AST::Ptr DeepCopyAnAST(AST::Ptr ast) {
    if (ast->getID() == AST::V_RoseAST) {
        RoseAST::Ptr roseAST = boost::static_pointer_cast<RoseAST>(ast);
	AST::Children kids;
        unsigned totalChildren = ast->numChildren();
	for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < totalChildren; ++i) {
	return RoseAST::create(ROSEOperation(roseAST->val()), kids);
    } else if (ast->getID() == AST::V_VariableAST) {
        VariableAST::Ptr varAST = boost::static_pointer_cast<VariableAST>(ast);
	return VariableAST::create(Variable(varAST->val()));
    } else if (ast->getID() == AST::V_ConstantAST) {
        ConstantAST::Ptr constAST = boost::static_pointer_cast<ConstantAST>(ast);
	return ConstantAST::create(Constant(constAST->val()));
    } else if (ast->getID() == AST::V_BottomAST) {
        BottomAST::Ptr bottomAST = boost::static_pointer_cast<BottomAST>(ast);
	return BottomAST::create(bottomAST->val());
    fprintf(stderr, "ast type %d, %s\n", ast->getID(), ast->format().c_str());
	return AST::Ptr();
void BoundFactsCalculator::CalcTransferFunction(Node::Ptr curNode, BoundFact *newFact){
    SliceNode::Ptr node = boost::static_pointer_cast<SliceNode>(curNode);
    if (!node->assign()) return;
    if (node->assign() && node->assign()->out().absloc().type() == Absloc::Register &&
	    (node->assign()->out().absloc().reg() == x86::zf || node->assign()->out().absloc().reg() == x86_64::zf)) {
	    // zf should be only predecessor of this node
        parsing_printf("\t\tThe predecessor node is zf assignment!\n");
	newFact->SetPredicate(node->assign(), ExpandAssignment(node->assign()) );
    entryID id = node->assign()->insn()->getOperation().getID();
    // The predecessor is not a conditional jump,
    // then we can determine buond fact based on the src assignment
    parsing_printf("\t\tThe predecessor node is normal node\n");
    parsing_printf("\t\t\tentry id %d\n", id);

    AbsRegion &ar = node->assign()->out();
    Instruction::Ptr insn = node->assign()->insn();
    pair<AST::Ptr, bool> expandRet = ExpandAssignment(node->assign());

    if (expandRet.first == NULL) {
        parsing_printf("\t\t\t No semantic support for this instruction. Assume it does not affect jump target calculation. Ignore it (Treat as identity function) except for ptest. ptest should kill the current predicate\n");
	if (id == e_ptest) {
	    parsing_printf("\t\t\t\tptest instruction, kill predciate.\n");
	    newFact->pred.valid = false;
    } else {
        parsing_printf("\tAST: %s\n", expandRet.first->format().c_str());

    AST::Ptr calculation = expandRet.first;
    BoundCalcVisitor bcv(*newFact, node->block(), handleOneByteRead);
    AST::Ptr outAST;
    // If the instruction writes memory,
    // we need the AST that represents the memory access and the address.
    // When the AbsRegion represents memory,
    // the generator of the AbsRegion is set to be the AST that represents
    // the memory address during symbolic expansion.
    // In other cases, if the AbsRegion represents a register,
    // the generator is not set.
    if (ar.generator() != NULL)
        outAST = SimplifyAnAST(RoseAST::create(ROSEOperation(ROSEOperation::derefOp, ar.size()), ar.generator()), node->assign()->insn()->size());
        outAST = VariableAST::create(Variable(ar));
 * Naively, bsf and bsr produces a bound from 0 to the number of bits of the source operands.
 * In pratice, especially in libc, the real bound is usually smaller than the size of the source operand.
 * Ex 1: shl    %cl,%edx
 *       bsf    %rdx,%rcx
 * Here rcx is in range [0,31] rather than [0,63] even though rdx has 64 bits.
 * Ex 2: pmovmskb %xmm0,%edx
 *       bsf    %rdx, %rdx
 * Here rdx is in range[0,15] because pmovmskb only sets the least significat 16 bits
 * In addition, overapproximation of the bound can lead to bogus control flow
 * that causes overlapping blocks or function.
 * It is important to further anaylze the operand in bsf rather than directly conclude the bound
    if (id == e_bsf || id == e_bsr) {
	int size = node->assign()->insn()->getOperand(0).getValue()->size();
	newFact->GenFact(outAST, new BoundValue(StridedInterval(1,0, size * 8 - 1)), false);
        parsing_printf("\t\t\tCalculating transfer function: Output facts\n");

    if (id == e_xchg) {
        newFact->SwapFact(calculation, outAST);
        parsing_printf("\t\t\tCalculating transfer function: Output facts\n");

    if (id == e_push) {
         if (calculation->getID() == AST::V_ConstantAST) {
	     ConstantAST::Ptr c = boost::static_pointer_cast<ConstantAST>(calculation);
	     parsing_printf("\t\t\tCalculating transfer function: Output facts\n");

    if (id == e_pop) {
        if (newFact->PopAConst(outAST)) {
	     parsing_printf("\t\t\tCalculating transfer function: Output facts\n");

