    tmp = *P;  for () { if (c) tmp +=1; } *P = tmp;
  // is not safe, because *P may only be valid to access if 'c' is true.
  // It is safe to promote P if all uses are direct load/stores and if at
  // least one is guaranteed to be executed.
  bool GuaranteedToExecute = false;
  SmallVector<Instruction*, 64> LoopUses;
  SmallPtrSet<Value*, 4> PointerMustAliases;

  // Check that all of the pointers in the alias set have the same type.  We
  // cannot (yet) promote a memory location that is loaded and stored in
  // different sizes.
  for (AliasSet::iterator ASI = AS.begin(), E = AS.end(); ASI != E; ++ASI) {
    Value *ASIV = ASI->getValue();
    // Check that all of the pointers in the alias set have the same type.  We
    // cannot (yet) promote a memory location that is loaded and stored in
    // different sizes.
    if (SomePtr->getType() != ASIV->getType())
    for (Value::use_iterator UI = ASIV->use_begin(), UE = ASIV->use_end();
         UI != UE; ++UI) {
      // Ignore instructions that are outside the loop.
      Instruction *Use = dyn_cast<Instruction>(*UI);
      if (!Use || !CurLoop->contains(Use))
      // If there is an non-load/store instruction in the loop, we can't promote
      // it.
      if (isa<LoadInst>(Use))
        assert(!cast<LoadInst>(Use)->isVolatile() && "AST broken");
      else if (isa<StoreInst>(Use)) {
        assert(!cast<StoreInst>(Use)->isVolatile() && "AST broken");
        if (Use->getOperand(0) == ASIV) return;
      } else
        return; // Not a load or store.
      if (!GuaranteedToExecute)
        GuaranteedToExecute = isSafeToExecuteUnconditionally(*Use);
  // If there isn't a guaranteed-to-execute instruction, we can't promote.
  if (!GuaranteedToExecute)
  // Otherwise, this is safe to promote, lets do it!
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "LICM: Promoting value stored to in loop: " <<*SomePtr<<'\n');  
  Changed = true;

  // We use the SSAUpdater interface to insert phi nodes as required.
  SmallVector<PHINode*, 16> NewPHIs;
  SSAUpdater SSA(&NewPHIs);
  // It wants to know some value of the same type as what we'll be inserting.
  Value *SomeValue;
  if (isa<LoadInst>(LoopUses[0]))
    SomeValue = LoopUses[0];
    SomeValue = cast<StoreInst>(LoopUses[0])->getOperand(0);
  SSA.Initialize(SomeValue->getType(), SomeValue->getName());

  // First step: bucket up uses of the pointers by the block they occur in.
  // This is important because we have to handle multiple defs/uses in a block
  // ourselves: SSAUpdater is purely for cross-block references.
  // FIXME: Want a TinyVector<Instruction*> since there is usually 0/1 element.
  DenseMap<BasicBlock*, std::vector<Instruction*> > UsesByBlock;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = LoopUses.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Instruction *User = LoopUses[i];
  // Okay, now we can iterate over all the blocks in the loop with uses,
  // processing them.  Keep track of which loads are loading a live-in value.
  SmallVector<LoadInst*, 32> LiveInLoads;
  DenseMap<Value*, Value*> ReplacedLoads;
  for (unsigned LoopUse = 0, e = LoopUses.size(); LoopUse != e; ++LoopUse) {
    Instruction *User = LoopUses[LoopUse];
    std::vector<Instruction*> &BlockUses = UsesByBlock[User->getParent()];
    // If this block has already been processed, ignore this repeat use.
    if (BlockUses.empty()) continue;
    // Okay, this is the first use in the block.  If this block just has a
    // single user in it, we can rewrite it trivially.
    if (BlockUses.size() == 1) {
      // If it is a store, it is a trivial def of the value in the block.
      if (isa<StoreInst>(User)) {
      } else {
        // Otherwise it is a load, queue it to rewrite as a live-in load.
    // Otherwise, check to see if this block is all loads.  If so, we can queue
    // them all as live in loads.
    bool HasStore = false;
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = BlockUses.size(); i != e; ++i) {
      if (isa<StoreInst>(BlockUses[i])) {
        HasStore = true;
    if (!HasStore) {
      for (unsigned i = 0, e = BlockUses.size(); i != e; ++i)

