std::shared_ptr<Response> request(const std::string& request_type, const std::string& path = "/", boost::string_ref content = "", const std::map<std::string, std::string>& header = std::map<std::string, std::string>()) { std::string corrected_path = path; if (corrected_path == "") corrected_path = "/"; boost::asio::streambuf write_buffer; std::ostream write_stream(&write_buffer); write_stream << request_type << " " << corrected_path << " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; write_stream << "Host: " << host << "\r\n"; for (auto& h : header) { write_stream << h.first << ": " << h.second << "\r\n"; } if (content.size()>0) write_stream << "Content-Length: " << content.size() << "\r\n"; write_stream << "\r\n"; try { connect(); boost::asio::write(*socket, write_buffer); if (content.size()>0) boost::asio::write(*socket, boost::asio::buffer(, content.size())); } catch (const std::exception& e) { socket_error = true; throw std::invalid_argument(e.what()); } return request_read(); }
void CInfixExpressionCalculator::SkipSpaces(boost::string_ref &ref) { size_t i = 0; while (i < ref.size() && std::isspace(ref[i])) ++i; ref.remove_prefix(i); }
Protocol CHttpUrl::CheckProtocol(boost::string_ref const &url, size_t &index) { Protocol protocol; auto pos = url.find("://"); if (pos != url.size()) { if (url.substr(0, pos) == "https") { protocol = Protocol::HTTPS; } else if (url.substr(0, pos) == "http") { protocol = Protocol::HTTP; } else { throw std::invalid_argument("Protocol uncorrect."); } if (index == url.size()) { throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid url was introduced"); } } index = pos + 3; return protocol; }
double CInfixExpressionCalculator::ParseExprSum(boost::string_ref &ref) { double value = ParseExprMul(ref); while (true) { SkipSpaces(ref); if (!ref.empty() && ref[0] == '+') { ref.remove_prefix(1); value += ParseExprMul(ref); } else if (!ref.empty() && ref[0] == '-') { ref.remove_prefix(1); value -= ParseExprMul(ref); } else { break; } } return value; }
std::vector<std::pair<boost::string_ref, boost::string_ref>>::const_iterator find(const boost::string_ref key) const { return std::find_if(m_collection.begin(), m_collection.end(), [key](const std::pair<boost::string_ref, boost::string_ref>& str)-> bool { auto oneSize = str.first.size(); auto twoSize = key.size(); if (oneSize != twoSize) { return false; } if (oneSize >= 4) { if ((str.first[0] == key[0]) && (str.first[1] == key[1]) && (str.first[oneSize - 1] == key[oneSize - 1]) && (str.first[oneSize - 2] == key[oneSize - 2])) { return std::memcmp(str.first.begin(), key.begin(), oneSize) == 0; } } else { return std::memcmp(str.first.begin(), key.begin(), oneSize) == 0; } return false; } ); }
void print_string(boost::string_ref str, std::ostream& out) { for (boost::string_ref::const_iterator cur = str.begin(); cur != str.end(); ++cur) { print_char(*cur, out); } }
void DatabaseImpl::checkSimpleArgumentFor(const boost::string_ref& key, partNum_t partNum) const { RAISE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_IF(key.size() > MAX_KEY_SIZE, "key too long"); RAISE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_IF(key.empty(), "empty key is not allowed"); RAISE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_IF(partNum > MAX_PARTNUM, "partNum is too large"); RAISE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_IF(partNum == ALL_PARTS, "partNum ALL_PARTS is not allowed"); RAISE_INVALID_ARGUMENT_IF(partNum < 0, "negative partNum is not allowed"); }
inline boost::string_ref remove_leading_spaces(boost::string_ref string, const char* spaces = " \t\r\n") { auto pos = string.find_first_not_of(spaces); if (pos == std::string::npos) pos = string.size(); string.remove_prefix(pos); return string; }
