 Initialize the stress calculation by setting initial block slip and stresses
 then calculating the stress in the whole system.
void UpdateBlockStress::init(SimFramework *_sim) {
	BlockList::iterator	it;
	BlockID				bid;
	sim = static_cast<VCSimulation*>(_sim);
	tmpBuffer = new double[sim->numGlobalBlocks()];
    for(it=sim->begin();it!=sim->end();++it) {
		bid = it->getBlockID();
		// Set stresses to their specified initial values
		sim->setShearStress(bid, it->getInitShearStress());
		sim->setNormalStress(bid, it->getInitNormalStress());
		// Give each block a different random seed based on the block ID
        //double a = sim->getSlipDeficitNoise();		// TODO: move slip deficit noise to AddNoise class
        // noise in the range [1-a, 1+a)
        //double rn = (1.0-a) + 2*a*it->state.rand.nextDouble();
        //it->state.slipDeficit = -0.5*rn*it->slipCharacteristic();
        it->state.slipDeficit = 0;
		if (sim->isLocalBlockID(bid)) {
			//sim->setGreenNormal(bid, bid, 0.0);  // Erase diagonal for normal Greens matrix
			sim->compressNormalRow(bid, 0.7);
	// Compute initial stress on all blocks
 Recompute the stress on each block based on the slip deficits of all the other blocks.
void UpdateBlockStress::stressRecompute(void) {
	BlockList::iterator	it;
	// Reset the shear and normal stress, and set the update field to be the slip deficit
    for(it=sim->begin();it!=sim->end();++it) {
		sim->setShearStress(it->getBlockID(), 0.0);
        sim->setNormalStress(it->getBlockID(), it->getRhogd());
		sim->setUpdateField(it->getBlockID(), it->state.slipDeficit);
	// Distribute the new update field over all nodes
	// Multiply the Greens shear function by the slipDeficit vector
	// to get shear on local blocks
	if (sim->doNormalStress()) {
	// Recompute the CFF on blocks based on the new shear/normal stresses
void AddNoise::init(SimFramework *_sim) {
	VCSimulation						*sim = static_cast<VCSimulation*>(_sim);
	double								stress_noise, stress_res_dist, cur_noise, old_stress_drop;
	std::map<quakelib::Vec<3>, double>	centers_noise;
	quakelib::Vec<3>					mid_pt;
	std::map<quakelib::Vec<3>, double>::iterator	cit;
	BlockList::iterator					it;
	stress_noise = sim->getStressNoise();
	stress_res_dist = sim->getStressNoiseResolution();
	//! For each block in the simulation, get the midpoint and record the noise added to the block.
	//! Each block within a specified radius of the selected block will have the same level of noise added.
	//! The noise is defined as a modification of the stress drop from x to x +/- stress_noise.
	for (it=sim->begin();it!=sim->end();++it) {
		cur_noise = 1.0e10;
		mid_pt = it->center();
		for (cit=centers_noise.begin();cit!=centers_noise.end();++cit) {
			if (mid_pt.dist(cit->first) <= stress_res_dist) {
				cur_noise = cit->second;
		if (cur_noise > 1.0e9) {
			cur_noise = (1.0-stress_noise) + 2*stress_noise*sim->randDouble();
			centers_noise.insert(std::make_pair(mid_pt, cur_noise));
		old_stress_drop = it->getStressDrop();
	BasicBlock::get_edge(BlockList::iterator b) {
	for (EdgePointerVector::iterator edge = out_edges.begin(); 
		edge != out_edges.end(); ++edge) {
		if ((*edge)->tail == b) return *edge;
	assertM(false, "No edge from " << label() << " to " << b->label());
	return EdgeList::iterator();
void GreensFuncCalcBarnesHut::CalculateGreens(Simulation *sim) {
    BlockList::iterator     bit;
    quakelib::Octree<3>     *tree;
    quakelib::RectBound<3>  total_bound;
    unsigned int            n;
    int                     t_num;

    // Get a list of 3D midpoints of all segments
    for (bit=sim->begin(); bit!=sim->end(); ++bit) {

    // Set up an octree of the model space
    tree = new quakelib::Octree<3>(total_bound);

    // Fill the octree with center points of the faults
    for (bit=sim->begin(); bit!=sim->end(); ++bit) {
        tree->add_point(bit->center(), bit->getBlockID());