    // Otherwise, we have mixed loads and stores (or just a bunch of stores).
    // Since SSAUpdater is purely for cross-block values, we need to determine
    // the order of these instructions in the block.  If the first use in the
    // block is a load, then it uses the live in value.  The last store defines
    // the live out value.  We handle this by doing a linear scan of the block.
    BasicBlock *BB = User->getParent();
    Value *StoredValue = 0;
    for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB->begin(), E = BB->end(); II != E; ++II) {
      if (LoadInst *L = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(II)) {
        // If this is a load from an unrelated pointer, ignore it.
        if (!PointerMustAliases.count(L->getOperand(0))) continue;

        // If we haven't seen a store yet, this is a live in use, otherwise
        // use the stored value.
        if (StoredValue) {
          ReplacedLoads[L] = StoredValue;
        } else {
      if (StoreInst *S = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(II)) {
        // If this is a store to an unrelated pointer, ignore it.
        if (!PointerMustAliases.count(S->getOperand(1))) continue;

        // Remember that this is the active value in the block.
        StoredValue = S->getOperand(0);
    // The last stored value that happened is the live-out for the block.
    assert(StoredValue && "Already checked that there is a store in block");
    SSA.AddAvailableValue(BB, StoredValue);
  // Now that all the intra-loop values are classified, set up the preheader.
  // It gets a load of the pointer we're promoting, and it is the live-out value
  // from the preheader.
  LoadInst *PreheaderLoad = new LoadInst(SomePtr,SomePtr->getName()+".promoted",
  SSA.AddAvailableValue(Preheader, PreheaderLoad);

  // Now that the preheader is good to go, set up the exit blocks.  Each exit
  // block gets a store of the live-out values that feed them.  Since we've
  // already told the SSA updater about the defs in the loop and the preheader
  // definition, it is all set and we can start using it.
  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 8> ExitBlocks;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = ExitBlocks.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    BasicBlock *ExitBlock = ExitBlocks[i];
    Value *LiveInValue = SSA.GetValueInMiddleOfBlock(ExitBlock);
    Instruction *InsertPos = ExitBlock->getFirstNonPHI();
    new StoreInst(LiveInValue, SomePtr, InsertPos);

  // Okay, now we rewrite all loads that use live-in values in the loop,
  // inserting PHI nodes as necessary.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = LiveInLoads.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    LoadInst *ALoad = LiveInLoads[i];
    Value *NewVal = SSA.GetValueInMiddleOfBlock(ALoad->getParent());
    CurAST->copyValue(ALoad, NewVal);
    ReplacedLoads[ALoad] = NewVal;
  // If the preheader load is itself a pointer, we need to tell alias analysis
  // about the new pointer we created in the preheader block and about any PHI
  // nodes that just got inserted.
  if (PreheaderLoad->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
    // Copy any value stored to or loaded from a must-alias of the pointer.
    CurAST->copyValue(SomeValue, PreheaderLoad);
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = NewPHIs.size(); i != e; ++i)
      CurAST->copyValue(SomeValue, NewPHIs[i]);
  // Now that everything is rewritten, delete the old instructions from the body
  // of the loop.  They should all be dead now.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = LoopUses.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Instruction *User = LoopUses[i];
    // If this is a load that still has uses, then the load must have been added
    // as a live value in the SSAUpdate data structure for a block (e.g. because
    // the loaded value was stored later).  In this case, we need to recursively
    // propagate the updates until we get to the real value.
    if (!User->use_empty()) {
      Value *NewVal = ReplacedLoads[User];
      assert(NewVal && "not a replaced load?");
      // Propagate down to the ultimate replacee.  The intermediately loads
      // could theoretically already have been deleted, so we don't want to
      // dereference the Value*'s.
      DenseMap<Value*, Value*>::iterator RLI = ReplacedLoads.find(NewVal);
      while (RLI != ReplacedLoads.end()) {
        NewVal = RLI->second;
        RLI = ReplacedLoads.find(NewVal);
      CurAST->copyValue(User, NewVal);
  // fwew, we're done!
InsInfo::InsInfo(const Instruction *i, AliasAnalysis &aa,
				AliasSetTracker &ast) : AA(&aa), AST(&ast), ins(i), sliced(true) {
	DEBUG( errs() << "new InsInfo for "); 
	DEBUG( i->print(errs()) ); 
	DEBUG( errs() << "\n");
  //typedef ptr::PointsToSets::PointsToSet PTSet;

  if (const LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<const LoadInst>(i)) {
    addDEF(Pointee(i, -1));