    // Assume all SETxx entry ids are contiguous
    if (id >= e_setb && id <= e_setz) {
        newFact->GenFact(outAST, new BoundValue(StridedInterval(1,0,1)), false);
	parsing_printf("\t\t\tCalculating transfer function: Output facts\n");

    if (bcv.IsResultBounded(calculation)) {
        parsing_printf("\t\t\tGenerate bound fact for %s\n", outAST->format().c_str());
	newFact->GenFact(outAST, new BoundValue(*bcv.GetResultBound(calculation)), false);
    else {
        parsing_printf("\t\t\tKill bound fact for %s\n", outAST->format().c_str());
	newFact->KillFact(outAST, false);
    if (calculation->getID() == AST::V_VariableAST) {
        // We only track alising between registers
	parsing_printf("\t\t\t%s and %s are equal\n", calculation->format().c_str(), outAST->format().c_str());
	newFact->InsertRelation(calculation, outAST, BoundFact::Equal);
    newFact->AdjustPredicate(outAST, calculation);

    // Now try to track all aliasing.
    // Currently, all variables in the slice are presented as an AST
    // consists of input variables to the slice (the variables that
    // we do not the sources of their values).
    newFact->TrackAlias(DeepCopyAnAST(calculation), outAST);

    // Apply tracking relations to the calculation to generate a
    // potentially stricter bound
    BoundValue *strictValue = newFact->ApplyRelations(outAST);
    if (strictValue != NULL) {
        parsing_printf("\t\t\tGenerate stricter bound fact for %s\n", outAST->format().c_str());
	newFact->GenFact(outAST, strictValue, false);
    parsing_printf("\t\t\tCalculating transfer function: Output facts\n");

SymEval::Retval_t SymEval::process(SliceNode::Ptr ptr,
                                   Result_t &dbase,
                                   std::set<Edge::Ptr> &skipEdges) {
    bool failedTranslation;
    bool skippedEdge = false;
    bool skippedInput = false;
    bool success = false;

    std::map<const AbsRegion*, std::set<Assignment::Ptr> > inputMap;

    expand_cerr << "Calling process on " << ptr->format() << endl;

    // Don't try an expansion of a widen node...
    if (!ptr->assign()) return WIDEN_NODE;

    EdgeIterator begin, end;
    ptr->ins(begin, end);

    for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
        SliceEdge::Ptr edge = boost::static_pointer_cast<SliceEdge>(*begin);
        SliceNode::Ptr source = boost::static_pointer_cast<SliceNode>(edge->source());

        // Skip this one to break a cycle.
        if (skipEdges.find(edge) != skipEdges.end()) {
            expand_cerr << "In process, skipping edge from "
                        << source->format() << endl;
            skippedEdge = true;

        Assignment::Ptr assign = source->assign();
        if (!assign) continue; // widen node

        expand_cerr << "Assigning input " << edge->data().format()
                    << " from assignment " << assign->format() << endl;

    expand_cerr << "\t Input map has size " << inputMap.size() << endl;

    // All of the expanded inputs are in the parameter dbase
    // If not (like this one), add it

    AST::Ptr ast;
    boost::tie(ast, failedTranslation) = SymEval::expand(ptr->assign());
    // expand_cerr << "\t ... resulting in " << dbase.format() << endl;

    // We have an AST. Now substitute in all of its predecessors.
    for (std::map<const AbsRegion*, std::set<Assignment::Ptr> >::iterator iter = inputMap.begin();
            iter != inputMap.end(); ++iter) {
        // If we have multiple secondary definitions, we:
        //   if all definitions are equal, use the first
        //   otherwise, use nothing
        AST::Ptr definition;

        for (std::set<Assignment::Ptr>::iterator iter2 = iter->second.begin();
                iter2 != iter->second.end(); ++iter2) {
            AST::Ptr newDef = dbase[*iter2];
            if (!definition) {
                definition = newDef;
            } else if (definition->equals(newDef)) {
            } else {
                // Not equal
                definition = AST::Ptr();
                skippedInput = true;

        // The region used by the current assignment...
        const AbsRegion &reg = *iter->first;

        // Create an AST around this one
        VariableAST::Ptr use = VariableAST::create(Variable(reg, ptr->addr()));

        if (!definition) {
            // Can happen if we're expanding out of order, and is generally harmless.

