void DateReadCommand :: ProcessFlags( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

    ALib::CommaList cl( cmd.GetValue( FLAG_COLS, "" ) );
    CommaListToIndex( cl, mFields );
    string mask = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_MASK, "" );
    string cys = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_CDATE, ALib::Str( BASE_YEAR ) );

    NotBoth( cmd, FLAG_BDLIST, FLAG_BDEXCL );

    if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_BDLIST )  ) {
        mWriteAction = WriteBad;
    else if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_BDEXCL ) ) {
        mWriteAction = WriteGood;
    else {
        mWriteAction = WriteAll;

    if  ( ! ALib::IsInteger( cys )) {
        CSVTHROW( "Invalid year value " << cys );

    int cy = ALib::ToInteger( cys );
    string mnames = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_MNAMES, MONTH_NAMES );
    delete mReader;
    mReader = new MaskedDateReader( mask, mnames, cy );
int TrimCommand ::	Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

    GetSkipOptions( cmd );
    if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_TRLEAD ) || cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_TRTRAIL ) ) {
        mTrimLead = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_TRLEAD );
        mTrimTrail = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_TRTRAIL );
    else {
        mTrimLead = mTrimTrail = true;

    if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_WIDTH ) ) {
        GetWidths( cmd.GetValue( FLAG_WIDTH ) );

    ALib::CommaList cl( cmd.GetValue( FLAG_COLS, "" ) );
    CommaListToIndex( cl, mFields );

    IOManager io( cmd );
    CSVRow row;

    while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) {
        if ( Skip( row ) ) {

        if ( ! Pass( row ) ) {
            Trim( row );
        io.WriteRow( row );

    return 0;
int JoinCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {


    mKeep = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_KEEP );
	mOuterJoin = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_OUTERJ );
	mInvert = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_INVERT );
	mIgnoreCase = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_ICASE );
	if ( mOuterJoin && mInvert ) {
		CSVTHROW( "Cannot have both " << FLAG_OUTERJ
					<< " and " << FLAG_INVERT << " flags" );
	string js = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_COLS );
	BuildJoinSpecs( js );

	IOManager io( cmd );
	unsigned int scount = io.InStreamCount();
	if (  scount < 2 ) {
		CSVTHROW( "Need at least two input streams" );

	BuildRowMap( io.CreateStreamParser( scount - 1 ) );

	CSVRow row;
	for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < scount - 1; i++ ) {
		std::unique_ptr <ALib::CSVStreamParser> p( io.CreateStreamParser( i ) );
		while( p->ParseNext( row ) ) {
			WriteJoinRows( io, row );
	return 0;
void RemoveNewlineCommand :: ProcessFlags( const ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

	string scols = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_COLS, "" );
	ALib::CommaList cl( cmd.GetValue( FLAG_COLS, "" ) );
	CommaListToIndex( cl, mFields);
	if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_EXCLNL ) && cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_STR ) ) {
		CSVTHROW( "Flags " << FLAG_EXCLNL << " and " << FLAG_STR
					<< " are mutually exclusive" );
	mSep = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_STR, "" );
	mExcludeAfter = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_EXCLNL );
int TemplateCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

	GetSkipOptions( cmd );
	ReadTemplate( cmd );

	if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_FNAMES ) ) {
		mFileTemplate = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_FNAMES );

	IOManager io( cmd );
	CSVRow row;

	while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) {
		if ( Skip( row ) ) {

		if ( mFileTemplate.empty() ) {
			io.Out() << ReplaceColumns( mTemplate, row );
		else {
			FileOut( row );

	return 0;
int EvalCommand ::	Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