    // Get the current thread # for OpenMP to avoid printing multiple progress bars.
#ifdef _OPENMP
    t_num = omp_get_thread_num();
    t_num = 0;

    // TO FIX: Problem with shared global variables (run_bounds)
    //#pragma omp parallel for shared(last_update) schedule(static,1)
    for (n=0; n<sim->numLocalBlocks(); ++n) {
        progressBar(sim, t_num, n);

        bhInnerCalc(sim, tree, sim->getGlobalBID(n));

    // TODO: symmetrize Greens matrix
 Determine the next time step in the simulation when a failure occurs.
 Return the block ID of the block responsible for the failure and the timestep until the failure.
void UpdateBlockStress::nextTimeStep(BlockVal &fail_time) {
	BlockList::iterator		it;
	BlockVal				temp_block_fail;
	double					ts;
	VCEvent					new_event;
	BlockID					gid;
	int						lid;
    quakelib::Conversion	convert;
	// Set up the temporary buffer and update field
    for(it=sim->begin();it!=sim->end();++it) {
		tmpBuffer[it->getBlockID()] = 0.0;
		// Set the update field to be the slip rate of each block
		sim->setUpdateField(it->getBlockID(), it->slip_rate());
	// update the temporary buffer with the Greens function applied to the block slip rates
	if (sim->doNormalStress()) {
		for(it=sim->begin();it!=sim->end();++it) {
            sim->setUpdateField(it->getBlockID(), -it->friction()*it->slip_rate());
	// Go through the blocks and find which one will fail first
    temp_block_fail.val = DBL_MAX;
	temp_block_fail.block_id = UNDEFINED_BLOCK_ID;
    for(lid=0;lid<sim->numLocalBlocks();++lid) {
		gid = sim->getGlobalBID(lid);
		Block &block = sim->getBlock(gid);
		// Calculate the time until this block will fail
		// If the block has aseismic slip, the calculation is the exact solution of the
		// differential equation d(cff)/dt = rate_of_stress_change + cff*aseismic_frac*self_shear/recurrence
		if (block.aseismic() > 0) {
			double		A, B, K;
			A = -tmpBuffer[gid];
			B = -block.aseismic()*block.getSelfStresses()/block.getRecurrence();
			K = -log(A+B*block.getCFF())/B;
			ts = K + log(A)/B;
		} else {
			ts = convert.sec2year(block.getCFF()/tmpBuffer[gid]);
		// Blocks with negative timesteps are skipped. These effectively mean the block
		// should have failed already but didn't. This can happen in the starting phase
		// of a simulation due to initial stresses. These blocks will fail anyway in the
		// event propagation section, so we can safely ignore them here. However, negative
		// timesteps should not happen after the simulation has progressed for a while.
		if (ts <= 0) continue;
		// If the time to slip is less than the current shortest time, record the block
        if(ts < temp_block_fail.val) {
            temp_block_fail.block_id = gid;
            temp_block_fail.val = ts;
	// Each node now has the time before the first failure among its blocks
	// Determine the time to first failure over all nodes
	sim->allReduceBlockVal(temp_block_fail, fail_time, BLOCK_VAL_MIN);
	// If we didn't find any blocks that slipped, abort the simulation
	assertThrow(fail_time.val < DBL_MAX, "System stuck, no blocks to move.");
	// Setup the current event to have the trigger block ID and time
 Initialize the stress calculation by setting initial block slip and stresses
 then calculating the stress in the whole system.
void UpdateBlockStress::init(SimFramework *_sim) {
    BlockList::iterator nt;
    BlockID             gid;
    int                 lid;
    double              stress_drop, norm_velocity;

    sim = static_cast<Simulation *>(_sim);
    tmpBuffer = new double[sim->numGlobalBlocks()];

    // All processes need the friction values for all blocks, so we set rhogd here
    // and transfer stress drop values between nodes later
    for (lid=0; lid<sim->numLocalBlocks(); ++lid) {
        double rho = 5.515e3;      // density of rock in kg m^-3
        double g = 9.81;           // force of gravity in m s^-2
        double depth = -sim->getBlock(gid).center()[2];  // depth of block center in m

        gid = sim->getGlobalBID(lid);

        sim->setRhogd(gid, rho*g*depth);       // kg m^-3 * m s^-2 * m = kg m^-1 * s^-2 = Pa

        sim->setDynamicVal(gid, sim->getDynamic());
        sim->setFailed(gid, false);

