virtual void SetUp() { const size_t usableBlocksPerPage = (pageSize / blockSize) - 1; const size_t availablePages = maxSize / pageSize; allocations = availablePages * usableBlocksPerPage; allocator.reset(new SmallObjectAllocator(PageManager::create(maxSize, pageSize), blockSize)); }
static Recorder* GetInstance() { if (!instance) { instance.reset(new RASP24Recorder); } return instance.get(); }
void objectAdded(Object* object) { if (currentStepObject) { return; } currentStepObject.reset(object->clone()); currentStepRecorded = false; }
void load( Archive & ar, boost::scoped_ptr< T > & t, const unsigned int /* version */ ){ T* r; ar >> boost::serialization::make_nvp("scoped_ptr", r); t.reset(r); }
bool set_disabled(SetDisabledRequest &request, SetDisabledResponse &response) { disabled = request.disabled; if (disabled) { c3trajectory.reset(); } return true; }
/** component start method, starts thread */ virtual void start() { if ( !m_running ) { m_bStop = false; m_running = true; m_pThread.reset( new boost::thread( boost::bind( &KeyboardEvent::mainLoop, this ) ) ); } }
TranslatorRoster* TranslatorRoster::default_roster() { static boost::scoped_ptr<TranslatorRoster> roster; if(! roster) roster.reset(new TranslatorRoster); return roster.get(); }
static void cleanup(void) { mgr = NULL; staticScene = NULL; dynamicScene = NULL; win = NULL; dynamicVp = NULL; spSimpleFBO.reset(); }
virtual void handle_stop() { if (acceptor_ && acceptor_->is_open()) { acceptor_->close(); std::cout << "Server stopped" << std::endl; } acceptor_.reset(); }
static void cleanup(void) { mgr = nullptr; staticScene = nullptr; dynamicScene = nullptr; win = nullptr; dynamicVp = nullptr; spSimpleFBO.reset(); }
CTextInputWindow() : FK2DEngine::CFKWindow( 300, 200, false ) { SetCaption( L"自由骑士笃志引擎:字符输入测试" ); SetBackgroudColor( FK2DEngine::CColor::YELLOW ); // 设置字体 m_pFont.reset( new FK2DEngine::CFont( Graphics(), L"Sans MT 936_S60", 20 ) ); for( unsigned int nIndex = 0; nIndex < LengthOf( m_pTextFields ); ++nIndex ) { m_pTextFields[nIndex].reset( new CTextField( *this, *m_pFont, 50, 30 + nIndex * 50 ) ); } // 开动计时器 m_Timer.Play(); // 隐藏真实鼠标,自定虚拟鼠标 ::ShowCursor( FALSE ); // 设置自己鼠标图片 m_pCursor.reset( new FK2DEngine::CImage( Graphics(), FK2DEngine::ShareResourcePrefix() + L"rc/media/Cursor.png", false ) ); }
/*! @brief configure the detector state * * The configure method is called once when the ECTO cell is launched, * and is designed to initialise the detector state and load models, * parameters, etc. * * @param params the parameters made available through the config file and * python bindings * @param inputs for initializing inputs, if necessary * @param outputs for initializing outputs, if necessary */ void configure(const tendrils& params, const tendrils& inputs, const tendrils& outputs) { std::cout << "MODEL: " << *model_file_ << std::endl; // create the model object and deserialize it FileStorageModel model; model.deserialize(*model_file_); // create the visualizer visualizer_.reset(new Visualize(; // create the PartsBasedDetector and distribute the model parameters detector_.reset(new PartsBasedDetector<double>); detector_->distributeModel(model); // set the model_name model_name_ =; }
MainClass(int argc, const char *argv[]) :argv_(argv) { rg_.reset(new RegistryPO(argc,argv)); util::initLogger ( argc, argv ); FORCELINFO ( argv[0] << " starts!" ); FORCELINFO ( rg_->dump ( "CONFIG parameters:\n=====================" , "=====================" ) ); }
void InputEventsWestonTest::SetUp() { WestonTest::SetUp(); clientLibrary.Load(); eglLibrary.Load(); xkbCommonLibrary.Load(); xkbContext.reset(CXKBKeymap::CreateXKBContext(xkbCommonLibrary), boost::bind(&IDllXKBCommon::xkb_context_unref, &xkbCommonLibrary, _1)); keymap.reset(new CXKBKeymap( xkbCommonLibrary, CXKBKeymap::CreateXKBKeymapFromNames(xkbCommonLibrary, xkbContext.get(), "evdev", "pc105", "us", "", ""))); display.reset(new xw::Display(clientLibrary)); queue.reset(CreateEventQueue()); registry.reset(new xw::Registry(clientLibrary, display->GetWlDisplay(), *this)); loop.reset(new xwe::Loop(listener, *queue)); /* Wait for the seat, shell, compositor to appear */ WaitForSynchronize(); ASSERT_TRUE(input.get() != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(compositor.get() != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(shell.get() != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(xbmcWayland.get() != NULL); /* Wait for input devices to appear etc */ WaitForSynchronize(); surface.reset(new xw::Surface(clientLibrary, compositor->CreateSurface())); shellSurface.reset(new xw::ShellSurface(clientLibrary, shell->CreateShellSurface( surface->GetWlSurface()))); openGLSurface.reset(new xw::OpenGLSurface(eglLibrary, surface->GetWlSurface(), SurfaceWidth, SurfaceHeight)); wl_shell_surface_set_toplevel(shellSurface->GetWlShellSurface()); surface->Commit(); }
