bool BuildingPlacer::canBuildHereWithSpace(BWAPI::TilePosition position, BWAPI::UnitType type) const
  if (!this->canBuildHere(position, type))
    return false;
  int width=type.tileWidth();
  int height=type.tileHeight();
  if (type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Command_Center ||
    type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Factory || 
    type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Starport ||
  int startx = position.x() - buildDistance;
  if (startx<0) startx=0;
  int starty = position.y() - buildDistance;
  if (starty<0) starty=0;
  int endx = position.x() + width + buildDistance;
  if (endx>BWAPI::Broodwar->mapWidth()) endx=BWAPI::Broodwar->mapWidth();
  int endy = position.y() + height + buildDistance;
  if (endy>BWAPI::Broodwar->mapHeight()) endy=BWAPI::Broodwar->mapHeight();

  for(int x = startx; x < endx; x++)
    for(int y = starty; y < endy; y++)
      if (!type.isRefinery())
        if (!buildable(x, y))
          return false;

  if (position.x()>3)
    int startx2=startx-2;
    if (startx2<0) startx2=0;
    for(int x = startx2; x < startx; x++)
      for(int y = starty; y < endy; y++)
        std::set<BWAPI::Unit*> units = BWAPI::Broodwar->unitsOnTile(x, y);
        for(std::set<BWAPI::Unit*>::iterator i = units.begin(); i != units.end(); i++)
          if (!(*i)->isLifted())
            BWAPI::UnitType type=(*i)->getType();
            if (type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Command_Center ||
              type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Factory || 
              type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Starport ||
              return false;
  return true;
// UnitType constructor
ActionTypeData::ActionTypeData(BWAPI::UnitType t, const ActionID id) 
	: type                      (UnitType)
	, unit                      (t)
    , raceID                    (GetRaceID(t.getRace()))
	, actionID                  (id)
	, mineralPriceVal           (t.mineralPrice() * Constants::RESOURCE_SCALE)
	, gasPriceVal               (t.gasPrice() * Constants::RESOURCE_SCALE)
	, supplyRequiredVal         (t.supplyRequired())
	, supplyProvidedVal         (t.supplyProvided())
	, buildTimeVal              (t.buildTime())
	, numberProduced            (1)
	, name                      (t.getName())
	, metaName                  (t.getName())
	, building                  (t.isBuilding())
	, worker                    (t.isWorker())
	, refinery                  (t.isRefinery())
	, resourceDepot             (t.isResourceDepot())
	, supplyProvider            (t.supplyProvided() > 0 && !t.isResourceDepot())
	, canProduceBool            (t.isBuilding() && t.canProduce())
	, canAttackBool             (t.canAttack())
	, whatBuildsUnitType        (t.whatBuilds().first)
    , addon                     (t.isAddon())
    , morphed                   (false)
    , reqAddon                  (false)
    , reqAddonID                (0)
	if (t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Zergling || t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Scourge)
		numberProduced = 2;

    if (t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Lair ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Hive ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Greater_Spire ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Lurker ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Guardian ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Sunken_Colony ||
        t == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Zerg_Spore_Colony)
        morphed = true;

bool BuildingPlacer::canBuildHereWithSpace(BWAPI::TilePosition position, BWAPI::UnitType type, int buildDist) const
	//returns true if we can build this type of unit here with the specified amount of space.
	//space value is stored in this->buildDistance.

	//if we can't build here, we of course can't build here with space
	if (!this->canBuildHere(position, type))
		return false;

	int width=type.tileWidth();
	int height=type.tileHeight();

	//make sure we leave space for add-ons. These types of units can have addons:
	if (type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Command_Center ||
		type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Factory || 
		type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Starport ||
	int startx = position.x() - buildDist;
	if (startx<0) return false;
	int starty = position.y() - buildDist;
	if (starty<0) return false;
	int endx = position.x() + width + buildDist;
	if (endx>BWAPI::Broodwar->mapWidth()) return false;
	int endy = position.y() + height + buildDist;
	if (endy>BWAPI::Broodwar->mapHeight()) return false;

	if (!type.isRefinery())
		for(int x = startx; x < endx; x++)
			for(int y = starty; y < endy; y++)
				if (!buildable(x, y) || reserveMap[x][y])
					return false;

	if (position.x()>3)
		int startx2=startx-2;
		if (startx2<0) startx2=0;
		for(int x = startx2; x < startx; x++)
			for(int y = starty; y < endy; y++)
				std::set<BWAPI::Unit*> units = BWAPI::Broodwar->getUnitsOnTile(x, y);
				for(std::set<BWAPI::Unit*>::iterator i = units.begin(); i != units.end(); i++)
					if (!(*i)->isLifted())
						BWAPI::UnitType type=(*i)->getType();
						if (type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Command_Center ||
							type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Factory || 
							type==BWAPI::UnitTypes::Terran_Starport ||
							return false;
	return true;