std::string codegen_base::cpp_name(boost::string_ref name) { std::string result; if (!std::isalpha(name[0])) result = "_"; std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), std::back_inserter(result), [] (char c) { return std::isalnum(c) ? c : '_'; }); return result; }
inline boost::string_ref extract_word(boost::string_ref string) { const char spaces[] = " \t\r\n"; string = remove_leading_spaces(string, spaces); auto new_size = string.find_first_of(spaces); if (new_size == boost::string_ref::npos) new_size = string.size(); return boost::string_ref(, new_size); }
inline bool is_emm_file(boost::string_ref path) { std::ifstream ifs( convert_code( path, CP_UTF8, CP_OEMCP ), std::ios::binary ); if( ) { return false; } std::istreambuf_iterator< char > first( ifs ), last; boost::string_ref const seg( "[Info]\r\nVersion = 3\r\n" ); return std::search( first, last, seg.begin(), seg.end() ) != last; }
bool operator()(const boost::string_ref& strRef1, const boost::string_ref& strRef2) const { auto oneSize = strRef1.size(); auto twoSize = strRef2.size(); if (oneSize != twoSize) { return false; } return std::memcmp(strRef1.begin(), strRef2.begin(), oneSize) == 0; }
void on_response(int status_, boost::string_ref const& reason_, int version_, error_code& ec) { status = status_; reason = std::string(, reason_.size()); version = version_; got_on_begin = true; if(fc_) fc_->fail(ec); }
AttributeSelector::AttributeSelector(SelectorOperator op, boost::string_ref key, boost::string_ref value) : m_operator(op), m_attributeNameString(key.to_string()), m_attributeNameRef(m_attributeNameString), m_attributeValueString(value.to_string()), m_attributeValueRef(m_attributeValueString) { if (m_attributeNameRef.size() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error(u8"In AttributeSelector::AttributeSelector(SelectorOperator, boost::string_ref, const bool) - Supplied attribute identifier has zero length."); } if (m_attributeValueRef.size() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error(u8"In AttributeSelector::AttributeSelector(SelectorOperator, boost::string_ref, const bool) - Supplied attribute value has zero length."); } if (m_operator == SelectorOperator::ValueContainsElementInWhitespaceSeparatedList) { if (m_attributeNameRef.find_first_of(u8"\t\r\n ") != std::string::npos) { throw std::runtime_error(u8"In AttributeSelector::AttributeSelector(SelectorOperator, boost::string_ref, const bool) - Constructed ValueContainsElementInWhitespaceSeparatedList attribute selector, but spaces exist in the search value. This is not allowed."); } } #ifndef NDEBUG #ifdef GQ_VERBOSE_DEBUG_NFO std::cout << "Built AttributeSelector with operator " << static_cast<size_t>(m_operator) << " with key " << m_attributeNameRef << " looking for value " << m_attributeValueRef << std::endl; #endif #endif switch (m_operator) { case SelectorOperator::ValueEquals: case SelectorOperator::ValueContainsElementInWhitespaceSeparatedList: { AddMatchTrait(m_attributeNameRef, m_attributeValueRef); } break; case SelectorOperator::Exists: case SelectorOperator::ValueContains: case SelectorOperator::ValueHasPrefix: case SelectorOperator::ValueHasSuffix: case SelectorOperator::ValueIsHyphenSeparatedListStartingWith: { AddMatchTrait(m_attributeNameRef, SpecialTraits::GetAnyValue()); } break; } }
Protocol CHttpUrl::ParseProtocol(boost::string_ref & str) { const string schemeDelimiter = "://"; auto schemePos = str.find(schemeDelimiter); if (schemePos == boost::string_ref::npos) { throw CUrlParsingError("Protocol parsing error"); } string protocol = str.substr(0, schemePos).to_string(); str = str.substr(schemePos + schemeDelimiter.size() , str.size() - 1); return ToProtocol(protocol); }
void on_request( boost::string_ref const& method_, boost::string_ref const& path_, int version_, error_code& ec) { method = std::string(, method_.size()); path = std::string(, path_.size()); version = version_; got_on_begin = true; if(fc_) fc_->fail(ec); }