void InputEventsWestonTest::WaitForSynchronize() { synchronized = false; syncCallback.reset(new xw::Callback(clientLibrary, display->Sync(), boost::bind(&InputEventsWestonTest::Synchronize, this))); while (!synchronized) loop->Dispatch(); }
void CameraV4LPublisher::open() { locateCameraNode(); if ( _node == -1 ) throw std::runtime_error("Error in CameraV4LPublisher::open(): device not found"); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Creating cv::VideoCapture in node " << _node); _capture.reset( new cv::VideoCapture(_node) ); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Setting image width to " << _imageSize.width << " pixels"); _capture->set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, _imageSize.width); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Setting image height to " << _imageSize.height << " pixels"); _capture->set(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, _imageSize.height); //set up ROS publisher _imageTransport.reset( new image_transport::ImageTransport(_nh) ); _cameraPublisher.reset( new image_transport::CameraPublisher( _imageTransport->advertiseCamera(_nh.getNamespace()+"/image", 1)) ); }
Connection(const std::string &connection_str, const std::string ns) : ns_(ns), closed_(false) { try { conn_.reset(mongo::ScopedDbConnection::getScopedDbConnection(connection_str)); } catch (mongo::DBException &de) { std::string err_msg = "Mongodb Plugin: "; err_msg += de.toString(); err_msg += "\n"; throw mapnik::datasource_exception(err_msg); } }
/** gets a scoped_block given a key, or leaves empty ** if the key is not found */ void get(boost::scoped_ptr< variable_store::scoped_block > & p, const Key & key) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex); // if key is found, loads index into the scoped block typename hm_key_location::const_iterator it = m_key_location.find(key); if (it == m_key_location.end()) return; p.reset( new variable_store::scoped_block(m_variable_store, it->second.block_size, it->second.index) ); }
void timer_callback(const ros::TimerEvent &) { if (!c3trajectory) return; ros::Time now = ros::Time::now(); if (actionserver.isPreemptRequested()) { current_waypoint = c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint(); current_waypoint.r.qdot = subjugator::Vector6d::Zero(); // zero velocities current_waypoint_t = now; // don't try to make output c3 continuous when cancelled - instead stop as quickly as possible c3trajectory.reset(new subjugator::C3Trajectory(current_waypoint.r, limits)); c3trajectory_t = now; } if (actionserver.isNewGoalAvailable()) { boost::shared_ptr<const uf_common::MoveToGoal> goal = actionserver.acceptNewGoal(); current_waypoint = subjugator::C3Trajectory::Waypoint( Point_from_PoseTwist(goal->posetwist.pose, goal->posetwist.twist), goal->speed, !goal->uncoordinated); current_waypoint_t = now; // goal->header.stamp; this->linear_tolerance = goal->linear_tolerance; this->angular_tolerance = goal->angular_tolerance; c3trajectory_t = now; } while ((c3trajectory_t + traj_dt < now) and ros::ok()) { // ROS_INFO("Acting"); c3trajectory->update(traj_dt.toSec(), current_waypoint, (c3trajectory_t - current_waypoint_t).toSec()); c3trajectory_t += traj_dt; } PoseTwistStamped msg; msg.header.stamp = c3trajectory_t; msg.header.frame_id = fixed_frame; msg.posetwist = PoseTwist_from_PointWithAcceleration(c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint()); trajectory_pub.publish(msg); PoseStamped posemsg; posemsg.header.stamp = c3trajectory_t; posemsg.header.frame_id = fixed_frame; posemsg.pose = Pose_from_Waypoint(current_waypoint); waypoint_pose_pub.publish(posemsg); if (actionserver.isActive() && c3trajectory->getCurrentPoint().is_approximately( current_waypoint.r, max(1e-3, linear_tolerance), max(1e-3, angular_tolerance)) && current_waypoint.r.qdot == subjugator::Vector6d::Zero()) { actionserver.setSucceeded(); } }
virtual bool next() { if (!nested_current) return false; while (!nested_current->next()) { nested_current.reset(); ++current; if (current == end) { // no more items nested_current.reset(); valid = false; return false; } nested_current.reset((*current)->lines()); } valid = true; return true; }
void complete (const value_type& value) { boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex); if (finished) return; finished = true; if (!started) { value_ptr.reset(new value_type(value)); } else if (completed_handler) { completed_handler(value); } }