        // Set stresses to their specified initial values
        sim->setShearStress(gid, sim->getInitShearStress(gid));
        sim->setNormalStress(gid, sim->getInitNormalStress(gid));

        // Set the stress drop based on the Greens function calculations
        stress_drop = 0;
        norm_velocity = sim->getBlock(gid).slip_rate();

        for (nt=sim->begin(); nt!=sim->end(); ++nt) {
            stress_drop += (nt->slip_rate()/norm_velocity)*sim->getGreenShear(gid, nt->getBlockID());

        sim->setStressDrop(gid, sim->getBlock(gid).max_slip()*stress_drop);

        // noise in the range [1-a, 1+a)
        sim->setSlipDeficit(gid, 0);

        if (sim->isLocalBlockID(gid)) {
            //sim->setGreenNormal(bid, bid, 0.0);  // Erase diagonal for normal Greens matrix
            sim->compressNormalRow(gid, 0.7);

#ifdef MPI_C_FOUND

    // Transfer stress drop values between nodes
    // This is needed for normal stress Green's calculations
    for (gid=0; gid<sim->numGlobalBlocks(); ++gid) {
        double     stress_drop;

        if (sim->isLocalBlockID(gid)) {
            stress_drop = sim->getStressDrop(gid);

        MPI_Bcast(&stress_drop, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, sim->getBlockNode(gid), MPI_COMM_WORLD);

        if (!sim->isLocalBlockID(gid)) {
            sim->setStressDrop(gid, stress_drop);


    // Compute initial stress on all blocks
 Determine the next time step in the simulation when a failure occurs.
 Return the block ID of the block responsible for the failure and the timestep until the failure.
void UpdateBlockStress::nextStaticFailure(BlockVal &next_static_fail) {
    BlockList::iterator     it;
    double                  ts;
    BlockID                 gid;
    int                     lid;
    quakelib::Conversion    convert;

    // Set up the temporary buffer and update field
    for (it=sim->begin(); it!=sim->end(); ++it) {
        tmpBuffer[it->getBlockID()] = 0.0;

        // Set the update field to be the slip rate of each block
        sim->setUpdateField(it->getBlockID(), it->slip_rate());

    // update the temporary buffer with the Greens function applied to the block slip rates

    if (sim->doNormalStress()) {
        for (it=sim->begin(); it!=sim->end(); ++it) {
            BlockID gid = it->getBlockID();
            sim->setUpdateField(gid, -sim->getFriction(gid)*it->slip_rate());


    // Go through the blocks and find which one will fail first
    next_static_fail.val = DBL_MAX;
    next_static_fail.block_id = UNDEFINED_ELEMENT_ID;

    for (lid=0; lid<sim->numLocalBlocks(); ++lid) {
        gid = sim->getGlobalBID(lid);
        Block &block = sim->getBlock(gid);

        // Calculate the time until this block will fail
        // If the block has aseismic slip, the calculation is the exact solution of the
        // differential equation d(cff)/dt = rate_of_stress_change + cff*aseismic_frac*self_shear/recurrence
        if (block.aseismic() > 0) {
            double      A, B, K;
            A = -tmpBuffer[gid];
            B = -block.aseismic()*sim->getSelfStresses(gid)/sim->getRecurrence(gid);
            K = -log(A+B*sim->getCFF(gid))/B;
            ts = K + log(A)/B;
        } else {
            ts = convert.sec2year(sim->getCFF(gid)/tmpBuffer[gid]);

        // Blocks with negative timesteps are skipped. These effectively mean the block
        // should have failed already but didn't. This can happen in the starting phase
        // of a simulation due to initial stresses. These blocks will fail anyway in the
        // event propagation section, so we can safely ignore them here. However, negative
        // timesteps should not happen after the simulation has progressed for a while.
        if (ts <= 0) continue;

        // If the time to slip is less than the current shortest time, record the block
        // To ensure reproducibility with multiple processes, if multiple blocks fail
        // at the same time then we choose the block with the lowest ID over all the processes
        if (ts < next_static_fail.val) {
            next_static_fail.block_id = gid;
            next_static_fail.val = ts;
        } else if (ts == next_static_fail.val) {
            next_static_fail.block_id = (gid < next_static_fail.block_id ? gid : next_static_fail.block_id);