	GetSkipOptions( cmd );
	IOManager io( cmd );
	CSVRow row;

	mDiscardInput = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_DISCARD );
	GetExpressions( cmd );

	while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) {
		if ( Skip( io, row ) ) {
		if ( ! Pass( io, row ) ) {
			SetParams( row, io );
			if ( mDiscardInput ) {
			Evaluate( row );

		io.WriteRow( row );

	return 0;
int DSVReadCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

    ReadFlags( cmd );
    mIsCSV = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_CSV );
    mCollapseSep = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_CMULTI );
    IOManager io( cmd );
    CSVRow row;
    string line;

    while( io.ReadLine( line ) ) {
        ParseDSV( line, row );
        io.WriteRow( row );

    return 0;
void FileSplitCommand :: ProcessFlags( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {
	mDir = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_FSDIR, DEF_DIR );
	mFilePrefix = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_FSPRE, DEF_PREF );
	mFileExt= cmd.GetValue( FLAG_FSEXT, DEF_EXT );
	ALib::CommaList cl( cmd.GetValue( FLAG_COLS ) );
	CommaListToIndex( cl, mColIndex );
	mUseFieldNames = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_USEFLD );
void SQLCommand :: GetCommonValues( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

	GetSkipOptions( cmd );
	mTable = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_TABLE );
	if ( mTable == "" ) {
		CSVTHROW( "Need table name specified by " << FLAG_TABLE << " flag" );
	if ( ! cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_SQLSEP ) ) {
		mSep ="\n;\n";
	else {
		mSep = ALib::UnEscape( cmd.GetValue( FLAG_SQLSEP ) );

	string noq = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_NOQUOTE, "" );
	if ( ! ALib::IsEmpty( noq ) ) {
		CommaListToIndex( ALib::CommaList( noq ), mNoQuote );
	mQuoteNulls = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_QNULLS );
	mEmptyNulls = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_ENULLS );
int TruncPadBase :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

	GetSkipOptions( cmd );
	string ps = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_PAD );
	ALib::CommaList padding( ps );
	unsigned int ncols = padding.Size();

	bool ncolspec = false;	// use explicit size or not

	if ( ncols == 0 || cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_NUM ) ) {
		if ( ! cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_NUM ) ) {
			CSVTHROW( "Need -n flag to specify field count" );
		ncolspec = true;
		string nv = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_NUM );
		if ( ALib::ToInteger( nv, "-n flag needs integer value" ) < 0 ) {
			CSVTHROW( FLAG_NUM << " needs value greater or equal to zero" );
		ncols = ALib::ToInteger( nv );

	IOManager io( cmd );
	CSVRow row;

	while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) {

		if ( Skip( io, row ) ) {

		if ( ! Pass( io, row ) ) {
			unsigned int nc = ncolspec ? ncols : row.size() + padding.Size();
			ProcessRow( row, nc, padding );

		io.WriteRow( row );

	return 0;
int FileInfoCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

	GetSkipOptions( cmd );
	mTwoCols = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_TWOC );
	mBasename = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_BASEN );

	IOManager io( cmd );

	CSVRow row;
	while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) {
		if ( Skip( io, row ) ) {
		if ( Pass( io, row ) ) {
			io.WriteRow( row );

		string fname = mBasename
						? ALib::Filename( io.CurrentFileName() ).Base()
						: io.CurrentFileName();

		CSVRow outrow;
		if ( mTwoCols ) {
			outrow.push_back( fname );
			outrow.push_back( ALib::Str( io.CurrentLine() ));
		else {
			outrow.push_back( fname + " ("
				+ ALib::Str( io.CurrentLine() ) + ")"
		ALib::operator+=( outrow, row );
		io.WriteRow( outrow );

	return 0;
void AsciiTableCommand :: ProcessFlags( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {
	mUseLineSep = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_SEP );
	mHeadings = ALib::CommaList( cmd.GetValue( FLAG_HEADER, "" ) );
	ALib::CommaList ra = ALib::CommaList( cmd.GetValue( FLAG_RALIGN, "" ) );
	CommaListToIndex( ra, mRightAlign );

	if ( mHeadings.Size() && mHeadings.At(0) != FILE_HEADER) {
		CSVRow r;
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mHeadings.Size() ; i++ ) {
			r.push_back( mHeadings.At( i ) );
		AddRow( r );
void SummaryCommand :: ProcessFlags( const ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

	int nf = CountNonGeneric( cmd );
	if ( nf == 0 ) {
		CSVTHROW( "Need a summary flag" );
	else if ( nf != 1 ) {
		CSVTHROW( "Only one summary flag allowed" );

