MERROR UsersManager:: MyUserGraph:: getInUsers(size_t userId, android::Vector<android::sp<MyUser> >& result) const { result.clear(); UserNode const& usr = mUserVector.valueFor(userId); for (size_t i = 0; i < usr.mIn.size(); i++) { result.add(mUserVector.valueFor(usr.mIn.itemAt(i)).mMyUser); } return OK; }
MERROR UsersManager:: MyUserGraph:: DFS(size_t userId, android::Vector<android::sp<MyUser> >& result) const { ssize_t const idx = mUserVector.indexOfKey(userId); for (size_t i = 0; i < mUserVector.valueAt(idx).mIn.size(); i++) { if ( 0 > DFS(mUserVector.valueAt(idx).mIn.itemAt(i), result) ) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } result.add(mUserVector.valueAt(idx).mMyUser); return OK; }
status_t CameraArea::parseAreas(const char *area, size_t areaLength, android::Vector<android::sp<CameraArea> > &areas) { status_t ret = NO_ERROR; char *ctx; char *pArea = NULL; char *pStart = NULL; char *pEnd = NULL; const char *startToken = "("; const char endToken = ')'; const char sep = ','; ssize_t top, left, bottom, right, weight; char *tmpBuffer = NULL; android::sp<CameraArea> currentArea; LOG_FUNCTION_NAME if ( ( NULL == area ) || ( 0 >= areaLength ) ) { return -EINVAL; } tmpBuffer = ( char * ) malloc(areaLength); if ( NULL == tmpBuffer ) { return -ENOMEM; } memcpy(tmpBuffer, area, areaLength); pArea = strtok_r(tmpBuffer, startToken, &ctx); do { pStart = pArea; if ( NULL == pStart ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Parsing of the left area coordinate failed!"); ret = -EINVAL; break; } else { left = static_cast<ssize_t>(strtol(pStart, &pEnd, 10)); } if ( sep != *pEnd ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Parsing of the top area coordinate failed!"); ret = -EINVAL; break; } else { top = static_cast<ssize_t>(strtol(pEnd+1, &pEnd, 10)); } if ( sep != *pEnd ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Parsing of the right area coordinate failed!"); ret = -EINVAL; break; } else { right = static_cast<ssize_t>(strtol(pEnd+1, &pEnd, 10)); } if ( sep != *pEnd ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Parsing of the bottom area coordinate failed!"); ret = -EINVAL; break; } else { bottom = static_cast<ssize_t>(strtol(pEnd+1, &pEnd, 10)); } if ( sep != *pEnd ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Parsing of the weight area coordinate failed!"); ret = -EINVAL; break; } else { weight = static_cast<ssize_t>(strtol(pEnd+1, &pEnd, 10)); } if ( endToken != *pEnd ) { CAMHAL_LOGEA("Malformed area!"); ret = -EINVAL; break; } ret = checkArea(top, left, bottom, right, weight); if ( NO_ERROR != ret ) { break; } currentArea = new CameraArea(top, left, bottom, right, weight); CAMHAL_LOGDB("Area parsed [%dx%d, %dx%d] %d", ( int ) top, ( int ) left, ( int ) bottom, ( int ) right, ( int ) weight); if ( NULL != currentArea.get() ) { areas.add(currentArea); } else { ret = -ENOMEM; break; } pArea = strtok_r(NULL, startToken, &ctx); } while ( NULL != pArea ); if ( NULL != tmpBuffer ) { free(tmpBuffer); } LOG_FUNCTION_NAME_EXIT return ret; }