void url:: rebuild(const boost::string_ref &scheme, const boost::optional<boost::string_ref> &host, const boost::optional<uint16_t> &port, const boost::optional<boost::string_ref> &path, const boost::optional<boost::string_ref> &query, const boost::optional<boost::string_ref> &fragment, const boost::optional<boost::string_ref> &user_info) { std::string str; str.append(, scheme.size()); if (has_authority()) { str.append("://"); if (user_info) { str.append(user_info->data(), user_info->size()); str.append("@"); } str.append(host->data(), host->size()); if (port) { str.append(":"); str.append(std::to_string(*port)); } } else { str.append(":"); } if (path) { str.append(path->data(), path->size()); } if (query) { str.append("?"); str.append(query->data(), query->size()); } if (fragment) { str.append("#"); str.append(fragment->data(), fragment->size()); } url new_url { std::move(str) }; swap(new_url); }
std::string get_directory_listing( boost::string_ref folder ) { namespace fs = boost::filesystem; fs::path p { folder.to_string( ) }; std::ostringstream ss; try { if( exists( p ) ) { if( fs::is_regular_file( p ) ) { ss << p << " size is " << fs::file_size( p ) << "\r\n"; } else if( fs::is_directory( p ) ) { ss << p << " is a directory containing:\n"; std::copy( fs::directory_iterator( p ), fs::directory_iterator( ), std::ostream_iterator<fs::directory_entry>( ss, "\r\n" ) ); } else { ss << p << " exists, but is neither a regular file nor a directory\n"; } } else { ss << p << " does not exist\n"; } } catch( const fs::filesystem_error& ex ) { ss << "ERROR: " << ex.what( ) << '\n'; } return ss.str( ); }
id_placeholder::id_placeholder( unsigned index, boost::string_ref id, id_category category, id_placeholder const* parent_) : index(index), unresolved_id(parent_ ? parent_->unresolved_id + '.' + detail::to_s(id) : detail::to_s(id)), id(id.begin(), id.end()), parent(parent_), category(category), num_dots(boost::range::count(id, '.') + (parent_ ? parent_->num_dots + 1 : 0)) { }
table_features( std::uint8_t const table_id , boost::string_ref const name , std::uint64_t const metadata_match , std::uint64_t const metadata_write , std::uint32_t const config , std::uint32_t const max_entries , properties_type properties) : table_features_{ properties.calc_ofp_length(sizeof(ofp_type)) , table_id , { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } , "" , metadata_match , metadata_write , config , max_entries } , properties_(std::move(properties)) { auto const name_size = std::min(name.size(), sizeof( - 1); using boost::adaptors::sliced; boost::copy(name | sliced(0, name_size),; }
base::OptionalError read_file( boost::string_ref path, base::data_t & buffer, bool append_buffer ) { std::ifstream in_file( path.to_string( ), std::ifstream::ate | std::ifstream::binary ); if( !in_file ) { auto result = base::create_optional_error( "Could not open file" ); result->add( "where", "read_file#open" ); return result; } auto fsize = in_file.tellg( ); if( fsize < 0 ) { auto result = base::create_optional_error( "Error reading file length" ); result->add( "where", "read_file#tellg" ); return result; } if( !in_file.seekg( 0 ) ) { auto result = base::create_optional_error( "Error reseting file position to beginning" ); result->add( "where", "read_file#seekg" ); return result; } size_t first_pos = append_buffer ? buffer.size( ) : 0; buffer.resize( first_pos + static_cast<size_t>(fsize) ); if( ! ) + first_pos, fsize ) ) { auto result = base::create_optional_error( "Error reading file" ); result->add( "where", "read_file#read" ); return result; } return base::create_optional_error( ); }
inline bool drive_letter_exists(Iterator itr, Iterator end) { boost::string_ref const str( ":\\" ); if( std::distance( itr, end ) < static_cast< std::ptrdiff_t >( str.size() + 1 ) ) { return false; } for( int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; ++i ) { if( *itr == i ) { return std::equal( str.begin(), str.end(), itr + 1 ); } } return false; }