bool Model::initString(const std::string& xml_string) { boost::shared_ptr<ModelInterface> model; // necessary for COLLADA compatibility if( IsColladaData(xml_string) ) { ROS_DEBUG("Parsing robot collada xml string"); static boost::mutex PARSER_PLUGIN_LOCK; static boost::scoped_ptr<pluginlib::ClassLoader<urdf::URDFParser> > PARSER_PLUGIN_LOADER; boost::mutex::scoped_lock _(PARSER_PLUGIN_LOCK); try { if (!PARSER_PLUGIN_LOADER) PARSER_PLUGIN_LOADER.reset(new pluginlib::ClassLoader<urdf::URDFParser>("urdf_parser_plugin", "urdf::URDFParser")); const std::vector<std::string> &classes = PARSER_PLUGIN_LOADER->getDeclaredClasses(); bool found = false; for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < classes.size() ; ++i) if (classes[i].find("urdf/ColladaURDFParser") != std::string::npos) { boost::shared_ptr<urdf::URDFParser> instance = PARSER_PLUGIN_LOADER->createInstance(classes[i]); if (instance) model = instance->parse(xml_string); found = true; break; } if (!found) ROS_ERROR_STREAM("No URDF parser plugin found for Collada files. Did you install the corresponding package?"); } catch(pluginlib::PluginlibException& ex) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Exception while creating planning plugin loader " << ex.what() << ". Will not parse Collada file."); } } else { ROS_DEBUG("Parsing robot urdf xml string"); model = parseURDF(xml_string); } // copy data from model into this object if (model){ this->links_ = model->links_; this->joints_ = model->joints_; this->materials_ = model->materials_; this->name_ = model->name_; this->root_link_ = model->root_link_; return true; } else return false; }
void testCaseSetup_1() { ooe.reset(new OneOfEach); ooe->im_true = true; ooe->im_false = false; ooe->a_bite = 0x7f; ooe->integer16 = 27000; ooe->integer32 = 1 << 24; ooe->integer64 = (uint64_t)6000 * 1000 * 1000; ooe->double_precision = M_PI; ooe->some_characters = "JSON THIS! \"\1"; ooe->zomg_unicode = "\xd7\n\a\t"; ooe->base64 = "\1\2\3\255"; }
/** allocs a scoped_block for a new key ** doesn't support reallocing on an existing key, maybe in the future */ void alloc(boost::scoped_ptr< variable_store::scoped_block > & p, const Key & key, size_t block_size) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex); // don't support reallocing for now typename hm_key_location::const_iterator it = m_key_location.find(key); if (it != m_key_location.end()) throw std::invalid_argument("realloc not supported"); p.reset( new variable_store::scoped_block(m_variable_store, block_size) ); m_key_location[key] = location(p->block_size(), p->index()); }
virtual void handle_start() { tcp::resolver resolver(main_pool().io_service()); tcp::endpoint endpoint = *resolver.resolve(addr_query_); acceptor_.reset(new tcp::acceptor(main_pool().io_service())); acceptor_->open(endpoint.protocol()); acceptor_->set_option(tcp::acceptor::reuse_address(true)); acceptor_->bind(endpoint); acceptor_->listen(); start_accept(); std::cout << "Server started" << std::endl; }
~FiberControl(){ AUTO(it, g_stack_pool.begin()); for(;;){ if(it == g_stack_pool.end()){ stack.reset(); break; } if(!*it){ stack.swap(*it); break; } ++it; } }
VisualServo() : arm_("left"), planning_group_name_(arm_+"_arm"), camera_frame_(arm_+"_hand_camera") { move_group_.reset(new move_group_interface::MoveGroup(planning_group_name_)); move_group_->setPlanningTime(30.0); move_group_->setPlannerId("RRTstark"); while(ros::ok()) { // marker_pose_subscriber_ = node_.subscribe("ar_pose_marker",50, &VisualServo::marker_pose_callback, this); // target_publisher_ = node_.advertise<geometry_msgs::Pose>("/visual_servo_target", 10); servo_to_tag(); } }
void odom_callback(const OdometryConstPtr &odom) { if (c3trajectory) return; // already initialized if (kill_listener.get_killed() || disabled) return; // only initialize when unkilled subjugator::C3Trajectory::Point current = Point_from_PoseTwist(odom->pose.pose, odom->twist.twist); current.q[3] = current.q[4] = 0; // zero roll and pitch current.qdot = subjugator::Vector6d::Zero(); // zero velocities c3trajectory.reset(new subjugator::C3Trajectory(current, limits)); c3trajectory_t = odom->header.stamp; current_waypoint = current; current_waypoint_t = odom->header.stamp; }
sub_match(const sub_match& that, bool #ifdef BOOST_REGEX_MATCH_EXTRA deep_copy #endif = true ) : std::pair<BidiIterator, BidiIterator>(that), matched(that.matched) { #ifdef BOOST_REGEX_MATCH_EXTRA if(that.m_captures) if(deep_copy) m_captures.reset(new capture_sequence_type(*(that.m_captures))); #endif }
void train(DataView2D<FeatureType> samples, DataView2D<int> labels, int* sample_idxes, size_t n_samples, SplitGenerator split_generator, RandomGen const& gen ) { // copy generator RandomGen my_gen = gen; // initialize root node root_node.reset(new NodeT(0, params)); // train root node (other notes get trained recursively) root_node->train(samples, labels, sample_idxes, n_samples, split_generator, my_gen); }