BOOL BrowseForFiles(ATL::CSimpleArray<CString>& listFiles, HWND hWnd) { listFiles.RemoveAll(); CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, 0, 0, OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_ENABLESIZING | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT | OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS); if(dlg.DoModal(hWnd) != IDOK) return FALSE; CString strPath = dlg.m_szFileName; CString strFilePath, strFileName; size_t nLen = strPath.GetLength(); TCHAR* pFileName = dlg.m_szFileName + nLen + 1; if(pFileName[0] == 0) { strFileName = pFileName; strFilePath = strPath + pFileName; listFiles.Add(strFilePath); return TRUE; } strPath += _T("\\"); while(pFileName != NULL && pFileName[0] != 0) { strFileName = pFileName; strFilePath = strPath + pFileName; listFiles.Add(strFilePath); nLen += strFileName.GetLength() + 1; pFileName = dlg.m_szFileName + nLen + 1; } return TRUE; }
template< PSTADE_APPLE_ATL_CSIMPLEARRAY_TEMPLATE_PARAMS, class Value > inline void pstade_garlic_push_back( ATL::CSimpleArray< PSTADE_APPLE_ATL_CSIMPLEARRAY_TEMPLATE_ARGS >& arr, Value const& val, pstade::overload<>) { #if !defined(PSTADE_APPLE_ATL_HAS_OLD_CSIMPLEARRAY) arr.Add(val); #else Value val_(val); arr.Add(val_); #endif }
void GetAllChildItems(HWND hTreeView, HTREEITEM hParent, HTREEITEM hItem, ATL::CSimpleArray<HTREEITEM>& arrItems, int& nIndex) { HTREEITEM hTempItem = TreeView_GetChild(hTreeView, hParent); while(hTempItem != NULL) { if(hTempItem == hItem) nIndex = arrItems.GetSize(); arrItems.Add(hTempItem); GetAllChildItems(hTreeView, hTempItem, hItem, arrItems, nIndex); hTempItem = TreeView_GetNextSibling(hTreeView, hTempItem); } }
void GetAllTreeItems(HWND hTreeView, HTREEITEM hItem, ATL::CSimpleArray<HTREEITEM>& arrItems, int& nIndex) { int nSize = TreeView_GetCount(hTreeView); arrItems.RemoveAll(); GetAllChildItems(hTreeView, TVI_ROOT, hItem, arrItems, nIndex); }
HTREEITEM TraversalItemsUp(HWND hTreeView, HTREEITEM hStartItem, std::tr1::function<BOOL (HTREEITEM)> comparer) { int nIndex = 0; ATL::CSimpleArray<HTREEITEM> arrItems; details::GetAllTreeItems(hTreeView, hStartItem, arrItems, nIndex); int nSize = arrItems.GetSize(); for(int i=nIndex-1; i >= 0; -- i) { if(comparer(arrItems[i])) return arrItems[i]; } for(int i=nSize-1; i > nIndex; -- i) { if(comparer(arrItems[i])) return arrItems[i]; } return NULL; }
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]) { int nRetCode = 0; // initialize MFC and print and error on failure if (!AfxWinInit(::GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, ::GetCommandLine(), 0)) { // TODO: change error code to suit your needs _tprintf(_T("Fatal Error: MFC initialization failed\n")); return 1; } CString strTestCasePath = GetTestCasesPath(); if(strTestCasePath.IsEmpty()) { _tprintf(_T("Fatal Error: Not Found testcases directory\n")); return 1; } struct stTestCases { LPCTSTR szSrcFile; LPCTSTR szCorrectFile; CodePageValue srcCode; CodePageValue dstCode; } testcases[] = { // auto /* 00 */ {_T("ansi_enUS.txt"), _T("unicode_enUS.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeUnicode}, /* 01 */ {_T("ansi_enUS.txt"), _T("utf8_enUS.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeUtf8}, /* 02 */ {_T("unicode_enUS.txt"), _T("ansi_enUS.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeAnsi}, /* 03 */ {_T("unicode_enUS.txt"), _T("utf8_enUS.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeUtf8}, /* 04 */ {_T("utf8_enUS.txt"), _T("ansi_enUS.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeAnsi}, /* 05 */ {_T("utf8_enUS.txt"), _T("unicode_enUS.