// run an inlet for some time (optionally with sporadic interruptions in between)
void run_inlet(const double duration_=0.0, const string name_=string(), const string type_=string(), const int in_chunks_=-1, const int request_info_=-1, const int request_time_=-1, const double seconds_between_failures_=0.0) {
	std::ostringstream s; s << boost::this_thread::get_id();
	try {
		// choose random parameters if desired		
		double duration = (duration_ == 0.0) ? 1.0+rand()%(max_outlet_duration-1) : duration_;
		string name = name_.empty() ? names[rand()%(sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]))] : name_;
		string type = type_.empty() ? types[rand()%(sizeof(types)/sizeof(types[0]))] : type_;
		int request_info = (request_info_==-1) ? rand()%3 == 0 : request_info_;
		int request_time = (request_time_==-1) ? rand()%3 == 0 : request_time_;
		double seconds_between_failures = (seconds_between_failures_ == 0.0) ? (inlet_min_failure_interval_ms+rand()%outlet_max_failure_interval_ms)/1000.0 : seconds_between_failures_;

		// resolve by type...
		vector<lsl::stream_info> results = lsl::resolve_stream("type",type,1,5);
		if (results.empty())
			throw lsl::lost_error("No stream found.");
		lsl::stream_info result = results[rand()%results.size()];
		vector<float> chunk;		

		// and run...
		double t=0.0;
		for (double endtime = lsl::local_clock()+duration;lsl::local_clock()<endtime;) {
			// run a single execution of the inlet
				cout << "new inlet(" << name << "," << type << ")...";
				lsl::stream_inlet inlet(result,max_buffered);
				cout << "done." << endl;
				int numchans = inlet.info().channel_count();
				if (request_info) {
					cout << "  info = " << inlet.info(1.0).name() << endl;
				for (double fail_at = lsl::local_clock()+seconds_between_failures;lsl::local_clock()<fail_at;) {
					if (request_time)
						t = inlet.time_correction(1.0);
			cout << "del inlet(" << name << "," << type << ")" << endl;
			if (request_time)
				cout << "  tcorr = " << t << endl;
			// downtime
	catch(lsl::timeout_error &) { std::cerr << "Timeout exceeded; stopping inlet." << std::endl; }
	catch(lsl::lost_error &) { std::cerr << "Found no matching outlet; stopping inlet." << std::endl; }
	catch(std::exception &e) {
		std::cerr << "ERROR during run_inlet() Stress-test function: " <<	e.what() << std::endl;
    virtual ~SessionMaintainerRequest()
#if ! defined(NDEBUG)
        const int object_count = session_maintainer_request_count.fetch_sub(1,
#       ifdef OUTPUT_DEBUG // Debug code
        std::cout << "--SessionMaintainerRequest: " << (object_count-1) << std::endl;
#       endif
        assert(object_count > 0);
// run an outlet for some time (optionally with sporadic interruptions in between)
void run_outlet(const double duration_=0.0, const string name_=string(), const string type_=string(), const int numchan_=0, const lsl::channel_format_t fmt_=lsl::cf_undefined, const double srate_=0.0, const double seconds_between_failures_=0.0, const int chunk_len_=0) {
	std::ostringstream s; s << boost::this_thread::get_id();
	try {
		// choose random parameters if desired
		double duration = (duration_ == 0.0) ? 1.0+rand()%(max_outlet_duration-1) : duration_;
		string name = name_.empty() ? names[rand()%(sizeof(names)/sizeof(names[0]))] : name_;
		string type = type_.empty() ? types[rand()%(sizeof(types)/sizeof(types[0]))] : type_;
		int numchan = (numchan_ == 0) ? 1+(rand()%(max_channels-1)) : numchan_;
		double srate = (srate_ == 0.0) ? 1.0 + (rand()%(max_srate-1)) : srate_;
		lsl::channel_format_t fmt = (fmt_ == lsl::cf_undefined) ? fmts[rand()%6] : fmt_;
		double seconds_between_failures = (seconds_between_failures_ == 0.0) ? (inlet_min_failure_interval_ms+rand()%outlet_max_failure_interval_ms)/1000.0 : seconds_between_failures_;
		int chunk_len = (chunk_len_ == 0) ? std::max(min_chunk_len_ms,(rand()%max_chunk_len_ms)) : chunk_len_;

		// create a new streaminfo
		lsl::stream_info info(name,type,numchan,srate,fmt,boost::uuids::to_string(boost::uuids::random_generator()()));

		// initialize data to send
		vector<float> chunk;

		// and run...
		for (double endtime = lsl::local_clock()+duration;lsl::local_clock()<endtime;) {
			// run a single execution of the outlet
				cout << "new outlet(" << name << "," << type << "," << numchan << "," << fmt << "," << srate << ")...";
				lsl::stream_outlet outlet(info,0,max_buffered);
				cout << "done." << endl;
				// send in bursts
				double now, start_time = lsl::local_clock(), fail_at=start_time+seconds_between_failures;
				for (int target,diff,written=0;written<max_samples && !stop_outlet;written+=diff) {
					now = lsl::local_clock();
					if (now>fail_at)
					target = (int)floor((now-start_time)*srate);
					int num_elements = (int)std::min((std::size_t)((target-written)*numchan),chunk.size());
					if (num_elements)
					diff = num_elements/numchan;
			cout << "del outlet(" << name << "," << type << "," << numchan << "," << fmt << "," << srate << ")" << endl;
			// downtime
	} catch(std::exception &e) {
		std::cerr << "ERROR during run_outlet() Stress-test function: " <<	e.what() << std::endl;
test_arithmetic(boost::atomic<value_type> & shared_value, size_t instance)
    size_t shift = instance * 8;
    value_type mask = 0xff << shift;
    value_type increment = 1 << shift;

    value_type expected = 0;

    for (size_t n = 0; n < 255; n++) {
        value_type tmp = shared_value.fetch_add(increment, boost::memory_order_relaxed);
        if ( (tmp & mask) != (expected << shift) )
            return false;
        expected ++;
    for (size_t n = 0; n < 255; n++) {
        value_type tmp = shared_value.fetch_sub(increment, boost::memory_order_relaxed);
        if ( (tmp & mask) != (expected << shift) )
            return false;
        expected --;

    return true;