    const Value *op = elimConstExpr(LI->getPointerOperand());
    if (isa<ConstantPointerNull>(op)) {
      errs() << "ERROR in analysed code -- reading from address 0 at " <<
        i->getParent()->getParent()->getName() << ":\n";
    } else if (isa<ConstantInt>(op)) {
    } else {
      addREF(Pointee(op, -1));
      /*if (!hasExtraReference(op)) {
        const PTSet &S = getPointsToSet(op,PS);
        for (PTSet::const_iterator I = S.begin(), E = S.end(); I != E; ++I)
      if (!hasExtraReference(op)) {
				uint64_t Size = 0;
				if (op->getType()->isSized())
					Size = AA->getTypeStoreSize(op->getType());
				Value* temp = const_cast<Value*>(op);
        const AliasSet* S = AST->getAliasSetForPointerIfExists(temp, Size,
				if( S != NULL ){
					for (AliasSet::iterator I = S->begin(), E = S->end(); I != E; ++I)
						addREF(Pointee(I.getPointer(), -1));
				addREF(Pointee(op, -1));
  } else if (const StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<const StoreInst>(i)) {
    const Value *l = elimConstExpr(SI->getPointerOperand());
    if (isa<ConstantPointerNull>(l)) {
      errs() << "ERROR in analysed code -- writing to address 0 at " <<
        i->getParent()->getParent()->getName() << ":\n";
    } else if (isa<ConstantInt>(l)) {
    } else {
      if (hasExtraReference(l)) {
        addDEF(Pointee(l, -1));
      } else {
				uint64_t Size = 0;
				if (l->getType()->isSized())
					Size = AA->getTypeStoreSize(l->getType());
				Value* temp = const_cast<Value*>(l);
        const AliasSet* S = AST->getAliasSetForPointerIfExists(temp, Size,
				if( S!= NULL ){
					for (AliasSet::iterator I = S->begin(), E = S->end(); I != E; ++I)
						addDEF(Pointee(I.getPointer(), -1));
				addDEF(Pointee(l, -1));
        /*const PTSet &S = getPointsToSet(l, PS);

        for (PTSet::const_iterator I = S.begin(), E = S.end(); I != E; ++I)

      if (!l->getType()->isIntegerTy())
        addREF(Pointee(l, -1));
      const Value *r = elimConstExpr(SI->getValueOperand());
      if (!hasExtraReference(r) && !isConstantValue(r))
        addREF(Pointee(r, -1));
  } else if (const GetElementPtrInst *gep =
      dyn_cast<const GetElementPtrInst>(i)) {
    addDEF(Pointee(i, -1));

    addREF(Pointee(gep->getPointerOperand(), -1));

    for (unsigned i = 1, e = gep->getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
      Value *op = gep->getOperand(i);
      if (!isa<ConstantInt>(op))
        addREF(Pointee(op, -1));
  } else if (CallInst const* const C = dyn_cast<const CallInst>(i)) {
    const Value *cv = C->getCalledValue();

    if (isInlineAssembly(C)) {
      DEBUG( errs() << "ERROR: Inline assembler detected in " <<
        i->getParent()->getParent()->getName() << ", ignoring\n");
    } else if (isMemoryAllocation(cv)) {
      addDEF(Pointee(i, -1));
    } else if (isMemoryDeallocation(cv)) {
    } else if (isMemoryCopy(cv) || isMemoryMove(cv)) {
      const Value *l = elimConstExpr(C->getOperand(0));
      if (isPointerValue(l)) {
				uint64_t Size = 0;
				if (l->getType()->isSized())
					Size = AA->getTypeStoreSize(l->getType());
				Value* temp = const_cast<Value*>(l);
        const AliasSet* S = AST->getAliasSetForPointerIfExists(temp, Size,
				if( S!= NULL ){
					for (AliasSet::iterator I = S->begin(), E = S->end(); I != E; ++I)
						addDEF(Pointee(I.getPointer(), -1));
				addDEF(Pointee(l, -1));
        /*const PTSet &L = getPointsToSet(l, PS);
        for (PTSet::const_iterator p = L.begin(); p != L.end(); ++p)
      const Value *r = elimConstExpr(C->getOperand(1));
      const Value *len = elimConstExpr(C->getOperand(2));
      addREF(Pointee(l, -1));
      addREF(Pointee(r, -1));
      /* memcpy/memset wouldn't work with len being 'undef' */
      addREF(Pointee(len, -1));
      if (isPointerValue(r)) {
        uint64_t Size = 0;
				if (r->getType()->isSized())
					Size = AA->getTypeStoreSize(r->getType());
				Value* temp = const_cast<Value*>(r);
        const AliasSet* S = AST->getAliasSetForPointerIfExists(temp, Size,
				if( S!= NULL ){
					for (AliasSet::iterator I = S->begin(), E = S->end(); I != E; ++I)
						addREF(Pointee(I.getPointer(), -1));
				addREF(Pointee(r, -1));
				/*const PTSet &R = getPointsToSet(r, PS);
        for (PTSet::const_iterator p = R.begin(); p != R.end(); ++p)
    } else if (!memoryManStuff(C)) {
      //typedef std::vector<const llvm::Function *> CalledVec;
      //CalledVec CV;
      //getCalledFunctions(C, PS, std::back_inserter(CV));
      const Value *callie = C->getCalledValue();