        expand_cerr << "Before substitution: " << (ast ? ast->format() : "<NULL AST>") << endl;

        if (!ast) {
            expand_cerr << "Skipping substitution because of null AST" << endl;
        } else {
            ast = AST::substitute(ast, use, definition);
            success = true;
        expand_cerr << "\t result is " << (ast ? ast->format() : "<NULL AST>") << endl;
    expand_cerr << "Result of substitution: " << ptr->assign()->format() << " == "
                << (ast ? ast->format() : "<NULL AST>") << endl;

    // And attempt simplification again
    ast = simplifyStack(ast, ptr->addr(), ptr->func(), ptr->block());
    expand_cerr << "Result of post-substitution simplification: " << ptr->assign()->format() << " == "
                << (ast ? ast->format() : "<NULL AST>") << endl;

    dbase[ptr->assign()] = ast;
    if (failedTranslation) return FAILED_TRANSLATION;
    else if (skippedEdge || skippedInput) return SKIPPED_INPUT;
    else if (success) return SUCCESS;
    else return FAILED;
// Do the previous, but use a Graph as a guide for
// performing forward substitution on the AST results
SymEval::Retval_t SymEval::expand(Dyninst::Graph::Ptr slice, DataflowAPI::Result_t &res) {
    bool failedTranslation = false;
    bool skippedInput = false;

    //cout << "Calling expand" << endl;
    // Other than the substitution this is pretty similar to the first example.
    NodeIterator gbegin, gend;
    slice->allNodes(gbegin, gend);

    // First, we'll sort the nodes in some deterministic order so that the loop removal
    // is deterministic
    std::vector<SliceNode::Ptr> sortVector;
    for ( ; gbegin != gend; ++gbegin) {
        Node::Ptr ptr = *gbegin;
        expand_cerr << "pushing " << (*gbegin)->format() << " to sortVector" << endl;
        SliceNode::Ptr cur = boost::static_pointer_cast<SliceNode>(ptr);
    std::stable_sort(sortVector.begin(), sortVector.end(), vectorSort);

    // Optimal ordering of search
    ExpandOrder worklist;

    std::queue<Node::Ptr> dfs_worklist;
    std::vector<SliceNode::Ptr>::iterator vit = sortVector.begin();
    for ( ; vit != sortVector.end(); ++vit) {
        SliceNode::Ptr ptr = *vit;
        Node::Ptr cur = boost::static_pointer_cast<Node>(ptr);

    /* First, we'll do DFS to check for circularities in the graph;
     * if so, mark them so we don't do infinite substitution */
    std::map<Node::Ptr, int> state;
    while (!dfs_worklist.empty()) {
        Node::Ptr ptr = dfs_worklist.front();
        dfs(ptr, state, worklist.skipEdges());

    slice->allNodes(gbegin, gend);
    for (; gbegin != gend; ++gbegin) {
        expand_cerr << "adding " << (*gbegin)->format() << " to worklist" << endl;
        Node::Ptr ptr = *gbegin;
        SliceNode::Ptr sptr =

    /* have a list
     * for each node, process
     * if processessing succeeded, remove the element
     * if the size of the list has changed, continue */

    while (1) {
        SliceNode::Ptr aNode;
        int order;

        boost::tie(aNode,order) = worklist.pop_next();
        if (order == -1) // empty

        if (!aNode->assign()) {
            continue; // Could be a widen point

        expand_cerr << "Visiting node " << aNode->assign()->format()
                    << " order " << order << endl;

        if (order != 0) {
            cerr << "ERROR: order is non zero: " << order << endl;
        assert(order == 0); // there are no loops

        AST::Ptr prev = res[aNode->assign()];
        Retval_t result = process(aNode, res, worklist.skipEdges());
        AST::Ptr post = res[aNode->assign()];
        switch (result) {
        case FAILED:
            return FAILED;
        case WIDEN_NODE:
            // Okay...
            failedTranslation = true;
        case SKIPPED_INPUT:
            skippedInput = true;
        case SUCCESS:

        // We've visited this node, freeing its children
        // to be visited in turn

        if (post && !(post->equals(prev))) {
            expand_cerr << "Adding successors to list, as new expansion " << endl
                        << "\t" << post->format() << endl
                        << " != " << endl
                        << "\t" << (prev ? prev->format() : "<NULL>") << endl;
            EdgeIterator oB, oE;
            aNode->outs(oB, oE);
            for (; oB != oE; ++oB) {
                if(worklist.skipEdges().find(*oB) == worklist.skipEdges().end()) {
                    SliceNode::Ptr out =
    if (failedTranslation) return FAILED_TRANSLATION;
    else if (skippedInput) return SKIPPED_INPUT;
    else return SUCCESS;