unsigned short CHttpUrl::ParsePort(boost::string_ref const &url, size_t index) { std::string port; if (index == url.size() || (index < url.size() && !isdigit(url[index]))) { throw CUrlParsingError("Unknown port in the url address"); } for (; index != url.size(); ++index) { if (!isdigit(url[index])) { break; } port += url[index]; } return static_cast<unsigned short>(atoi(port.c_str())); }
unsigned short CHttpUrl::ParsePort(boost::string_ref & str) { if (str.front() == ':') { auto portPos = str.find('/'); string port; if (portPos == boost::string_ref::npos) { port = str.substr(1, str.size()).to_string(); } else { port = str.substr(1, portPos - 1).to_string(); } str = str.substr(port.size() + 1, str.size()); bool portOk = !port.empty(); if (portOk) { try { return boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(port); } catch (...) { portOk = false; } } if (!portOk) { throw CUrlParsingError("Port parsing error"); } } return 0; }
bool ssl_options_t::has_strong_verification(boost::string_ref host) const noexcept { // onion and i2p addresses contain information about the server cert // which both authenticates and encrypts if (host.ends_with(".onion") || host.ends_with(".i2p")) return true; switch (verification) { default: case ssl_verification_t::none: case ssl_verification_t::system_ca: return false; case ssl_verification_t::user_certificates: case ssl_verification_t::user_ca: break; } return true; }
void history::add (const boost::string_ref& text) { this->lines[this->realpos] = text.to_string(); this->realpos++; if (this->realpos == HISTORY_SIZE) this->realpos = 0; this->pos = this->realpos; }
std::string CHttpUrl::ParseDomainName(boost::string_ref const &url, size_t &index) { for (size_t i = 0; i != url.size(); ++i) { if (url[i] == '/') { index += i; return std::string(url.substr(0, i)); } if (url[i] == ':') { m_port = ParsePort(url, i + 1); return std::string(url.substr(0, i)); } } index += url.size(); return std::string(url); }
explicit glob_matcher(const boost::string_ref pat) noexcept : m_pat{pat} { // If we are in debug mode, ensure that the pattern is valid. assert(m_pat.length() > 0); #ifndef NDEBUG auto i = 0u; /* ** The following sequences are considered to be syntax ** violations when they occur within glob patterns: ** ** 1. Special characters within groups. ** 2. Empty groups. ** 3. Any backslash not followed by a special character; this ** includes trailing backslashes. */ do switch (m_pat[i]) { default: case '*': case '?': ++i; continue; case '[': assert(pat[++i] != ']'); goto group_mode; // Ensure that the character escaped using a backslash is a // special character. case '\\': assert(is_glob(pat[++i])); ++i; continue; regular_mode: continue; } while (i != pat.length()); return; // Check to ensure that the current group is valid. group_mode: for(;;) switch (m_pat[i]) { default: ++i; continue; case ']': ++i; goto regular_mode; case '\\': assert(is_glob(pat[++i])); ++i; continue; case '*': case '?': case '\0': assert(false && "Invalid group."); } #endif }
std::string encode_string(boost::string_ref str) { std::string result; result.reserve(str.size()); for (boost::string_ref::const_iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) { switch (*it) { case '<': result += "<"; break; case '>': result += ">"; break; case '&': result += "&"; break; case '"': result += """; break; default: result += *it; break; } } return result; }
std::string escaped_string(boost::string_ref const& s) { std::string out; out.reserve(s.size()); char const* p =; while(p != s.end()) { if(*p == '\r') out.append("\\r"); else if(*p == '\n') out.append("\\n"); else if(*p == '\t') out.append("\\t"); else out.append(p, 1); ++p; } return out; }