      if (!isa<Function>(callie))
        addREF(Pointee(callie, -1));

      /*for (CalledVec::const_iterator f = CV.begin(); f != CV.end(); ++f) {
        mods::Modifies::mapped_type const& M = getModSet(*f, MOD);
        for (mods::Modifies::mapped_type::const_iterator v = M.begin();
            v != M.end(); ++v)
          addDEF(Pointee(*v, -1));

      if (!callToVoidFunction(C))
        addDEF(Pointee(C, -1));
      // Add all the arguments to REF
      for( int i = 0; i< C->getNumArgOperands(); i++){
				const Value *r = C->getArgOperand(i);
				if( const ConstantInt *I = dyn_cast<const ConstantInt>(r) ){
				} else
					addREF(Pointee(r, -1));
  } else if (isa<const ReturnInst>(i)) {
  } else if (const BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast<const BinaryOperator>(i)) {
    addDEF(Pointee(i, -1));

    if (!isConstantValue(BO->getOperand(0)))
      addREF(Pointee(BO->getOperand(0), -1));
    if (!isConstantValue(BO->getOperand(1)))
      addREF(Pointee(BO->getOperand(1), -1));
  } else if (const CastInst *CI = dyn_cast<const CastInst>(i)) {
    addDEF(Pointee(i, -1));
    //if (!hasExtraReference(CI->getOperand(0)))
      addREF(Pointee(CI->getOperand(0), -1));
  } else if (const AllocaInst *AI = dyn_cast<const AllocaInst>(i)) {
    addDEF(Pointee(AI, -1));
  } else if (const CmpInst *CI = dyn_cast<const CmpInst>(i)) {
    addDEF(Pointee(i, -1));

    if (!isConstantValue(CI->getOperand(0)))
      addREF(Pointee(CI->getOperand(0), -1));
    if (!isConstantValue(CI->getOperand(1)))
      addREF(Pointee(CI->getOperand(1), -1));
  } else if (const BranchInst *BI = dyn_cast<const BranchInst>(i)) {
    if (BI->isConditional() && !isConstantValue(BI->getCondition()))
      addREF(Pointee(BI->getCondition(), -1));
  } else if (const PHINode *phi = dyn_cast<const PHINode>(i)) {
    addDEF(Pointee(i, -1));

    for (unsigned k = 0; k < phi->getNumIncomingValues(); ++k)
      if (!isConstantValue(phi->getIncomingValue(k)))
        addREF(Pointee(phi->getIncomingValue(k), -1));
  } else if (const SwitchInst *SI = dyn_cast<SwitchInst>(i)) {
    if (!isConstantValue(SI->getCondition()))
      addREF(Pointee(SI->getCondition(), -1));
  } else if (const SelectInst *SI = dyn_cast<const SelectInst>(i)) {
    addDEF(Pointee(i, -1));

    if (!isConstantValue(SI->getCondition()))
      addREF(Pointee(SI->getCondition(), -1));
    if (!isConstantValue(SI->getTrueValue()))
      addREF(Pointee(SI->getTrueValue(), -1));
    if (!isConstantValue(SI->getFalseValue()))
      addREF(Pointee(SI->getFalseValue(), -1));
  } else if (isa<const UnreachableInst>(i)) {
  } else if (const ExtractValueInst *EV = dyn_cast<const ExtractValueInst>(i)) {
    addDEF(Pointee(i, -1));
    addREF(Pointee(EV->getAggregateOperand(), -1));
  } else if (const InsertValueInst *IV = dyn_cast<const InsertValueInst>(i)) {
    const Value *r = IV->getInsertedValueOperand();
    addDEF(Pointee(IV->getAggregateOperand(), -1));
    if (!isConstantValue(r))
      addREF(Pointee(r, -1));
  } else {
    errs() << "ERROR: Unsupported instruction reached\n";