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeUnicode}, /* 06 */ {_T("unicode.txt"), _T("chinese.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeChinese}, /* 07 */ {_T("unicode.txt"), _T("utf8.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeUtf8}, /* 08 */ {_T("utf8.txt"), _T("chinese.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeChinese}, /* 09 */ {_T("utf8.txt"), _T("unicode.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeUnicode}, // multi bytes to wide chars /* 10 */ {_T("ansi_enUS.txt"), _T("unicode_enUS.txt"), CodeAnsi, CodeUnicode}, /* 11 */ {_T("utf8_enUS.txt"), _T("unicode_enUS.txt"), CodeUtf8, CodeUnicode}, /* 12 */ {_T("chinese.txt"), _T("unicode.txt"), CodeChinese, CodeUnicode}, /* 13 */ {_T("utf8.txt"), _T("unicode.txt"), CodeUtf8, CodeUnicode}, // wide chars to multi bytes /* 14 */ {_T("unicode_enUS.txt"), _T("ansi_enUS.txt"), CodeUnicode, CodeAnsi}, /* 15 */ {_T("unicode_enUS.txt"), _T("utf8_enUS.txt"), CodeUnicode, CodeUtf8}, /* 16 */ {_T("unicode.txt"), _T("chinese.txt"), CodeUnicode, CodeChinese}, /* 17 */ {_T("unicode.txt"), _T("utf8.txt"), CodeUnicode, CodeUtf8}, // multi bytes to multi bytes /* 18 */ {_T("chinese.txt"), _T("utf8.txt"), CodeChinese, CodeUtf8}, /* 19 */ {_T("utf8.txt"), _T("chinese.txt"), CodeUtf8, CodeChinese}, /* 20 */ {_T("ansi_enUS.txt"), _T("utf8_enUS.txt"), CodeAnsi, CodeUtf8}, /* 21 */ {_T("utf8_enUS.txt"), _T("ansi_enUS.txt"), CodeUtf8, CodeAnsi}, // auto same to same /* 22 */ {_T("ansi_enUS.txt"), _T("ansi_enUS.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeAnsi}, /* 23 */ {_T("unicode.txt"), _T("unicode.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeUnicode}, /* 24 */ {_T("unicode_enUS.txt"), _T("unicode_enUS.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeUnicode}, /* 25 */ {_T("utf8.txt"), _T("utf8.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeUtf8}, /* 26 */ {_T("utf8_enUS.txt"), _T("utf8_enUS.txt"), CodeAuto, CodeUtf8}, // not auto same to same /* 27 */ {_T("ansi_enUS.txt"), _T("ansi_enUS.txt"), CodeAnsi, CodeAnsi}, /* 28 */ {_T("chinese.txt"), _T("chinese.txt"), CodeChinese, CodeChinese}, /* 29 */ {_T("unicode.txt"), _T("unicode.txt"), CodeUnicode, CodeUnicode}, /* 30 */ {_T("unicode_enUS.txt"), _T("unicode_enUS.txt"), CodeUnicode, CodeUnicode}, /* 31 */ {_T("utf8.txt"), _T("utf8.txt"), CodeUtf8, CodeUtf8}, /* 32 */ {_T("utf8_enUS.txt"), _T("utf8_enUS.txt"), CodeUtf8, CodeUtf8}, }; CString strTempFile = CIconvWorker::GetTempFilePath(); CString strOutputPath = strTestCasePath + _T("tmp\\"); BOOL bHasError = FALSE; for(int i=0; i<_countof(testcases); ++ i) { const stTestCases& test = testcases[i]; CString strSrcFile = strTestCasePath + test.szSrcFile; CString strCorrectFile = strTestCasePath + test.szCorrectFile; CIconvWorker worker; ATL::CSimpleArray<CString> arrFiles; arrFiles.Add(strSrcFile); worker.SetFiles(&arrFiles); worker.SetOverwrite(FALSE); worker.SetTargetPath(strOutputPath); worker.SetCodepage(test.srcCode, test.dstCode); ATL::CSimpleArray<CString> failedFiles; ATL::CSimpleArray<CString> outFiles; if(i == 23) { int a = 0; } worker.Convert(&failedFiles, &outFiles); int nFailedCount = failedFiles.GetSize(); if(nFailedCount == 0) { BOOL bEqual = CompareFile(strCorrectFile, outFiles[0]); if(!bEqual) { bHasError = TRUE; _tprintf(_T("TestCase[%d] failed: \r\n"), i); _tprintf(_T("\tFiles are not same\r\n")); } continue; } bHasError = TRUE; _tprintf(_T("TestCase[%d] failed: \r\n"), i); for(int j=0; j<nFailedCount; ++ j) { _tprintf(_T("\tFile[%d] %s\r\n"), j, failedFiles[j]); } _tprintf(_T("\r\n\r\n")); } if(!bHasError) { _tprintf(_T("All Tests Passed\r\n")); } return nRetCode; }