	if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_AVG ) ) {
		mType = Average;
		GetFields( cmd, FLAG_AVG );
	else if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_MIN ) ) {
		mType = Min;
		GetFields( cmd, FLAG_MIN );
	else if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_MAX ) ) {
		mType = Max;
		GetFields( cmd, FLAG_MAX );
	else if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_FREQ ) ) {
		mType = Frequency;
		GetFields( cmd, FLAG_FREQ );
	else if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_MEDIAN ) ) {
		mType = Median;
		GetFields( cmd, FLAG_MEDIAN);
	else if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_MODE) ) {
		mType = Mode;
		GetFields( cmd, FLAG_MODE );
	else if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_SUM ) ) {
		mType = Sum;
		GetFields( cmd, FLAG_SUM );
	else if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_SIZE ) ) {
		mType = Size;
	else {
		CSVTHROW( "Should never happen in SummaryCommand::ProcessFlags" );
int ReadFixedCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

	mTrim = ! cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_KEEP );

	BuildFields( cmd );

	IOManager io( cmd );
	string line;

	CSVRow row;
	while( io.ReadLine( line ) ) {
		MakeRow( line, row );
		io.WriteRow( row );

	return 0;
int ValidateCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

	GetSkipOptions( cmd );
	GetOutputMode( cmd );
	ReadValidationFile( cmd );

	IOManager io( cmd );
	CSVRow row;

	// we optionally return an error code to the shell if validation failed
	int errtotal = 0;
	bool errcode = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_ERRCODE );

	while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) {
		if ( Skip( io, row ) ) {
		int errcount = 0;
		for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mRules.size(); i++ ) {
			ValidationRule::Results res = mRules[i]->Apply( row );

			if ( res.size() && mOutMode == Reports ) {
				Report( io, res, errcount );
				errtotal += errcount;

			if ( res.size() ) {
				if ( mOutMode == Fails ) {
					io.WriteRow( row );
		if ( mOutMode == Passes && errcount == 0 ) {
			io.WriteRow( row );
		errtotal += errcount;

    // exit code of 2 indicates program detected invalid data
	return errtotal && errcode ? 2 : 0;
int WriteFixedCommand :: Execute( ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

	GetSkipOptions( cmd );
	BuildFields( cmd );

	IOManager io( cmd );

	if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_RULER ) ) {
		io.Out() << Ruler() << "\n";

	CSVRow row;
	while( io.ReadCSV( row ) ) {
		if ( Skip( row ) ) {
		string line = MakeFixedOutput( row );
		io.Out() << line << "\n";

	return 0;
void ExcludeCommand :: ProcessFlags( const ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

	NotBoth( cmd, FLAG_REVCOLS, FLAG_COLS, ReqOp::Required );

	string es = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_IF, "" );
	if ( es != "" ) {
		string emsg = mExpr.Compile( es );
		if ( emsg != "" ) {
			CSVTHROW( emsg + " " + es );

	mReverse = cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_REVCOLS );
	string sn = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_COLS, ""  );
	if ( sn == "" ) {
		sn = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_REVCOLS, ""  );
	CommaListToIndex( ALib::CommaList( sn ), mFields );
	if ( mFields.size() == 0 ) {
		CSVTHROW( "Field list  specified by " << FLAG_COLS << " or "
						<< FLAG_REVCOLS << " cannot be empty" );
void ShuffleCommand :: ProcessFlags( const ALib::CommandLine & cmd ) {

    string sn = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_NUM, ALib::Str(INT_MAX -1) );
    if ( ! ALib::IsInteger( sn )) {
        CSVTHROW( "Value for " << FLAG_NUM << " must be integeer" );

    if ( ALib::ToInteger( sn ) < 0 ) {
        CSVTHROW( "Value for " << FLAG_NUM << " must be zero or greater" );
    mCount = ALib::ToInteger( sn );

    string sr = cmd.GetValue( FLAG_RSEED, "-1" );
    if ( ! ALib::IsInteger( sr ) ) {
        CSVTHROW( "Value for " << FLAG_RSEED << " must be integer" );
    int n = ALib::ToInteger( sr );
    mSeed = n < 0 ? std::time(0) : n;
    if ( cmd.HasFlag( FLAG_COLS ) ) {
        ALib::CommaList cl( cmd.GetValue( FLAG_COLS ) );
        CommaListToIndex( cl, mFields );